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 A Shadow Caught by the Darkness (For Ariana) 
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Post A Shadow Caught by the Darkness (For Ariana)
Kaylee slipped over the black rocks, around boulders, skirting large craters on the surface Zi'Xhouin, a planet in the Ultima sector, which had recently come under suspicion of Alliance inhabitance. The Alliance's activity had seen a surprising increase in the area, and Kaylee was there to see what the reason was for that increase. Kaylee was the closest agent to the position at the time the order was given, and was the only one in the area qualified for stealth and recon. She wore a black suit this time around, abandoning her usual fatigues and vest for the sneaking suit which clung to her curves like a second skin, moving fluidly and soundlessly with her body.

"Damn...this place is a wasteland...the hell could the alliance be doing here anyway? Well, whatever..." She didn't have a radio on her, maintaining complete silence being key in her mission. She was simply to scout and report back on anything that she found at all. She stood behind a tall rock, staring up at the bright orange sky. Off in the distance one of the various sulferous rivers could be seen, flowing sluggishly in their beds to feed noxious lakes of the stuff. "Jeeez...what a dump..." She shook her head and crouched again, sneaking her way towards a fortified outpost. Hopefully, this one would show signs of habitation, unlike the three she'd already visited on this miserable rock. She wanted to find some sort of proof that the Alliance really was acting on this planet, and the sooner, the better. The air on this place tasted stale and evil, and the black rocks were getting a bit depressing. It seemed the whole planet was made of the obelisk-like stone.

She kept low, keeping her deep blue eyes peeled for signs of any action, drawing her firearms and making sure that they were ready to go. The one change she hadn't made to her ensemble was her weaponry: she refused to leave the pistols behind, or the blades housed in the tops of her boots. "Well, the sooner I find proof, or lack of it, the sooner I can wash the dust of this place off. Let's go, lucky number four, mommy needs a payoff..." She crept closer to the outpost, taking her time, moving slowly and carefully, keeping to the shadows.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:41 am
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I loved this planet to death for my new work; a slave trainer, I could be me all day and all night and torture poor human girls! When I was approached by my lord... I almost cried tears of joy when he offered me this position, Hell had he asked I'd have fucked him right on the spot even with my hatred of males. I looked out for a moment from the outpost and took a deep breath of the air puffing out a plume of smoke before returning inside to look at the future cartel.

"Alright little ladies, It's time for your daily wishes... one shot to try and free yourselves! let see if any of you are brainy enough to get free."

I calmly stepped over to a blond, rather small busted girl with a delighted grin on my face. I awaited her attempt graciously almost kindly my hand on her shoulder.

"I...I wish to be out of your grasp..."

I shook my head slightly and backed off looking around the room I snapped my fingers and soon she was surrounded by spectral men her clothing being ripped off and her body being violated roughly in every hole.

"Out of my grasp and into their's... whose next?!"
I cackle obviously loving my life right now as I walk up to a recently captured former ADD agent who had offered to go next.

"Go ahead, I relish when you ADD sluts try to get free."

Ariana Quetzat; Arachnus Alliance Head of Slave Preparation & resident bisexual Ifrit of shokushu

Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:52 am
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Kaylee sighed as she approached the building, spying no guards, no cameras, no defense systems, and no hope of getting out of this dump, yet another disappointment...when on a sudden whim, she turned and pressed her back against the rocks, slipping into a shadowy outcrop just beneath the structure. And just in time, it seemed, as a figure walked past. She looked closely...and her eyes widened a bit. It was humanoid in build, but it was...shadowy. Ethereal, as though it were a specter or some such. Kaylee knew better however, having come up against these creatures several times in dogfights. As pilots, they seemed to be the dime a dozen troops of the Alliance, niether particularly good, nor particularly bad...but as for ground combat, she had no clue, having never come across one of them face to face before. She carefully aimed one of her pistols at the creature, prepared to put a bullet into it if it looked her way...then let out a soft breath of relief as it stalked off. No wonder she hadn't seen any guards...these guys practically blended in with the environment!

