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 Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania) 
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Post Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
So many morsels to choose from, so little time … well time had never really been an issue for Ortix though he was at the school grounds today and so he had finite time here unless he abducted one of the girls. He had considered his desires for the time being. What was he in the mood for today …

From the vents he had spied one of the students, cute or not he had not cared. He enjoyed braking down strong girls though this one may cave quickly he had sensed her well before now, months back … he could not sense her now or rather the parent slime that made up his parent sensing that slime way back when.

She had been taken by his “father” he had realized and while there were others the fear of mistaking him as a return encounter with his parent would be deliciously demoralizing.

Since it had been raining soccer practice was indoors today. She was speaking with a green haired girl, her captain … he waited and watched changing locations to the showers when she made her way there after putting away the practice equipment.

Sadly there were a few students that had used the pool and had gotten to the showers even with the lag … blah, blah, blah, boring talking between his target and one of the girls but as fortune had it they spoke long enough to be the last two present. He had thought of taking both of them as he oozed out of the vent changing color to match the tiles better but today it would be best if he could focus on the blond alone to heighten her despair. There might not be a choice in the matter here … it all came down to who left here first and so he waited for now at least. If the other girl left first then so be it but if it looked as if his target was going to leave first then he had to attack them both, no biggie …

Ah, so it looked as if she were the last one here today, He did not waste any time in approaching, adding a little spice to the moment by letting her see him … “Miss me?” He grinned as he entered into the showers, water swatting away portions of his slimy nature that constantly returned to his body as it reshaped itself. He gave Rhaine a bit of a head start to add a bit more spice to the matter ...

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Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:30 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“... it's alright ...” she blinked. Weird. She wondered what was wrong with Etolie. She still hung around the usual crowds but approached, laid out an apology and even lingered behind for a bit afterward rather though she had been in a hurry to catch up with the other girl's forgetting the tray of personal effects on the bench that she had taken out of her locker … her watch, a gold locket and her glasses.

Rhaine had never seen her in glasses before and figured that they might just be reading glasses … her mind was preoccupied it seemed. Regardless she'd lock the effects up in her locker and return them ...she did just that then with no more than a towel wrapped about her she walked in to one of the showers that had been leaking, figures. One of the rich girls didn't shut it off properly. Leave it to the rich to be so wasteful

A sudden voice made her jump and spin around. She had not recognized it, nor the humanoid slime that was light blue and more than a little oozy from the water of other showers that it had passed through that it must have turned on to mask his approach, or maybe to grab her attention that something was not quite right as she had been the last one here but Rhaine had not thought anything of it, more girls getting done at the pool she would have thought any way.

Last time, her first time with any of them, he was black and more of a blob but she backed up until she hit the wall as he closed in. Frozen with the memory, her legs refraining from moving at all in that moment of terror.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:33 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“... in about ten minutes ...”

Etolie went to check her watch but it was gone. A quick grasp at her neck indicated that her locket was missing too. She had left them back at the showers. “Shit!” If it were just the watch she would have made due but that locket was rather precious to her and she told the others she would catch up in a few minutes, that she had forgotten something …

She ran off. When she got back she looked but did not see her stuff. The showers were running, suspicious since she and Rhaine had already finished before she departed. Perhaps someone else had come in but one quick look to see if Rhaine was around and knew what happened with her stuff …

She saw it, this blue slimy mass. Normally she would have counted her blessing and slipped away, not her problem … but she hesitated as a deer in headlights would. Then as it closed in the enchantment came to her lips, crazy wasn't it …

She had used it twice before on the creatures here. To little effect against the water creature and very limited one on Ania … she did not know what to expect here though … a few seconds like Ania, yeah, that was the best she could hope for and got!

Snatching the wrist of the other student she jerked Rhaine into motion. “MOVE DAMMIT!”

Naturally she got the girl into motion though the slime was soon in pursuit happy about the chase, happy that it would have the opportunity to brake her too seeing that she wanted to stick her nose into the matter ...

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:40 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Rain brought many enchanting women back into the fold and for once Ania relished in the climate on the inside rather than spending her time getting soaked in the blessed downpour.

