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 School Project (Clarice) 
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Clarice could take it anymore. Only a few short spasm after Kanoe did Clair join her in a fit of cries and moans of pleasure. She could feel her walls tighten hard again and again on the fake member, nectar running from her netherlips and mixed with Kanoe's. She arched her back in more squeals, though some were from slightl tinging pain from the nails in her back. It was ignored, though.

She dropped her right down, unable to hold herself as she lked her love's lips affectionatly, wiping the small rope of drool from her precious face as she rested her head between Kanoe's neck, jerking and mewlingas her walls continued to contract again and again. it was like she couldn't stop or smething. I was the longest and hardest orgasm she was ever going through!

AAhhh ahha aahh aaahhh ahhh I-haaa can't breaf....ahh ahh ahh" she tries to say, but anymore words were haulted by her drooling grunt and mews.


Last edited by Clarice on Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:46 pm
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Her head was nodding slowly. The witch was completely in a daze. Her glazed eyes stare blankly at the ceiling as her mouth hangs open in a silent never ending moan. This was so much more than something monsters do to her body constantly. There was no pressure, threatening or manipulation. This was something they both wanted to do to each other. Forget everything and simply writhe together in lustful union.

Nectar squirts up the two headed shaft as her love's own juices ran down to her own flooded sex. Besides the occasional grunt from the grinding sex toy, no other sounds left Kanoe's lips. She was completely overwhelmed. Her peaks were beginning to hurt from the hardened errections. The darkened nipples were only held at bay against their puffing areola by the vibrators pressing down on them. They were beginning to throb in sync with her rapidly beating heart, hot blood constantly flowing and engorging the tender flesh. She could see darkness clouding around her blurry vision as she nuzzles into Clarice's neck. Was she going to last through this experience?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:23 pm
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As her climax finally subsided into aftershocks, she shakily unstuck the vibraters, watching with amazement to the woman's nipples as they had turned so red they looked to bleed any minute. She dislodges herself slowly from Kanoe's spasming cunt, making to sure to bring out her last spasms from her hand as they curled inside her to stimulate any further. She takes her other hand and removes the dildo from her pussy. She lazily draped her arms over Kanoe as she began to come to some senses. Never before had an orgasm rack her body so hard and so wanted then that moment.

She kisses Kanoe affectionatly, yet extremely softly from exhaustion. She nuzzles herself close to her love, feeling her warmth take her over her. Her vision was extremely blurry, her closing eyes may be the problem to that. She rocks her partner's breasts up and down weakly and makes sure she doesn't even touch her rock hard buttons. The girl had gone through enough...

Her ragged breaths soften as she slowly drifted off, a soft moan left her lips as her head lay only a few inches from Kanoe's. She was at peace. She had no regrets for what she had done...but thn again should she? Her lover was a wonderful woman. Beautiful, witty, and unmercifully teasing. She loved it so.


Last edited by Clarice on Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:37 am
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Her lover was gentle with her exhausted body. She was still high in the peaks of pleasure when the large sex toy slid out of her clenching cunt with a soft slurp, her nectar following along with the member. Nipples pulse and throb in the cool air, finally released from the never ending teases of the vibrators. She thought they would pop at any moment with each throb of the tender nubs. A soft groan leaves her lips as Clair's fingers curl deep inside her. The tension and pleasure released with her flowing fluids onto her love's hand. Her body felt weak as she was slowly eased and finally able to relax after such a long ride on the seas of passion.

The kiss brought the young witch back to reality though still not fully aware. She returns the kiss with one just as weak as her love's. Kanoe shivers as she feels the woman's hands gently slide beneath her luscious orbs. They were firm and swollen with her heavy arousal. She would not be surprised if Clair could feel her heart throbbing through her engorged breasts. She feels a slight chill as the warm body finally left her own and lays down beside her. The witch felt heavy, every moment was straining in her weary state. But, slowly she rolls to her side, giving a soft groan as her breasts shift and sway with her movements. Her arm wraps around Clarice, pulling herself closer to the woman. Darkness claims her before she went any further, her body falling into a deep slumber up against the woman she found to be very special to her. A woman who was like her, a beautiful mystic who she could share her life with through the good and the bad. She loves this woman and had no intention of ever letting go.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:24 pm
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Spectre looked in from the Beyond. It beheld the two witches snuggled together on Kanoe’s bed. One dark, the other fair, they appeared different as night and day. Yet there were many similarities as well - not just their pale complexions, but their anti-social natures as well. And, of course, their interest in the magical arts.

