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 Puzzled (for Follower) 
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Post Puzzled (for Follower)
She finally had her arm out of that sling, the reminder of that brutal attack but Rhaine did not dwell on the past. She couldn't. No one could on this place. She knew the score more or less and tried not to think of it. As Dani mentioned it wasn't worth troubling yourself over or thinking about … well she didn't actually say that but it was all inferred.

Today was puzzle day. She loved math and it had been a bit since she could indulge like this. She had been at the library photocopying the Sudoku puzzles. Not just them but there were a few brain teasers such as the problem of arranging eight queens on a chess board without any of them threatening one another.

She used graph paper to make a grid representing a chess board in pen but used a pencil to mark the places where she would place queens. She had to erase her marks a few times but kept working at it. Honestly it didn't take her so long.

The Sudoku puzzles took longer for the most part though there had been some easier ones. But she got invested and one thing happened that she sought to avoid while on the campus, not that she even had been aware of doing so consciously but she was alone, at least on this floor.

A quick check of her watch confirmed it was around dinner time and most of the other girls were probably at the cafeteria. She began packing up after a sign placing her pens, pencils and photocopies away. Rhaine didn't like being alone but she had not been the sort to panic when she wasn't around people either.

It was just a preference of hers. Tomorrow was soccer practice again, the first time back after her injury though she associated her recent attack with soccer and it had been the worse one yet. It had made her a bit nervous about getting back into the swing of things, could she really do it? Maybe she'd see if Dani wanted to go swimming though it was getting later in the evening. Maybe the pool … it would take her mind off of tomorrow and seeing Dani in a swim suit, school issue or not, was always a pleasant site ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Last edited by Rhaine Fischer on Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 30, 2016 5:18 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (Open)
One of 263's bodies practically lived in a maintenance room under the school now. It proved extremely convenient and amicable. None of the students or staff who weren't supposed to know about its existence ever went down there, and even besides them, it saw very little traffic. Almost none since anyone had first noticed it, in fact. The space was small enough that no other monsters seemed to have a use for it, and so its body was not likely to be torn to shreds. Even better, the room provided access to the airducts, through which it could reach half the building undetected. It's psychic abilities allowed it to know when intruders were approaching, or, better yet, when a poor, defenseless girl was all on her lonesome.

263 sensed this now. "Rhaine," the girl's name flitted through its mind as so much noise. Of the myriad thoughts fluttering around her mind, her name was probably the least interesting. Of more interesting note, it could see that it had raped her before. Not even terribly long ago. There were memories of physical pain tied up in there. It had hurt her, it remembered. She had compelled it to. Its powers had been new then, and her memories had blared in its mind like a siren, commanding it to hurt her. If 263 could feel remorse, it might regret what it had done to her. As it was, it was better now - smarter, and more in control of its powers and its instincts.

The monster's tentacles encircled her space in the library. It watched her in silence for a time, observing what she was doing. Bursting out of hiding and raping girls without context was falling out of style for it. It had started to learn that more enjoyable opportunities would present themselves, with patience, and tact. So it waited, and studied her, scanning her mind as she sat and worked on her puzzles. It could tell her mind was a blur of activity. 263 was not personally familiar with the concept of recreational puzzles, but it surmised that whatever was taking up this girl's cognitive resources must have been the goal of her presence here.

Still, it wanted to know more. And what better way to learn than to ask? 263 liked talking with girls. Almost as much as the other thing, especially since one usually led to the other. Well, anything it did would usually lead to fucking, but conversation turned out to be an interesting way to get things flowing, as it were. Its tentacles began to slither from the vents, quietly sneaking behind the shelves around her, encircling her position and ready to pounce if she tried to flee. Once it had her securely in her clutches, it reached out to her mind.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" it asked her ponderously as she was putting away her books, in a gravely voice that would echo in her mind.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:46 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Not even realizing that it was already too late that she was being surround on all sides she paused just after setting the last of her note pads back into her bag. There was a brief ache in her hand and she rubbed it. Etolie had smashed it with a stone breaking it though she had always felt a tinge of discomfort prior to it raining.

That was often on a tropical island and she had gotten use to the ache which by now was more of a sensation, a ping that let her divine the approaching storm. She had wondered why that was but she never looked into it, Rhaine often just went with the flow of things, the cause wasn't the important thing for the most part it was dealing with issues at hand and rarely did she associate a cause and effect to things such as going here and being attacked every time she had been there.

