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 Gero Station (for the Xagi) 
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Post Gero Station (for the Xagi)
Gero Station. A lonely place at the edge of the galaxy. Dr, Nimolas Putnim got out a distress call though.

I repeate all my colleages are dead. I am the last one left! I don't know where the others have come from though I suspect it was from the gate … THEY'RE HERE!”

Tey had a possible foot hold situation here. There objectives, rescue Dr. Putnim, retrieve his data and destroy the station if it were deemed that other eams could not recover it or the invaders were to difficult to deal with and the ADD didn't want their enemies to get off of the station.

Lt. Dephis was focused as always dragg9ng the whet stone over her blade not that the edge wasn't sharp enough as it were. She inspected te tanto but deemed it to be harp enough. Next came her battle armor, the breather affixed to the face though pheremones never seemed to bother her enpugh it was part of the stand suit provided to the Sweepers of Theta Squad.

As they approached the automated weapons of the station were off line and Mia was able to bring up that life support sysems were on but not much else. Each section of the ship would have to be swept she thought though Captain Ami Dupris focused her back on the real objectives. She pointed out that the promenade of the station was probably the best defensive area. It could be sealed and had plenty of provisons so it was the best place to begin thir search before thy checked vaious other places. The labs would be second to gather up the data as it was proba bly still there. Until they realized what they were up against the trio would stick together.

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:22 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
Surprisingly he was still alive though Dr. Putnim had a run of good luck thus far, well as good as he could have hoped. He had been cut off from the hanger though he was still alive.

He was unaware of what these things were or how many there were though he suspected that they got here through the doorway that they had found.

Dr. Putnim was lucky in that the only female worker had been reassigned last month and thus it were only drones out there in the station. Near mindless things, dangerous in their own right but they were here under their own guidance. That was the first means of Hope's prenatural luck in that this first contact scenario could have been much worse.

Though the Sweepers could provide them what they needed though.

Under the guidance of one larger advanced drone the Xagi began collecting anything that seemed useful for these, despite the others had been ripped from this dimension through the “doorway” which while remaining on allowed reinforcements to be sucked through the one way portal at random intervals so things were not as bad as they could have been. Lady luck was smiling upon them today ...


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Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:34 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
Again luck was on her side. It seemed fickle for others at times though nava for her it seemed. The Behemoth docked with the station the hanger doors responding to the codes to open them.

Well, at least the hanger still had power though the lights were read from emergency power. She gathered up her weapons sling her rifle over her back and stapping the family heirloom to her hip.

Ami entered the hanger first from the ship first then her and Mia taking up the rear each having a pack of supplies for the mission, explosives for the most part though Mia also had bandages and other medical supplies and the captain had extra explosives once being a seasoned demo expert.

The thee fanned out about ten meters apart cautiously picking their way through the hanger.

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:26 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
It was clear that the personel had no time to evacuated at least not by shuttle. Both shuttles were still here after all so it was unlikely anyone got off the station. The distress message said that Dr. Putnim was the only one left.

Picking away through the hanger they discovered one scientist, a blaster a short distance from his body as his neck was broken by considerable force. Luck struck again though it was for a reason that she probably couldn't understand. She were female and thus valuable unlike the scientist.

Scorch marks were all over the place near the body, at the walls and floors as if the scient paniced and fired of a volley of shots with the plasma pistol.

Only their filtered breathing could be heard as Mia (the medic?) looked over the wounds of the fallen scientist easily determing that it was a broken neck that ended his life.

In addition there was a green goop all over the place but it was only mildly sticky at this stage.

Then there was a bang as the ventalation duck flew open and out poured a tentacled horror the size of a basket ball with two glowing white eyes and four whip like tentacles.


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Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:39 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
Mia shrieked, the newest member of Theta Squad she did not see such surprising things on a regular basis. Hope, however glared. Xagi … they struck her home world though she was away at the time. She drew her katana ready to approach the unarmed creature as the Nagai tended to to but the captain opened up with her rifle before the yonger girls could so much as move forward.

