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 The Search (for Gaia) 
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
Gaia had conversed with the doctor for quiet sometime. She learned that they were looking for something that only could be discerned through specialized individuals. However before she could get more information her cell opened. Two of the Ada entered and Neblin went silent; good no need to alert any of any possible conversations. She was cuffed and lead out of her cell and brought to a port area, where a large ship there as well, before her was a droid. An older model she assumed, it was humanoid in design, but lacked features for that personnel connection most species preferred. It clearly was up do date with its tech recognition. "SHE STILL HAS HER GEAR? IDIOTS. YOU'RE AN LOCAL OFFICER? WHAT SPECIES ARE YOU?

Her tool belt was stripped off and taken away leaving her alone to deal with the droid. It even questioned her species and her claim of being a local officer; It was a good thing it didn't recall Her species; then the Verlurain's hardly ever ventured out of their space, even more importantly they were hardly ever captured as slaves. She noticed a new shuttle loading deactivated droids. To which the Adda were not too happy about loading them manually. Apparently the droid in front of her was not as intelligent as KD otherwise it would have noticed the malfunctions. "Oh you don't know my species do you/" she answered his question with a question.

Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:39 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
The droid seemed to work out her question. It did not strike her as stupid though. It had determined that it was not going to learn any information and that further contact was unnecessary. Either she was stupid or she was going to be stubborn, either way a waste of time. Instead of answering her question it silently commanded a few of the droids it had brought along through the internal comlink system that they all shared.

It was unnecessary to vocalize orders but it did so for her sake. TAKE HER TO THE TRANSPORT, GUARD HER. IF SHE ATTEMPTS ANYTHING SHOOT HER.

Whether it meant stun or not it did not say though that may have been specified remotely, or not at all. She was brought aboard the transport, two droids watching her all the while. There were no seats in the cargo hold but there were several crates to sit upon.

The Adda complaining as they moved in and out with the droids though it was in their language she could work out that it was probably about all the manual labors or that warriors were meant to do this sort of thing. They were the larger, stronger ones.

It took awhile for the ship to be loaded up. It was tough doing much under the scrutiny of the two droids and all she could really do was hang tight as the transport departed. It was a short range ship with a decent cargo capacity. It was meant to get into orbit and dock with larger ships which this did.

When she was lead off the ship it was in a hanger. The tech was obvious, droids similar to fork lifts working to unload the cargo and other droids to fix the shortage of the new droids bringing them back online. She did not see any security droids save for the few that had been in the ship with her though the initial droid joined her after a brief moment.


Not that she was given much choice with the two armed droids. She was lead past several other ships and did see other security droids here and there along the way to a bridge. She could see the back of the soul reptilian humanoid here. There were several different sorts of droids here, one huge spider that stood nearby and the others seemed to be various AI of different colors.

The man was studying a star chart on a view screen in a remote section of space but close enough to space lanes to be fairly known.


When he turned around she saw the gamut of emotions ranging from surprise to disbelief, to confusion and recognition. She recognized him at once … Ven.

“Gone local, have we?”
He grinned at her, the gig was up though it was clear that he had not known that she was the prisoner that was being held by the Adda.

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:37 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
Gaia was forced along to a ship and the bridge. After a sitting around for quiet some time and possibly having her life threatened by the droid. She didn't know what its exact orders were but she assumed shoot to kill. Though the Adda leader clearly indicated she was for their leader. She also watched as the bigger Adda mumbled in their own language about hard labor, such trivial thing really, but she had assumed it was a cultural thing. Upon reaching the bridge her heart skipped a beat.

Was it him, she didn't know as his back was turned, but she had a bad feeling as to whom this reptilian yet humanoid figure was. She noticed different droids as well which served to narrow down who it was. Then he turned and faced her, he was just as surprised as she was but she had held her facial expressions better. He was suspected of working with Goro, but that had not been confirmed, now it was unless he was working on his own. Which would mean she held direct evidence of his involvement in criminal activity. Shifting her weight agitated by her luck right now.

"Who say I wasn't already local." She retorted back at the smiling reptile with disdain. Her gig was up, he didn't know she was ADD still that was a plus, but she was inbetween a rock and hard place right now.

Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:49 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
“And I thought this was going to be just another routine resupplying mission.” The cheaper droids were easy enough to replace and the base had kept a ton of them on hand for that reason. Rather than having to wait for damaged droids to be repaired or wait to purchase enough of them he could just pick them up.

“The Adda wanted me to deliver you to their Emissary, but he's not the one calling the shots.”
He approached her. The first thing she noted was that while he moved with a slight limp he was in no way close to being as impaired as he had been when she last met him.

“Local, huh,” he grabbed her chin, turning her head this way then that as he grabbed a good look at her. “Could have fooled me. But I'm glade for this little detour now.”

He grabbed one of her breasts, squeezing it as if it were a fruit he was checking for ripeness. “Strip,” the last a command, the security droids that had escorted her were at the ready though all the others seemed to carry on without interruption.

She would note that the two droids moved to either side of her though one made a small adjustment as if commanded so that it was not directly in the line of fire of the other should she move. Previously they displayed no such intelligence so she could reason that something was directing them now even if in a limited way.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:05 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
“And I thought I was dealing with a simple cult, but i guess we don’t always get what we want.” She quipped back at him. She was in no mood to deal with reptile outside of arresting him. She mentioned that she was for the emissary, but as he limped forward obviously feeling better he had other ideas to inflict. When he grabbed her breast he would find it firm yet relatively soft.

She bit her lip wanting to claw out Ven’s eye’s. She wasn’t going to strip and she didn’t care if droids gunned her down. They seemed more intelligent by standing on either side of her and adjusted their position to shoot her but not each-other.”Not even in you’re dreams I would do that willingly.” She grunted as she wrestled her large mound from his grasp.

Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:45 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
She wrenched away from his grasp and he grinned, one of the two droids fired though to her benefit it was a stunning shot that collided with her thigh. It caused her leg to go numb and her body to crash to the floor but she retained consciousness..

Ven was standing over. “You were saying?” He nodded toward one of the droids as if for effect. The spider droid came over, it's legs ended in claws that allowed it to grasp things and use a few of them to grasp her and carry her off.

The droid had eventually stopped at a door, electronically locked though it waited until minutes later the door unlocked and slide open before she was dumped into the chamber and left there. The door was locked as it departed though her leg was still tingling feeling as if it had fallen asleep. There was the dull throb that raced through it from the blast generating a dull ache. She couldn't yet stand but found herself in a huge chamber. A room off of it lead into a grand bedroom and the one she was in currently had been a lounge. There was a sofa, a huge wide screen holo porjector, a wall computer that probablly controlled the lighting and temperature. There was a bar at one side of the room and other then the assortment of glasses and bottles there there had been little she saw that made for a good weapon.

The remote for the projector, maybe a cork remover if she searched the pair. Her mobility was very limited though for the moment she had the time to drag herself around. She would have to lean against things and pull herself upward to reach any of the bottles.

Feeling was just returning to her leg other than that dull throb that was fading when the door opened once more. It was Ven and he was alone, though his eyes tracked her he began to search for her if she had crawled off to the bedroom where there was little other than his bed and clothes. He had cleared his time for this and came forth, searching for her, watching her, approaching with mild caution but not much though his attention was more on her figure.

“I've always wanted to met you in the flesh, what was your name, I forget, ah well it does not matter.” He came forth pleased by her presence and by the very prospect that was to come.

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Sun Jan 24, 2016 2:39 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
She didn’t know how she was stunned for but by the time she could on her feet she was locked in a room. She could barely move but she manage to pull-herself up to look around the room there wasn’t much she could see. It was a pretty sparse room, and very little things that could be used as a weapon. The cork screw was bad simply because it was likely to get trough his skin. he lass would be effective but that required aiming for the eye or the glass being sharp enough to cut through scales and skin. No the only weapon she held was here own claws, and with limited mobility it was going to be a hard fight.

The opened and she had gone very little from her position other than standing up. It was of no surprise that VEn was entering alone, the look in his eye told of his intent easily enough. He was cautious but he sensed he had the upper hand, perhaps she was helpless in the face of him. No he was paying too much to thick curvy body to even be cautious he was savoring the moment of his helpless pray. Gia prepared to fight for her dignity but she wasn’t sure if she could force off the lizard man. Standing up straighter she released her claws slowly so they were notice. THey grew four inches and were sharp as a vibro sword. The length wouldn’t allow for much damage; but if she could get at his eye’s or neck that was different story.