Shifting through members of the student body had been a mildly withdrawn albeit exotically tanned young woman with shining yet dark brown hair which pooled along the vein of her spine in flamboyant exuberance, nearly reaching all the way down to the ample curves of her sensually swinging hips, rhythmically swaying back and forth with each and every alluring step. She donned the standard uniform albeit slightly tighter than normal around her erotically shifting frame, the pure undiluted feminine nature of the lovely woman stretching both shirt and skirt effortlessly as the bounty of her lavish bosom strained against the prison of cloth.

Ania regarded any passing females with shimmering brown eyes, her gorgeous features enhanced by an equally beautiful smile. It proved to be far more efficient to move through the crowds with an adequate disguise and through excruciating training the huntress finally managed to put together an appearance which she deemed acceptable although her persistent height probably gathered slightly more attention than necessary.

Under the guise of Kate Shaw exploring the everyday undertakings of potential prey had a certain charm to it which came at the cost of staying near the premises all day seeing how the tropical heat outside would have made her travels fairly discomforting even though today rain fell in abundance.

Incidentally, the Captain of the soccer team happened to grant her human disguise an intriguing entrance. Rosalie appeared to be comfortable in her presence before the curtains fell and the same old game between them started anew, but revealing her true self to someone then and there wasn't nearly enough to shelve her chosen costume.

"Hmm .. maybe .." But somehow that brought her mind to another matter entirely as she departed from the cafeteria, asking one of the bypassing students for the time which revealed that soccer practice had ended not too long ago. Would Rhaine favor the idea of encountering her Mistress with the looks of an unknown woman as to conceal her true nature while roaming the campus? She rarely hunted during the day and they probably wouldn't indulge in anything sexual either, not before nightfall at least unless that actually was on the table.

She happened to be near the classrooms at the time, having visited the cafeteria prior to winding up here which meant a change of direction was in order. Rhaine might have left already, but her scent would be more than enough to track once the charming beauty arrived at the gym, unaware that her beloved slave headed her way at the same time.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:31 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
The gymnasium had been devoid of other girls at the time, Rhaine's heart pounding against her chest, the flood of those memories from the beach with Dani … that had been the last time too that she really made any moonshine, Dani was not a drinker nor a party goer and since most of her time had been spent with her lover there was an immediate shift, not a slow and gradual one.

Yes, she liked booze. Yes, she liked parties. Yet she liked, loved, Dani even more. Their shared experiences with the slime had forged those binds between them.

And while this slime wasn't the same brutal slime, even if that slime had learned a bit, it was not the same one. Ortix was worse. Though the thing had little trouble squeezing through cracks though he had to leave behind what he was carrying to keep up and seemed to be enjoying the chase,savoring it and even allowing them to escape the building into the rain.

He was following and while his body was constantly shaping and reshaping she had no shoes and made little progress with the mud. Only a towel glad her and Ania would see her running from one building to another lead by the wrist by … Etolie … something odd by the situation but given the rain there was no one out here and last time she had encountered the girl she tried to toss poor old Cordelia to the wolves and it would have probably worked if it were just Slarr that day. So this was unusual to say the least and soon she say their slimy pursuer too ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:00 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Hitting the doors to the building the hallway was revealed to them. Shit! She had forgotten in her haste that there were no classes in the West wing this week. The air conditioner for the section broke down and classes were just to unbearable being shuffled all over the place so no people, not yet any way.

Etolie made haste towards the East wing, her shoes and Rhaine's muddy bare feet leaving obvious tracks. The best option was to sacrifice Rhaine, get out of dodge. Up to this point she had only tried shielding Eve (her father was her father's boss) and so this was different … things weren't that dire yet though normally she would have cut the commoner loose by now, perhaps she would have if she wasn't one of a handful of girls.

Even though that thing was braking apart in the downpour they made little head way given that Rhaine was slow bare footed though indoors she hoped she would be quicker and explaining why she just was wrapped in a towel beat being raped. She recalled the water creature well, the slime reminded her of it. It changed color too. In the showers it was blue, outside a brown to match the mud, indoors it would be the color of the floor or walls she imagined.

“Come on! Keep moving, Rhaine!”