Most of the time life was simple and she had distracted herself a bit today. Then the voice. She looked about frantically and saw nothing. She had not been a stranger to telepathic contact though in all her time here it had only occurred once before so it was still alien, still different.

She could not see it though but knew something was there. It didn't sound familiar and she knew that it was too late. She had some success with flight though often it was on the intervention of another. But not knowing where it was she had no clue as to were it was safe to run. So she answered as she searched with her eyes, standing there as she processed escape routes, processed where something would be or expected her to flee.

This was another puzzle though it may not have a solution.

“Just some math puzzles to pass some time.” She used her voice not knowing if it could pick up on her thoughts and if it could this was one puzzle she would be unable to solve.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:55 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Ah, so it was puzzles. This "math" was not a concept 263 was familiar with, but scanning her mind about "puzzles" revealed something it had a basic grasp of. Any creature of nature was familiar with problem solving, and it had become fond of recreational problem solving itself. Of late, it had begun presenting puzzles of its own to several of the girls around the island, pretty much all of the same variety: how to not be raped. They never seemed to win.

However, the puzzles it was used to involved sprawling terrain to chase girls through or test them against. This girl hadn't moved from her seat, and had been staring at a book the whole time. How could this be a puzzle? 263 could tell she was looking for an escape, but it was fairly confident she wouldn't be able to find one any time soon. Even if she did, it didn't much matter. It would make sure to track her down later. Evolution had made it patient in its lust. For now, it was curious what this peculiar and foolishly solitary human was doing to get herself into this predicament.

"How. Do. These. Puzzles. Work?" It asked. Its tentacles slithered idly behind the shelves. "How. Do. You. Solve. Them?"

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:34 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
With the voice in her head it had been impossible for her to tell if it were getting closer or not. She could guess that it was examining her escape routes and probably had to most likely covered and was studying how to respond if she did something different assuming it had not done so already.

Nine queens … OK, much more difficult then the eight queens puzzle she just did though was there a solution to ii? No. With the eight queens each had to be placed on a different row and there just wasn't enough rows. Not all puzzles could be solved, some were downright next to impossible but as long as they had a solution they were fun. No solution here so she could only hope for the best.

But it was still talking displaying some form of intelligence and those were the ones she could deal with the best … well there was the fanatical devil thing, the sentient slime and the plant but all those she had fortunately avoided. Granted only once on her own though that felt unusual as if the devil thing just gave up …

She considered for a brief moment. “There are all kinds. These are mathematical in nature. There are other sorts too but a simple problem would be figuring out the number of something if another had been added. These are more challenging in working out the right combination of numbers to fill in when only a few numbers are given with the aim of not repeating numbers in a column or row.

“There are more practical puzzles that can work through a problem before it arises ...”
she thought, her hand rubbing her chin then she pointed to a likely escape route.

“Such as knowing if I ran that way I wouldn't make it much further than tow rows of books but if I went that way,” she pointed in another direction, “I'd get further but that takes me further from the exit too so that isn't much good either.”

She was somewhat casual about this. Granted she had no idea who she was dealing with either though she used a simple example so it would be easier for it to follow. It since she was uncertain as to what it was, the voice she was hearing seemed off, she couldn't tell though it had the feeling of being masculine it was patient too so she couldn't be sure. Perhaps it was confident that she could not escape but she remained standing where she was though still looking for an indication of where he or she was.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:14 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
"There. Is. Nowhere. For. You. To. Run," it confirmed for her, finding her casual references to her escape plans rather droll. It knew she was afraid, and right to be, but she played it cool and calculated. Perhaps she hoped that her intelligence could win and see her through this untouched. How quaint.

Slowly, the tentacles emerged from their hiding places all around her, surrounding her space, cordoning her inside the area. Perhaps once she recognized what was talking to her, she wouldn't be quite so glib. It could hardly blame her for not recognizing its voice. It hadn't had much to say the last time they met. But there was no way she would forget the tentacles that had ravaged her so severely.

They looked much the same as before - thick and fleshy. Their skin was firm, but not rough, colored off-brown and featureless other than faint ridges along their length. Their long shafts ended in bulbous heads, which seemed to turn towards her like watching snakes. Near the back, one of the tentacles ended in an especially rounded tip, looking more like an eye that peered straight at her.

