Shokushu High School

An Unusual Shower Party (for Kanoe)
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Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:11 pm ]
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Kanoe stops squirming as she heard the voice. Her hands clenching at the rope that kept her bound. Who is this woman? She still had no idea where she is. Why does it always happen to me? She thought as she waits, letting the warm water run down her soaked body. Kanoe kicks her feet out, trying to see if her feet could reach one of the walls. Just as she began, her heart skips a beat as the water turns frigid once more.

"Eep!" She screams as she falls back to a dead hang, squirming violently, "Wh-What do you w-want?!"

The young witch's body was already shivering as the arctic waters punish her lovely form. Her breasts seem to bounce and ripple as her teeth chatter. Her soft pink nipples were already growing painfully erect from the icy waters. Kanoe's breathing was become short shuddering pants as the heat leaves her body.

"S-So c-c-cold..."

Author:  niellwyn [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:30 pm ]
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"I know it is Kanoe, I know. It must be hell. Is it Kanoe? Does it hurt? It'll be some time before you actually get numb."

Natsuki remained unseeable, slapping Kanoe on the ass and getting a good, hearty handful of her buttock to squeeze. The soap dropped down to between the hanging woman's shivering legs and proceeding to seesaw upon her sex, decorating it with building foam. The smoothness of the bar sloughed away on her tenderness, lathering her only to be sloshed away. The girl's tormentor walked around to face Kanoe's front, where her breasts hung beautifully shaped by tension. The nipples stood up with special vigor due to the rope, making Natsuki's legs shudder. She felt as if she would lose her balance, dizzy with lust.

"You're so mean, showing me yourself like that and never caring what i might think. Do you think it's fair that you should enjoy such a lovely body and nobody else gets to?"

Natsuki whimpered, toying with her hard bud and rolling one of her breasts in her hand. She'd have made quite the spectacle, were she discernible. As it was her shuddering form made no difference. Kanoe's shuddering on the other hand was the cause for great attention. Now bloodless, her white skin was like paper, sparkling liek crystal in the pristine spray of water. Her black hair ran down her spine like a wide swath of ink painted by a single, broad brush stroke. "Tell me what the cold feels like. And then I'll turn the heat back on okay?" Natsuki offered in a sweet tone.

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

She squeaks as a hand slaps right on her chilled ass. The cold only made it hurt worse, leaving a nice hand mark on her cheek as she felt her rear being squeezed. Kanoe bites her lip as she felt the soap still moving, this time to a much more tender area. No matter how she moves, the soap remained right on her folds sawing away. The soap teasing her body to warm up and the icy waters chilling her back down was pure torture. A whimper of defeat escapes her as a moan escapes her lips, why does her body have to be so sensitive?

"Ah..Ahh! I..I didn't know you were in here!" she moans through short pants as the soap continues to run across her netherlips.

Kanoe shivering was slowing down though her breathing was becoming more erratic. Her breasts sway and dance before Natsuki's gaze as she quivers helplessly. She lets out a groan as the soap continues to wash her sex. Her legs try to close together to try and slow down the bar of soap. The young witch did not understand, why her? She had little choice as she answers the woman's request.

"L-Like needles...p-piercing through my b-b-...Ahh! My body..." She groans, ""

Author:  niellwyn [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:06 am ]
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"How terrible that sounds!" Natsuki commented sympathetically. Her footsteps sounded on the floor, dull thumps barely heard over the water. By now any soap had been washed from Kanoe, excepting her continually re-lathered slit, and her body was left bare in the rush of ice that was making her muscles tense and her skin as colorless as fog. Her nipples had become like tiny red pebbles. Natsuki trailed one finger down Kanoe's cleavage, watching water part around it and rejoin farther down the woman's tummy. She looked voluptuously miserable in the sheeting flow. Her lips quivered, her cheeks flamed from the bar's attentions, she dangled. She swung in concentric parabolas from her earlier, describing an erratic pattern, her flesh swaying in sympathy. Her breasts shed a gush of droplets every time she reached the terminus of her swing and began to drift back in the opposite direction.