Etolie Leblanc
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Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:02 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"What the .." She never thought to rouse from slumber that morning and regard the two women her altered brown eyes observed running outside from the safety of her position, the windows presumably reflecting the scenery in a manner which concealed the exotic beauty beyond although they might not have cared to know in the first place.

It was an unusual sight and for once the disguised huntress pondered on what was actually going on because the blonde amongst them donned little more than a towel. Nothing besides the gym laid in the direction they were coming from which had her wonder what the defiant student planned on doing to her favorite. Did she mean to humiliate Rhaine? Parade her around the school grounds utterly soaked and in scantily clad attire? She could have guessed all day if it weren't for the slimy creature which followed in their wake.

Sadly her services as the knight in shining armor were needed once more and while that thought ran through her mind another devious smile splayed over her features, maintaining her current form even now although that expression promptly turned into a frown when another possible outcome dawned on the young woman.

Etolie ditched her former friend back in the day in hopes of ridding herself of Slarr only to bump into Ania herself and the predatory alien suddenly found herself well aware that the brunette oftentimes albeit theoretically given their limited encounters feigned loyalty from the get go in order to escape the burdensome responsibilities which capture by the inhabitants normally entailed. Unlike Cordelia, however, Rhaine had been one of the select few women who shared a certain privilege amongst themselves, the plain and simple notion that one of the denizens truly cared for their safety even though these occasions generally served solely to enhance the bond between them and their savior.

Now following them turned out to be easy enough considering they had few possibilities unless they headed straight back into that blob creature, but her plan wasn't to lenghten their torment by following them until they reached a dead end or wound up trapped in whatever their pursuer would utilise to restrain his newfound victims even though it might seem a little too mischievous for some to partake of them in that way.

While running away the two of them would suddenly chance upon the buxom, brown haired student, colliding with her when they turned around the following corner.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:15 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Ortix relished the fact that the air conditioner had been down in this section not that the air conditioner really affected him he was sluggish in areas of immense cold and didn't mind the heat so much though he was aware that the girls were probably going to try to get to a populated area. Soon he wo7ld bring this to an end and as the two rounded a corner he sought to cut them off as he flowed through the space below the door into the classroom at the corner saving precious seconds mirroring them as he traveled parallel to the girls who were out in the hall.

His intention was to speed ahead of them, cut them off and rape the shit out of the two in the hall. But as he came out ahead of them at the end of the corridor he sensed a third student. Well, he “saw” by sensing vibrations so it was his best guess … one, two, three a whole cheerleading squad he did not care today ...

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Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:17 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Pulled along Rhaine who was clutching her towel to her with one hand. It was muddied and splattered near the bottom much like her legs and feet. She was gazing over her shoulder looking back at the slime though she lost sight of it as they rounded that corner, only Etolie's voice gabbing her attention to look ahead where upon she blushed deeply given that she was wearing little more than a towel and the big breasted student was a bit of a surprise to her.

A bewildered look of surprise had been there seeing that she did not expect to see anyone.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:18 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“RUN!” Etolie exclaimed. This girl was on her own though. Her hands were full trying to draw Rhaine away and if she had to make a sacrifice well he newcomer would be the one though she would do so out of malice now but if she could help someone it would still be herself first then Rhaine and if time permitted the newcomer.

She would adjust slightly and not explain as she tried to run past with Rhaine in tow. This might be a good thing, perhaps the slime would stop chasing the two of them now …

Etolie Leblanc
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Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:19 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Ania responded to the sudden appearance of the two, one of them being almost entirely naked, and the bellowed command to run with an intensely bemused expression before backing up slightly in immeasurable uncertainty.

"Eeep!" She would allow them to pass upon bringing her hands up in a panicked gesture of protection which had the girl slump back against the wall, the squeaky sound almost cute if only their situation turned out to be somewhat less dire though the slight alteration to her vocal cords served to distract from the fact who the young temptress truly had been on the inside.

Unlike their limited senses her own most certainly picked up on the movement of that slime thing, whatever the monster proved to be by the conclusion of matters as they were. She knew they were going to be cut off in a few seconds, but for the moment the disguised huntress wanted to see what would happen. He would have more than ample opportunity to snatch them and given her more or less deliberately defenseless facade and proximity to their position, she planned on actually getting caught herself in the process.