The pair had been resting peacefully for a few hours following their project-sparked tryst. An occurrence that was unique to them. The other pairings of students in the class had been given boxes full of disassembled anatomical models and instructions for a double-blind experiment involving such. The cameras were merely a simple means of documentation. They had long since retired to their separate rooms, part of the majority of students that were completely unaware that monsters stalked the island.

Spectre decided that the witches had rested enough. The should be reasonably recovered from their evening’s activities. At least enough to make sure they wouldn’t pass out too soon during the coming ordeal. Forsaking its manifestation, the Thing sent its voice into their reality. It targeted the sound that was not a sound such that only its intended recipient could hear.

“Kanoe,” its voice washed over the sleeping witch, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere. “Awaken, Kanoe.”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:57 pm
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The warmth of another body in her bed was more soothing than she could ever thought. The dark witch was sleeping soundly. Not a stir or even a horrible dream which are quite common since her time on the island. This woman had her at complete ease, something she had not had in such a long time. Kanoe was still holding Clarice close to her, their warm breaths caressing each other's cheeks.

Kanoe's eyes suddenly open as her entire body quivers slightly. She heard a voice. It was not any normal voice. It was one that pierced even her deep slumber, a voice that cannot be ignored. The witch shakes her head slowly, not now anytime but now. Giving Clarice a soft caress across her cheek, she sits up slowly in her bed.

"I did what you asked of me before," She says softly so not to wake Clair, "Don't you have another to tortue?"

She knew it was futile to shoo the being away. But, this was not something she wanted her first lover to be involved with. She could not help but feel frightened. What would she do if Clarice was attacked by this monster?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:14 pm
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Clair still slept on sound asleep, though a soft moan escapes her lips as her love strokes her cheeks gently. Her blonde hair was sprawled all over her chest and neck, covering her upper sensetive areas for the time being. The carress causes her to tighten her hold around Kanoe's waist and leaves no clues that anything disturbed her from then on. Not even Kanoe's soft voice reached her conscious mind. She was not even aware of the danger that lurked nearby now.

But Kanoe's fear...her fear hit Clarice's stomach and made her snuggle close to the darker witch in hopes of calming the girl down, though it semed extremely unlikely. Still lost in dream land, her moving was just sub-conscious as her slow breathing was the only thing that moved from her now. She was at peace for her now shortened amount of time.


Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:31 pm
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“I asked nothing of you,” Spectre rebutted mildly. “I merely showed you a path to power; whether you followed it or not was up to you.” The Thing kept its voice focused on Kanoe, but limited its power as much as possible.

“As for torture; I believe I have been exceedingly civil, considering it was you who called me in the first place.” It continued the ruse from their first meeting. It knew she had her doubts about the so-called summons, but she really had no evidence to the contrary. It had not promised her anything and everything it told her had been true, if twisted to further its agenda.

“Now you deny me but a moment of your time to congratulate you on your progress . . . “ Spectre left the statement purposely vague to confound her protestations.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:04 am
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"You showed me nothing.." She hissed, "I have made no progress. The demon used me as his toy all through that night. You plagued my dreams until I summoned him. Now you come to toy with me further..."

She was very frustrated. This being was the first thing she ever summoned. Though it was obvious it was not in her control. She could read no emotions from the voice as it vibrates gently through her body. It's very voice could crush her if it wished to. What did it want from her? Does it enjoy toying with her time and time again. It was true that the scroll was exactly where he told her. And it did have a ritual that involved using sex as a catalyst. But, the demon that was summoned was not in her control and took control of her instead. It was all a trap, it was all just a sick game. This being was lying it just had to be. Her fingers dig into the sheets as she looks around, unknown where the voice was coming from. If this being involves Clarice...