Natsuki took away the finger and placed her palms on Kanoe's ribs. She remembered that brief squeal. Her hands stroked up and down her sides, brushing Kanoe's ribs and finding welcoming resting places on the inviting sweep of her hips, each hand moving out of unison with the other. Natsuki relished her shivering and her throaty sounds. "You want me to stop?" She inquired at last in a disembodied voice. "Alright. You did as I asked, and you were polite. So..." The knob turned. As promised, the icy torture was replaced. Not by warmth however, but by a much more serious heat. One second the showerhead spat frozen flows onto poor Kanoe, and the next near steaming jets cut into her skin. the showerhead jumped wildly during the transition. "Better?" Natsuki asked with a smile in her voice as the new, searingly hot temperature slammed into Kanoe's shivering self.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:54 pm ]
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Kanoe whimpers, the chilling waters taking it's toll on her delicate form. She could feel her heart pumping, trying to warm her body as she kept growing colder. Soft moans escape her quivering lips as she tries to breathe in warmer air. Her hips sway as the soap saws away at her tender folds. She could feel them growing warmer only to be iced down by the waters causing her to groan in torture. The young witch strains against her bonds as she felt a finger slide over her cleavage, causing her to quiver as the warm finger ran down her chest. Kanoe's eyes shut as she felt hands resting on her ribs and spreading over to her hips. The warmer hands on her body only made it more noticable over her sensitive body as she began to gasp and squirm. A feeling of relief passes as she hears the mention of stopping. But, the feeling was brief as her body jolts in shock as the water became steaming hot. Going from frigid to hot, only made it seem even warmer than it really is. Kanoe screams as she thrashes against her bonds.

"Nngh! Ahhh!" She cries, "Too hot!"

For her chilling body, this was searing pain. Slight color returns to her white skin as her body quickly receives the warmth it desperately needs. Steam rises off the water and body as she quivers there in her suffering. Kanoe's struggles cause the soap to grind further on her netherlips as well as brush against her inner thighs. Faint moans leave her lips as her body slowly stops struggling, her body getting partially used to the searing waters.

"Wh..Ahh..Why are you..Nngh..doing this?!" She whimpers softly.

Author:  niellwyn [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:38 pm ]
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The shower's knob turned, the glass thunking solidly into the off position. The scalding spray sags and becomes dribble splattering on the tiles. The pipes grow still, no longer pumping, leaving the tiled vastness of the cubicle bare of sound. Kanoe is left hanging limply in the abrupt quiet of the room. The last drops make wet echoes that fade. Kanoe's own pathetic whimpering seems thin and quiet, with the thudnering roar of the shower still dinning in memory and the expansive and lonely space plunged all at once into calm. Natsuki's eyes, indigo and deep as midnight, watched Kanoe twitch. Over the seconds, the quiet made the ears more alert, and the nosies began to return, subtle but sharply distinct. Kanoe's swaying made the rope groan, a sound of fibers stretching and twisting, sprinkled with dry, nearly discernible cracklings. She dripped ceaselessly onto the slick floor, sprinkling patternlessly. Patter patter plop. Steam coiled over her breasts and rose like ghostly snakes waking from torpid sleep. Foggy whiteness made a gauzy crown around her head, and wreathed her hips and belly in haze.

Natsuki approved of all this. Her limp and defeated posture was a sweet reward, Kanoe's weak whimpers and soft cries like the ribbon tied around an unexpected gift. She enjoyed too the effect the tireless grinding of the soap on Kanoe's slit was having on her. Bubbles grew and popped between Kanoe's legs, and froth made a sparkling trail down one leg, creeping down to her toes. "Why am I doing this?" She repeated the question in a toen that conveyed a certain suprise. "Why?" She asked again, as though she'd never considered the reason. "Maybe I shoudl ask why you've already given up. It was just water dear. I thought an ample, beautiful, magically gifted woman like yourself would be stronger than all that." Natsuki tsked. The sound of slim fingers snapping was startling. Click. There was a soft scraping of metal. Griiind. Clack! Step and then back. A din of cloth, and metal, and plastic. Bouncing hollowness, rubber sheathed. Pung pung pung. Like a parade the source of the cacophany made itself known. A chorus of gear, exercise gear, at that point was shown. Balls bounced and jump ropes skipped. shotputs rolled, grinding as they went; while batons and bright flags hopped along with upright intent. Natsuki smiled, though Kanoe could not see it.

