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 A Better Breed (for Diva) 
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Post A Better Breed (for Diva)
Research centers like the moon of Honlin IV were a dime a dozen in the galaxy. Self-proclaimed "scientists" with more interest in research than morality gathered dozens of women together, and conducted experiments that were little more than empirically-backed indulgence of perverted fetishes. Most of the girls tended to be humans. Others were females of other races, enslaved or otherwise captured, but just as appealing to those who got to watch them squirm. The girls were thrown into examining rooms and containment cells, sometimes alone, other times in groups. They were set upon by beasts, machines, plants, and even things that defied classification. Sometimes, the researchers themselves took part. And the women were raped, again and again, writhing in fear and pain or pleasure, many forced to orgasms beyond their control as they screamed and cried.The horrors of what women endured in these centers were well known to A.D.D.

Honlin IV was no different, and much like the others, was protected by a complex and perverse security network, comprised largely of lesser monsters and mechanical traps. Any male who fell victim to it would be disposed of, but females would meet a less fatal, but much more prolonged fate. Many of these defense networks included raktar - primitive tentacled beasts harvested from a far-off forest planet, favored for their feeble minds and their unerring tendencies to rape any women they came across. In this, too, Honlin IV was no different.

What did make it different, however, was that NICE had chosen the facility as one of several vanguard installations to test the deployment of a new breed of raktar. The scientists hadn't shared the details with the base's administrator, but had only assured him that these would succeed where regular, more easily deterred raktar would fail. And as much as he hated being kept in the dark about operations inside his own station, the administrator couldn't help but look forward to a chance to test these assertions.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:49 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
There were plently of horrible things happening in the galaxy that needed to be stopped but doing such things alone was next to impossible given each faction's limited resorces, that is why Diva wilingly accepted the A.D.D mission briefing on the target facility in question. There was not much information on the location other then it was a sinister place were ungodly experiments were preformed on helpless un-wiling victims of the female sex. It was a shrine to corruption and it needed to be destroyed and the women their liberated.

Diva's piloted her ospoden long range fighter into the sector of space her mission briefing detailed, having little to no issue discovering what moon the facility was on as she set the auto pilot to take her to a A.D.D base camp just a short distance out side the evil facility, from there it was a short hike accrost the moon surface to the structure she was to search, resue, then destroy.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:14 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
Intel on the base would have been scarce. However, all A.D.D. agents and affiliates had been trained in dealing with raktars, and many had likely had experience already. The training would have been as follows: stay calm, stay alert, keep away from the tentacles, and hurt them. Raktar were strong and fast, but they were also usually blind, and so hunted their prey by sound and smell and touch, and only occasionally producing extremely vulnerable eyes. They would flail their limbs blindly, ensnaring the first sexy specimen they found, if they could find one at all. But they weren't predators, and they were timid. Cutting a few tentacles, or otherwise inflicting a fair amount of pain on them, made them withdraw quickly, and unless overwhelmed by numbers, anyone fit for duty in the field should be able to handle them.

As Diva's craft closed in on the facility, it tripped the proximity sensors. Base personnel scrambled at the intruder alarm, but when they reported that it appeared to be a lone Ospoden fighter, the administrator smiled. "Initiate the rarktar's transformation," he told his lab supervisor. "I want them fully awake by the time our guest gets here."


Raktar 1597 awoke to... no, that wasn't right. 263 was what they called it. There was an island. It should have been on... No! It was dying! Something was killing it from the inside! There should be girls. Cute, shapely, innocent girls to... Memories! So many memories! Why? Who? Have to escape. Have to survive. From the inside, it's... This is different. This box. It was in some sort of polymer cage. And this gravity, it wasn't right. It wasn't on the island. It couldn't feel its other bodies... Help! Survive! There were other bodies, but they were all in these same metal bodies. None were on the beach, or in the forest, or creeping through the dorms. All here.