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:18 am
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Clair stirred abit more with kanoe's hissing, groaning as she held tightly to her love. If Kanoe kept on getting so worked up, that alone would bring Clair to awaken. But as for right now her body and mind were still abit tired and it was going to take alot more then hissing to wake this heavy sleeper.

Her peaceful face played irony in the new setting, bluntly unaware she was in the middle of a conversation that may not be so welcoming. Her still body was worked up in breathing normally, which was a sign she was coming around slowly. What was Kanoe all scared about? Not much logic fiddled in the sleeping girl's mind for what the cause was...only when she would open her eyes would she see more then enough reason to be scared.


Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:32 pm
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“Plagued . . . ?” Spectre was genuinely puzzled. It had only invaded Kanoe’s dreams once and did not know the dream had repeated itself over and over. Perhaps the power of its will had caused echoes in the witch’s subconscious, but if so, the Thing was not aware of it.

“I sent you a vision to remind you of my instructions and guide you to the cave,” it continued in a slightly colder tone. “One would hardly call that a plague.” Without a manifestation to issue from, the power of Spectre’s Voice was diminished, yet the hint of ice in its last statement might still have caused shivers to run along Kanoe’s spine.

“But your experience in the cave was not what I referred to when I mentioned progress.” The alien entity’s Voice returned to a neutral tone. “I spoke of the woman with whom you share your bed; the witchling I met in this room several weeks ago would not have considered bedding a man, much less a woman. You’ve begun to accept your sexual nature, and are learning to use your body to get what you want.”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:45 am
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"I did not use my body to get her! I did not use her! I love her!" Kanoe snaps angerly, "Leave us be...I am not interested in your little game you play with me."

Of course the being knew just what buttons to press to make the witch lose her composure. She will look rather foolish if her love wakes to see her yelling out at nothing, to a voice only she could hear. The brief chill she felt from the voice made her finally pull the covers up some, covering her bare breasts. How dare this thing mention that she was using her body to get Clarice. They were in love. Lovers are allowed to show their affection physically if they wish.

"You gave your praise for my 'progress,'" She hissed, "You did what you wanted now go!"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:21 pm
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She abruptly wakes up when Kanoe yells, nearly falling out of bed because of how she jumped up. A sudden tinge in her heart meant that there was worry and fear in the room, much more then what her subconsciouss led on. What was wrong?

She sees her love was flustered...and scared, having the covers up to her chin as if she was hiding something. She didn't see or hear anything, just Kanoe's exasperated breaths with her heaving chest. A sudden chill up and down her spine made the young witch tense greatly. Something, or someone was here, but there was no sign of a presence anywhere. However, she could feel it, someone or something was messing with her love. Still, this left much confusion in Clair's mind.

"Kanoe, what's going on?" she asks tiredly, still abit plenished from their litte...project. She could nearly feel the darker witche's heart pounding in her chest and to be perfectly honest, it scared her greatly to see a calm person like her Kanoe so bent out in anguish.


Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:40 pm
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Spectre was silent, waiting to see how Kanoe would answer. Would she tell her new lover about the mysterious entity she had summoned, but couldn’t control? How just the power of its voice had caused her first orgasm? Or how it had used that voice to make her beg to be violated? And how she had climaxed again even as her virginity was ripped from her by a shaft of pure chaos?

Such a tale would surely sound crazy, even to another witch. But if they were truly in love, she should have nothing to fear . . .

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:58 pm
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She was unsure whether to be thankful or frightened at the sound of Clair's voice. Her first love had woken up but there was no response from the unseen being. Kanoe lowers her gaze, gripping the sheets a bit tighter. There was no way to read what Spectre was going to do next. It was summoned by her but she had no control over the being, in fact it seems to be more of the other way around. Clarice was not safe here. Spectre was free from any bond she may of had on it so it must only be after her for some other reason. Was it after Clair as well?

"I'm...I'm sorry," She says softly, "You are not safe here. Please, grab your clothes and run."

Kanoe did not trust this being. It's very voice felt like it was pulling tiny strings attached to her being, making her dance under it's sick little game. But, why was it doing this to her now?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:49 pm
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