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 Biology (Haruma) 
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Post Biology (Haruma)
Kanoe lets out a long sigh as she leans back in her chair. The young witch was dressed in a school uniform but with the colors black and red instead of the standard Shokushu colors. The voice of the teacher was a low droning sound in her head. It was not that the class was uninteresting. But, she was neither in the mood nor the right state of mind to listen and learn about Biology. She was focused on her own studies. Biology was not going to save her body and her mind from the monsters of the island. Only one thing will save her and that was power. Her lover Clarice was no doubt continuing her own studies. She was not going to fall behind either. Both of them shall be strong in hopes of holding back the lustful monsters of the island. That was her intention anyway.

Long nights of studying were taking their toll though. She could already feel her head nodding as she struggles to remain awake. The teacher's voice seemed to be going further and further away. Why was she bothering to stay awake for this? Normal animals mean nothing to a woman who will be summoning demons of hell. Only thing she ever used animals for was for ritual sacrifices for her many failed incantations. Slowly her arms fold over her desk as she lets her head come to rest on top. Kanoe's eyes drift close as she lets sleep take her, stray strands of black hair falling infront of her face. There was nothing to worry about. She was passing this class anyway.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:27 am
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Most classes are filled with lectures un meaningful to the subject. Some teachers even go through rabbit holes and completely take the student's minds away from actually learning anything. Then there were those ones who just gave 'busy work'. As if they really didn't wish to be here, very few teachers just give out assignments and make the students learn on their own or fail. But Haruma was different then any of them. She was proud teacher who enjoyed All the girls in the classroom momentarily were passing her class with flying colors. After spending such little time with them she learned quickly humans responded to a humourous attitude. Of course there were students in her classroom that would rather catch up on some sleep then learn about animals. But she could only hope to have a student do that...

"-the animal kingdom holds many characteristics that seem all to familiar with us females. Who here is a cat person? Hmm? One.two.five? Though I'm not myself, they exhibit the most fascinating lifestyles that we all can relate to. Lions for example. Some of you may think it’s the job of the males that are in family groups are the one to hunt, kill, and bring food back while females are merely there for reproduction, but with these cats its far from it. The lioness or a group of lioness' are the ones as some of your mothers call 'bringing home the bacon'-" she quickly stops to let a few giggles run their course before continuing, "-and what do males do precisely? They sleep...much like 'couch potatoes'. Hmmhmm. Their only job is to protect the territory from other males. Do any of these facts sound familiar?"

"Sounds like my dad when he lays on the couch!"

"Yes yes. But it’s a simple fact and a life lesson we can learn from them all. Without females...males would have a shorter life span. Why? Because they don't have anyone to care for them..."

Her 'lecture' was supposed to be very entertaining. Her voice was soft and calm, a very dry sense of humor would be the best few terms. She paces back and forth casually as she explains more of cats and their independent cousins. Hair bounces behind her as she uses hands for meaning.

It was when she turns to pace back her eyes fall on a certain girl she saw just before she nodded off completely. What a blissful moment to have a reason. But really, even with her enthusiastic tone the girl manages to fall asleep? Was the girl tired from studying? or could it be she has been kept up by other distractions? Surely these monsters on the island beside herself would keep a time schedule to let these creatures rest before impaling them once more. Oh well, it would appear she would have to thank whatever the reason was.

"...class shall be cut five minutes early. But I would like to ask you to leave quietly. it appears one of your classmates has taken an early snooze."

For her respectfulness towards the other students, they obeyed and left quietly to the halls. Once every wake girl left, she walks softly to the door and shuts it. But she does not lock it as she turns towards the sleeping girl. her outfit was designed to show defiance for the school's dresscode. It was a pity her slender legs were concealed by fabric that must match her attitude. her darker hair lay resting at her sides and to her back, concealing what would be a treasure of smooth skin beneath it. She was of course looking forward to spending quality time with the woman now that she had sized her up from view. It was not much of a surprise that such a beatiful woman would have dark thoughts, well maybe not to someone like herself who could peer into her mind. Softer then ever she walks to the girl as her soft breathing becomes the only thing of noise in the room. She quietly pulls a chair to the front of her desk and sits down to watch the woman. The desks were designed more like working lab tables that could easily fit four on opposite sides. Had it not been for her own clothes she would appear to be a student as well. She doesn't bother waking the woman. if she need sleep then why deny her rest? She would certainly need it once she was through with this dark girl.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:01 am
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The dark witch only fell into a deeper slumber as the class quietly files out into the halls. No dreams invaded her mind as her body recovers for being awake so long. Her body was still slightly tense, as if her guard was up. But, the young student was clueless of the woman that was now sitting across from her. Kanoe's breathing was soft and very faint. She needed this rest though it was going to be short one way or another. Soon class will be over and the sound of the bell will break this woman from her slumber.

