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 Necessary Roughness (Karen Hinase) 
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Joined: Sun May 06, 2007 1:23 am
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Post Necessary Roughness (Karen Hinase)
It was another beautiful day on the island. As far as the eye could see, the deep blue sky was unbroken by even a single cloud. Sunlight beamed down on the tropical paradise the students called "campus". Throughout the school grounds, laughter rang out as students lounged in the noonday sun. At the beach, the waves glistened and crashed while students played in the cool water before running across the hot sand. In the forest, rays of sun filtered through the leaves, softly rustling in the midday breeze.

High above a secluded forest clearing, Saur lounged, half dozing, against the trunk of a large tree. Eyes half closed, he listened to the far off sounds of laughter under the whispering rustle of the forest. Briefly, he debated heading to the beach in search of a lone student but he discarded the idea. This was far too beautiful of a day to spend skulking around in the shadows. No, he decided, today was a day of relaxation, a welcome vacation from the flurry of activity his life had been recently.

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:18 am
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Post seeking peace of mind
Karen was walking into the woods at a firm pace, her normally cheerful expression clouded, taking a pace that expressed the importance of her purpose in the forest this day.

A gym bag bounced against her leg as she made a steady pace, stopping finally as she found just the type of place she wanted; an open and wide clearing, light streaming down from the treetops that rustled in the wind, empty and peaceful.

She walked into the middle of the clearing, eyes closing, and stood there for a few minutes. Finally, her heart calming and worry fading, she unzipped the bag. Pulling out a small stereo, she set some fast-paced rhythmic music on, turning the sound low, and wrapped her hands in thick cloth to protect herself.

She began warm-up stretching and aerobics, getting her heart beating and stretching to get herself more limber. She didn't want to start her real training while such dark thoughts and feelings were tainting her mind. She didn't want to taint her martial arts and motivations with the anger and frustration she was trying to work out of her. She was disturbed and frightened, and didn't want to admit it.

So she found peace in the one thing that she enjoyed the most. Martial arts. She began to smile a bit as she finished, relaxing a little before she went over to a thick tree. She actually put her hands together and bowed lightly to it, knowing it was going to take quite a beating, and held up her cloth-covered fists, striking it to start herself off and letting out a resounding 'KIAI'!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:01 am

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Posts: 371
He heard her coming long before she walked into the clearing, the thumping of her gym bag giving her away before she came into sight. Still lethargic in the sun, he never even opened his eyes as he tuned her out. And had she passed by, she would have gone on oblivious to the nearby danger.

But she didn't pass by. As luck would have it, she also had plans for the secluded clearing. One eye half opened as she rummaged in her bag, revealing a deep blue pupil cut vertically by a thin black slitted iris. He sighed softly as a low fast-paced beat filled the previously serene forest. Sighing, he muttered to himself, complaining about humans and their intrusiveness. Rolling over, he stared down at the intruder to his personal paradise.
"So many beautiful students, so little appreciation of beauty," he mumbled, shaking his head quietly as he watched the student go through her stretches and warm-up exercises.

Content for the moment to simply observe, reptilian eyes watched the voluptuous young woman go through her practice. Her movements were practiced as she moved to the tree, a loud shout rang out as she punched the thick trunk.

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:40 am
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Post inner feelings
She grunted a bit as she struck it a few more times, nodding and opening and closing her fists a little, verifying the toughness of the wraps. She wasn't boxing or anything, but she wanted to toughen up her fists a little. And work free some stress. She forced down an angry snarl that was bubbling on her lips, striking the wood hard once, twice, thrice.

But she didn't want to risk hurting herself either. She went through another few strikes, then stepped back and rubbed her fingers delicately over the bark, nodding in satisfaction to herself.

Bouncing lightly on her toes, trying to keep up her heartbeat and improve her mood, she went back to the stereo. It was good and steady music if she wanted to hit something... but she grudgingly admitted she shouldn't for the moment. It wouldn't improve her mood much.

