Andramica: Memory Datalog 0001
Accessing memory log. Data found. Loading memory of past events. Stand by.
In Space
Innocence is a Matter of Perspective - Index 2795. Subject "Nail" responded to sent distress signal. Andramica examines Nail's actions as the agent is manipulated into trying to stop the sexually interested Hibernator. [Data incomplete]
Overtime - Index 2874. Subject "Celine" had infiltrated the Seavay pirates. A shipment of weapons which she had installed tracking-devises in were mysteriously stolen. As the devises were still operable, Celine decided to track the signal. [Data incomplete]
On School
Examination in Progress - Index 2821. Subject "Anemone" called to empty classroom for examination on female body. [Data incomplete]
Queer Studies - Index 2856. Subject "Christina" (Chris) recorded attraction to same sex. Andramica sends letter for attempted attraction to do research on sexual actions between same sexes. Ambush and rape by Hibernator planned for later stages. [Data incomplete]
Unforeseen Circumstances - Index 2866. Subject "Lilian" (Lily) saw through Andramica's disguise by use of mechanical sound eminating from the android. Andramica takes appropriate defensive measures. []
Hero to Victim - Index 2869. Subject "Rosalie" confirmed to possess sensory hypnosis. Potential use of powers confirmed. Further examination determined necessary. [Data incomplete]