The bell nearly did not wake Kanoe when it finally rung. Her darkness was momentarly ended by a flash of light in sync with the ringing bell. The witch took in and lets out a long deep breath. She stirs slowly, shaking her head against her arms as she pulls herself from the wonderful sleep she was having. Perhaps she should skip the next class and catch up on her rest. Her eyes flutter briefly before opening to a sight she should have guessed would happen. The witch sighs softly as she sits up slowly from the lab table. This was the first time seeing this teacher up close. Actually, she remembers her biology teacher being someone else until recently. The fact this woman actually sat and waited on her negates the thought of this just being a substitute. Seems she won't be attending the next class afterall for a different reason. Despite being caught red handed, Kanoe was rather calm about it. No point in trying to argue it, she did break the rules. Might as well get on with it...

"Should I bother asking why you were waiting for me to wake up?" Kanoe asks softly.

The witch brushes the stray strands of hair back behind her ear and away from her face. She was unsure how up to date this new teacher was. Perhaps the woman already has seen her record which was slowly but gradually growing. But, it did not matter to her. She will follow the punishment if it means not going to the basement she has heard so many rumors about.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:32 am
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She remains silent, hardly blinking as the five minute roll by rather quickly. She knew good and well the woman would was going to have her guard up completely at being alone with someone she hardly recognized besides being her teacher. Though fairly knew, she was well aware of Kanoe's records. But in plain and simple fact-she didn't exactly care what she had done to anger the staff. Of course any monster would much or more care so less about a record then to just jump into the woman's skirt. But she would bide her time slowly. There was no rush and so much fun to be had.

Her face gave no signs of her hidden plans for the student as she still sits still and quiet, having her hand prop up her head as she waits for the woman to fully awake and register her presence was so close. She loved this job and everything that came with it. Being a teacher gave her such a delectable view of her soon to be prey and they seemed so oblivious to it all. Such power she felt for being so hidden from suspicion. She craved for dominance, and soon this girl would understand just how dominant she would be.

"Well, its not my responsibility to wake you up if you fall asleep during class, wouldn't you agree?" she asks softly, her inhumanly calm voice was sent to make no sarcasm or any other aggravating tones. She gives a soft breath as she sits up more formally. She gives a sympathetic smile as she stands. This woman needed some kindness towards before being attacked.

"I would like to ask you to take a sort’ve field trip with me," she says simply and begins walking to the door with a small devilish smile on her face, "By the way Miss Kanoe. If you come along nicely, there will be no slip for sleeping in class. Think of this as skipping your next class even...come along," she says of course softly as she opens the door to let the girl out first. The bait for not being written up would be to good to pass up. She knew the system's punishment for sleeping in class and with her record, this short fused woman would gladly take it.

Little did this dark one know, the monster before her was reading through every trace of her mind. She was a witch, she's had many rapes, and she even has a lover. It was rather funny about her lover, but there would be time to push the subject the subject on her later. She was certainly going to enjoy toying with this woman's mind and body. If there was anything any student would find horrifying about the she-wolf...she savored her time. She could hardly wait to see what this dark witch would taste like. It made her shiver inside in anticipation. She too brushes her hair from her shoulder and waits 'patiently' for her prey to follow.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:09 am
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Kanoe gazes at the teacher. This was a different. Most instructors she had to deal with were usually annoyed and rather angry. But, this woman was completely calm as if nothing has happened. Guess she should not be surprised, the woman did not appear to be the sort to be angered by trivial things. In fact this woman was almost serene. That did little to calm her nerves as she learned quickly what the calmer teachers are capable of...though that particular project she had to do ended up quite pleasant. The woman had long white hair, almost silver. Seems the school hires either old perverted men or rather attractive women. It's a wonder how this school is never inspected or investigated further.

"Never asked to be woken up," She replies, "Seems I do not have much of a choice. Where are we going and for what reason?"

