Shokushu High School

BBCode Request
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Author:  Ike Haw [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  BBCode Request

I was wondering if we could add a spoiler or hide type tag to the board. The reason I ask is that I have a lot of information crammed into a single post for a character, and some of that information is not relevant to the actual character, or is just things that can be read at some other point. Just an explanation of what the code actually does. Think of the quote and code tags, but the tag is able to be condensed, so the text inside the tag isn't visible. When a person wants to read the text the item is clicked on and the box expands to display the text, so that it can be read. Tag is normally used when hidden things like spoilers to shows, movies, book etc. It can also be used to hide information that is not needed, but at the same time required in the profile to explain things. One example is a list of items a student, or creature might use in a scene or own and the effects of said items.

Author:  Madison [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BBCode Request

It'll be considered. No guarantees though. >_>

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