263's cells spread through the other raktar like a plague, filtering out from where they were injected through the nervous system and overpowering, enveloping, dominating. One by one, the individuals lost all sense of identity and individuality. In minutes, all were 263. It knew there should be more. It should have more bodies on Shokushu. But it couldn't feel them. All it had now were these boxes it was stuffed into. But in moments, the boxes opened. Bold and curious, all the bodies but one slithered forth, into the corridors of the facility.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:45 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
Diva read the reports on the facility's "security system" that the A.D.D provided and she wasn't impressed. These demented mad scientists honestly used theses creatures as guard hounds to protect their facility's from intruders? Despicable, Diva had no words for such criminal acts, reading the report only made her want to destroy the base even more. Her goal to save the trapped slaves still there was even more focused on now knowing that they were nothing more then tasty food to keep their guard hounds tame.

Diva was in for a unexpected surprise however as she was told by the A.D.D that her craft was modified with their latest stealth tec and their safe camp on the moon was secure, she had no clue that her arrival triggered a silent alarm or the danger she was running head long into as she reached the moon base shortly after departing the "safe" camp.

Dashing over the lunar surface Diva used the lighter gravity of the moon to volt her self quickly accost the tundra with next to no effort at all. Moving quickly and swiftly in her armor fit for a holy knight such as her self as sleek jet black metal greaves and breast plate twisted and bent seamlessly over the curves of her young athletic body tightly wrapped in darker then black body suit beneath the heavy plates that did little to hide her womanly assets. Diva's armor doubling as a highly advanced space suit as she wore a matching helmet that obscured her features. Her helmet looking much similar to a medieval knight's helmet with one diagonal slit crossing the face of the helm in order for her to see through the red LED illuminated eye hole.

Diva eventually reached the structure that stud out in the natural land scrape of the lunar surface, moving to the back door mentioned in the mission report she was given as the ospoden knight put her back to the steel wall and reached to the large metal disk she had stored on her back as she equipped her shield to her right arm be for rolling off the wall to face the door were Diva reached to the belt around her shapely young hips and pulled a small device off her utility belt she pressed ageist the door's access terminal.

Diva's device was a prototype hacking tool for field ops, it was code named "master key" meant to quickly open most electronic locks with in a few moments, however the prototype was still flawed and needed some tweaks it was still quite effective as the door eventually whooshed open with release of pressure that nearly sent Diva flying back if she had not grasped the outside safety rail quickly enough as she slowly pulled her self inside so she could close the door and activate the air lock.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:52 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
Diva's ship soon disappeared from the base's radar system, but the site was already on high alert. By the time she reached the facility, the raktar procedures had been completed, each reduced to a body for 263's psychically linked consciousness. They waited attentively, until she managed to open the back door. Her hacking device did unseal the lock, but in the process, tripped the base's surveillance alarms. A hidden camera focused on her, displaying the knight on screen to the base staff. The administrator licked his lips when he saw her shapely figure. They had sent a female operative after all. Excellent. She would make an even better test for these new raktar. And if they were worth half of what N.I.C.E. was promising they were, they'd play with her for a long time.

"Make sure the recording devices are running," he ordered his staff. "NICE will want to see this. And give them their wake up call."


263's bodies spread out through the facility, released from labs all over the base. They spread out, following their instincts and slipping their bodies into the vents and crevices of the base, out of sight. Immediately, lustful urges began to rise in 263. It had an appetite for rape unmatched by any other raktar, and it had long since overcome fears that kept others from pursuing such delights. Aggression came with eagerness, but just as it began to contemplate how it might find women to take, a door opened near several of its bodies. Nearly a dozen women were pushed through, their arms bound together, and their bodies barely covered by flimsy rags. They gasped when they saw the tentacles, but the door closed behind them, and they had nowhere to run.