It would be a surprise for all of them when the trap snapped shut, but Ania already worked on something in her mind to dispose of the other monster. Not even the mildly discomforting heat would prevent her from coming out on top before long considering that on the ground floor without air conditioning circumstances were far more preferable on the inside when compared to the tropical heat during summer on the outside, whether rain or not the luscious predator prefered the former.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:14 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Movement, that confirmed that the object e sensed was sentient an he could sense the two girls he was chasing nearing. What to do about the third? Well he had a trap of his own. He had only used it with Lacey before but parts of his body when broken off of him retain life for five minutes before they had to reattach.

During this period he could control their flow and as he was part way to his goal he broke a piece off of himself that double backed the way he had come. If the third student didn't follow or they all double back he could hit them from both sides of the corridor and begin his fun with them which by all accounts would last for a fair bit.

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Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:09 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She hardly got to have a look at the girl in the hall way. She wasn't a fast runner but adrenaline was rushing through her and Etolie was tugging her along. Only when she was tying to evade that Demon thing on the other island had she had a longer chase. It was usually over by now and so she knew that the slime was playing with them.

Last time when I had been her and Dani I had set upon them with no real challenge or chase so toying with them in such a way didn't make much sense but she was so full with the need to get away that she wasn't thinking things through completely.

“The water, I don't think it can handle the water!”
She disclosed though that was less then helpfully. The pool was well behind them and they had been herded here rather than outside. There weren't any sprinkles here, no in any of the older buildings at least.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:10 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Well it didn't seem that info was going to help. With or without sprinklers she couldn't do much there. Here magic was very limited after all …

“OH SHIT!” The slime was oozing out from the door ahead of hem a an alarming pace. She spun around so quick that Rhaine lost her towel. She sees the girl they just passed and ran that way towards the corner running smack into the other slime as the other ooze swiftly closed in.

But Rhaine had been the primary target and pseudopods lashed out against her one managing to grab an ankle and tugged Rhaine closer and Etolie too as it became obvious that she was going to loose this tug of war contest yet she had not let go and was actually trying to get Rhaine free.

Etolie Leblanc
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Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:11 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Feigning profound shock and awe in face of their unforeseen pursuer the curvaceous maiden had been rather indecisive and remained pinned to the nearest wall, trembling mildly with each and every deep breath which had caused the ample bounty of her heavy breasts to heave and lower itself rhythmically. Deep inside Ania would have relished getting every ounce of coherent thought fucked straight out of her skull by an insatiable creature with endurance far beyond their own, the two students falling straight for the trap which the concealed predator had already sensed. But regrettably having favored this physical image Rhaine would potentially link the tanned temptress Kate with her Mistress at another point in time and then any repercussions would be far more severe.

It couldn't be helped. Water resided nowhere nearby, the ceiling devoid of a highly desired sprinkler system although the voluptuous woman had another stream of thought entirely. She pretended to be utterly defenseless, allowing him to draw closer and closer without interruption while these formidable young women were usurped by the unsightly mass, but Ania didn't miss out on the heroic deed Etolie attempted here even though it clearly meant dooming herself upon failure.

Observing the two filled her with a mixture of emotions, but that was placed beyond her foremost concern as the most delicious treat of her form had been presented to the slime based creature on a silver platter. He could touch, surround these enticingly thick feminine thighs and their athletically toned expanse, but then he would hear and most assuredly feel the extraordinary power of his victim.

His flesh or whatever passed for the bulk of his body began to hiss menacingly, the vile substance suddenly secreted from her legs burning itself into him and swiftly vaporized the outer layer of his goopy being. He might possess an acidic touch, but her personal mixture had been an entirely new level of overwhelming strength, the woman herself shielded from the effect much like the belly was naturally protected from stomach acid.

In human disguise even now the brown haired heroine tore herself free with inhuman strength and immediately dashed toward the two damsels in distress. Her hands latched onto Etolie reflexively considering that Rhaine had been trapped farther by then, yanking the otherwise rebellious vixen free before tending to her precious blonde gemstone, leaking none of the despicable fluid for the time being in an attempt to rescue the beautiful soccer player.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:57 pm
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