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 Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe) 
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Post Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
The dreams still plague him, during his time spent sleeping while his shadows probe the hallways of the campus for any prey that may interest him. The dreams are mostly memoires of what life he had before he was sealed and then unleashed upon this island. Something that still troubles him, his greatest weakness. Magic, the one tool humans have that can be his undoing, and what stopped him in the past along with his brothers. He despises magic and anyone who uses it and yet he sees the advantage. If he can understand it and how to counter it, maybe control it, it will be a valuable tool. But first he needs to experiment and he needs someone gifted enough to show it to him. Another demon or monster could most likely educate him, but also just as easily turn on him.

No it would need to be a student, their magic is limited yes, but they have a greater knowledge of it and they treasure it more. For some it's their only defence against the monsters that haunt these halls even if it's never enough. One such student catches his eye. Kanoe, a witch. The very word like poison on his tongue as he watches her. She is something else entirely, the taste of magic about her and of course her appealing form. Already he can tell he will enjoy this, he will force her to reveal her secrets no matter how she may choose to do so. If she resists, all the better. The idea of breaking her is appealing to him.

But now he stalks her along the hallways waiting until she is alone. The sun is setting, the hallways becoming dark and empty. Void of any life, it's all in his favour now. His body blending with ease, invisible to her eyes but his voice like a whisper in her head.

"Kanoe. I have need of you...

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:23 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
Generally, the witch preferred early or midday classes. It limited the amount of opportunities monsters had to attack her. But, she does not decide the class schedules and night classes were the only ones available for her major. It was not like she were the only one going to night classes. Just with a large campus and fewer students, the chances of being caught alone even indoors was much higher.

Her footsteps echoed lightly in the long hallways. Her long braid lightly beats against her back with each step she took. The witch's impressive bust was tightly contain in her standard blouse and her skirt was just short enough to ignite one's imagination. Kanoe's paranoia nudged her to move faster as she found herself alone. She usually cursed herself later for letting fear of monsters effect her like this. This time unfortunately, her paranoia was correct.

The soft whisper made her freeze and immediately look around her. But the voice did not come from around her but inside her own mind. That only made a shiver run down her spine. She hated creatures that toyed with her head and she hated being so helpless against such beings. Kanoe did not dare respond as she made her way quickly down the hall. She just had to reach her class and hope that would deter the thing from attacking her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:17 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
Watching her run is quite enjoyable as he allows her have the brief hope she can escape her or he will lose interest simply because she is in class. But no, he needs her alone for this, so this time he will make sure he gets her. As she charges down the hallway her path is suddenly blocked as a masked figure appears as if from nowhere before her, the shadows bending around him and looming closer to her, spreading along the walls. His mask seems made of stone, a emotionless face staring at her. His body covered by black robes hiding his true form from her. His eyes a bright red as his voice becomes louder in her mind.

"Do you really think you can run? Such a foolish girl, we both know how this will end. You might aswell give up now"

His head tilts as he laughs softly, his laughter seeming to fill the hallway as he begins to walk towards her, the shadows growing and spreading as it seems like they are moving towards her. She can still run the way she came, infact he wants her to do. After all the chase is as fun as the prize. Such a beautiful prize she is, he will enjoy hearing her cry out in pleasure.

He raises his hand and points toward her, as the shadows suddenly burst forwards taking on the form of two smaller demons. They seem to be made from the shadows completely and are quick to charge towards her. Indent on pouncing upon her and pinning her down or so it seems. Their claws extending ready to shred that pretty uniform.

"Let's see how well you perform, shall we?"

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:32 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
Fleeing was quickly proven useless as the very shadows themselves seemed to block her way forward. The inky blackness formed together into a single figure wearing only a mask. Bright red eyes gaze down at her as Kanoe froze in her tracks. The cloaked figure spoke loudly inside her head which was proving disorientating. She had dealt with a shadow based monster before. The witch could only hope this one had different abilities. Despite the monster's taunts, she was prepared to fight with what power she had if necessary.

Unfortunately, it was not the figure himself who came at her but more shadows. The shadows formed into more figures, this time being more demonic in nature. The witch turned to run the other way but something told her that out running the two creatures would not be possible. Kanoe would skid to a stop a distance away from the masked figure. Mana flowed through her body as she began to chant and soon ignited a small spark of flame between her hands. Turning around, she swiped her arm sending forth a long lash of flame towards the two shadow monsters. With these beings being made of darkness, that only left the witch's fire magic to fight back with.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:46 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
He watches the sudden change of emotion across her features as she quickly accesses the situation and deals with it as she sees best. Of course the real demon, Therion is calmly strolling towards her as she flees from the shadow puppets at his command. For the moment he is enjoying himself, but then she goes and spoils his fun. Skidding to a halt at first he wonders what she is up to, but then he hears the chanting. The taste of magic in the air as she unleashes her powers upon his shadows. The flames indeed seem to work, causing them to explode into clouds of shadows only to slowly reform once more as if nothing had happened.