"You. Will. Not. Enjoy. Trying. To. Escape," it told her. "But. You. Enjoy. These. Puzzles. ... Show. Me. How. You. Complete. Them." The tentacles floated around her, waiting for her to act. It wanted to see how she did these "math puzzles" she seemed so enraptured with.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:46 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
“I figured,” she answered. She had reached that conclusion that there was no solution for this puzzle. She needed more information for it to be even feasible and the odds were still against her getting too far unless it enjoyed the chase. A few did though running was the furthest thing from her mind, at least until she saw it!

That was something she would not forget, the color drained from her and she wanted to run. Her arm had just healed too and that wasn't the extent of her injuries the last time. She shuffled her gaze left and right as if in a vain search for an exit but held her ground remembering it did not see last time, that it responded to sound.

Shit! She remembered the eye or was it eyes last time they had not appeared so soon but seeing her there was no way out of this now. It hit her slowly though. Not enjoy running … yeah, though she wasn't sure that staying was a good idea either.

Yet it didn't pounce straight away and was still talking, it was different this time at least for the moment.

What Tidal and Etolie did to her had been extreme but he was up there too. They both broke bones, Tidal even made her loose all of them at one stage and deal with that squid.

Nine queens. She took a deep breath and sighed with her heart thundering against her chest. “OK, come closer.”

She sat back down and got out some of her copies and pencils. Stabbing it in that eye wouldn't do much good though she really didn't consider it much. The thought came a an option that she dismissed as soon as it presented itself. She would show him some examples of Sudoku puzzles from those that she had not yet completed explaining the arrangement of numbers, how the rules worked and worked on it enough for him to get an idea of how it worked.

“It let's you see patterns and how things fit with one another. It's jut meant to kill time though I find them enjoyable.”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:27 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
263's eye hovered over the girl's head, looking down at the materials she laid out in front of her, although most of its seeing it did through her eyes. It didn't have the knowledge to understand the symbols on her paper, but through her mind, it could more or less tell what they meant. By the time she was done explaining, it was starting to get a grasp on numbers. As for the rest, logic wasn't something raktar in general had evolved far enough to apply in much detail, but 263 was smart enough to begin making fairly advanced deductions. It still didn't understand why someone would spend time voluntarily presenting problems to themselves, and then solving them, without any larger implication or consequence. But then, it didn't much bother trying to understand humans. It only cared to fuck them.

Speaking of, another of its eyes peered unseen at the girl, looking her up and down, admiring her beauty while she was busy explaining the material the the eye she could see. Her clothing may have changed, as made for a fun new game of unwrapping her, but her slender figure, shining golden hair, and striking red eyes remained the same. 263 could see the memories rising in her mind, though most fixated on the physical pain it had caused her. It didn't intend to do the same again this time, unless she truly did wish for it. But its own memories - the memories of how she'd looked and felt as it held her between the trees and fucked her every hole, were just as strong within it. And it intended to relive those memories enthusiastically.

"I. See." it said when she had finished her explanation. "I. Want. To. Enjoy. These. Puzzles. With. You." Now it got to the heart of the matter. These puzzles seemed like a fun way to kill time to it, too, although it had little interest in doing the solving. "Collect. More," it told her. It had surmised that she had already solved most of these puzzles. In order for 263's activity to work, she would need new material to spend time on. "Bring. Thirty. Puzzles." It would wait for her to do as it had asked. If she brought them and sat again, it would tell her, "Now. You. Will. Solve. Puzzles. And. I. Will. Try. To. Slow. You. Down. ... If. You. Cannot. Solve. Them. I. Will. Fuck. You. Until. Morning." Little threats like that always added a delightful bit of panic into the girls' minds.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:52 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
She could do without the pain though she was surprised by his request. There were probably three tentacles to everyone she saw and escape was more or less no going to happen. Rhaine didn't know how he worked, if he were a swarm with a single consciousness, several beings or just one great big being that she could not see in it's entirety.

She usually made photocopies from the magazines but didn't this time. She gathered up the requested material whether newspapers or magazines bringing them back to the table. She grabbed what she could find and it was a good thing she had been hurt since some of he materials had built but she stacked them into two piles. Magazines in one stack and a few newspapers in the other.