263's tentacles did what they always did, wrapping around the women and ripped their clothes to shreds. They screamed and cried out as the tendrils pulled them closer, spread their legs, and penetrated them on the spot, mercilessly raping them all. Their cries and moans echoed through the halls as their pussies and asses were stuffed and fucked, again and again, with no chance of escape. But this unwilling orgy didn't satisfy 263. On the contrary, the bodies that weren't there to partake in the girls grew more restless and energetic, starting to spread their tentacles through every inch of the base they were allowed access to, looking for more toys to play with.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:13 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
Diva had no clue what she was charging into, as far as her knowledge she was entering the back door with little to no resistance, she had no reason to suspect the base was already on high alert or that they allready knew of her forced entry into their base or their plans afther her hacking tool tripped the bases silent alarm. Its not like it mattered at all, they were waiting for this and they were ready.

Diva having no idea she was unknowingly stepping foot into a trap as she proceeded through the air lock and sealed the door. The base's airlock resealing as it preassured the room befor the seciond safty hatch disengaged allowing Diva rest easy and unseal her armored helm.

Clicking a button on the edge of her helmet Diva's helm folded back, uncovering her features beneath to the audiance Diva had no clue she had. Those who cared now being able to see her odd hair color, raspberry blond hair and her soft violet eyes as she moved to the seciond air lock and pushed open the gate so she could access the rest of base.

Pulling up her shield onto her right arm Diva lifted her left, flicking her wrist to activate a wrist mounted computer that would give her a basic map of the facility as she quickly glaced at the areas she needed to assult first, enginering. Rigging the bases elctrical power was the best chorse to take first befor she sent into for the cavalry.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:37 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
Several of the base staff whistled, cheered, or simply grunted in approval when they saw Diva's beautiful face freed of her helmet. However, none of them needed to interfere any further with what was about to happen. They simply sat back to enjoy the show, making sure to document everything for later research.

As Diva charged zealously down the corridor, she would find it surprisingly empty. Most of the doors would be closed to her, and wouldn't respond even to her hacking device. Fortunately, some of the doors were still open, and they seemed to be taking her straight towards engineering. As she proceeded, though, the corridors would start to become filled. Not by enemies or sentries, but by screams. The cries of women being mercilessly abused echoed to Diva's ears, their pleas for help and defiant yelps leaving little doubt as to what was happening to them. Somewhere up ahead, they were being raped.

In truth, each of these girls had been fucked against their will dozens of times for some twisted experiment or another. Right now, though, their bodies only served to whip 263 into a sexual frenzy, providing him with more girls than he'd ever been allowed to rape at once before, and making him hungry for more and more. The women in his clutches suffered the full brunt of his sexual greed, rocking back and forth as they were rammed by tentacles in every hole. Their legs were spread wide so their pussies and asses could be wantonly pounded, split open by the thick tentacles that constricted and ravaged them. The tentacles fucked each one to their womb, and thrust down their throats when it wasn't letting them scream out in delicious fear and pleasure.

But they weren't enough. 263 wanted more. And of the multitude of minds moving through the base, Diva's stood out the most. It could tell she was a woman, and a brief scan of her mind revealed she was an extremely fuckable one at that. The bodies that weren't busy raping other women moved into hiding places within the sectioned off areas of the base, nestling into vents and storage spaces, some even hanging from the ceiling or lurking just beneath the floor. Their tentacles went everywhere they could, lacing the corridors ahead of Diva with their muscular lengths, waiting for her to spring their trap.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:24 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
It was strange, somthing Diva quickly noticed was that their wasnt a single soul to be seen anywhere, no guards, no staff, no anyone? It was like a ghost town, and to make things stranger many doors were left opened and un-bared that happen to be in the direction that was most stratigic to her assult? No, she had a bad feeling about this and it was comfirmed by her own curiosity as she moved to a door that was closed...

"Hack fail... I knew it.." Diva whispered to her self as those pretty violet eyes of hers grew wide after reading the bold red text light up acrost the face of her hacking tool, comfirming her fears to be true. " This is a trap..." With that realization Diva turned around as she raised her wrist communicator to message to her re-enforcments.

