CompletedOngoingDormant. No activity in over a month. I'm always willing to restart a dormant thread.
False start. As above, but only managed a couple of rounds of posting before going dormant.
Dead. I'll only use this if there's no chance of a story continuing.
False start, dead. Combination of the two above.
Freshman year:Hunger: Ginger had expected to find unusual plants in the island's forest, but not anything even remotely like Birch.
Into the Woods: An unusual black rosebush attracts Ginger's attention while she explores the forest. Of course, some of the island's guests can change shape to disguise themselves…
Tramp Stamping: Ginger had missed the first major hike with the Tramps, and she wasn't going to miss the second. However, something else had its eye on her, Bria, and Yukari.
On the Road Less Travelled: Another trip into the forest leads to another encounter with one of the island's guests. Raktar 263 is a lot rougher than Birch, Cangelosi, or Prototype 2, though.
Salvation: Immediately after recovering from Raktar 263's attack, Ginger heads for the relative safety of Birch's garden. Unfortunately, he's been putting off feeding a bit too long, so the initial reunion doesn't go how she'd hoped.
Tramps and Goddesses, Oh My!: Ginger was mainly hoping that the Tramps' party would give her a chance to talk to Bria and see if there was a chance of a relationship without unwanted interruptions. What happened was so much more...