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 Mountainridge Encounters (for Narissa) 
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Post Mountainridge Encounters (for Narissa)
His node had told him what he had needed to know as the sun loomed low in the horizon. His body brown to better blend in with the mountainous terrain, his maroon robes discarded to better blend in with the terrain. He knew she would come, his node obeyed his request as he channeled a portion of his telepathic gifting through his own node as he used it as a conduit as he implanted the suggestion for her to partake of a hike, not just that but buried deep in her subconscious he even selected a popular route for her to take while he himself traveled to the terrain in question.

While it wasn't often that his curiosity had been perked he had found himself somewhat intrigued. He had never before hunted a caramel skinned student so this would be a first for him, a rare first at that in all of the years that he had existed. Plus he had found himself leaning more towards the athletic type or those of the scholarly type.

The sun began to sink a bit the land becoming dimmer in illumination given that the sun was already hanging low in the sky and that the mountains had blocked off most of the light source aiding his sensitive, yet keen eyes as they cut through the gloom that had been provided.

This of course hadn't been terrain that he had often found himself in though he made due, stretched about the rocky earth as he gave this matter a little thought. Of course he hadn't thought the terrain would hinder him, his body presented on a rocky slope near some boulders that had been embedded into the earth.

Had he thought that the terrain would disadvantage him he would have picked a forest, river or beach to select from or just popped into her dorm room.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Last edited by Aegir 2 on Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:03 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
It had happened during the last period of her class. It had come upon her so suddenly and random, it sounded perfect with no flaw.

'I should go hiking today!'

Soon looking out of the window, her attention from the teacher beceme more and more divided with thoughts of "Which trail should I take," or "What should I bring with me?" The teacher she had once taken special attention to listen to with the topic of an upcoming exam became more of an inccestant distration with her upcoming plans.

Twiddling her caramel fingers together, black eyes dartig every which way, smoothening back already flattened indigo hair in her pony tail, it was easy for anyone to see she was already done with the class. A quick glance by the teacher towards the clock she, finally after infity, released the class. Having only needed one notebook for this class, Narissa's escape was speedy as her Shokushu skirt flapped around her.

"I can't believe after how long I've been here I havn't gone hiking once!" she muttered to herself, leaving the academic building to travel to her dorm. But even as she made distance, she couldn't keep her eyes off the moutain range in the distance, almost calling to her.

'I'll just change and get a bag of things I'll need.' Just the bare minnimum, a bag of a small snack in case she got hungry, a cell phone in case she needed help, and a first-adi kit in the events she hurt herself. Finally reaching her room, she pulled out her keys from inside her shirt, reaching into the bra and plucking the naughty brass that had slipped further down to her nipple skin.

Unlocking the door and, getting away from the mountain, she was feeling antsy. "Oh! It'll take too long to get everything together before it gets dark." Tossing her book down and looking at her desk, she snagged an unopened bottle of water before exiting her room. It wasn't often she was this careless about entering unknown lands namely in unfit clothing that could snag and tear on rocks and shrubbery easilly. But she just had the need to go now

"I'll just be extra carful."

Leaving the dorms she could see the start of a trail near the mountain bathed in an orange light from the evening sun. "I'm glad I didn't wait."
Setting off with nothing but her short uniform on and bottle of water, she began hiking up the trail.

Narissa Lorris
Narissa's Log

Charachter listing :D
DBZ parody

Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her bust size?!
Vegeta:It's . . .ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!!!!

*gets mauled for bad joke*

Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:35 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
Like a spider he had sat in the center of his woven web though anyone asking Aegir would get the answer that he had been a conductor, orchestrating events in his favor.

He had lost track of Rissa when she had left the classroom, his node hidden there as he spied on his quarry, bleeding into her mind to summon her thoughts into his own, even going so far as drudging into her memories to get a better idea of what he was to face.

No magic ... no electricity to watch out for which had brought relief to him;

He remained motionless displaying some of his great patience. He knew that it wouldn't be long now before she would arrive her, his thoughts drifted upon Rissa as he figured out what she had been likely do to from her past memories. A cautious one, she was likely to stop by the dorms first, change and grab whatever she thought she had needed.

His thoughts did drifted to whether or not she would tell anyone, or even leave a note as to where she would be not that it had mattered any. By the time anyone figured out she was in any trouble it would be too late to matter anyway. The only "wrench" in his plans was that his suggestion had been too lose. While he had no doubt that she would come he had been too open with his suggestion not instructing her to state where she had been going, not coming alone as he intended for her. Only time could answer his own concerns as minor as they happened to be. So he would see exactly how she choose to follow his instructions in a short while.


