Shokushu High School

Infestation (open for up to two ADD Agents)
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Author:  Thorak [ Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Infestation (open for up to two ADD Agents)

The Briefing room of the ADD Carrier "New Hampshire" was cold and an atmosphere of professionality lay above it.

General Jasmine. R. Haberlein studied the pictures which the outdated holographic projector... well... projected into the center of the room, which itself was surrounded by several concentric rings of seats.

It was time to replace it, but the ADD had only so much money, and there were always more urgent acquisitions than a new projector...

The general brushed a long streak of blonde hair out of her face. And waited. Officially she was not here, and the meeting that was about to happen was not about to happen. Jasmine hated this setup, she hated it when things were too political to rush in with a major force of agents, and sweep everything clean. But her job was her job, and her next job was it to brief two of the best ADD Agents about a mission, that was officially not happening. Most of all parts she hated to tell the girls the part:

"If, for some reasons, you are caught by the enemy, the ADD will deny every connection to or knowlegde about your mission. "

which translates roughly into

"If they catch you... don't count on us"

Author:  Syll [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Posting on behalf of Devon...

Devon entered the briefing room a little taken back that there wasn't more people. Usually a briefing had several officers, but she put it out of her head as she saluted Gen. Haberlein. "Lt. Devon reporting for assignment, ma'am!"

Devon had hoped this was her big break. She was itching for a real important mission, literally... those nanonites can real get her stimulated sometimes. And her full rounded bosom gently heaved under the form-fitting skeinsuit.

Author:  CMS [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

yah said two....mind if I join... I can delete the whole post if yah do....

Padding silently down the plain corridor under the harsh glare of the fluorescents that seemed to radiate that familiar ship side glow I preceded to yet another mission brief. All the while I walked I wuz working them mind tricks o’er an o’er in me wee lil ole head, trying to calm me self an dampen the energy that swirled within. Chemistry at the elemental level, brought to new heights by ADD an alien tampering with me genetics is what I’d been briefed. A personal hell that went ‘gainst everything I’d been raised to be like. Purity, Chastity, Modesty were virtues at war with the chemistry of a body that sent thoughts to me head that were anything but.

When the walls inside me head had come crashing down in that ADD facility I’d sunk to the pit of despair that new no bounds. To know I’d been taken by sooooo many icky, stinky monsters in such perverse ways…an worse….oh so much worse that I’d enjoyed it. Enjoyed it in each an every case after fighting so hard not to. In the end only me faith and self discipline had brought me back…only jus. I’d chosen a new path, a path of dangerous intrigue like that of a dark avenging angel. God only provides the start point…it is for us to move the mountains…or in my case to save the girls abandoned by the corrupt ADD and given to the infernal monsters of lust an wickedness. Avenging angel, yes the proof of that bounced tween me breasts atop the alien tech that clothed me in the form of a golden crucifix, thrice blessed by the Holy See, proof of the miracles of me lord an real master.

The alien tech hugging me body like so much black paint had been a gift from a monster…a monster that had used me as a source of food. Not even the ADD techies had not been able to get its bioorganics unwound from me brain, and in the end, finding nothing nefarious in its purposes had left me with it, a black leather like collar round me neck that would not come off an changed its shape an texture with its own whims. Worse it controlled me clothes. Over time we had sort of come to an agreement of sorts, an right now it had created the skin tight black vacuum suit that had kept me alive on both me past missions. One could only look a gift horse so hard in the mouth ‘fore jus accepting it.

Gift horse or not, I’d ‘ave preferred some modesty, but then the suit reacted to me and the environment and its own internal programming. ‘country girl’ the thought carrying all the weight I could muster behind it….’sexy’ came the familiar whisper from the recess of me mind, an alien thought an pattern, no longer scary as the first time I’d heard it. ’Compromise’ as I envisioned a nice outfit with blue jeans, a good western shirt, cowboy boots an hat….leather vest….yeap. Pushing it into the depths of me mind I worked hard to get results that would please both of us as I continued me steps along that corridor. The thought also brought back echoes of Kouzakai, of a night in nothing but leather boots an a black cowboy hat as I rode me self upon him in utter pleasure. Lord I did miss the flea bag of a monster…would I ever see him again/ I could feel the warmth in me belly….then fought it down…mantras snapping into place in me head as a swirl of pheromones hit the air an made me nose tingle. Oh me smell had improved, along with other things from all that tampering with me body . As quickly as I could I wrested me thoughts back. Couldn’t have that……not those thoughts in this state of affairs.