The witch rises to her feet. Her hands tug and straighten out her skirt before she grabs her book bag. She was already pushing her luck with her numerous uniform violations. In most cases, that can be enough for the staff to put forth much more convincing punishments to a student. At her rate, the basement was looking very clear within her four years here on the island, assuming she lasts even that long. But this offer makes her nervous, most things involving the school usually does. She will be following this woman alone, a member of Shokushu's staff. With so many mysteries and unanswered questions, she had no reason to trust this woman. She never really trusts anyone besides her lover Clarice and the light witch Aleace.

She will just have to be prepared for anything, if that were even possible in such a place. Kanoe sighs softly as she walks over to the teacher and waits to be led on this...field trip.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:45 pm
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She clears throat, but not in the sense to quiet the student. It was more of actually clearing her throat as her student walks a few step infront. Without any hesitation, she suddenly grabs what appears to be a some sort’ve lunch box before walking out as well. She calmly shuts the door behind her and locks it. It was her free period anyways. She was slightly surprised the student was so quick to judge. She didn't trust her but this was only the beginning. If she already trusted her it would ruin the fun of crushing it beneath her. This woman thought she was prepared for anything she might do, how she would desire to eat that away while she's eating Miss Kanoe up. Of course it was different sense of being 'eaten'. She already smiles inwardly at hearing the thought about her attractive and yet she made it sound so casual. She flicks hair behind her shoulder once more with a flick of her head as she begins to step along.

"Did I ever say you asked me? You merely asked a question and I answered. You certainly have a way to put a rather large wall between us, Miss Kanoe. I'm your teacher and nothing more...but since I show you with respect I would like the same in return if you don't mind."

She didn't think she asked to much when she spoke. She casually walks forward infront to allow the student behind her to follow. They were already exiting the school and heading towards the forest. Of course she wouldn't make it at all obvious what she was up to...

"You missed some part of my lecture. I find it suitable that you should at least learn something before the day is done. Don't worry, we'll take a small break so you can rest up more. I won't have any of my students tired before their class. Now then..." she speaks softly as little words as she could before finding a randomly pointed out tree and lays her hand to it long body, "Tell me Miss Kanoe, what is so special about trees? How do they affect the animal kingdom?" she asks nicely and turns her head with what appeared to be a warm smile. She didn't appear harmful...but anyone with information knew she was far from it. She makes sure to steal small glances at the other woman's body, trying to find a weak spot. her uniform was obviously going to have to be removed in order to even see any weak spots let alone feel for any. This dark witch had no idea what she was in for...and it will be kept that way till she strikes.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:26 pm
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"Fair enough.." Kanoe responds.

True, she did have a large wall up. But, not between her and this teacher. It was more between herself and everyone else in the world. Only a few select people have been close to Kanoe. She intends to keep it that way though such a task is trying as more and more monsters continue to chip away at her defenses. What kindness she has seen was due to ignorance or a darker intention. Perhaps this woman did not know she was a witch, a practitioner of the dark arts of magic and ritual. She shouldn't know that she is one, only time she channels is with Aleace and Clarice and whenever she is attacked by monsters. Whenever she is attacked by just sounds like she is being targeted or attracting them when one says it like that. Kanoe looks at the lunchbox the teacher was carrying as she locks the door. Where ever they were going, it was far from here. Her eyes blink as they adjust to the sunlight. It was still mid day, everyone else is already at their next class by now.

The dark witch follows the woman towards the edge of the forest. She was more than hesitant about entering the forest. But, it was still daytime and she was not entirely alone. Though being with a complete stranger was less than reassuring. Tch, lets just get this over with so she can get away from here. The young student continues to follow the teacher into the woods. Near the school, it was not all that spooky as it was the time she went out on Halloween's night. Rays of sunlight pierce through gaps in the canopy of trees that were above them. She sighs softly, at least it was peaceful out here.

She listens to the woman explain what her intentions were. It was a bit odd to her for a teacher to go so far out of the way for just one student. Most teachers would care less, they get paid as long as most of the class passes anyway. But, that was not all of it. It seemed like the teacher was showing concern for her lack of rest. The act of friendlyness was a bit of a shock, much like meeting Aleace and Clarice for the first time. Giving such kindness to a stranger was unheard of and rather foreign to the young witch. It made her want to withdraw further behind her mental walls like a cautious animal trying to be baited out.

