Shokushu High School

The Search (for Gaia)
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Author:  Goro [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  The Search (for Gaia)

She had been given time off after her last assignment. Going through psyche evaluations and later sent home to undertake in her own religious ceremonies to cleanse herself. It was a risk with working with the ADD so many ruffians and alien entities that they had to deal with on a daily basis. Slavers and pirates weren't the best sorts after all

Though there were the two Aschen survivors that had been at the base for a little while until they had arranged to contact their people to take them back.

KD, the only real surviving equipment from their ship outside of their own clothing hadn't been taken seeing that the droid was with Gaia back on her home world at the time of their departure and neither Aschen seemed to make a fuss over the droid.

Both new that the droid was advanced for most beings but the security features that it possessed were too complex for them to bypass. KD had knowledge that they did not possess but since they did not know of it it was very unlikely to be used unless the droid acted on its own. While advanced for them the droid was “common” for the Aschen.

Secretly though the Aschen Chief reset some of KD's advanced skills just encase these beings tried to backwards engineer things or simply asked the droid to tell them this or that. So KD had a better understanding of hings in some areas but was more or less on par with their advancement. At best they might gain hints of things but all in all it was doubtful to be an issue.

Repairing the droid would be possible as the droid had few features that were remarkable other than the capacity to be upgraded with ease which the ADD probably lacked to do in a simple sense it possessed the rockets which were the only real advancement it possessed over similar droids.

It was on her last day back just as she was returning to base as a matter of fact that she had been contacted by someone in ADD command.

Major Spears had taken shape on the holo imager that allowed real time communications between their military vessels. The Major was sitting behind a desk and looked at her.

“You are still on leave for the next six hours or so You may refuse this assignment but yours is the closest ship in the area and it saves on some time in dispatching someone else or worse waiting on you to return then sending you back to your current location.

“There have been several attacks along trade routes in that sector that need to be investigated. A small group of slavers though we were able to ascertain some information from that cyborg you had captured, Vanessa.”

Author:  Sochi [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

Gaia had been through the works it seemed, her debriefing for the ADD and all that happened in consoling should she choice to use it. as well a medical and other evaluations. She passed all though it was obvious she harbored some resentment towards her assault. Though she had been informed that others had found a similar fate as her own. It didn’t please her but she felt as if she wasn’t alone in regards to what happened. Once cleared she had returned to her home planet, and was debriefed about the debriefing. It didn’t surprise her but at least her people where quick about getting things out of the way.

She meet with the priestess and proceeded to cleanse her body and spirit by swimming in the purest of water. Clear and warm., KD though a droid was allowed to roam the temple, had been looked over rather tediously by her people’s scientist. While the ADD had no way of discovering things her people was more fournteante. They discovered one or two innovations they could use, but mostly back engineering was difficult and was taking a slow process perhaps they would never truly back engineer the model, but no one really cared about the droid just the tech that built, him which was fairly standard for them as well. Her people may be as advance, but not as much as the Aschen clearly, however that didn’t stopped the big headed women from boasting they where only fifty years behind the species.

As for the two survivors they seemed okay with leaving the droid with her, she suspected they had made sure KD couldn’t dispell certain things. Everyone expected that from outsiders amongst her people. Better safe than sorry. In sort no one really bothered the droid nor did they peruse making an allegiance with the spices either. Instead the Blue buxxom floated amongst the cleaning waters of the temple washing away her worries she did this for at-least three days. On her last day which envolved on her traveling back she was contacted by ADD high command.

Rising up from the water Gaia appeared naked, the sight would would be sensual as her full bust was seen. The various tribal tattoo's climbing up her leg tho her right breast. She was dripping wet, as she approached her black nubs hardening against the cold air as she approached the holo gram. Saluting it as she listened to her new orders. Not bothering to cover herself.

Author:  Sochi [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

“You are still on leave for the next six hours or so You may refuse this assignment but yours is the closest ship in the area and it saves on some time in dispatching someone else or worse waiting on you to return then sending you back to your current location.

“There have been several attacks along trade routes in that sector that need to be investigated. A small group of slavers though we were able to ascertain some information from that cyborg you had captured, Vanessa.”