Me fingers danced along a wrist filling the ear pieces with the wonderful refrains of Jo Dee Messina “my give a damns busted”. Country music for a country gal an jus right for what I was a feeling at the moment.

The click of heals now echoed off the sterile walls to the beat of the music with me next steps. I stopped in front of the next portal to see what had happened. ‘sexy’ came the whisper. A mane of fire cascades from under the black felt cowboy hat to swirl upon the deep black paint I wear. Heat flares upon me face as I realize that them rings that pierce me flesh in very private places show under the thin veneer of me clothes. Fringe like from the buckskin vest runs in a V down from under me shoulders to tween the fullness of me chest, gravity pulling the each strand round me ample firm breasts an doing nothing to conceal um. Even the boots ain’t really what I had intended at all….mid thigh…black….high heals. A leather whip for a belt, coiled round me. Modest…hell no….sexy….if you were into bondage an such. Undercover….oh yes, no one was going to say this wuz sum agent dress uniform.

With a swirl of recycled air the door portal opens on the small briefing room. A blond girl immaculate in her crisp uniform jus letting a salute down an all, the other uniform stiff in the room that of a general officer..female. Hmmm, that got an eye brow raised outta me. Eyes flashing back to the other… agent….interesting that….meant perhaps the mission wouldn’t be solo.

As I walk forward I regard her…all military spit an polish. The kind of thing that gets yah noticed an then made into alien junk food if this is some sort of undercover thing. Then….if it’s a snatch an grab probably the right kind of woman to have at yur side. So I let me hips roll an glide into the room, none of that 2 to the front and 6 to the rear stuff going on an all. Click…click… click….heals hit the hard steel deck an echo off the walls. The blue eyes widen as they regard me, then go firm an all military cold. Blond hair bounces slightly with the tiniest shake of a head. I guess I’m not what she expected, but then I may have me own doubts an all ‘bout her. Even funnier is the dominance game of eye contact…. neither of us wanting to back down. It jus might get real interesting if we had to share sum tiny ship for a time. She’d better let me drive, cause frankly there ain’t a better small ship pilot in the whole ADD. I got the scores to prove it. No, only the ADD would do this to its agents….put two dominants in a small ship an see which one ends up on top. I’d have jus a soon had Hanaji at me side.

But Hanji wuzn’t here, Ah well….Time for a lil heat to warm things, I do like laughter an happy a bit better. Opening me arms I hug her, a nice chaste hug but warm all the same, me body towering over the shorter girl an putting her poor face smack tween me breasts. I relax into the stiffness of a military gal, an giggle as a lil resistance hits. But that comes from being brought up all military an confirms me suspicions. She is not one of us…the girls of campus that survived an came to this line of work out of lack of real choice…I mean slave or agent…which would you choose.

I let her go an sit me nice round bum down in the second row of chairs that circle the holo-projector field. . Hugging generals is strictly out of bounds for me. I’d jus as soon have the lord sort um, judge um, an send um all to hell. Maybe this un would be different…only time will tell. I prop me boot shorn feet up on a chair. At least with me legs crossed one piercing might go unnoticed….modesty….how’s a girl to get any if her clothes won’t behave. I swear I heard a laugh then…..I swear it. Well time to get to the chase… an tip me hat jus a bit, acknowledging the senior officer of the room.

“Howdy Ma’am, Agent 39007 reports as ordered, I do so love a party”, I turn me attentions to the LT and give her me best smile, “pleasure meeting you, I’m Cassie, don’t let the hug scare yah, I reserve them for me friends.” Only then did I turn off the music. It was time to be all ears an eyes cause yur life depended on it out there in the wild west of space.