Her own thoughts nearly distracted her from the question that was directed at her. Kanoe tends to rather well in most of her classes simply by reading the textbooks and learning what she wished on her own. She was no biology master but she did know some things about nature and balance. It was not something she delved too deep into as magic tends to bend and break such balances.

"Through many methods trees give life to other living creatures," She says softly, "Animals use trees for food and some use it for shelter. Such animals then attract other predators that feast on the weaker prey. They provide clean air for those around it and the dead help provide sustenance for new plants to grow."

Kanoe spoke nonchalantly as she recites what she can remember about vegetation and animals. She was not sure what to think of this woman. The teacher has yet to even grow angry or even annoyed with her. Well perhaps if her answers are satisfactory, she will get to go back to her dorm.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:09 pm
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"Very good. It seems I have underestimated your intelligence. Not that I doubted you weren't smart. Hmm?" she says, peering over to some bushes. She turns to the bushes and seems to give a wary eye. It would appear she heard something as she nears the brush.

"You'll have to excuse me Miss Kanoe. I believe I heard something," she says softly, nearing the bush. She seems to stand quietly and listen for whatever it was she heard. She narrows her eyes and pushes the bushes away to step behind them. As she pushes through the brush her form disappears behind them. The rustling of her movements still shake the bush as she tries to find whatever made the sound to alarm her. Kanoe may find it stupid of a teacher in the field of animal behavior to go towards rustling in the bush, but sometime people did stupid things. Then again she could be foiling some animal's attempt for a sneak attack on them. A sudden scream pierces through the trees as a horrid growling roar erupts after it.

"RRUUNN KANOE!!!" Haruma cries out as another horrid roar erupts along with a cry of what sounds to be pain. Seems whatever she heard was tearing at her, and it certainly didn't sound small in any sorts. Her cries die down and it appears the teacher is finished. No sound of sobs or anything, just a growing growling sound as bushes rustle closer and closer to Kanoe.

"Your mine little girl..." a low growling voice says as bushes the absolute closest to the dark witch begin to move. Must be a monster waiting to feast on another human. Kanoe may not want to know what happened to her teacher and just run like she had said. This certainly was something not of the animal kingdom, and it acted like it wanted to eat the dark witch as well.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:57 pm
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Kanoe frowns in annoyance at the remark. Underestimate her intelligence, what does this woman know anyway? She glares at the teacher only to blink in a slight confusion. Her instructor was looking out towards some bushes, no longer paying any attention to her. The witch was already tensing up before the woman spoke of hearing something in the bushes. Perhaps it was foolish to be all concerned about some rustling bushes but, it was not so simple here on this island. Wolves, bears, such creatures would actually bring a sigh of relief to the young student if that was all it was. But, the first thought that comes to mind was a monster that prefers the taste of women.

Her eyes widen as the instructor pushes into the brush and soon out of sight. Was the woman crazy? Perhaps not all of the school staff know about monsters. But even then it was a bit reckless to make such noise while approaching a wild animal. What was this woman doing?

The witch nearly jumps at the sound of her teacher's cries. Whatever it was, it was enough to freak the instructor out. She shudders slightly as she hears the sounds of tearing and clawing. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest as the cries faded, replaced by the growing sound of growls. Her mind screams at her body to move and it was more than willing to comply. Kanoe turns back towards the way they came, prepared to make a break for it. Suddenly a menacing voice growls out to her from just off to her side. The young mystic gasps and immediately jumps away from the bush that was rustling. The monster was already here.

"Leave me alone!" She calls out to the voice.

No way was she going to be taken like this. If this monster wants to come at her, she will give it more than it bargained for. Kanoe holds out an open palm as she began to chant softly. The words leaving her lips were of no common tongue but the language of magic and the arcane. The words seem to wisp and fill the area with her spidery words as her hair began to sway from an unseen breeze. Wisps of shadow and darkness began to thread out from all directions and swirl in the palm of her hand, forming into a swirling sphere. It was doubtful she can out run this beast now that it was already close to her. This witch was not going down without a fight.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:23 pm
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" think that your magic will save you? Why not try it. Go on, shoot it. Come on," it says once more, as if coaxing her to do her worst. It played with her by sneaking off to another side of the woman without making a sound and then pruposely shook the bushes to show her it was there and did so two more times.