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:45 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
(yep, Mia is the medic/techie and Ami into demolitions)

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:48 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
Blasts of Ami's plasma rifle slammed into the sphere finding that it was quiet frail. It was by itself and not part of an unrelenting swarm that had swept of the three women. The sphere plopped on the ground, smoke sizzling off the rubbery body as the trio eventually neareed it. It's prone body was lifeless. Long tentacles extended from it's body and the light within it's eyes had been d=extinguished. All was quiet and while the trio of Sweepers did not smell the plasma burns Hoper noved a tentacle with a sword to better reveal this rubbery mass.

Questions and thoughts about what it was would have to wait, however as more of these things, attracted by the noise, erupted from the vents swarming out in an impressive collectuion of these sick;y violet spheres intent on pouring relentlessly forth.

Innately they sensed that they could get what they had been denied for so long from these women. It was as if these things count scent that they were some how different from the doctors and scientists that they so dealt with.


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Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:43 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
From the vents these things poured forth like a swarm of locust attracted to the hanger from the rapport of the plasma riflele that made short work of their companion. Now their were so many more of them. Ami was about to toss a grenade when Hope rushe forward.

“BASTARDS!” She snarled though these things didn't understand her. They lacked the indelligence to comprehend her grunts as she slice at the drones, her blade carving thought the masses of these things while the captain opened up with her rifle and soon even Ami joined in once her stupor ended.

“Lieutenat fall back!”

But it was as if she had not herard the order, caught up in the frenzy before her, cutting the sof flesh of the hoardes of the rubbery creatures.

(hope that's alright ...)

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:23 am
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
(you're doing fine)

More blasts eecho out and several more of thengs explode in a shower of sickly purple blood and goop. Others are finished by blade as steel carves though rubbery flesh, though the tentacles or body. Still they come though several of them point tentacles at the Sweepers firing globes of green slime at them, attempting to ensare them before moving in closer, a pair drift towards the captain shoot this goop at her and three against Mia, tarring and pawing at her with tentacles attempting to tare off her breath mask.

The final one, after so many were killed with ease came at hope, firing more of that sticky gren slime while possessing enough enelligence to know that she had to get close to be effective so it simply would not let her close and keep out of reach until it restrainted her with that green goop.


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Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:53 am
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
The waves were unrelenting or so it seemed. Their near mindless nature ensured that they poured forth, like lemmings off a clif though she knows that lemmings don't actually behave in such a fasion.

Whether by blade or plasma burns the creatures fall though as they begin to launch volleys of slime instincts kick it to avoid it, doding as best as they could. Hope, being the closest, had less time to react to the surprise manuever and found that a blast of green goop hit her square on tha chest pinning her to a nearby wall, her sword clattering on the ground as she thrashes and stuggles though fortunately only one seems to be closing in on her, tentacles flailing as it approaches.

Those white eyes stares into her soul and for once she knows the hollow emptiness of fear as the thing approaches. Her rifle is pinned to her back but maybe … she stretches to her waste seeing that the captain was struggling, one of these thangs wrappin a tentacle about the rifle drawining it away as another washes her legs in this green goop pinning her to the floor.

Poor Mia has the worse of it as her breather is ripped from her face and discarded. The warm air burns her lungs though that isn't what she has to worry about as tentacles grasp her, running against the blonde's shapely figure.

They begin grasping as her combat jump suit, sweeping into places she doesn't want them to go in as a tentacle is jammed into her throat. She goes wide eyed as gold n slime trickles down her throat, she gags but thar is no choice but to swallow down most of the bitter tasting aphrodisiac that begins to warm her belly tingling a sheen of moisture between her thighs for these tenacles to find.

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:48 am
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
The Xagi were relentless. They had no concern that so many of their brethern fell, even through there were only six of them left. They proved that they were dangerous only because their seemed to be so many of them and they had come forth with unrelenting fury.