"Hell...that was too close...but still, if they got the shadow boys here, there's gotta be SOMETHING here..." Kaylee considered gunning the thing down anyway, partly on general principle and partly because she couldn't be sure if the thing hadn't seen her, as narrow an escape as she'd made, and wasnt' just screwing with, she didn't want to be caught if it decided to turn around suddenly for some reason...she decided against it, though, unable to be certain that someone else wouldn't hear the shot. Besides, her curiosity was piqued about this place now. She moved back out of the shadowy crag, slipping over the rough terrain and up to the strutcture. Timing her move carefully, she slipped between the large doors as they closed after letting out a four-man squad of the spectral figures. "Typical sloppy alliance work, no one watching the doors on either side...the;y're getting complacent..." She doubted that this sector had seen ANY action at all, though, since the founding of the Alliance. It was out of the way, and while not in neutral territory, exactly, it wasn't the sort of place anyone wanted to expend resources on fortifying, with the planet having absolutely no strategic value whatsoever...

Kaylee's ears were drawn to the sound of grunting and crying, the sounds almost beastial as they echoed through the halls. She looked around and saw that there was a narrow ledge along the walls, about two thirds of the way up. She scaled the wall, pressure walking her way up between it and a column until she reached the ledge and stepped onto it, proceding with finding where the sounds came from. After some time of wandering along her narrow and apparently unused catwalk, she came across the source of the sounds: a petite blonde being taken by several of the shadow goons while some other creature looked on with a small smile on her face. Kaylee's eyes narrowed slightly. She'd heard of this one before, in a briefing a long time ago...Ariana Quetzal, the original djinni in a bottle, and the Alliance's head slave trainer, basically one of Archanius various lapdogs, albeit a powerful one...but what was she doing here on this planet? Kaylee listened in, holstering one of her weapons and drawing out a camera, unable to stop a smirk at how much the 'recon camera' she had been giving looked like a Panasonic POS in miniaturized form. She looked anxiously at the slaves, but knew she couldn't help them all on her own...that was for the raid teams that would come in after she brought back intel. Instead, she settled down, recording the mysterious creature as she went about her work.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:50 am
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I stretched my neck slightly as the former ADD agent in front of me looked up desperately, I saw a glimmer in her eye, one of hope. I gritted my teeth and grabbed her bey both of her tits lifting her up as she writhed in agony my hair igniting in a blue flame tipped with white.

"Hope isn't allowed here girly!"
I threw her effortlessly into a wall which crumbled around her, she was quickly coated in blood, she'd have bled to death if I let her; then I remembered my lord's words and with a regretful sigh I snapped my fingers, the wall was repaired and all her broken bones and punctured organs were repaired; though I allowed the pain to linger. I looked to two of the shadow creatures that Archnius had wished for in unlimited supply I stepped over to it and ripped it in half quite literally pulling limb after limb off of it until it was in pieces on the floor. I pointed to another of the minions.

"you, Clean it up and put it back to work!, you two... clean up the former captain over their... when she wakes up... I want you to give her the fuck of her life until she begs..."
I commanded roughly as I watched my orders carried out I got a warm comforting feeling until I looked up to the catwalks, that captain had seen something to give her enough hope for me to notice; I wanted to know what. I looked to one of my subordinates.

"Arkile, you summoned me for a simple ADD captain?! you're lucky my magic can't touch my fellow members or I'd send you to a T class gas giant and watch your flesh melt off your body while you're still alive and then return you to life to watch you suffer again! Return to your duties and don't Disgrace me again! The less I have to come back here the more time I can spend breaking my personal supply of ADD agent captures."

With a Final huff I left the room on a crimson tails surrounded with smoke; however my goal wasn't to leave the planet... my goal was to find the girl on the catwalk... her forefront though had been different from the usual slave's thoughts of freedom or their past lives, and of Arkile's usual 'don't let her yell at me again' it was more 'we'll free you soon guy you'll all be fine.' I ascended the stairwell and in a quite invisible fashion walked towards her only a few inches tall.