Watching these creatures and understanding magic herself, it may become clear they aren't real in a sense. They have no mind of their own or true form, they are simply extensions of his body. He can continue to make as many as he desires aslong as he still has focus and his power is not drained. She can continue to destroy them, but they will keep coming until she tires herself out. But even as that becomes clear, she doesn't seem to be given much choice as there is a snarl behind her as one of these shadow creatures suddenly emerges from the wall behind her, slashing at her back. The sound of cloth tearing as it rips part of her blouse from behind, careful not to mark her delicate flesh of course. He wouldn't want to spoil his prize.

"I knew it. You. Your like them, witch. Your kind was the reason my powers were sealed for so long. It was your kind who insulted me. I will make you suffer for there insult...I may not have been able to play with them. But you. You will do quite nicely after you tell me all about your magic and how it works"

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:14 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
The flames seemed to sear away the shadows only to have them reform from the darkness. Dealing with a monster, it was quickly becoming apparent that making these creatures were taking no effort on the part of the master. But she could not do anything else. More would keep coming as the dark witch sent forth further lashes of flames. Kanoe continued to chant the words of magic, flames flowing from her finger tips as she swiped her arm in various directions. She felt the heat of the flames she produced, threatening to singe and harm the caster with its cruel backlash.

Alot of her mana was being wasted, producing more than she really needed to destroy the creatures. Sweat glistened her pale features as she continued to wear away at her mana and stamina. Then without warning, she felt and heard the tearing of cloth. Kanoe gasped, letting the flames sputter out as she stumbled forward. Being from the back, her blouse was still holding onto her body though there was now a big opening revealing the strap of her lacy black bra.

"Get away from me!" she hissed angerly, swiping a lash of flame behind her. She was now trying to keep track of all the shadows around her. What was this monster doing? It was obvious it could over power her but it kept talking about being sealed away and other matters she knew nothing about. Unable to keep up any longer, she destroyed a few more demons before turning and making a break for the far door. She was panting hard already feeling her strength ebbing away from the long fight.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:45 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
She is something else entirely, her powers are indeed impressive and her determination is something else entirely. A strong body to match a strong will it seems, she will be fun to break. The shadows begin to explode every so often as the lick of flames consumes them as she is more wild now, lashing out despite the danger to her own well being. It's clear she has experience rape time and time again and has no will to add to that tally, but her powers won't save her. Therion feels each shadow's "life" being put out only to create a new one. Of course it is taking some of his own power away to make so many and to continue to do so but he has gather much more power through raping students. In truth all she is doing is increasing his hunger for her. To feel her body beneath his, to watch her suffer climax after climax. Soon but not yet.

She finally makes a run for it, showing the damage to her blouse to him and her black bra's straps. Almost a target for him but not yet. Much too soon, it's more fun to give her that slim hope she can escape and will do so. Before he snatches it away from her just as soon as she believes it to be so.

The sound of the shadows can be heard as they chase after her, they seem to be all around her as if the entire hallway is coming alive behind her and trying to ensnare her and yet she seems to be too fast. The door getting closer and closer until finally it's within her reach. Then one of the creatures tackles her to the floor, snarling as more begin to pile on top of her, like a pack of wild beasts pouncing upon their prey, they are quick to pin her as it seems they will rape her here and now. But then they simply release her and pull away, surrounding her as their master steps forwards. Glaring down at her.

"Get up witch. You cannot escape me, do not even try. Your powers are impressive but you lack discipline. You are still but a child who is simply more talented then the rest. You know nothing of true power..."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:57 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
The witch ran as hard as she could and it almost seemed like she was gaining ground. But these were shadows she was dealing with and nothing moved faster than the speed of light. "Oof!" a demon crashed against her back and sent her down to the floor. She could not make out how many more of those things pounced on top of her but it was safe to say she was thoroughly pinned. Once they succeeded, they simply let the witch go and surrounded her, ensuring she had no way to escape them this time.

