Shokushu High School

SFA and Lab Questions.
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Author:  Ike Haw [ Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  SFA and Lab Questions.

I've been working on something and question have been coming up about certain aspects of the design. In general about SFA's and the Labs.

[quote=SFA character listing description]SFA's are alien characters but enough like humans to be considered sexy by the average male (and of course, the average monster). They are female ONLY and may be ADD agents or available victims in Deep Space scenes. Not at the school.[/quote]

1. The portion about not at the school is a bit unclear to me. Does it mean SFA's are not allowed on the campus grounds, or does it mean they are not allowed to be victims when visiting the university ?

2. If SFA are allowed on the campus grounds are they considered to be a monster of SFA ?

3. If the labs make a student more then human are they allowed to sell the student to a third party, and pay a fee of lost merchandise to the university?

I think that's all my questions for now.

Author:  Bala [ Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SFA and Lab Questions.

Ike Haw wrote:
1. The portion about not at the school is a bit unclear to me. Does it mean SFA's are not allowed on the campus grounds, or does it mean they are not allowed to be victims when visiting the university?
SFAs are only allowed in the "In Character Roleplay - In Space" or "Antares Base" forums. If the thread doesn't fall into one of those, SFAs and ADD agents are not allowed.

2. If SFA are allowed on the campus grounds are they considered to be a monster of SFA?
Monster. SFA are not allowed on campus grounds. Only students and monsters are allowed on campus. A few, a very few, players have made SFA characters who double as monsters. When on campus grounds, these characters must behave as monsters.

3. If the labs make a student more then human are they allowed to sell the student to a third party, and pay a fee of lost merchandise to the university?
However the student's player wants to "retire" a student should be fine. Unless an admin says otherwise.

Hope this was helpful.

Author:  Madison [ Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SFA and Lab Questions.

Techically, they're not allowed to make a student "More then human." There have been exceptions yes, but only with admin permission.

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