"Here come the toys. You still want to know why? Maybe it's like I said." Natsuki did not want to simply tell her it was simple lust. She saw the opportunity to confuse her, and twist her to her own ends. Maybe with luck, she'd see the girl start down a twisted, debauched road. She looked forward to seeing how far this girl could delve. Was there a pretty little whore hiding in that pretty little witch? "It's not nice to show off and not share. Perhaps after we're done here you'll rethink taking your showers alone and make some friends. Give of yourself a little." The sound of giggling tinkled along the tile.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:00 pm ]
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Kanoe took this time to catch her breath. Though that was difficult as the soap continues to lather her womanhood to a point beyond clean. The young woman's cheeks were blushing faintly as a faint moan escapes her. Let her attacker think she has won. This is the only time she could gather her thoughts. The witch's steaming body seems to gleam and glisten with the light sheen of water that covers her pale form. The rest of the water continues to run down her body in tiny drops, caressing down the curves of her hips and down to her toes. Kanoe's teeth clench to stifle a second moan, it would be easier to concentrate if there was not a bar of soap between her thighs.

She closes her eyes as she forces her self to let go of the rope she had been clinging too. The knuckles of her hands were bleached white, having gripped the rope throughout her torture. The witch gently flexes her as she opens her hand, facing towards the beam above her. Kanoe quivers as a faint gasp escapes her from the soaps constant motion over her folds. Part of her was thankful that the mass of bubbles and suds hid what else was dripping out of her womanhood.

Kanoe could hear the loud commotion approaching. More toys, was what her attacker mentioned. She had little time to act. Her eyes clench harder as she tries to focus on something other than the soap sawing into her being. Soft spidery words of magic slither from her lips. One spell, might as well make it worth it. She continues to chant softly as darkness began to swirl and gather in her one open palm. By all that was unholy, she hopes this works. The young witch continues chanting as it forms into an orb. The rope, the support beam, she hopes to break one of the two as she channels what magic she has in this small spell. Friends? That woman mentions, the only friend Kanoe ever needed was herself and her spellbook.

Author:  niellwyn [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:52 pm ]
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Natsuki was taken aback. That was real magic she was showing just now! Or if it wasn't, it was a clever facsimile, which was what Natsuki suspected. Even so, she marveled at the gloomy orb coalescing between Kanoe's hands. The quality of the color was strange, not luminescent, but the exact opposite. She wasn't sure a word existed for such a thing. Tenebrous maybe. The ball of blackness seemed to absorb her attention, and she saw within it fleeting reflections of other things which she could not comprehend. It appeared to be drinking up the light. Natsuki nearly turned on the faucet again to break her concentration. A moment later she changed her mind. Let Kanoe do her worst! She was curious after all. Perhaps her taunts had given her the guts to stand up for herself. Natsuki would wait and see what was going to happen. Fro now then, she let her gather her dark energy. Whiel she waited, Natsuki turned on two of the other shower heads. Would the sound alone startle her out of her spell?