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Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:46 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
Passing through the shrubs of the the island, the need to explore this moutain ridge sated for the moment, she considered her hasty departure. Back before her mother began closing her claws around her life (not that she couldn't remember that well before) she had always let either her mother or father know if she was trekking the warm and lovely mountains and tracks of her home in Arizona.

But her room mate was out, probably in class, and she had told no one of her sudden adventure. Walking absent-mindedly through an interesting trail, she could only frown at herself. It wasn't like her to go so reckless.

Mouth drying, she took a break near a particularly large tree base. Sitting on an overgrown root, she untwisted the plastic cap of her water bottle and began swigging it down, a drop of it only escaping to land on her school top.

Dropping the bottle from her lips, she twisted it back on and sighed. "At least I was smart enough to bring some water with me."

Narissa Lorris
Narissa's Log

Charachter listing :D
DBZ parody

Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her bust size?!
Vegeta:It's . . .ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!!!!

*gets mauled for bad joke*

Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:17 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
She had been close now, he could sense her mind approaching along this rocky ridge and even received her concerns being broadcast to him. The signal was muted like someone whispering but there had been no mistaking that it had been there.

Pleased, he had remained motionless though he could not control the release of that musky scent that exuded from his body. Pheremones, subconsciously released by him and there had been little that he could do about them.

They would have no appreciable effect on her, seeing she was human and immune to them for they had been clearly an evolutionary trait that rose up throughout the evolutionary chain effective only on his kind as far as he was aware. No one else had a reaction to them other than smelling the scent that had exuded from him.

While he found his own eagerness on the rise he found himself dwelling on both the advantages and drawbacks of his species as they had evolved over time.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:42 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
Taking in a breath, enjoying the nature, Narissa sniffed at it again. Compared the the small of the flora and plants around her, something new had come about, as if the wind had carried it towards her.

"What's that?" she asked to the air. It was a smell she couldn't place, nothing she knew smelled the way it did, and she couldn't describe it. It had her so curious she remained on her spot a few moments longer, just to see if she could remember anything like it or find anything new that came near her to claim the scent.

"So strange. I don't remember smelling it on the way up here . . . " Tossing the water bottle up, it wobblling in the air due to the displaced water inside, she considered going back down. But even then her curiosity was straining to find a reason to stay or even go higher up the forested ridge.

" . . . But I have homework to do," she murmmered. To be distracted from her studies by a littl nature wasn't something she was about to do. Curiosity be cursed. Standing up from the stump, she gave one last look to the mountain peak, then slowly but carfully make her way down.

Narissa Lorris
Narissa's Log

Charachter listing :D
DBZ parody

Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her bust size?!
Vegeta:It's . . .ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!!!!

*gets mauled for bad joke*

Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
Feeling the tension in her mind Aegir had remained motionless for a time. His "spell" not being great enough it seemed as his own aroma gave him away without so much as being seen though Rissa could be cautious he had always approached matters with one or two back up plans in case matters didn't work out for him as he had planned.

A good thing too since his slow movement would be impeded as always. Slowly he had manage to scamper forth while again he drained into her mind even from this distance, altering her perceptions so that she had perceived a horror upon her way back.

Sure enough there had been a rockslide that had covered a good portion of the path given rise to a sound of tumbling stone and even quakes and tremors in the earth before she had cast her eyes on the "natural" debris that had littered the path here.

His illusion would surely buy him the time that he needed as he continued to creep along as he closed in steadily behind her.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:45 am
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
Narissa's steps halted as she heard the sound of shifting earth. Blinking she moved towards the sound, down the path where she took and, worriedly for her, where the sound came from.

"Oh please don't let that be what I think it was . . ."

But it was exactly as she thought. A landslide of rocks, earth and roots had decided to happen on her way down. Poking a toe at it, she could tell from how unstable it was that she could easilly lose her balance.

A fear of slipping and losing control and having a boulder crush her had her frozen.

"I can't go this way." Looking back and forht on the path, the other manners of going down escaped her, towering trees flanking her.

"Oh! What am I going to do?!" Pulling on her ear in her distress, she tried to calm herself and think of a solution in her time.

Time that she would soon run out of.

Narissa Lorris
Narissa's Log

Charachter listing :D
DBZ parody

Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her bust size?!
Vegeta:It's . . .ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!!!!

*gets mauled for bad joke*

Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:55 am
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
What are you to do?

He spoke directly into her mind through his telepathic abilities. He gazed at her now as he rounded a bend along the path knowing that he could have been far more subtle in his dealings having any number of approaches open to him.

Tentacles didn't flail and had seemed only covered with pulling himself along the uneven ground as he slide even closer to her, What little of the light had been left had glittered of his mauve rubbery flesh. He certainly had been the source of that musky aroma, she would be able to detect that from where she had been at the edge of his illusion.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:10 am
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
'What are you to do?'