She listened to the woman's explanation, it was easy to tell she was jaded or just didn’t care. Either way she wasn’t found of the woman tone. She ignored it for a more serious matter. Slavers within her ships space. It was mere luck, or something else all together. However there was basically an open market for Qurrian females thanks to the orders opening up, it was still difficult but not impossible. They couldn’t stop them all.

“ I accept the mission” Gaia responded quickly.” What can you tell me about them.”

Author:  Goro [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

KD was having a field day it seemed for as much time as it had been looked over it was assimilating knowledge of the species and religion. Whether seeking out information from computers or simple observation to more direct questions. It was a scientific droid and programmed to investigate even the simplest of mysteries.

It may not have been studying the death throes of a pulsar star or doing other investigation such as studying the effects of a black hole but any little new thing interested it and one never knew when a piece of knowledge could be of use. The droid had a personality. KD was an inquisitive model, though like all droids of it's type it started “life” without a personality which developed over time. Some droids became cowards or reckless even. Each was different though undesired traits were often scrubbed from a droid this reduced it to factory settings meaning any additional knowledge and experiences it picked up along the way had been lost unless reinstalled. If the personality did not detract from matters it was often left alone seeing it was too much of a hassle to reinstall things and experiences and memories were essentially erased. It was like starting life all over again.

When the transmission came in Major Spears nodded after her display of enthusiasm about the assignment.

“Reports have come in about four slavers augmenting their numbers through machines, droids that we believe are Ven's. While ships have been targeted in that sector only specific passengers were taken. All the people taken were doctors of one sort or another. So far 8 people have been taken and their skill set has varied The common thread is that each had a doctorate and had contributed a lot in their fields whether archeology, robotics or chemistry.

“Vanessa has supplied us with information about a hide out Ven was using in that region. You are being tasked with having a look and assessing the situation. This is not a rescue mission but a fact fining one. We will assess the details and act accordingly once it is analyzed. Coordinates to the world will be relayed to your ship presently.”

She nodded to someone not within the field of the holo transmission and the coordinates were being transferred as they spoke. “Do you have any questions?”

Author:  Sochi [ Fri Jun 12, 2015 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

It sounded like Ven was involved all right. He had a tendency to use droids. and using to poster numbers where fairly feasible if you where a small time slaver. It meant more money for you. Though upgrades and maintenance tended to be more costly it was still win if the slaves in question brought in a significant profit. However the fact was they where taking scientist, not common people who littered the cosmos. While it sounded like Ven it also sounded like someone different was calling the shots. More so the targets it could be that VEn sold off some of his droids to recoup some of losses on the droids the Aschen had. He paid the scavengers rather decently in attempt to collect them.

Gaia understood why this would be purely a recon mission and not a rescue and assault. However she directed by her Priestess code to remove the plight of others whenever plausible, if there was she seize it if not she have to wait another time to do so. Considering what she was being told by the Major it would more than likely be the latter.

“Will their plausible reinforcements at some point during the mission.”

Author:  Goro [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

If it were feasible, if the risks were low and there were a few slavers and she had to move on important information but if this turned out to be something bigger than was reported it was unlikely the ADD wanted her to try anything if the odds were heavily slanted against her. Half a dozen pirates could be manageable but twenty or thirty were probably not if their forces had been augmented by droids too …

“Once he data has been analyzed yes, we will fashion an appropriate team to respond to the threat as necessary.” The Major relaid to her. Of course if she went missing too others would be sent to investigate in time to find out what was going on.

“There are two immediate options I see. The most direct would be going to the coordinates that Vanessa gave to us. It is a world with a population, the world isn't too hospitable from my understanding. All the relevant information on the place will be transmitted as well but the system the planet is in has a populated planet.

“The second option would be to interview survivors from one of the attacks. A list of ships that were attacked have been supplied as well. It should be easy to figure out a crew roster. That populated plant has one that has set in for repairs in fact.”

Author:  Sochi [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

“Understood.” The buxom alien said in reply. She was ready to put another cramp in Ven plans. She would comb over the information before she would had out, her first destination was to check out the Ships that had been attacked. Then check out the populated planet; why she could cover more ground and gain more information. That way she could learn fact from fiction and follow up leads she needed to understand what was going on.