She got up as the monster whispered down at her. Her eyes flashed with anger up at the cloaked figure. It was true that she was a novice but that did not mean she could not strike back. "Leave me alone!" Channeling what she could handle, flames lick across her hand as she rose fully to her feet. Her hand swiped upwards sending a rising flame straight towards the figure and perhaps searing some demons along the way. Whether this did anything or not did not matter to the dark witch. She just wanted to leave her mark on the vile being.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:38 am
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
Even now in this hopeless situation, the fire still burns in her, quite literally. Her fury apparent as she lashes out at him, more of his shadow puppets bursting into the black mist like substance as she charges through, her blow aimed for him and him alone. He seen it coming and yet he doesn't make a move to avoid it as her flames rush towards him and crash against his chest. It all seems to happen so fast, as his "Robe" suddenly seems to explode open only to reveal that they were his wings that spread open, a strong gust of wind knocking most of the flames to one side as the rest hits against his chest.

The sound of it hissing wildly as it hits his bare flesh fills the hallway as he slowly begins to bat the flames out with his palm leaving no marks. His chest a smooth black almost like a natural form of armor. His appearance now that of a true demon with his horns extending from his forehead, his red eyes fixed upon her. His tail extending slowly behind while his wings fold neatly behind him now. It's clear she has reached the limit of his patience now as with a faint flick of his head towards her, the shadows suddenly close in.

It's a fury of movements as hands begin to grab at her clothes, tearing and pulling as they force her down to her knees as if she was kneeling before her superior. Therion gazing down at her as they force her to bow down her head almost touching the floor as they pin her hands behind her back. Her uniform mostly in ruins barely clinging to her arousing form.

"You may think your display of power means something. But I will make you regret showing your true colors. I will punish you until you beg for release..."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:47 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
The figure revealed its true form as the demon's wings spread, blowing away her flames with ease. The being now looked like a traditional demon with horns, wings, and a jet black body. Her spell did not seem to do any damage and the only one hurt by this was Kanoe whose hand was now reddened from the backlash. Stings of pain ran through her hand and tingled down her arm. But the dark witch was not given any further opportunity to think or fight back as the small minions immediately pounced on her.

"Ahhh! Get off of me!" She hissed venomously. The witch struggled as best as she could but there were too many and they were all stronger than her. Kanoe was forced to her knees. Her uniform was nothing but strips of torn cloth now, hanging loosely over her shoulders and arms. The woman's lacy black bra was matched with a black thong which amazingly went untouched by the ravenous creatures. Her body shivered and strained but could do nothing as her arms were bound behind and she was forced to bow before the stronger monster.

Unable to look up, Kanoe could only see the cold floor as she kneeling on. The monster claimed she had only made it worse for herself but she knew better. She was screwed from the very beginning, fighting back would not have changed her fate. Bound and pinned, the dark witch would occasionally strain against her bonds but otherwise could do nothing else as the demon stared down at her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:04 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
Taking pleasure in watching how she struggles, lashing out as she tries to get free but she is easily overpowered and now she has drained her reserves trying to harm him or get away. It matters little now, he has his prize and she isn't going anywhere soon. Kneeling he grips the back of her head and lifts it until she is looking up at him. His eyes glaring into her own as he seems to enjoy that look of defiance upon her face. Daring him to do his worse almost until she is begging for it to end. Her hands are now bound behind her back by a smooth feeling robe like substance most likely another part of his powers.

With that he turns and rises again only for his shadows to force her to rise and march behind him like some captured slave. A trophy to be displayed as she is forced to march in her bra and thong amazingly still attached to her body as if he is in no rush to see her naked or perhaps insulting in a small form like she isn't truly that appealing to him, like the thought of making her suffer is more desirable then having his way with her here and now like most would. With the shadows around her they block all view of where they are going. They take a left, then a right and keep going as it seems she is being led to some other part of the school.

Finally they stop as she is pushed inside a room, the lights all turned out and a single desk in the middle of the room with a dim light shining upon it. She is pushes towards the desk with a powerful shove before her hands become free again. Upon the desk is a note book, a pen and a book she may know well. It's one of her spell books, most likely stolen from her belongings while she was out.

"You are going to show me how your magic works and how to command it. To counter it."

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:28 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
The demons pulled away once more but not before binding her wrists were bound behind her by what she could only guess were threads of shadow. They forced her to her feet, clad in nothing but her undergarments as she was led further into the darkness. She was certain they were still in the school as her shoes continued to thud against the hard floor. But everything around her was shrouded in darkness, preventing her from knowing where they were going at all.

