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 Cave of Corruption (Kanoe) 
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Seeing the numerous sharp teeth definitely did not help ease her nerves. Was this demon going to eat her when he was done? Was there anything she can do? The demon was huge and seemed very strong. Deimos, he even including some sort of rank and position along with the introduction. Kanoe had no idea what any of it meant but she could guess it was slightly important. She was half expecting fire to suddenly shoot up everywhere after that long title but perhaps she was just being foolish. Foolish, that would be an understatement of her situation right now.

"I..A being plagued my dreams until I casted this ritual," She tries to sound as calm as possible, "What..What is going to happen to me?"

She couldn't help but ask. Fear kept creeping up asking questions. The witch knew she had no power over this demon. Even if there was a way, it probably would require that vile focus that was right now beneath one of his massive hooves. Kanoe simply told the truth, it would not matter much either way. She shifts her feet some as the demon gazes at her. A hand tugs her robe as closed as possible from the leering eyes of the beast, leaving her arm up as if trying to cover her clothed self. Secrets of pleasure...something was telling her this was not going to go well at all.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:19 pm
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Deimos barked a short laugh. The young witch seemed even more innocent than he had been led to believe. The way she shrunk from his lecherous gaze seemed a sharp contrast to the heavy musk of sex that lingered in the cave.

“I’m here to administer your final test and initiation,” he said, addressing her question. “It’s quite simple: I’m going to fuck you senseless. If you can find a way to subdue or banish me before you pass out, you will be found worthy. If not . . . “

As he spoke, a bulge formed in the wool of his crotch. He took a half-step toward the frightened girl. His tentacles extended farther out from behind him, moving outward a few feet.

“Crazy, isn’t it?” Deimos punctuated his question by suddenly whipping those tentacles toward Kanoe in an attempt to snatch her from where she stood and haul her into the air.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:30 pm
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Quite simple...maybe for a demon whore but not for a young witch. Initiation? Initiation into what? Not that it mattered, Kanoe did not know any banishing spells and the chances her magic will subdue this monster were slim. The witch's eyes narrow at the demon, this was all just a trick not that she had much of a choice in refusing the dreams that plagued her.

Her eyes widen at the sight of the obvious bulge in Deimos's loincloth. The shock did not last long as several tentacles whip out wide towards Kanoe. With a sharp 'tch' the woman quickly spat out an incantation. Some of the shadow and darkness in the cavern swirls around her hand as she slams it into the ground. The woman cries out as she pushes off her legs as her swirling palm strikes the floor. A loud crash sounds as Kanoe flies backwards, a small crater was left behind where she struck the ground. The small burst of force caused chunks of rock to fly up from the broken earth.

"Eep!" Kanoe squeaks in pain.

Kanoe stumbles a distance down the tunnel. The woman quivers in pain as she gets up and forces her sore body to run. It was the only option she could come up with at such short notice. She could already feel pain shoot through her arm, her hand throbbing with a bruise forming. She hoped the small screen of rocks she made from the broken floor would block the initial tentacles enough to get some distance. Crazy, she was crazy to think she can stop such a demon by herself at her level. So the best option was to flee of course.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:01 pm
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Kanoe’s maneuver took Deimos by surprise. So, the little witch had some power after all. His tentacles sliced through the wall of flying debris and closed on empty air. The small shower of stone clattered harmlessly around him, a few shards bouncing off his thick hide.

He grinned wickedly while he reeled his tentacles back for another strike. Then, as the young woman struggled upright a few feet away and began to run, he paused. He could see that her feet were bare. He doubted she would get very far, at least not at any great speed.

The demon threw his head back and laughed. His deep, rumbling voice chased Kanoe like an avalanche of mirth as she raced out of the cave.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:01 pm
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Kanoe grits her teeth, breathing in sharply as her hand continues to throb in pain. Being thrown backwards onto stone ground had left the witch a bit dazed as she continues to make her way out of the cave. Luckily the cave was mostly formed from years of water running through it, leaving the stone smooth enough to be easy on her feet. But, outside was a different story.