Author:  Goro [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

The planets were Marcus IV and VII … the name was probably from the person that made a survey of he system long ago and the names had not been changed. There was a pretty big colony on Marcus IV where there was some success with a plant that could be used to regenerate damaged cells … nothing as extensive as regenerating lost limbs but marvelous in promoting natural healing. Burns even from blasters, cuts and the like …

There was a pretty big city on the planet now that formed up from the colony and it was this plant that helped it. Oddly KD had more detailed information on the world, which wasn't so odd just that the plant could not grow anywhere outside of he planet and only a specific area. It was actually one massive plant tat thrived on something unique to the planet. It was all part of the same root system and it wasn't much of a surprise that the city was near it.

The plant had a short life span when taken from the planet, about two weeks, though various research was done with it.

Marcus VII was essentially barren and the coordinates of one of Ven's hideouts had been there.

The Julienne had been attacked and was docked of Marcus IV undergoing repairs. She had the name of the captain, Julienne. It would be easy to find him since there was only one city on the planet and only a few repair docks. There were two actually near the space port. One for commercial vessels and another for the large frigates and cargo ships that corporations used.

The Julienne was a smaller ship and checking the repair dock she would be told that the owner was a human. The major population here had been human though it was cosmopolitan where there were a wide mix of species mostly spacers, farmers and doctors.

It had been after asking about the man that she note KD approaching not even aware that the droid had wandered off at some point. Being a port that they had come down in there were plenty of computers for spacers to access star charts and the like. Perhaps while their KD managed o speak to the computers of he city.


The display screen pulled up an image of a young man with long black hair tied back in a pony tail. CURRENTLY HE IS AT A NEARBY SPACER DIVE. SHALL I LEAD THE WAY?

Author:  Sochi [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

The alien walked through the docks Asking those who would know where the Julienne was docking for repairs. Luckily there was only a few docks to begin with but finding the right one and how to get to it might be a little tricky so it was best to get exact directions. Also she need ed to gather some information about the ships captain. She had been informed that she was looking for a hums, though most of the colony seemed to be mostly human as far a settlement. Otherwise it was bolstering with various species, perhaps it was because of the plant it generated plenty of business.Somewhere along the way, KD had wondered off and came informing her he had found the ship and captain. It was useful having this droid around.”Thanks Kd, lead the way.” she nodded to the droid to lead her.

Author:  Goro [ Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)


KD lead her to a dive of a bar where all sorts of rift raft hung out. Inside their was a purple haze of smoke produced by some narcotic perhaps or some strange nicotine. There had been noting about narcotics in the report and if she asked KD it would extract a strange appendage attached to a sensor then after a minute or two respond that the smoke was actually comprised of the make up of that plant. Evidentally it could be inhaled and do to the regenerative properties there were no adverse effects to smoking it. The only drawback was that the plant did not live long after harvesting it so it was only a local cigarette but seemed popular with the spacers that wished to try out new things and got them from one of the vending machines it seemed.

At one of the tables was Julienne. He was smoking one of this cigarettes and having some sort of blue beverage with a short bat-like creature that was drinking a yellow one. Chances were that these were alcoholic drinks but neither seemed to be drunk or even buzzed drinking casually and caught up in some sort of conversation. Neither seemed jittery at least, her arrival had gone unnoticed thus far as KD pointed the man out to her.

Author:  Sochi [ Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

The bar was the worst of the low it seemed. The people where smoking some type of purple inhalant. What was it she didn’t know but it had been mentioned she asked KD for sample to make sure it wouldn’t harm her in any way. Kd reported that it was virtually harmless. It was more of cigarette it appeared and highly popular brand. Her species had very little for such things most smoke caused complications with her species. So ignored the cigarette and moved to the person of her interest the Captain. He was sitting at a table with a bat-like creature, but where drinking and neither seemed to be intoxicated. No one had noticed her when she entered giving her the impression that strange species where common amongst this place. Though one would think her her tight dress would cause some heads to turn.

It was a welcome change yet a concerning one. She approached the Captain casually not trying to draw attention to herself as an Agent, perhaps lying and saying she was reporter would be better in this case.

Author:  Goro [ Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

Indeed there were some heads that turned when she passed by. The place seemed to cater to all sorts of aliens and the fumes of smoke weren't dangerous at all. She would make her way to the table and it was the bat-like creature that had noticed her first hearing her approach. Her ears were a lot better than a human's after all and she spoke something to Julienne in what could only be her native tongue.