Ariana Quetzat; Arachnus Alliance Head of Slave Preparation & resident bisexual Ifrit of shokushu

Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:26 pm
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"Damn..." Kaylee whispered to herself, the glance she'd gotten from the captive not unnoticed by her. It might very well have blown her cover...still, she wanted to make sure that it was obvious that the Alliance had dug itself into this place. It was fairly obvious what the head trainer was doing here...her job. The agent couldn't help but wince as the captive was lifted by her breasts and slammed through a wall. A cold, murderous feeling swept through Kaylee, and she only caught herself after she'd holstered the other pistol and drawn a knife from her boot, fully intent on turning her recon mission into an assassination, no matter how ill-equipped she was for the job. She took a breath and forced herself to calm down.

Ariana began to walk off after tearing apart one of the shadows and screeching at someone else. Kaylee followed her with the cam as best she could, then when she was out of sight, turned back to the scene below her as the shadows went about obeying their orders, remaining oddly dispassionate about their dismembered comrade. "Hope you get this in while you can, bitch...I think I'm going to mimic the action on you." She fingered the blade once more, drawing a bead of blood with the sharp edge before replacing it in her boot. She recorded for a few moments more, then packed up the cam and suckled on her wounded finger, planning out her next step. She could scout further, or she could return with what she already had and leave more exploration for later...needless to say, she wasn't paying very close attention to her surroundings at all as she plotted away.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:15 pm
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I let her watch below without a word for at least five minutes. I listened intently to her words and thoughts. I even let her finish while deciding on her next move. Finally I decided to show myself I began simply with a mocking tone.
"Mimic the action on me? Am I to assume you mean rip me limb from limb?"

I asked as I lay down on her shoulder leaning against her neck fiddling with the material below me circling my finger in a calm rythmic circular pattern. I wondered what her reaction would be knowing I had gotten here so swiftly and without notice. I blew a light puff of burning smoke at her ear in a rather uncaring fashion. Was this girl really an ADD agent? hmm She was rather good looking... and I had been told I could have a private slave for myself. I decided at that moment, I'd make the agent mine; at least for now. I kicked my legs softly as I switched positions my legs hanging over her front as I watched the events she was.

"She has to be the worst possible slave trainer I've ever seen. I was better than her when i was only one hundred years old... by the by I'm sure you know me girl... you have the advantage... mind evening the field?"
I asked this before tearing the material under me with one swift tug; with a snap of my fingers the scrap was gone. I smiled once more scratching an itch as though I wasn't laying on the shoulder or while watching my enemy.

Ariana Quetzat; Arachnus Alliance Head of Slave Preparation & resident bisexual Ifrit of shokushu

Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:40 pm
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Kaylee's eyes widened a bit as she heard the voice, right next to her ear, but that was the only change in expression. The fact that her expression changed at all should have been a source of pride to the creature; Kaylee prided herself on her poker face more than anything. She narrowed her eyes once more, and a dark smile slid over her lips as she listened to Quetzal speak, having the good grace to give a low, soft chuckle at the smoke blown in her ear. "Yup. I'd say that's what I meant by that. And stop blowing in my ear. It tickles. Smoking's bad for you anyway...though in your case, it won't matter much longer."

Kaylee leaned her head to one side, offering the miniaturized Ariana Quetzal more space to sit, apparently. She nodded to herself. "Fair enough. I've never done slave trade, though, so I couldn't tell you what I thought about her style...cept that it's not gonna go on much longer, once I get this intel back to my headquarters. And this was one of my only stealth suits, damn you...would you quit tearing it up already?" She shot a reproachful glance down at the creature on her shoulder. "Now then as for leveling the field...I suppose I could. My name's Kaylee McAnnaly, also called Wild Card. And...I hope you don't mind...but I like to greet everyone I meet with a kiss..." With a motion as fluid as water and quick as lightning, Kaylee had drawn one of her makarovs and held it pointed directly at her enemy's face. "So pucker up, will ya hun? I hope you don't mind if they get a little sloppy...I haven't taught my babies here how to kiss clean yet."