The two showerheads crashed to either side of the woman, touching her only with incidental, misting spray. One shot steaming water, the other frigid cold, according to the established theme. The difference was in how the water was reacting. Instead of curling down the slight incline in the floor toward the drain, the water stayed right where it was. It built upon itself, becoming a layer, shifting and moving of it's own accord. The water became like a mass of giant droplets, wobbling and moving about. One was crystal clear, the other shed a haze of fog from it's surface. The stumblign parade of gymnastics equipment halted or milled about according to their individual fancy. The hoops bounced and rolled in concentric circles. The batons spun, glittering streamers trailing aroudn and around. Kanoe herself hung there with the soap working away cruelly at her. Natsuki noted with satisfaction that it was working itself into a slim, narrow shape with all the rubbing, and she directed it to slip itself in between her womanly lips, fitting it's thinnest side within the crease of her sex.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:14 am ]
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Kanoe's body quivers as she tries to maintain her focus. She pushes the distractions to the darkness, the smooth soap gliding over her moist lips. The noise of the showers did not register as she falls into a sort of trance. The darkness grew and began to swirl rapidly in her bound hand. Suddenly she lets forth a sharp yelp as the orb leaves her hand, shooting into the air. The orb grazes along the rope, fraying some of the threads as it hits the beam it was tied to. With a loud crack, part of the beam splinters and falls apart. The young witch falls to the wet tile floor, falling onto her knees. Chips and splinters of wood fall down onto her hair and around her body as the length of rope falls down infront of her.

It was only a temporary freedom if any at all. Kanoe was panting heavily as she shivers there on the shower floor. The spell had left her exhausted and fatigued. She moans as the trance ends and all the sensations hit her at once. Her body seems to be shuddering in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Tiny drops of blood fell onto the cool waters, her hand heavily bruised with small cuts all over the palm. The witch shakes her head as she feels the soap slide deeper into her sex. It felt so good especially in helping her ignore her damaged hand. Her cheeks were blushing. She needs to get out.

Her eyes finally open only to widen in shock at the large masses of water flanking her sides. She could hear the equipment moving beyond the water. Kanoe lets out a groan as she shuts her eyes, lowering her head. She moans out to her invisible attacker as her wrist struggle with the rope still tied around them.

"N-No...ahh...let me g-go.."

Author:  niellwyn [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:43 am ]
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Kanoe crashed to the floor, showered with debris, her spell tearing a rift in the ceiling. The heavy rope fell, piling onto her naked body as her flesh shuddered with the impact of her fall. Her hips rippled, her wet hair splaying out over the tiles. Natsuki was impressed. "That was a good show Kanoe. Now get up and make your next move. The water isn't ready for you yet. You might yet escape." She provided the woman with a new motivation, making the soap tilt, pushing it's blunt end at her opening, parting her folds, waving back and forth in an effort to properly penetrate the woman. Natsuki stroked herself. This was definately a worthwhile project. Equipment moved to ring the woman, the blobs of water growing and growing, feeding off the flow of the showers. "You should see how you are blushing. I'll bet you'd love nothing more than to get your tender young self filled and used until you're bruised and whining." Natsuki hefted one of the batons, making it seem to float suspended in air. "Prove me wrong won't you? the doors are within reach."

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:09 am ]
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Kanoe grits her teeth. She was just entertainment for her. False hope is a cruel torture after all. Her hand twitches, still in pain. Casting such a volatile spell while distracted left her nearly exhausted. She was lucky not to have done more damage to herself. The young woman's body quivers as she tries to stand up. Her body arches as she lets out a cry, feeling the soap push into her warm sex. Kanoe pants short breaths as she slowly walks towards the door. Soft moans escape her as she tries to control her breathing. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as her body grew warmer from the soaps constant assault. Each step felt like an eternity. Her body sways weakly. The steam only made her body shine, revealing the curves of her full body as she moves. Firm breasts bounce, their pink little nubs dancing with each shuddering breath and step.

The young witch's vision blurs slightly from the toll her body has taken so far. But, she knew there was gym equipment ahead. She did not know what to do. All she could do was keep trying to walk. Her unwounded hand reaches down and feebly tries to grab the moving soap. Kanoe's precious nectar was flowing only to lathered away by the soap. There was little she could do to resist this attack.

Author:  niellwyn [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:22 am ]
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Kanoe tottered toward the exit. She admired the woman's drive, weak as she was. The way her voluptuous bosom boucned invitingly with every step, well, she admired that too. That and the back and forth lift and fall of her buttocks. Her hips waggled lasciviously, a sore temptation to the invisible and now excited Natsuki. The soap was little more than a sliver now, bobbing up and down between Kanoe's nether lips, briefly disappearing from view before it reintroduced it's pale, streaked blue length in a fresh burst of suds. Natsuki hounded her every step, calling out taunts.