Author:  Syll [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Devon's eyes widen as this sassy, uncouth woman entered the room. She got a brief look of her *uniform* and questioned if she was really an agent. How unprofessional. They really didn't expect Devon to work with this *hillbilly* did they? She didn't have time to dwell on it. The taller woman grabbed her, hugging hard, mashing Devon's face into her bosom. The nanonites kicked in, sending a rush of exhilaration to Devon's erogenous zones. Devon didn't hug back, her arms remaining at her sides, and she was left a little speechless for a moment, startled by the woman's forwardness.

"I'm... I'm Lt. Devon.", she stuttered, standing there a little dumbfounded. Her nipples and areolas had swelled, poking at and showing through the form-fitting skeinsuit. She quickly took a seat, hoping the General would say this was all some kind of joke.

Author:  CMS [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Make lemonade when given a lemon mama had said to me when I wuz a yung’un. Inwardly I smiled. If the clothes won’t behave then play the part I figure, it wuz making lemonade aid if yah ask me. An what a part I’d played, I could tell by the aroma of musk an spice that hit the air she was excitable. Well, today I’d made lemonade and learned sum thing ‘bout me partner. Sum thing me body was busy trying the answer with a swirl of its own chemistry like so much lemonade.

Hell, it wuz, knowing what you could do to others an feeling like reciprocating those feelings. Thoughts hit me, all of um impure, sprouting like so many weeds that need a pulling. I found I had to focus on the mantras in me head for a bit, it wuz the only way to get the weeds down an the uniform from going all crazy on me. One had to be quick or there wuz no telling what I’d be wearing next, or a feeling like doing. I could already feel the tightness of me breasts as me own body ‘gan going all whacko on me.

Like I said, me own personal hell is what I lived. I liked men, preferred their equipment when it came to pleasures, but I wuz married to a woman an very happy with the arrangement. She wuz also a survivor an a fellow agent. Life was complicated enough and hanky panky with yet sum other agent wuz not gonna happen….not ever….well not ….not at least unless Hanaji said all right. An darn it all but she would an that would lead me into another of those triangles that a good girl jus didn’t get into. This could be a long long mission.

Looking up into those eyes of ice I could see them melt a wee bit. Not good that. Fire an ice, that waz what we wuz. She too wuz struggling with her own inner demons, an I had jus become one of um. The swell under that uniform, an the perty smell of her gave it away. It would be a long trip in the close confines of a ship if I had this one down right. But right now being neighborly wuz the right way to play it.

“Pleasures all mine LT Devon, an now what would yur first name be….I suspect the general may have news an being on a first name basis will make a long trip a bit more comfortable for both of us. I didn’t mean no harm with the hug….I jus like hugs, but I do so apologize if yah took offence an all cause that wuz not me intent in the least. “ I sat up straighter an dropped the legs back to the floor, crossed at the ankles and hands in me lap like a good obedient catholic school girl would. Maybe that would help calm the situation. Lord I hoped she would relax jus a bit or she wuz gonna get us worse than killed. She wuz gonna gets us set up as slaves servicing some slimy no good alien scum for the rest of our sorry an pathetically miserable lives.

Sometimes yah had to remind yur self that the mission is what mattered…an coming back from it. Good Lord in heaven, one had to wonder what the frigid General was thinking about her two hormone crazed agents all hyped up on pheromones an right then an there not thinking none to straight.

Author:  Syll [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

“Lieutenant.”, Devon answered in a cool militaristic tone. Geez, this woman acted like they were going to a slumber party and were going to paint each other’s toenails. Devon wasn’t like that. She was all professional, and she expected her team to behave accordingly. Considering the secrecy and urgency around this mission, Devon wondered if they handed her the right dossier? “I was assigned to this mission because of my weapons and intelligence gathering training?” She was speaking to the General, but really she was addressing her new partner. She wanted to know what credentials this *hillbilly* had, and what she was bringing to the table. Also, she didn’t like the few lewd leers she was getting, and then it dawned on her that her nipples were hard. She cursed those damn nanonites to herself and folder her arms over her bosom. “If I understand correctly, we’re going to be probing into deep space?”