She didn't fire quite yet, intending instead to learn more of the operations on this planet, and why they'd been moved here. The gun would be noisy and would leave her deaf for a week if she fired it that close to her ear, she wasn't that stupid. When she finally did dispatch the little nuisance, it would be with one of her knives, quick and quiet, just like the rest of her mission. But for interrogational purposes, a gun was so much more effectve sometimes...

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:06 am
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I took in her words with a bit of a chuckle snapping my fingers as her gun was pointed into my face. Apparently the ADD didn't know much about my species even though we technically hailed from the same planet. I decided after awhile of listening her pratle on with her ego trip I myself would have one of my own.

"Alright Wild Card, Listen up... ripping me limb from limb; doesn't do too much good...
I changed my tone of voice to be a perfect duplicate of her own while she had been acting tough... I was no longer actually on her shoulder, I was a floating torso juggling my legs and head all whilst I spoke, a rather impossible seeming feat to a completely corporeal creature at least. I allowed my head to slip back onto my shoulders with a hefty sigh now before I continued.

"Point two, your clothes not much of a consequence..."
I snapped my fingers four times, her stealthsuit cycled from a coctail waitress' dress to a jedi padawan uniform, to nothing but her bra and panties and then to a completely repaired ADD stealth suit... though slightly tighter than the first to better accentuate her figure.

"point three, I find it funny you think I'll actually let you leave; I like how you look and was offered one personal slave... I plan to make you that slave so I really doubt you'll be reporting to anyone."
I was delightfully direct with this one as I lightly licked her neck; my tongue felt like a hot stovetop leaving a smalll blister where it touched.
I looked at her gun shaking my head slightly at it.

I touched the gun parrel and twisted it off of the rest tossing it up slightly before snapping my fingers repairing the gun now.
"Doubt it'll do shit against me other than maybe hurt a bit. I don't know too much about this place anyway; it's one of the lessertraining facilities where we train people like ark there who don't know what they're doing... unfortunately it's my duty to answer any call one of these places makesabout trouble; an ADD captain wasn't supposed to have been sent here you see... so I had to come and deal with her.I'm sure you saw what happened. So do what you want and we'll see what happens."

Ariana Quetzat; Arachnus Alliance Head of Slave Preparation & resident bisexual Ifrit of shokushu

Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:53 am
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Kaylee watched as Quetzal tore herself apart, juggling various pieces of herself here and there. Figures she'd have these kinds of tricks up her sleeve. Kaylee continued to watch without an expression, enduring the sudden changes her clothing went through with only the mildest hints of irritation. She managed to keep her face stony, though she did jerk slightly, when Ariana licked her neck, leaving a slight burn on the pale skin there. She listened to the final reason why she doubted she'd be free to go as her gun was twisted up, junked, and then tossed into the air and fixed. She reached out quite calmly and caught the weapon as it fell back, pointing it once more at the djinn on her shoulder. "Okay. Fair enough. So you've got some hella crazy then, lemme tell you a few things. One..." She looked around. "As far as I can see, I'm still as free as when I came in here, despite the fact that you've managed to sneak up on me, meaning that either you can't, for some reason, do anything to me...or you just won't. Either way, it's to my advantage."

" you really think that any one of your little shadowboys could get to me before I put them down and out? I don't think so. Escaping them is easier than anything I've ever done in my life, I'll wager, and I doubt the slaves are gonna be all that enthusiastic about coming after an armed woman. So, to explain how, exactly, you plan on keeping me here? I'd love to know that little tidbit." She smirked at the djinn, brushing her off her shoulder and keeping her weapon trained on her.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:30 am
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"Simple answer you don't have a ship to escape on anymore... complected answer, I tore it apart smelted it and fed the smelt to a black hole. of course you could... WISH I hadn't done that and wouldn't be able to do it again... in which case you'd have some form of escape."