The witch had few choices to run to. Thick woods would slow her down but there was still the river she followed to get here. She runs alongside the flowing water. It was less dense than the rest of the woods but the occasional rock or twig still found it's way to the soft soles of her feet. The woman stifles a cry as she slips on some slick ground, stumbling into the water. She whimpers as she felt her robes soaking in the water that splashed all over her. Kanoe was already growing weary. The cold night breeze causes her to gasp as her entire body shivers. It was still the middle of the night. If the demon catches her, there would be no one around to save her. The woman forces herself to keep running. The dull throbbing of her bruised hand reminding her of the demon that was still after her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:15 pm
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After a few seconds of booming laughter, Deimos started after the young woman. One might not call it a pursuit, really, as the demon walked unhurriedly out of the cave. Then again, the ground-eating stride of a ten foot monster made haste unnecessary.

The stark, silvery light of the full moon illuminated the woods eerily. Shadows were as sharply outlined as the objects that cast them, lending a surreal quality to the night. The light was surely enough for Kanoe to see by, for Deimos’ keen vision pierced the night easily. From the mouth of the cave, he could clearly see the witch scrambling out of the stream some dozen yards away. Of course, even if he hadn’t been able to see her, he could still smell her. Though the water dampened her scent somewhat, her sheer desperation was delightfully evident.

Deimos continued to advance with a casual pace. He could afford to let his victim wear herself down. Especially now that her saturated long, black robes would encumber her even more.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:01 am
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The witch's pace slowed considerably in short time. Her entire body began to ache and shiver from the cold water with the night air. Kanoe pants heavily, her breath misting before her lips. Her heart continues to race, pumping hot blood through her body to keep it going. But, her body was already growing exhausted. Her legs grew heavier, shortening her strides as she desperately tries to keep ahead of the pursuing demon. Her hand would rest on trees that she passes for support as her body sways and stumbles. She was miserable, anywhere was better than where she was right now. Thoughts of what will happen to her if those tendrils reach her kept surfacing in her mind. Would she ever escape or would she be forever just a toy to a demon? Kanoe whimpers, shaking her head. No, she can't let herself think about it. She had to get away, she just had to.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:18 pm
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Seeing Kanoe falter and stumble, Deimos grinned again. It was time to make his move. With a growl, he leapt forward, easily clearing the dozen or so yards between them. The ground shook from the impact as the demon’s half-ton weight landed behind his quarry. He looped his tentacles out and around in front of the fleeing witch, trying to cut off her escape routes with a wall of living bars.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:41 pm
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Kanoe pants heavily as she stops in her tracks. Her entire body was shivering from the cold as the fleshy tentacles blocked her path. The witch nearly falls over as the ground shook from the demon's impact on the ground behind her. This was it. She shuts her eyes for a moment. There was only one direction left to go and it will most likely fail. But, she was not just going to sit by and let this demon of hell rape her.

Spidery words of magic fell from her lips between gasps for breath. Darkness swirls in her quivering palm as she uses what strength she had left for a final spell. She was unsure how far away the demon was behind her but she could guess he was close...very close. With the final words of the spell spat from her, Kanoe turns around. Her palm thrusts outwards as the bolt of shadow leaves her hands. She was unsure if the chilling effect of the darkness would do anything to an evil demon but, the concussive force behind the threads of shadow and mana would hopefully put a dent in this monster. Pain shoots through her arm from the backlash caused by lack of control. The woman cries out in pain as her legs quiver and give way. Falling to her knees, she takes long shuddering breaths of exhaustion.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:41 am
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Though unsurprised by the desperate attack, Deimos was unable to avoid it. The cold bolt of darkness hit him square in the gut. He staggered backward from the impact, grunting in pain. Still, it wasn’t as powerful as he thought it would be. He had little difficulty remaining upright, and he only mildly stunned. Of course the blast hurt and it had slowed him a bit, but it felt as though something had diminished the power of the spell before it hit him.