They made turns and she thought she heard a door opening. The lack of stairs only led her to believe that she was not in the basement at least for what little comfort that brought her. The room she was pushed into was just as dark as one of the 'correction' chambers beneathe the school. Dim lighting and a desk with a book on it were the only features Kanoe could make out in the room. The witch was pushed once more, sending her all the way to the desk. Her wrists were freed at that point as she noticed what the book was. Kanoe's eyes narrowed in annoyance that this demon would take her tomes like this.

The harsh whisper sounds inside her head. The witch looked around, unable to make anything out beyond the small circle of light she was in. "You saw my magic already," she hissed, "And you countered it just fine. Now, let me go and never touch my books again!" Her hands clenched into fist only to feel stinging pain from her singed hand. She also felt weak and exhausted from using so much mana in such a short amount of time. It would not be long before she would need to rely on the nearby desk to keep herself steady on her feet.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:15 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
While she speaks the truth, it's never that simple. She used her magic yes and it wasn't able to defeat him. But only because her powers are limited. Therion steps closer as she is clearly still defiant towards him. With a smirk he grips her shoulder and forces her down into the desk, since she can barely stand as it is, it is a easy task. His free hand slams down upon her book threatening to destroy it if she annoys him that much. Clearly he has thought this through and her magical powers are the very reason she was picked for this, rather then simply how attractive she is.

"Do not test me witch. I can counter your weak spells, but only because they lack true power behind them. Any fool can create fire, but only a true master can make it a threat. Otherwise you just get burnt..."

Gripping her sore hand he forces her to turn it towards him, exposing her palm still red and sore from the fires as he presses his thumb into it's surface as if making a point. She lashed out without thinking, clearly a novice to waste her talents when they did no good.

"But you know how to summon it, how to twist this magic to your will. You know what it feels like, how to command it and control. You will show me how, and then we will test it. If you try to fool or trick me, you will never leave. I will let you go yes, but I will merely take you again each night and force you to reveal more to me."

With a wave of his hand, the darkness surrounds her ankles and binds them to the desk's legs. Leaving her sitting with her legs spread open. For now her hands still allowed to be free, while Therion opens her book, he knows she will resist but each time she does it will only get worse for her.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:31 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
Strong claws forced the witch onto the desk, her breasts mashing against the smooth texture. His hand smashed into the book as if to warn her that he could very well destroy the texts she has been studying. Though she truly could not afford losing priceless writings such as tomes and spellbooks, the witch was not about to let herself be threatened like this. Her mistress already provided her with a database full of magical text to study. She was not exactly lacking in material after years on this island.

"Ngh!" She grimaced in pain as the monster teased the burns on her hand. As the monster toyed with her, she felt tendrils wrap around her ankles and force them wide apart. Not exactly a position to be writing any notes in but most definitely a position to be taken advantage of. Too weak to struggle with her legs so far apart, Kanoe could do little besides squirm on the desk. Her pale skin reflected the dim lighting above her as was put on display like some sort of experiment.

"I'm not telling you anything, monster!" she growled, "Let me go!" The witch did not care if this monster was going to try and keep her here all night. Magic was one of the few weapons on this island that could not be easily taken away. The last thing she was going to do was tell the enemy how to counter it.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:04 pm
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Post Re: Mistakes of the past rewritten (Kanoe)
A soft sight escapes him from beneath his mask, he had expected as much, but students tend to enjoy making it harder for him it seems. He releases her hand before he steps away from her, walking around her as if she was be interrogated, and ironically in away she is. She is determined to resist, that much is true and so he must resort to her greatest weakness. Her flesh, her mind may be strong and powerful but what about her body, so often abused and raped. How much can it take before the strain on her mind is too much. At once his puppets appear, grabbing her and pulling her back so her back is pressed against the chair. Pulling her hands behind her they bind them together leaving her stuck. It seems she has lost the right to have free movement in her hands now.

Reaching down he hooks a claw under the thin strap in the front of her bra that holds the soft material together and tight around her bust. It doesn't take much strain for the soft fabric to break under his claw making the bra snap open allowing her breasts to almost burst free of it's confines, allowing them to bounce before returning to their natural position against her body. He allows himself a gaze upon her large breasts, making sure she can feel his gaze upon them as he examines her like some trophy to be displayed for all to see.

There is no more questions or demands, only silence as he reaches forwards, grazing a fingertip against one of her large orbs, the tip of his claw brushing against her nipple only to flick against it making her breast bounce softly. His finger slowly begins to run circles around the tip only for a light spark to suddenly fly, a jolt of electricity running through her breast and into her body. Enough to make her jolt but hardly enough to hurt her or harm her. After all he would hate to damage his prize.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:13 pm
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