As Ven came closer she would his and show her sharp teeth as well. She was clearly not going to let him take her willingly.

Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:51 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
Ven wasn't as quick as others due to his previous injuries. He was by no means too slow but moved with a noticeable limp. Yet he was by far more agile than she saw last time. Noting the display of her claws and show of her teeth he merely grinned but kept back for the time being.

“Last time when we met I was not even there,” eyes peeled over her figure as he had to be imagining what it would be like to take her. He circled about her as if searching for vulnerabilities or getting her to turn to face him as he did so.

“You see ...” There was a sudden noise behind her as the holoprojector came on. A distraction followed by the dimming of the lights so that darkness would have enveloped them completely had there not been for some behind her that was dim, though good enough to see anything up close.

Ven could control electronics remotely and did so now. Last time he had not even been there with her though he hated loosing the prototype that he used as an avatar. He could control things at close range but with the boosters on the avatar he had been connected to it from orbit. His control was choppy at times and there were a lot of delays in moving it, there was a lag which required assistance to move the mechanic puppet. The booster was the only one trapped beneath the ocean.

He rushed in, dipping his chin and leading with his shoulder. Her claws were insignificant in getting through his scales as she would find though the impact still smarted a bit. That shoulder being driven into her forcing her to the floor as the rest of his body followed suit. His hands going to her forearms in an effort to pin her arms down to the floor. At this range with the glow of the projector she could see him clearly, could feel his stiffness as he squirmed over her trying to get between her thighs. Thus far it seemed that he was going to restrain her and vying for position at this point.

His mouth opened and she could feel the tips of pointed teeth against it as if that said enough. More pressure was applied the greater she struggled though it would ease if there were no struggles.

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Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:21 pm
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
Gaia wasn’t helpless in the sudden darkness. Being a deep sea creature by genetics she was able to see Ven movement. Sadly the effects of the stun diminished her ability to respond. HE seemed to moving far better in the flesh than his droid had been, which was worse, as her sharp claws only left scratch marks on his scales. Worse part she was being squeezed the more she struggled the more was crushed. Fine if he crushed instead of having his fun with her fine, she would take that route. She wasn’t going to be defiled again without a fight to the death. If she was able to get full functionality and kick Ven, not even he could take such a powerful kick lightly.

Feeling his girth between her thighs, only inspired her to resist more. His intent seemed to be backfiring. Clearly this one wasn’t going to be his toy so compliantly.

Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:44 am
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Post Re: The Search (for Gaia)
He bit her neck, not deeply though enough to spill blood. She only struggled harder though. He could feel some pleasure though with the friction brought against her, essentially in their struggles they were dry humping.

The darkness had not helped any though the stunning effect from earlier still hampered her movements. Her claws had been useless in harming him unless they were used on his eyes he only had to worry about any concussive force she mustered behind each.

It had not taken him long to realize that he would have been much better off if he had multiple limps like the Adda. She was stronger than he had thought and he had decided to make this easier than it should be.

Grinning, the region around his mouth smeared with her own blood, he addressed her. “Feisty ...”

The door to the room opened at his mental command. Since he could control and communicate with all electronics within 10 meters, the exception being that boosted prototype, the ship was wired quite thoroughly.

More to Gaia's concern was the sound of mechanical legs entering the domicile. Soon she would see that mechanical spider from earlier that Ven directed. The legs ended in graspers two of which replaced his hands and once done without hers being a hindrance he could grope her breasts again fondling each.

The spider was much stronger then he was and her arms were pinned to the floor as the machine watched impassively. Tiny claws began shredding her top to reveal more skin that he squeezed roughly, one tit hauled up to his mouth, he sucked on it leaving behind both saliva and blood.

While one hand played with on of her mounds the other brushed down her side, those claws shredding the clothing there as if he were slowly unraveling her, exposing her chest first and now her side.

Peaking up at her briefly he moved to the other breast shredding the clothing on that side as he returned to groping the other. He tasted that breast though this one he nipped softly with those pointed teeth and tugged on it a little.

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Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:11 pm
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