"Perhaps you should heed your instructor's warnings. The woman was brave enough to make me miss my sneak attack so I could rape you both...pity how she ended up. She might've been a nice catch if I hadn't devoured her," it growls, seemingly aggravated that her teacher had done such a deed. The sound of its voice grew deeper as appeared ready to come out and feast on the woman if she soon didn't even try to run. It already had its fill it seemed to make by its growling stomach, but it was more then willing to stash more meat for later was what anone would think if it still attacked. It laughs fervently as it gives a most ear-piercing howl as if to scare the poor woman to run.

"Maybe I should rape you and let you see the remains of your instructor while I do. Then I'll just merely tear each one of your limbs off one by one...starting with that hand your forming magic in..."

Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:36 pm
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Kanoe shivers as the swirling threads thicken until it was nothing but a inky black orb. Even with the island's dampening field, her spells tend to pack a punch against monsters though most tend to recover quickly. A pity she was not aware her magic was being suppressed. The young student appears to be ignoring the taunting voice of the hidden monster. She can't let herself be goaded into a reckless attack. Her mana and body will not be able to take the strain of too many spells in succession.

Running was of course the first thought in her head. Too many times has she seen monsters take a direct hit from her spells only to absorb most of the damage or even ignore it completely. The idea of fleeing was nulled the moment the creature began rustling the bushes before her. The beast could be similar to an animal and is more than likely extremely agile and quick.

The globe of darkness wavers as her eyes widen in shock. The voice and rustling were now coming from beside her again. Now behind her..there will be no way she will out run it with just a sprint. Kanoe focuses once more, regaining control of the thick threads of darkness condensed in the orb. This was one spell she did not want to release too early or worse backfire completely. A shiver runs down her spine as the sound of it's howl pierces into her being. Her heart skipped a few beats as her legs quiver for a moment. No, she can't let it scare her. This was not the first monster that has attacked nor will it be her last.

With the beast's final threat, Kanoe swipes her arm out towards the direction the sound came from. The bolt of darkness shoots from her palm and straight into the bushes. Once it impacts something solid, the threads will unravel causing the orb to burst outwards in a blast of concussive force and a bone chilling cold. The witch did not watch to see if she connected with the monster as she turns down the path and makes a break for it. Pain shoots through her arm, numbing it briefly. She still lacked much control of her power which was reminded to her through the throbbing pain in her hand. But, there was no time to tend to it. She will just run it off as she flees back towards the edge of the woods.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:38 pm
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It impacts something, and to be sure the monster's loud cry made it sound convincing that it hit. Surely the woman could get away with a monster taking a direct hit from this blast shouldn't she? No sounds follow her, but the faintest whisper of growls from behind her where she had thrown her ball of magic. It didn't appear it would follow her...but oh the sad pity of it all. Without making any sound whatsoever, the creature easily caught up to the woman before she would make a turn to the outer part of the forest. The irony of it all would soon plow the dark witch in mind and body as the horrid beast's plan takes action.

The thrill of it all to make this woman squirm and beg for mercy. It was tantalizing to the creature's senses. Soon the woman will be trapped in its grasp and the real fun would begin. But it tries not to get ahead of itself. there was still the ploy at the beginning. if it didn't workout it would be a dull thing both the monster and the student would go through. Vines and trees seem to come alive after that thought. They move...without much will to block the path she had come from to confuse her even more. As the plant life settled, it would appear to be dead end and no chance of escape for her.

It was now or never. Bushes infront shook and from probably shock Kanoe would receive it was her instructor. Haruma limped out onto the path with seemingly weak struggles as she holds her arm. She gives the woman running towards her soft groan before falling down limply onto the path. Her clothes were torn in places while other parts were missing completely. Her hair was a mess, leaves and twigs stuck snugly into it from an obvious defensive fight she tried on the creature. She looked to have fainted before she fell to the ground hard and in plain sight for her student to see. Should Kanoe stop and help the woman? Or was it bait from the monster back in the forest? Whatever the reason was she would have to act quickly as she neared the fallen woman.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:03 pm
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A long braid of raven black hair trails behind the young woman as she makes a break for it. From the sound of brush and bark breaking apart and the sharp cry the creature made, perhaps her spell connected. She heard the growls growing fainter as she runs down the path. It was not over though, the beast was still alive that much is known. It shouldn't be too much further till she finds her way out of here. Then from there she can make a break for either the school or her dorm, though neither of those places have been proven safe either.