It took no more than a second for Deimos to recover. His supernatural resilience was one of the few true strengths he possessed. He couldn’t summon flame, or read minds; he wasn’t even particularly agile. But he was strong and tough - and quick to heal. Thus the bruise Kanoe’s attack had caused was already fading by the time he straightened upright. He threw his head back and laughed, his great booming voice like rolling thunder.

“It will take much more than that to subdue me,” Deimos declared at last, looming over the kneeling girl. He laughed again as he began to sweep his tentacles back toward her, closing like the jaws of a trap as they approached from behind her.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:41 am
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She was unable to rise back to her feet. Her body shivering in a mixture of fatigue, pain and freezing. Her vision blurs as she gulps in gasps of air. The spell connected but it was nowhere near strong enough to do any lasting damage to the demon. The night's ordeals have taken their toll, the woman was spent. She wasn't sure what she wished for as the demon towered over her, ready to take his prize. Did she wish for death to end the torture or did she want to beg for life and be nothing but a demon's whore for who knows how long. Neither were particularly inviting choices. Was this the intention of the cloaked figure all along? Well whatever it was, it must have worked in it's favor.

Her arms remain limp at her sides. She ached all over from the strain she has been put through already. There was nothing she could do, no hope. At the demon's last remark, Kanoe shuts her eyes. There was nothing left but to wait for the tendrils to lift her freezing body off the damp earth.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:45 pm
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The demon gazed down at the lovely young witch. She looked small and frail, shivering as she knelt before him. Wasted and forlorn, she seemed a truly wretched creature. Other beings might have felt pity or remorse looking on such a sight . . .but not Deimos; especially not after the pain she had just caused him. No, the cloven-hoofed monster felt only the rush of conquest and anticipation of the sweet reward that came with it.

He swept his nine tentacles in behind the kneeling witch, but did not immediately bear her aloft. Instead, Deimos sent two of the appendages squirming down the front of her robe, forcing it open and slipping it back over her shoulders.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:16 pm
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Her heart pounds inside her chest as she waits for her fate to come. Was this all she was, nothing more than a plaything for the supernatural? The very thought disgusted her. If she just wasn't so weak, she would make them all pay. The water soaked robe kept the woman shivering. She could feel the tentacles moving behind her. What was this monster waiting for? Or did it prefer to torture her with the cold before tearing into her body.

Kanoe's eyes open in shock to the two tentacles slithering down her chest. With a squeak, she tries to squirm away from them eventhough there were several more behind her. Hearing her robes tearing, she wraps her arms over her chest in an attempt to keep the tendrils from tearing open her robes. She gasps as they writhe beneath her robe, rubbing all over her sensitive breasts.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:24 pm
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Deimos greatly enjoyed the cute little squeak she sounded and the way she tried to wriggle away from his invading appendages. Of course, seven more were massed right behind her, allowing very little room for retreat.

He added two more of those to the struggle over Kanoe’s robes. Using these to seize her wrists, he began to force her arms down and behind her back. He shifted the other two to the sides, pulling outward and down to widen the collar and work it down over her shoulders.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:17 pm
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Her arms quiver in resistance against the demon. But, her muscles felt like putty against the overwhelming strength of Deimos's tentacles. Kanoe's chest was forced forward as her arms are forced painfully behind her back. The woman glares at the demon as she stands there completely at his mercy. Her body continues to shiver from the cold as her soaked robes began to slide off her shoulders. Pale skin glows under the full moon as bit by bit her chest was revealed to the monster. Her nipples were visibly poking through her wet black bra, quivering in the cool air as her robes continue to fall down to her sides.

"St-Stop wasting time..." She hissed, "J-Just..g-get it over with."

As much as she hates being raped by monsters. She was tired and freezing out in the middle of nowhere. She prefers to sate this monsters hunger and move on and hopefuly forget this ever happened.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:46 pm
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