Now they had turned the tide on the sweepers restraining them with tentacles or slime as instict seemed to govern them now.

Instict guided them as the one squaring off with Hope wrenched her breather off too, it's tentacle trying to force it's way between her lips as another began to rub at her crotch.

Ami too had the collective tentacles of these things upon he, trying to secure her now that she was unable to evade through dodging much.

Mia was an absolute mess though. She had not been smeared with slime but overwhelmed by tentacles that pulled her breather off. Another disarmed her, others still began to tare at her back pack as her clothes where shreaded, that combat jump suit falling to pieces leaving her in under garments that she had never expected the others to see.

Simple clothe panties her bra was torn away, aprhodisiac still filling her as her need grew, her body feeling warm as her nipples peak against the pleasure that her body inevitable receives, her sex growing wetter in the process.


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Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:05 am
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
She stretched as this golden slime coated her throat … there was a tingling warmth that collected in her stomach, one that she had not known since she was born. As luck had it it was the same one that she had experience in her development all those years back and had no effect on her other than filling her balley.

Hope was still reaching though a single hand on the tentacle that was sweeping this goop into her belly trying invain to dislodge it with her fingers grazed it … good only the shealth was covered in goop though she had to be careful not to get any of that goop on her hands.

Ami had been disarmed of her ifle seeing it clatter to the ground nearby. She drew her knife in an instanst though surprising one by buryin it deeply into one sphere before twisting to face the other.

Mia was no help though, her flower relentlessly speared after her panties were shreaded leaving her moist with want, with his burning need that had her groaning out in pleassure. The other two spheres gripped her with tentacles.

GOT IT! Hope drew her tanto flinging it at the sphere and killing it as she struggled toimprove her situation. Perhaps if she twisted enough to get out her rifle.

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:32 am
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
As Hope pierces one of the Xagi with her tanto killing it another fell at the hand of Ami who slashed one to ribbons while the othe tangled her up from beind, trying to secure her arms as it reached around her body, a tentacle trying to press it's way into her mouth.

Mia moaned about the tentacle in her mouth that was still filling her with that golden slim. She was so wet with arousal as the thing pumped inside her flower relenlessly, questing with that tentacle as it sputtered clear colored slime inside her as if it were jizzing inside her folds, the tentacle throbbing then opening at the end sucking up that slime which had combined with her juices.

Almost immediately the creature started buddind, dozens of little drones emerging from it's back though these drones were quite small at the time.

It slide out of her so another one of the spheres could take it's place as it harpooned itself straight into her wet snatch, Mia unable to resist the moan from leaving her lips.

Hope was able to free her rifle from her back ...


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Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:20 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
Hope gasps spittting out some of the bitter tasting slime in her mouth. She hates doing it though these things exhibited using a ranged attack so she doesn't feel as bad about using the rifle and on turns to the right facing the direction she ran from, she blasts the single Xagi left on the captain.

She turns as best as she can blasting at the ones at Mia. The blond is a wreck, at tentacle down her throught, moaning incoherantly around it as the thing pushes inside her, filing her with that slimy essence.

She sees the smaller spheres springing into existance though it's hard enough for her to target the larger orbs and her bolts fail to hit them. She had only managed to hit the one on the captain because she had surprise on her side …

Fortunately tha captain grabs her rifle and turns as best as she could. A much better shot she begins to take out he larger spheres before turning her attention to the smaller ones.

Lt. Hope Dephis
Hope's Missions

Better Lucky than good ...


Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:40 pm
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Post Re: Gero Station (for the Xagi)
The smaller spheres scatter, not because they are afraid but because there is little they can do until the mature and soon the guns go quiet leaving the Sweepers along. Mia's moans and gasps strong in their ears though the blong cannot fight against the aphrodisiac, the burning sensations, the need, it all grows within her keeping her body on edge.


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Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:46 pm
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