"Its a trap... I repeat... Its a trap.... I'm pulling out... moving to extraction..." Diva said clearly into her comm link befor taking her first step back the way she came only to pause mid step as she heard it.... a scream.... a painful scream that compeled Diva to suddenly whip back around and look down the hall in the cries direction and with out hesitation she bolted down the corridor seeking the source of those screams.

Once Diva finilly reached the source of those cries she gave the situation litte thought as she rushed in, only seeing the scene as women hung limply suspended in the air by roopes? Their bodies flailing and spasming wildly as Diva shouted a loud battle cry. [color=FF00FF]" UNHAND THEM!!"[/color] Diva cried as she leaped into the air, swiping at the roping vines hanging a poor captive by her breasts and ankels with the edge of her shield.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:00 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
263's tentacles began to surround her the moment she set foot inside their reach. They laced their way closer and closer to her, ready to burst out to grab her. As she turned to flee, the tentacles were about to move. Suddenly, she turned, and sprinted deeper into the trap. This delighted 263, and its tentacles instead began to mass behind her, just out of her sight. By the time she charged into the slave room, there was quite a mass following her.

The tentacles ravaging its victims paid Diva little mind as she burst into the room. Dealing with her was part of the plan, after all. However, several eye-stalks tore their gaze away from the stripped women to look at her. Her swing severed the tentacles holding the girl she was trying to save. But what seemed like ropes quickly proved to be living, writhing things, and it was their actions that were causing the girls to writhe and scream in the first place. The captive girl dropped from where she'd been hung, but in seconds, more tentacles rushed up to catch her, and ensnare her again. Within seconds, three more tentacles were pushing their way inside her, continuing to rape her as they did her companions.

But Diva had her own problems by then. More tentacles turned to face her, their bulbous heads pointed blindly towards her. Just as she was landing from her strike, more tentacles rushed in from the hallway behind her, darting forward and trying to catch hold of her arms and legs.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:15 pm
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
Divas shield strike cut the poor womens binds with ease, the sharpness of her shields edges slicing those rubbery lookng ropes like butter. Diva quickly turning in her jump to catch the poor women with a arm she had free inorder to protect her from hitting the hard metalic floor and risking further injury to her already briused and raped body.

"Its ok... I got you... your safe now..."Diva said soothingly as she laided the poor women down on the cold metal floor befor she got up off her knee to move to the others who were in distress being tortured in the hall, however that was befor Diva heard a shout come from the women she just saved....

Violet eyes widen as she caught the glimpse of similure "ropes" suddenly darting out of the floor ceiling and walls, quickly entangling the poor captive women befor stringing her back up into the air by her thighs, breasts, and sex, like some kind of sick sexual decor.... however Diva hardly had time to under stand the situation as she suddenly felt somthing wrap around her ankel...

"What!" Diva shouted in suprise as she pulled back her leg, however it was to late as the rubbery vine coiled around her leg and up her calf.... Diva left off guard as she quickly moving to use the sharp edge of her shield to cut the vine that wrapped around her calf only to find her wrists were suddenly restrained by new ropes that darted out and captured and snared both limbs. It was in this momment Diva realized these were no mundane ropes or vines.... but tenticles.... tenticles sudden was strongly pulling agiest.

[color=#FF00FF]"ERHH! R-RELEASE ME NOW DEMON!"Diva callout.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:37 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
At first, the tentacles only held Diva in place. The woman was strong, but the tentacles of a raktar could lift and hurl a bus, let alone withstand the struggles of a single girl. She had been careless to let them grab her in the first place, and they weren't about to give her a second chance to use that shield of hers.

That became the tentacles' first target. As several tendrils held each of her limbs in place, more swarmed towards her weapon, and the junction it created with her body. 263 had never known a being like her, but she didn't seem all that different from a regular girl, so it surmised that this deadly trap that had severed its tentacles must be some sort of equipment. The tentacles swarmed around her hand, trying to yank the shield free.