Julienne looked and boy did he receive an eye full. He had ignored the droid, they were common enough where they were often overlooked any way and focused on Gaia.

“Can I help you?”
He seemed pleased to lend his services and as she explained that she was a reporter he seemed to think nothing of it and gestured for her to take a seat in the booth beside his companion. “Have a seat. A reporter? Your after details of the attack no doubt?”

Author:  Sochi [ Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

Gaia took a seat and crossed her legs her dress, being short as it was hiked up a tad higher showing off her shapely long blue legs, and hinting at her rare. She was also wearing heels which all added to her deceit as a reporter. though she was sure he wouldn’t her being an agent do to her looks. However she was better off playing the reporter bit at the moment. It would do well to keep her actions and investigation at the minimal. She nodded at his assessment on what she was here for. Though she was little weary of his companion mostly because she seemed to notice her upon approach by sound alone.

“Yes, you’re ship is one of the most recent ones to have been attacked . Though my superiors think its just common piracy and slavers I think there is more to this story than mere raiding. ” She said putting on a damn good act as if she was enthusiastic reporter hunting down the next big story to hit the holo nets. “Before we begin would you mind if I had more droid here record you. Authentication purposes.”

Author:  Goro [ Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

Julienne nodded not minding the presence of the droid or being recorded. KD had holo recorders and could record audio which was useful in it's studies of this sound or that in radio waves from distant galaxies and the like and since having a visual recorder wasn't any more time consuming or expensive for the Aschen it was added along with it just for the sake of having that option available should it ever be needed or if the droid was taken to a world I could record information and collect samples. KD was very versatile.

Naturally Julienne gazed at Gaia. Their was a degree of lust there or rather interest though the captain remained civil offering to buy her a drink and otherwise seeing that she was situated.

“It was among one of the most recent attacks from what I understand. As you know there are three sorts of people here. Farmers that cultivate the miracle plant we have here, doctors that analyze it and do all medical sorts of things with it, tests and the like and other research well beyond my pay grade and us spacers. I make a living hauling cargo to and from here. The miracle drug has some potential uses in nearby systems and with so much here invested in the drug trading luxury goods and other essentials allows me to make a killing so I'm caught up in an endless cycle going back and forth bringing in needed supplies and exporting the refined plant.

“That trip was a little different.”
Just as it was a bit different for a beauty to approach him. His eyes wandered briefly to her cleavage then back to her eyes. “I was approached to take on a few passengers, doctors that were scheduled to go to some medical convention but the ship that was suppose to take them broke down so they were willing to give me a bunch of credits. Easy money I think, a short detour and I figured that I could pick up some medial equipment to bring back but the problem that me and my co-pilot here faced was that we got jumped before escaping the gravity well of the planet and entering hyper space.”

He explained before taking a sip of his fruity beverage. His eyes wandered over her again though apparently distracted by what he saw.

Author:  Sochi [ Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Search (for Gaia)

Gaia gave her thanks for the drink offer but ultimately refused ordering one, mostly because the bar seemed a little too shady for it. Considering her sex appeal, it was best to avoid getting drug. It didn’t surprise her that the captain was paying attention to her assets. Mostly her amble breast having them often paid off, especially when it came to males. It seem to loosen them up, allowing her to ask question they would normally guard against. The alien paid close attention to the mans explanation of his job and his normal route routine.

The woman took special note of the plants application. It wouldn’t surprise her if it was being used in other applications. He waved the mentioning of test and research off quickly getting to the real problem. For starters the doctors ship being damage; that sounded odd, mostly because it was convenient. The doctors where in a hurry and they where willing to take a less secured ship to get to where they going. “Sounds like you where ambush by someone who knew where you going.”

She mauled that over, it made sense in the long run, sabotage the transport and claim its passengers.” So when you where attacked it was right as you where leaving the gravity before hyper space. How did they manage to disable you’re ship outside the conventional means of blasting away at you? Also you mentioned someone approached you to take these doctors to their convention, where from you’re company or an outside party?”

The alien woman said all this in such an inquisitive manner it seemed she was going to ask more questions. Instead the woman just used her femen charm as Julienne looked at her. He was obviously having trouble paying attention that wasn’t her assets.

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