They were not all math based either, some had been crossword puzzles and she wasn't so great at word play. He could easily stop her from what she recounted from last time too, but a lengthy ordeal like that, sure she had done so before but the thought of all that pain, of all that constricting, she had thought she would die and how long had that been? She wasn't sure but that was not all night either.

She swallowed hard and sat down. Drawing the first magazine closer to her and opening it up to the puzzles it the back. Taking up a pencil she waited for some sort of signal to begin though her eyes focused on the clues running all sorts of combinations through her head broken up by the occasional terrified thought at what failure would bring. She was gullible enough to believe that if she finished then it would be worth something but she didn't focus on that just now trying to ebb her fears to stay as focused as possible.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:31 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The creature waited patiently as she sat back down, and seemed to grasp the exact nature of her situation. In truth, it was curious how well she would do, and might even let her leave once she managed to finish them. That kind of consequence would only give itself more incentive to do a better job of preventing that. Not that the girl herself wasn't a good incentive. It was going to have a lot of fun "distracting" her.

"Begin," 263 told her almost as soon as she opened the first set of puzzles. It didn't want her to get too much of a head start looking up clues and answers before it initiated the game. It watched as the girl worked her way through the puzzles, peering over her shoulder, though it had no way of knowing whether any answer she produced was actually correct. But she didn't have to know that, and her own mind would tell it if she was faking answers.

It waited until she had finished the first three puzzles before it made any move. However, the instance she started on to the fourth, tentacles slithered forward from the sidelines, snaking up to her chair before wrapping around her ankles, and starting to slide up her legs. Even as they went, more tentacles were moving towards her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:37 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Rhaine began though she didn't even think of cheating. With the rules she had laid out cheating in the Sudoku puzzles was difficult since no row or column could have the same number in it he would have seen the same symbol repeated. She was pretty good at these things or sufficiently motivated as she managed to see the abstract connections finishing each box quick enough.

Her focus had been on the puzzles before her and the numbers sort of fell into place. With the third though it was a little more challenging. She had to erase numbers and reassign them elsewhere to come up with viable solutions. She liked math but she had no supernatural ability with it. She was probably better at most with it, a lot of that having to do with the fact that she dealt with numbers often. That and swimming had been her two favorite things.

She got through the third, jumped in her seat at the fourth with the contact that he had finally made. Thus far his touch hadn't been rough but unexpected since he waited a while before initiating it. Her heart rate accelerated, her pencil worked quicker but so did her eraser as she often had to go back and get rid of numbers. Her concentration wasn't as strong thinking about what happened last time.

Higher, the tentacles were going higher on her legs, the point of her pencil snapped, she was too nervous and applied too much pressure. Crimson eyes widened she had to dig through her bag for others.

Fortunately the bag was less then an arm's length away from her and she got out all her instruments setting them down on the table, grabbing another and getting back to work though those tentacles were higher now on her thighs. Further she had to find her place once again reconnecting to where she last left off and seeing the numbers again that fit … no good 4 was repeated, a 3 went there which meant a 1 over her …

There was a slight tremble to her, breathing increasing as her arm shivered and danced as her written number were legible but sloppy now.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Jun 08, 2016 3:49 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
263 watched her mind work even as it began to play with her body. It found she was running into a satisfying number of wrong answers, which would only give it more time to do as it pleased. It found it was starting to get a grasp on this kind of puzzle. Deductions and manipulations of quantities, it understood. It could almost see the appeal in working through such a puzzle, especially for a human.

But then, the puzzle was the girl's challenge, and its challenge was the girl. The tentacles around her legs began to caress her, slowly stroking her thighs as they coiled around, moving higher and higher. They could feel her silky soft skin against their own, covered in goosebumps as she trembled. More tentacles climbed the back of her seat, up and up until they crested over her shoulders. They didn't inhibit her ability to write, but they did creep along her body, slithering over her neck. Larger tentacles began to dip down from her shoulders, across her chest. Others encircled her waist gently, rubbing her stomach through her shirt and constricting her to her chair.