Turning it off, she walked back out onto the grass and stood out silently for a minute, eyes closed again.

Finally, she brought her hands to her sides, clenching her fists as she stepped to her left, spacing out her legs and bending her knees. Her elbows jutted back and her legs and hips settled into a 'horse stance'... turinng her left foot quickly, shifting her weight to the right, she snapped her arms up into position as she twisted her hips to enter a back stance, the start of her kata begun...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:50 am

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He watched curiously as she flung several practice punches at a nearby tree. Intrigued now, his previous laziness had all but disappeared as he crept, silent as a shadow, downward to the thicker lower branches. Cold, alien eyes watched her as she stepped away from the tree and moved to the center of the clearing.

Watching her settle into her kata, a wicked, toothy grin spread over his wide mouth as he got his first good look at the student. Long, thick black hair cascaded down her back as she moved from one form to another. Despite the intended calming effect of her fighting practice, a hint of anger registered on her exotic face, her almond eyes narrowed with each punch, her jaw set in determination. And her shirt couldn't hide an absolutely astonishing chest as her breasts bounced noticably with each punch and kick.
"This isn't such a bad interruption, after all," he thought quietly to himself as his perceptive eyes took in every inch of her unsuspecting body.

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:54 am
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Post she really could use one of those right now...
Today, she was clad in a tight white T-shirt that says 'Hell hath no fury like a woman with a sword!', and short light blue shorts, not any larger than cutoff jeans would be. It was a suitable outfit for her to work out in, and casual enough that she could go elsewhere if her mood didn't improve.

Finishing her first form, she brushed her hair behind her back, frowning a bit. Going back to her back, she dug out a scrunchie, gathering her hair and working it over. Turning it about, she puts her hair up into a ponytail, smiling a little in satisfaction.

Unaware of the eyes that were appraising her body so hungrily, she settled back into another kata, a quick one that involved a number of stomps, strikes, and shouts!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:06 am

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Posts: 371
Inviting as her body was, his vigilance served another purpose. Oblivious, the young woman moved around the clearing while he evaluated her, gauging her fighting skill as he decided what his next action would be. Soon, she finished her first routine and, after a brief break, moved into her second. Flowing from one attack to the other, she appeared skilled and capable. His smile widened as his blood flowed more rapidly through his veins. He was looking forward to a good fight and, talented though she might be, she was not the same calibre warrior as he.

Barely a whisper could be heard as he lowered himself to the grassy floor of the clearing, clearly in view of the student now.
"Very impressive, young one. But can you use those skills when it counts?" he asked, his deep voice carrying easily across the serene setting. Towering over her, his heavily muscled, black scaled body exuded danger as he confidently awaited her inevitable response.

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:23 am
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Post wow, he's tall. your tall...
She froze dead at the thing lowering before her. She had hoped what she had seen once before on this island was just horrid nightmare, even though she knew denying such a thing was impossible.

But here, she was out in broad daylight! She nearly swallowed her tongue, looking up... and up, at this reptilian thing that loomed over her, all the color leaving her face!

Ashen, she took half a step backwards, feeling very small indeed in front of the imposing creature. Something in her sparked, and she took another step back, eyes half-narrowing as she reached for her bag...

"E-excuse me...?" She managed to say, eyes locked on the thing and trying to look angry and tougher than she certainly felt...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:38 am

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Posts: 371
"I asked if you had the courage to use those skills you're practicing," he answered, "Or are you just another imposter, playing at being a warrior?" Looking directly back at her, he took a small step forward as she backed away, keeping their distance constant as he balanced lightly on the balls of his feet. Alert and cautious, he watched her every movement, ignoring her inviting form for the moment as he focused on watching her actions. He wondered briefly if she would fight him or if she would attempt to turn and flee. Either way, he had no doubt he would enjoy this little specimen soon.