"I'm impressed that you aren't weeping yet Kanoe."

"Nearly there Kanoe, don't collapse."

"The puddles behind you are growing so large, you'd better hurry!"

Kanoe tottered on, and Natsuki nipped at her with her fingers, pinching those deliciously swiveling buttocks harshly, reachign around and stroking her nipples fleetingly, even clapping her ass, like a mischievous spirit. She even stroked and tugged her long raven black hair. Gymn equipment clattered along in her wake. The door loomed ahead. She could almsot touch it. Natsuki was laughing, an invisible presence. Kanoe stumbled forward, steaming and dribbing, her sex on fire with lust. The door was reached. She was past! She was in the hall! The door was behind her, and she was stumbling forward away from the showers! The gymnasium, that vast polished floor marked with colored lines, lyingn ext to the azure pool, was before her.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:38 am ]
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Kanoe was not sure if she regrets being completely alone or not. The last thing she wants is people to be in the gym seeing her in this state. Though being alone left her at the mercy as this strange woman's amusement. She long gave up on grabbing the tiny sliver of soap that was now lathering inside her folds. The suds between her thighs began to run down her legs, being washed away by something other than water. A moan left her lips with each breath as her cunt quivers from the tiny pleasing sliver. The student reaches behind her, grabbing the door and shutting it behind her as she stumbles into the gymnasium. She shuts that door behind her as well, leaning heavily against it. A loud groan escapes her as rests her head on the wooden door. The soap was shrinking but still going inside her. Her body glistened with sweat and water while her thighs sparkled with suds and nectar. Strands of black hair were stuck to her cheeks and down the front of her heaving chest. She was a mess.

As Kanoe leans on the door, her clouded eyes gaze across the room. Her body quivers against the hard wood as she tries to focus on getting away from here. The witch's bruised hand throbs painfully, causing her to moan for other reasons besides what was between her legs. Her nails dig into the wood as she grits her teeth. Perhaps there was another exit, to the outdoors maybe.

Author:  niellwyn [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:27 pm ]
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The door slammed closed. Kanoe leaned back, catching her breath. Every exhalation came with a sigh or groan. The soap worked away unhindered, and very nearly gone. She would be given no rest. The gymn equipment pursued, clattering and banging on the door in a useless effort to break through to the resting woman, wet and plastered with scattered, dripping black hair. Natsuki stepped through the door and Kanoe both, rematerializing at the other end and turning to regard Kanoe with her arms crossed belwo her breasts, holding her indiscernible elbows. Kanoe was looking through Natsuki in an effort to find an escape route. The way her eyes were moving made that obvious. "No rest for the wicked, wicked witch." Natsuki tittered for Kanoe's benefit. Lather ran from the student's open, womanly lips, and bubbled down her legs. There came a heavy sloshing, then steam rolled out from the gap beneath the door. Water flooded under it in a sudden gush. The steaming hot flood splashed over Kanoe's feet. One of the strange blobs was flowing beneath the door. Warm mist rose closely around her, and the water started to eagerly creep up her ankles, preparing to cover or grasp at her. It's touch was scalding. "Let's hope you don't melt!" Natsuki joked.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:42 pm ]
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At first, Kanoe did not show any sign of listening. A loud moan leaves her lips as more of her nectar washes away the suds between her thighs. The voice was in this room as well? It must be following her though she was unsure how. This was all just a game to her attacker. But, she had no choice but to try. Gymnasium's always have more than one entrance and exit. The closest doors led to the pool and back to the hallway. Bad idea, last thing Kanoe wants is more water playing with her. That only left the doors that led outside, across the gym on the other side. Kanoe suddenly feels hot water slosh over her feet. She cries out in shock and pain as the scalding hot water touches her. She kicks her feet, nearly stumbling as she begins to move a bit faster to the door leading outside.

"Ugh..why me?" She groans.

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