Kanoe gasps suddenly as the bushes ahead of her shook. The witch skids to a stop as her palm opens to prepare another spell. She winces in pain as her hand shivers. The last spell had more force than she usually puts in a spell and she was paying for it. Her bolts have a tendency to rebound some of the force of the blast back into her hand. A sort of every action has a reaction sort of thing. Her hand opens and closes shakily as she grits her teeth, trying to get through the pain.

It did not seem necessary though as Ms. Haruma limps out onto the trail. How did she get ahead of her? Did the woman make a break for it when the beast went after her? That little fact did not settle well in her head but then again...she would have done the same thing. Her life is more important than a strangers life afterall. Kanoe runs up to the woman as she slumps onto the ground. There was no sounds following her, she had some time still. She gently wraps her arms around the woman and manages to lift her up onto shaking legs.

"H-Hey," She calls out to her, "Tch, wake up! You don't have time to rest..."

The witch grits her teeth as she tries to walk the woman with her. If necessary, she will not think twice about discarding the woman. But for now, they were both safe and should be out of the forest soon.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:25 pm
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Haruma coughs gently as she peers to Kanoe with weary eyes. Her legs shake beneath her as she tries to stand, at least she understood logic when it was said. She should've known the woman would 'try' to help her in need. How foolish it was, but it was as if the trap was set and match. Her shaky hand lifts up to point in the direction kanoe was about to turn as if trying to tell her something.

"Y-Your...g-going the wrong a dead end..." she manages to say and coughs once more, covering her mouth as she finally gets a stand for herself as she turns to the blocked path. Her breathing is ragged as she still holds her arm as if it were hurt or bleeding. The faintest scent of burnt flesh made the woman turn back and stare at the younger girl's palm.

"Your hand is hurt...what-what on earth happened to your hand?" she asks, sounding concerned as possible as she reaches for the studen't arm and pulls it up with her shaky one to examine the damage. She winces as burn looked very serious. She turns her head this way and that before pointing to a tree trunk with a large hole at the base.

"We have no-no chance of going the other way when that monster is back there...I think we should hide it out Mi-miss Kanoe..." her hoarse voice emits. It was large enough to fit two girls in it and that seemed like the best idea, well atleast when Haruma began to probe the woman's mind into her will. She made the plan seem reassuring to hide, that nothing would get them while they were safely tucked away in the hulk of a tree. With adrenaline pumping through the studen't body she was more then ready as the actual beast began to leak small scents of her pheromones towards the woman. It was the perfect time to really confuse her and send her that any suggestion would sound good if her body was going weird. All was going according to plan. Just her plan working out so well was making her shiver inside and out. Thankfully it would only appear to be enrves when she shivered which added more to the act she was playing.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:04 pm
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Haruma coughs gently as she peers to Kanoe with weary eyes. Her legs shake beneath her as she tries to stand, at least she understood logic when it was said. She should've known the woman would 'try' to help her in need. How foolish it was, but it was as if the trap was set and match. Her shaky hand lifts up to point in the direction kanoe was about to turn as if trying to tell her something.

"Y-Your...g-going the wrong a dead end..." she manages to say and coughs once more, covering her mouth as she finally gets a stand for herself as she turns to the blocked path. Her breathing is ragged as she still holds her arm as if it were hurt or bleeding. The faintest scent of burnt flesh made the woman turn back and stare at the younger girl's palm.

"Your hand is hurt...what-what on earth happened to your hand?" she asks, sounding concerned as possible as she reaches for the students arm and pulls it up with her shaky one to examine the damage. She winces as burn looked very serious. She turns her head this way and that before pointing to a tree trunk with a large hole at the base.

"We have no-no chance of going the other way when that monster is back there...I think we should hide it out Mi-miss Kanoe..." her hoarse voice emits. It was large enough to fit two girls in it and that seemed like the best idea, well at least when Haruma began to probe the woman's mind into her will. She made the plan seem reassuring to hide, that nothing would get them while they were safely tucked away in the hulk of a tree. With adrenaline pumping through the students body she was more then ready as the actual beast began to leak small scents of her pheromones towards the woman. It was the perfect time to really confuse her and send her that any suggestion would sound good if her body was going weird. All was going according to plan. Just her plan working out so well was making her shiver inside and out. Thankfully it would only appear to be nerves when she shivered which added more to the act she was playing.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:05 pm
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