Author:  CMS [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

So….that wuz how it wuz gonna be an all. Lemons can be bitter on the ole tongue and this one defiantly had missed all the sugar. The stance, the look…the tone. Didn’t take no rocket scientist to see the gal was testy an all. When the arms crossed that ample bosom she thought perhaps she was hiding what wuz truly going on with her body. But no….the scent that clung to the air left little doubt in me head what that body wuz doing. How I would have loved to have shut down that part of me, the part that new as I walked past how a body wuz reacting…human…monster….it didn’t seem to matter, an worse it seemed to call to me. Hell on earth is what the priest would have said.
“Lllllll Teeeee, don’t get yur panties in a wad…but I don’t need no green horn getting me all done over as some sort of monster treat if yah know what I mean. “ Each word dripping in the fire of the hunt much as hers dripped in the ice of discipline. “Otherwise yah’ll be the one getting deep probed” Perhaps she did understand…maybe she didn’t. I mean did they give the same briefing to the military types about what the monsters did to human females in the wilds of space. Did she really understand what she wuz in for? That for the aliens, we were the universes ultimate squeaky toy, one they loved to make squeak while they used you. An had all the value of one as well. If the rubber ducky don’t make the noise you like then you get rid of it in any way you like. We were products. Maybe jus maybe Kouzakai wuz a coming round to appreciate me….but none of the rest of um seemed to think at all like that. It would take generations for the hard wiring in their cotton picking heads got to changing, an for some races that might mean eons.
An that had me a bit steamed up….Monsters could care less about the discipline an spit an polish. How come she wuz gettin’ under me skin like this? It did get me outta me seat. Maybe the general wuz really interested in a lil ole cat fight…but that wuzn’t gods way of getting things done an one of use had to use their head here. Closing the gap I took the crucifix an held it out in front of me, clearly in her sight. Me wedding band circled the top of it, diamond glittering an casting sparkles of light ‘gainst the backdrop of black that wuz me uniform.
“Lllll Teeee, let me get a few things straight with yah. “ One big breath, “First, I’m married an in no hurry to jump into bed with yah.” Pause for effect watching those icy blue eyes, then tilting me head to show here the cross an ring. “Second, I have a few religious principles that say it’s a sin to give into lust”. I could feel the nostrils flare as I exhaled. “third, I can smell the pheromones, smell the excitement of yur body….not jus see it…unfortunately it really hits me hard an would be great if you could control yur self an make it easier on me to keep to the first two things I done said.” No doubt she would notice my bodies own reaction, the swelling of the pierced nipples.
Down me spine when the first charge of energy, a tremor of pleasure from alien tech that tugged an pulled at me body, caressing me in a gentle manner. The unpainted lips seemed to quiver, begging to be touched. It took all me effort to swallow pas the lump in me throat…all me effort to not move me lips to hers. Soooooo wrong. I could feel the suit tremble, “NO” had to get the mind on other things.
“The mission is all that matters, I can tell you LT that as much as we are off to a rocky start I would never leave you behind. I do have beliefs an codes. An while you might be the better shot in a fight, I’m the one you need with you when you gotta get out after the shot. Not many of us can claim to have escaped the monsters out there an gotten back to our own kind.” Me voice breaking a bit in the remembrance of that harrowing time.
I could feel the cold metal warm, could feel the shifting of the suit on me skin an wuz afraid to look to see what it might be doing. ‘sexy’ came the whisper…. ‘NO’ I screamed back using all the mind tricks I knew. For a moment I could feel the light caress of air upon the naked skin of me thighs an back, then it wuz gone as me determination still echoed in the depths of me head. Would Devon have noticed?
One look into those eyes showed she had…though perhaps she had not realized what had happened. My own pheromones spread outwards, heavy in the air, more so than normal with the lack of an outlet with me love an partner still in the infirmary. I let me hand drop to me side so the tremble might go unnoticed. But the heat in me face of embarrassment wuz not going to be easily explained. A mission, it wuz only a mission but lord knows if I would last it without inviting this one into my bed an making her into a good lil slave of me own. The good lord save me if there wuz any blood or close calls, cause all bets would be off on the return trip I strongly suspected. Especially with her gorgeous body broadcasting its desires at every turn.

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