Even as the monster worked to disarm her, it was starting to feel her up as well. Tentacles crawled up her legs, looking for bare skin to caress and clothing seams to tear apart. It had awoken to a flurry of rape and defilement, and it was more than eager to add this sexy new visitor to the party.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:58 pm
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
Diva tugged and struggled agiest the tenticles that snared her arms and legs, but it was no use. The tenticles were tougher then they looked and she coud not break them even with her incredible might.

"Urgh! Release me demon!" Diva shouted as the creature would feel her whole body flexed beneath her tight suit as she attempted to break those tenticles once agin... yet agin to no avail.

It was the creatures turn next as Diva suddenly gasped as dozens of tenticles swarmed out from the walls and vents, coiling around her shield as it sought to tare her weapon away from her." Ugh! No! Y-YOU CANT HAVE IT!" Diva shout in rage as she closed her fist around the shields handle.

In this same momment Diva's eyes winced closed and a faint redness fell over her cheeks as she felt a discusting sensation as tenticles seemed to travel up her legs, thighs and hips, coiling around whatever they found worth feeling befor only travling further north up her body. Tenticles discovering they could slip beneath her breast plate, discovering the ospoden knights soft ample chest hidden beneath a hard outter shell.

While Divas conviction was strong even she wasnt physicly strong enough to with stand the creatures sheer brutish strength as it molested her. It took some effort but it managed to ripp the shield from Divas hand afther it touched her in some questionable ways, befor sucking her shield beneath the growing mass that was joining her in the hallway as more tenticles sought out to explore Diva's young toned body... discovering the suit she wore had no exterior opening for it to sneak through other then the neck...

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:56 pm
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
At first, the girl gave 263 some cause for concern. She looked, smelled, and sounded just as enticing other girls it had dealt with. In fact, even compared to the girls it was raping right now, she was stunningly beautiful. But not only had her weapon severed her tentacles in a clean stroke, but even now, bound as she was, it could feel she was much stronger than the girls it was used to dealing with. She even seemed poised to throw off her bindings, before more tentacles swarmed her limbs to help keep her in place. Not only that, but her clothing was hard metal - not the usual fabric uniforms it was used to tearing off students.

Soon, however, the territory began to feel more familiar. As its tentacles curled up her legs, it could feel soft skin underneath the less firm portions of her suit, deforming and shivering at its touch. Judging by her expression, the woman could feel it, too. Her face flushed and her eyes squeezing shut at the touch. She was trying to reject it, as they all did. Its tentacles continued up, finding more soft spots in her armor. Her ass was surprisingly unguarded, and several tentacles took to coiling around that, massaging her cheeks.

Other tentacles crawled higher up, and soon found the split in her breastplate, and that they could worm their way underneath. Their explorations were immediately rewarded with the soft swell of her breasts pushing out against them and molding under their pressure. Immediately, tentacles began to coil round her mounds under the armor, groping and squeezing them eagerly, enjoying the feeling of her full, perky tits offering some, but not much, resistance to their machinations. The squeezing of her breasts seemed to weaken the young woman's physical resolve, as well. Her grip on her weapon began to weaken, and in an instant of weakness, they ripped it from her.

With their prey disarmed, the other tentacles also turned to feeling her up. But they headed towards her head. Despite its findings so far, 263 seemed unable to disrobe her. Tentacles near her chest began trying to pry the breastplate away, to gain better access to her tits. But even as they did, other tentacles found they were unable to rip away the soft suit that protected her underneath. Exploring all avenues, tentacles began to slither up her. When they reached her neck, some proceeded up to touch her face, slithering over her cheeks and up the back of her head.