Narissa blinked at the thought. She had never really thought of herself on a track of second person before. That was her first hint that something was amiss for her.

Taking another look of her enviorment, she subtely looked to the ground, a fallen branch near by her shoes. Looking around openly, she made as if she was walking around to look for another way down. The real purpose lay in coming closer to the bludgeon potential item.

It was absurd, to her, that she was acting this way. But . . .

Dropping herself to the stick and picking it up, making sure not to bend and accidentally give a view of her cotton underwear taught against her butt, she picked up the stick and rose again.

The smell that was growing faint as she was leaving seemed to come stronger. It wasn't the wind.

Narissa Lorris
Narissa's Log

Charachter listing :D
DBZ parody

Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her bust size?!
Vegeta:It's . . .ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!!!!

*gets mauled for bad joke*

Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:32 am
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
He had crept forward, his mind digging into her own as she acquired the stick from the ground wondering what she was to do with it. Pole vaulting instantly sprang into his mind, his eyes peeling over her in a distant caress as he knew what he would do next as he crept forward with all the speed he could musdter in his slow body.

While his compound mind reached out towards her own to delve into her thoughts wondering what she had in mind even as he unless a telekinetic blast against her so as to root her into the spot certainly making her amiss as he "sped" forward.

Like a hand he was gripping her with his mind as he had approached. No need for blending in to the terrain any longer his brown skin turned back into a mauve coloration.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:45 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
Turning her body full towards the 'debris,' Narissa contemplated her next best action, the orange light from the sun dimming on the area around her as it dipped in the ocean horizon.

Just thinking about what she would need to do had her reaching for her earlobe to rub, a soothing action that usually kept her calm.

At least, she wanted to reach for it.

Like a statue facing the sunset a sudden fear grabbed her. 'I can't move!' It was as if the clothes around her were keeping in place, like a surreal fore, or unreal, whatever.

"Come on . . . Move!" she ordered her body aloud, attempting to wiggle or dislodge herself from this frozen like state. With nothing working, her body stiff as a board, she couldn't win. Not being able to descend down the mountain with the poor lighting, unable to calm herself with her tactile method, a sweat of anxiety was working its way up to a boil in her.

As an added noted, strange movement just barely out of her peripheral vision did not help.

"Wh-Who's there!? Can you help me, please? I think I'm stuck!"

Thinking it was human right now was a deserparte method of finding hope. Even the slightest thought of it being an animal that could hurt her while she couldn't move would not help her thinkig process at all.


Narissa Lorris
Narissa's Log

Charachter listing :D
DBZ parody

Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her bust size?!
Vegeta:It's . . .ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!!!!

*gets mauled for bad joke*

Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:36 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
He had felt her fear boiling up within her, the fear of unknowing what had dwelled behind her just out of sight. He came forward as she dreaded that he could be some wild beast coming upon her his tentacles oozing upon the earthen ground as he came, his own thoughts projecting into her mind as he summoned up his telepathic abilities.

What seems to be the problem? Can't move, why I can fix that.

By now he had slithered up close enough behind her to that he could touch her with his tentacles if he had so wanted. The musky scent still washing off his body as he came. closer. He then reached out to peel two of his tentacles against her shoulders as he ribbed against them in the fading orange light.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:56 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
(Um I assuming he hasn't freed her just yet from the dialouge)

"What? What are you? You're doing this!?" having heard its words that could only have come from it. Frozen and made witness to the anatomy in front if her. Its form in front of her, blocking the warm rays of the sun and bathing her in cold shadow, was a horror to say the least.

It resembled an octupus, but . . . more like a mutated or evolved form. It was on land, wasn't it? On the large orb of a head that connected to other tentacles, what it used to travel she assumed, laid in what appeared random spots of bulbous tumors, only seeing four from her angle.

"What are you?" she asked again, trying to assure herself by tightening her grip on the stick. But still frozen, it sat useless in her hand.

Narissa Lorris
Narissa's Log

Charachter listing :D
DBZ parody

Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her bust size?!
Vegeta:It's . . .ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAND!!!!

*gets mauled for bad joke*

Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:01 pm
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Post Re: Mountainridge Encounters (for Naissa)
(Right about that, sorry about any confusion)

Me? He casually questioned though he knew very well that she had been speaking about him given her thoughts at the moment. He did find it a little humorous that her hand tried to close around the stick in her hand out of some sort of comfort at what she had seen.

Not that a simple weapon would do her any good against him unless see perhaps used it as a spear to take out something vulnerable like an eye.

With that in mind he had relinquished his hold upon her, that telekinetic grip melting away.

You may call me Aegir. Though know this, I am not of your world.

No sooner had he "spoke" those words did his tentacles lash out, one going towards the stick to knock it from her hand while two others streamed towards her ankles to latch onto her ankles.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:15 am
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