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:48 am
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Post courage or pride?
His comment pricked her pride, more than a little. Face flushing, she reached into the bag and quickly drew the practice sword she had in there. A bokken, her only real means of defense, she raised it up between them and set herself in a steady stance.

She knew she couldn't win, she might not be able to even injure the massive creature... but she couldn't just run away, she just couldn't! It defied all reason...

Glaring at the thing, she spoke quietly. "Don't call me anything but..." She maintained the stony glare, though she was slowly forming a plan in her mind. It wasn't fancy, it certainly was risky, and may not work at all... but a big creature like this, if she hurt it enough, hit it hard enough on a sensitive point, she might force it to retreat. Big things like this wouldn't be used to being hurt, and might decide against risking himself further... she hoped.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:07 am

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His words clearly home as her face hardened even more, her cheeks reddening as she drew a weapon from her gym bag. A wooden practice sword, not as dangerous as a true sword but certainly still dangerous in the hands of a skilled opponent. Calmly, he stood silent as she glared at him, hands grasping the hilt of the wooden blade.

"We'll see, my little warrior," he finally responded. His eyes never left her as he gave the briefest of nods, a sign of respect in his warrior culture. "We will see." Crouching slightly, he began his advance on the resolute woman. His hands weaved back and forth before him, constantly moving, ready to move to offense or defense at a moment's notice. Sharp snaps filled the air as his tail lashed back and forth behind him. Onward he came, clawed hands and whip-like tail a blur of motion as he sought to confuse her defenses...

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:26 am
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Post desperate moves
She stared in horror as the thing moved with a sinuous and practiced motion, flowing with incredible speed and fluidity. Her limbs froze in fear for a precious moment, all the color draining from her face as she heard the violent and loud noise of it's snapping tail.

It was utterly hopeless, she knew right then. She was a lone girl standing in front of a stampede from the gates of hell itself.

{Move... move, move goddammit!} She mentally screamed, spurring herself to defend! As its claws danced and weaved, swaying like a serpent, she stepped forwards, bending her knee low, shrinking her frame.

She reduced the area it could come from as best as she could, then launched forwards with a long stride and a quick step! She was trying to force herself into it's reach, knowing she didn't stand a chance while in the possible strike zone of that wicked tail!

"DO!" She screamed at the top of her lungs! She stepped in close, using it's bulk as a shield against it's tail, and feinting for a blow to it's broad chest before bringing the bokken down towards it's left knee!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:55 pm

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Knowing he had the advantage in close and seeking to neutralize the reach advantage she gained from her weapon, he continued his advance as she moved to attack. Kneeling, she came in low, her sword slashing towards his chest before diving towards his knee. Stepping quickly forward, he spun to the side away, from her strike, his hand clamping down on her wrist as he strode quickly past her. The momentum of her attack carried her easily past him as he jerked hard on her wrist, unbalancing her before releasing her arm.

As she stumbled past, he turned back towards her as she stumbled and struggled to regain her balance.

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Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:09 am
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Post more cautiously now...
Karen yelps as she topples forwards, ducking into a roll instead of staggering for balance! She barely manages to hold onto her sword, glad for her two-handed grip, holding it against her stomach as she tried to bounce back to her feet. Spinning around, she held her sword up more cautiously.

{God, I can see how his tail and hands are so fast... but so much weight on his legs, and he's still so quick!} She began to shuffle back and to the side slowly, circling him, but slowly moving backwards as well.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:46 am

Joined: Sun May 06, 2007 1:23 am
Posts: 371
He smiled at her as she completed her roll and came back to her feet. He stood, his hands at the ready as he watched and waited for her next move. Seeing her circle to his side and slowly away, he walked towards her, his arms held loosely at his sides. As she moved, he matched her pace, keeping the distance between them constant as he followed.

"Very nice," he said as they circled each other. "It's been so long since I've had a good fight..."

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Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:26 am
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