But others turned back down, focusing on her neck where her suit ended. Before long, they found the edge of her suit was at the collar, and it didn't seem to be airtight. Worming against the flap for a few moments, they soon slipped inside the front of her armor, finding nothing but naked skin underneath. Slowly, the tunneled back down, sliding against her smooth skin, pushed closer to it by the suit's own elasticity.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:20 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
The beasts tentacles managed to hold back the strong ospoden knight afther stripping her of her heavy bulwark befor doing the unthinkable. Diva felt its sickly appendages swarm over her arms and legs and slowly creeped further up along her body, over her thighs and even her to firm rear end, feeling a pair of tentacles slid carefully between the crack of her cut ass be for coiling around her cheeks.

This perverted creature forcing Diva to cringe as it sought out the least firm places on her armored suit that didnt protect her behind a heavy shell, eventually discovering it could wiggle beneath her breast plate and discover the treats hidden beneath....

"AUH! N-no! D-dont touch me so vulgarly demon! Auh!" Diva boasted be for being forced to gasp as she could not help but throw her head back and let out a soft gasp as she felt the creatures thick snake like tentacles loop around both sensitive breasts be for beginning to playfully squeeze her.

A moan escaped Diva's lips as she arched her back as if she could escape the monster molesting her... yet the sound of metal bending and snaps burst recaptured hers and most likely the researchers attention as her breast plate was suddenly torn open allowing the beast to remove the knights curiass and allow it and the cameras a better view of her body beneath the plate, perfectly sculpted by the tight one piece armored suit, but more importantly seeing those heavenly covered mounds currently roped securely by monster tentacles.

Another shout escaped Diva as her armor was ripped away, only forcing her to struggle more frantically as she tugged and pulled ageist the bonds holding her back, only as more tentacles were busy feeling up her body, eventually reaching her neck.....

Gritting her teeth, Diva winced her eyes closed as tentacles poked ageist the cheeks of her face as she refused access to her mouth if it sought to enter there. However Diva's violet eyes widen as soon as she felt a slither ageist her neck and the collar of her suit. "N-no! Stay out of m-my! Unhand me you! AuH! AHH!!!" Diva said in a nervous tone be for slowly the creatures slickly appendages began to wiggle beyond the collar of her suit be for squirming deeper down forcing Divas jaw to drop as a shameful redness invaded her features. THe creatures tentacles only outlined by the tightness of her suit.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:13 am
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Post Re: A Better Breed (for Diva)
The tentacled creature watched Diva struggle futilely in its clutches, fighting and thrashing to get free, or at least escape the sexual invasion it had planned for her. It amused 263 that, in a room full of women it had already raped so thoroughly, she thought she could avoid becoming one of them. Granted, she had proven more dangerous than any other woman 263 had encountered before - at least, this isolated consciousness of it. And her suit had proven itself a slight hindrance. For that, it was intrigued enough to address her directly.

"You. Cannot. Escape. Now." The voice was gravely and ponderous, and seemed to come from nowhere, as if it were being born directly in her mind. No ADD report had ever made mention of Raktar communicating, and certainly not like this.

No sooner had it spoken, then a tentacle snaked up from below her, and thrust itself into her open mouth before she could recover enough to close it. The tentacle's mass filled her mouth, forcing her to open wide, and seeking out the soft texture of her tongue. It began to thrust slowly, moving in and out of her mouth in a show of dominance.

The rest of her body wasn't to be far behind. The tentacles were still crawling their way down underneath her suit. They felt inch after inch of her smooth, soft skin pressed into their warm, tough flesh. It wasn't long before their bulges had traveled to her chest. The tentacles encircling her tits above the suit withdrew, but they were immediately replaced by the ones underneath the suit. The tentacles pushed their way around her breasts, squeezing and fondling them once again.

Curious about the woman's situation, 263 asked, "Have. You. Ever. Been. Violated. Before?" It wasn't sure if the situation in this strange place was the same as on Shokushu, where every girl it came across had or would be raped by another monster other than itself sooner or later. Of course, it could have searched through her memories to seek an answer to that question, but it was much easier and more fun to get it out of her, especially as it was preparing her to be violated right now.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:59 am
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