But it used smaller, more dexterous tentacles near her face. Almost gently, they crept up the back of her neck, to her ears and cheeks and jaw. They started to touch her playfully, tracing her features and rubbing her ears. One tentacle brushed just above her chin, its thin tip tickling the underside of her lip. Such a sweet and sensual body this girl had. It would very much enjoy turning it against her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:10 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The touch of those tentacles had been unmistakably alien but to her surprise tender this time around as if he had decided to play with her. Perhaps that was the aim, distract her with pleasantries with the price of failure being the rougher stuff. It felt surprisingly good though. One looped about her waist holding her to the chair and she felt others climbing up the back of the seat.

Her shoulders felt him though she tried to remain focused she worked, making more mistakes with something on the line. Had their been no challenge she wouldn't have been so nervous nor would she have made half the errors but he was not impeding her from working … well not in the sense of stopping her.

The smaller tentacles were doing a quick number on her. Her neck was especially sensitive and there was pleasure that blossomed from those that traced spots near or just behind the hears. Her cheeks were so-so but her chin and bottom jaw got a response.

It was not pain, that part of her had been reinforced by Ania after Tidal demolished her job. While Tidal did repair it to a state that was good enough Ania made it stronger. It was the infusion there of that alien DNA that slightly impeded her healing as far as her arm went though her ribs were healed up readily enough and her arm wasn't delayed all that long either.

But the spot got a small gasp out of her. It may have been stronger but oddly it was a pleasurable feeling that hadn't been exploited by anyone before. Her eyes opened wide, she panted as it traced that spot and she squirmed a bit more as she tried to focus on the puzzle again.

Next. She had finished though he wasn't making this easier for her either. There was just no way she was going to do it, she was barely into matters. Her mind raced, searching for another solution though distracted by other puzzles and of course his touch.

Crossword puzzles. She eyed them not looking forward to those either. “I … I … let me amend things a little ….”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:01 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
263 could feel the pleasure building inside her, flowering up despite all her efforts to focus on the problems at hand. The initial absolute terror her body had exhibited at the prospect of being brutally abused like last time, was starting to blend with a more encouraging response of gentle pleasure being applied to her seemingly frail figure. It noticed an especially strong response from a certain spot on her jaw, and the smaller tentacles began to focus there, dispatching several more to gently caress the area.

As her body responded in pleasure, a memory flashed through her mind of an alien woman who had helped her with her jaw. It was 263's turn to feel the shivers. As many girls as it had availed itself of on the island, there were far more dangerous things here, to human and monster alike. That woman was one of them. One of the worst, in fact. It sent out another psychic scan, confirming that they were alone. If this girl had a connection with that creature, things could end badly for it. But it didn't seem like anyone was coming to her rescue, human or not.

By the time 263 refocused its attention on the girl, she had finished one set of puzzles. Good, that meant it was 263's turn to kick things up for the next round. Just as it was about to get really frisky, the girl spoke. 263 could see the consternation in her mind at the prospect of her new puzzles, and begged for a do over. Poor child, she thought this was all negotiable.

A tentacle seized the front of her top, and with a single tug, ripped it away. The garment tore without a fight, exposing what was beneath. "You. Chose. These. Puzzles," it reminded her. "Finish. Them. Or. Be. Ravaged. ... I. Will. Not. Wait." Even as it spoke, tentacles began encircling her torso, creeping towards her breasts.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
There was a connection with Ania, though not a mental one. More often then not Ania interceded when she was around, her Mistress Rhaine had been groomed towards the future. But Ania was not here just as she wasn't on that day. More gasps of staggered pleasure emitted from her lips though the more it rubbed against her jaw.

Her nipples and clit where blossoming at that continued touch along with the others. She whimpered at the voice in her head, afraid yet knowing better than to protest. Then she felt that tug on her shirt hearing the rip, hearing the buttons of her shirt ht the ground and roll/

A yellow bra was exposed and those tentacles continued their advance. A trembling hand attempted to tackle the numbers before her and she managed a slow and shaky advance of figures. More than distracted by his touch as he continued.

It was unlikely that another student would chance upon them and if so there was nothing they could do. She had never encountered Ania in the library before and while nothing prevented her from going there that had not been where she often met her. Usual in her dorms or by chance in the wilderness.

Her progressed slowed for the next few minutes then sped up a if she just received her mental second wind then slowed again before becoming steady more or less though his tentacles were always a distraction. She was forced to hurry through puzzles rather than sit back and enjoy them but she enjoyed keeping her bones intact even more and struggled to complete them knowing that he was just getting started and she was quite away from being half finished either.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:18 am
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