My impish grin reached from ear to ear looking down at the shadow minions shrugging lightly before I threw a bit of blue flames towards them; they cringed and melted into odd gelatinous puddles I just laughed at them shaking my head three women walked onto the catwalk they looked to be ADD agents; could they have sent back up? Of course not. A second look at them would see soulless eyes expressionless faces and snow white skin they didn't even look alive.

"My lord asked me to create another breed of minion without using my abilities and using science... Took me awhile but, these are the prototype of what I like to call homunculi; Scientifically created life. Not perfect since I can't give them sentience or souls until they've been approved but, They do have twice the strength of a human and are quite accurate... do you like their clothes? I stole them from a few higher ranked agents before giving them their first tastes of training..."

I just laughed as I hopped off her shoulder taking my full size next to her before looking up at her snapping my fingers baring her completely before my eyes for a second then snapping them again returning her to her bra panties and stealth suit.

"Can't wait to rip those panties off you."

Ariana Quetzat; Arachnus Alliance Head of Slave Preparation & resident bisexual Ifrit of shokushu

Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:00 am
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Kaylee glared for a moment, her hands going flat, drawing near to the pistols holstered at her sides....then smiled and relaxed. Useless anyway. "So, no more Deuce, huh? Ah, well, I'll get another one made. It's been revamped enough that the ladies back at the headquarters know its specs top to bottom. no biggie." Of course, how she was supposed to get off the planet WAS something of a biggie, if she was. Still, there was something to what she'd touched something off in her mind....she couldn't quite remember. Something about the wishes...hardly mattered. She had to give at least three of them, Kaylee knew that much.

She turned and saw the soulless creatures standing before her, those that seemed to be agents like her. Just a glance told her they were off, and Ariana Quetzal herself told her why. "Humunculi, huh....cute. Something tells me that this should matter for some reason, but I can't seem to care...other than filing this away for future reports." She smiled at Ariana's next statement, and had the good grace to give a slight blush, raising her arms above her head in a languid stretch, letting the suit show off her curves. "Awww, don't tell me...haven't had any good candy in a while, so you're looking for something sweet?" With a sudden motion, she wheeled, lashing out with her right leg, a savage roundhouse that knocked one of the homunculi from the catwalk. A second kick, going the other direction, put a second one into the wall, and a knife to the chest of the third put it out of commission.

She turned back to the creature, her features cold and hard as steel and growled softly. "You'll find I'm not quite as sweet as most think. Now then. About those wishes you keep about this? I wish my ship was back where it was, how it was, immune to your magic from this point to the end of time." She let her features go back to a wicked little smile. "And as for number about if I wish you'd kiss my ass as I go walking away?" She started off, calmly past the djinn, though her heart was beating fast and hard, from fear and from the rush of battle. She strode on past, not really expecting the djinn to follow the second wish, but not really caring either way. She had nothing left to do with the witch.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:40 am
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she had such a fiery mouth;I liked it so much as she began to leave. I snapped my fingers and her ship returned to it's place though I can't say I didn't change the area around it; it was now surrounded by molten steel it could handle the head though the agent I doubted could. Her second wish was soon granted though she didn't say she wanted to be standing as I did it. The metal of the rafters grabbed her arms and legs before pulling her onto her stomach.

"As you wish it my dear... though I can't reach your skin from through these clothes..."
I grabbed the seat of her stealth suit and deftly tore it off revealing her panties; I enjoyed staring at them for a time before kneeling and snapping my fingers once more, the panties liquefied and fell away. I looked with a smile over her exposed bottom and the very edge of her sex. I couldn't help but quiver with joy. I licked her cheek slightly leaving a nice red line before I finally kisses the cheek softly. a final snap of my fingers and her bottom was again covered the binds gone.

"That's two wishes granted... What would be your final wish dear I'll be more than happy to fuck your will away once you've made it."

Ariana Quetzat; Arachnus Alliance Head of Slave Preparation & resident bisexual Ifrit of shokushu

Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:36 am
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