Shokushu High School

Teacher, an apprintice and something else (Clarice and...)
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Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:37 am ]
Post subject: 

She peers around stil confused as she looks to the wolf with perplexed eyes. Trying to remember anything was abit blurry by her 'fever'. Her stomach and body throbbed hard as it began to get its much need refueling from the chemicals Keemari sent. Though still appearing ill and far out of any sort to get up, she sits up and looks around a sif she was new here.

"I see. here?" she asks as she remebers faintly seeing Kanoe smiling at her for...some odd reason.

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:40 am ]
Post subject: 

"Hmmm, she's currently out, she might be back soon though." I tell her as I run my hands through her hair. "I was worried about you my apprentice. I teach you the basics and you fall terrible sick on me. Your training schedule is now out of whack." I tell her with a gentle smile.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I-I'm sorry...I don't remeber much but just being sick. Was our training to much of a strain?"

Still very unsure how the wolf had found her dorm or how Kanoe would even want to associate herself with a monster, she tries to stand up. "Can...I go find Kanoe, Keemari? I...really would like her to be here."

Author:  Keemari [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:20 pm ]
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"Hmmm, go ahead." I answer her simply as I follow behind as I'll try and cut off Kanoe from ruining the cure I provided for the poor girl.

Author:  Clarice [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:21 am ]
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She gives a small smile to him as wearily walks from her dorm, though her robes were tightly fitted against her it still felt very uncomfortable to be in them in the hallway. Kanoe's dorm wasn't far off from her's atleast. She clears her throat, looking back to see Keemari was behind her and smiles. She knocks on the door rather pathetically, wondering if she had returned to her dorm once more.

"Ka-Kanoe? Are you there?" she calls out curiously, "I umm...I brought Keemari with me too," she adds softly and waits to see if she was even there or not.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Kanoe hisses in pain as she quickly dips her fingers into a glass of water. The past couple of days have been confusing. On the table was a silvery steeel clasp with a hummingbird engraved and a strange clear gem socketed in the middle. She could not remember how or when she got this item or why she had her hair braided when she woke up. Her tome covered with runes sat beside the clasp along with a smaller book that held arcane spells as well. She never recalled having two books. Her mind was so mixed up. She remembers using it but does not remember where she got it.

The final item of confusion was not on the table but on her person and the cause for her slightly singed fingers. A black brush stroked circle with an ornate flame tattoo was between her collarbones. With what little detection she could muster, she knew it was a rune or a seal of some sort. Attempting to remove it ended in pain after many tries. Conversations she had no longer made sense. Her head hurts trying to think of it. She had holes in her memory, did something happen to her?

A faint knock at the door snapped Kanoe out of her thoughts. Clarice, she sounded hesistant though. She flicks the water off her burned fingertips as she rises to her feet. She wore a long black robe, the top was open in a V shape revealing some of her pale chest. It was necessary as it allowed her to see the tattoo that she was studying. Hearing Clair mention Keemari made her freeze. Keemari...the one that took her lover as an apprentice as well as took the woman's body. She clenches her jaw in annoyance and maybe in some jealousy. Kanoe shakes her head slightly letting out a sigh. She walks over to the door and opens it.

"Yes I am here," She says softly, "Why is he here?"

Perhaps she sounded a bit harsh but she rather get straight to the point. She kept her slightly wounded hand a bit behind her to keep it out of direct view, she didnt want Clair to be worried about her.

Author:  Keemari [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I speak up. "You surely know Clarice was sick, afflicted, you and I took care of her. My treatment was finally successful in taking away her pain." I tell Kanoe through the door, hopefully communicating the truth of the matter to her. "The moment she woke up she wanted to come and see you, now that's love." I tell her with a smirk as I put my hand on Clarice's head rubbing her head.

Author:  Clarice [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Clarice gives a furrowed and perplexed brow to Keemari's detailed call. He made it sound as if she was just hearing this for the first time or something. She blushes brightly as he pets her like for better lack of terms a pet.

She flinches at the sound of Kanoe's harsh call as to why he was here. Did she not care for the wolf that much? Perhaps she didn't like monsters, or maybe it was the fact the wolf had taken her into 'apprenticenship'. She clears her throat and gives a soft groan as she rubs her neck. Somethign certainly wasn't right with her body. Whatever it was she almost felt like she had been screaming or yelling for the longest time.

"...mmm perhaps you should wait back in the dorms, Keemari. She doesn't seem at all to happy with you being here at the moment. I'll make sure to calm her down before we meet you again," she says softly so the other witch could not hear.

Author:  Keemari [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I smile at her. "Very well." At the same time I planted a memory pollen on her that would pass on the memory of what I did to Kanoe, it would be up to her whether she would want to try and break the spell to give Clarice back her pain as I left her there to deal with her friend.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Her eyes narrow slightly to Keemari's statement. No, she didn't know but then again she feels like she does not know much of anything anymore. The witch had not seen Clarice for a few days, she thinks. It was strange. She woke up and found herself very confused and disoriented. Kanoe looks away as Clair's master pets the woman on the head. If one thing was clear in her head, it was her love for that woman. She remembers talking about him and her apprenticeship. It was necessary in order for Clarice to learn more about her magic. She didn't like it though at this point she was unsure why she was so apprehensive.

"Sorry," She says softly, "I don't know what came over me. Please come in Clarice. Sorry I haven't been keeping touch. Just been..confused."

With Kanoe's hair no longer in a braid, several more long strands of hair feel before her face though that was easily remedied with a brush of her hand. The young witch turns and walks back to the table. Her eyes flick over the items in question as her hand briefly rubs over the strange tattoo on her body. Clair has been sick and in pain, she can worry about herself later.

"Umm..would you like some tea?" She turns to Clair, "I suppose I should not keep you from your master too long."

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:10 am ]
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Clair gives a confused look as to why she would say 'keeping in contact'. Didn't Keemari say she had just stepped out? Kanoe wasn't the only one becoming confused. She blinks at her hair for the moment, having never seen down from its braid before. She looked marvelous, which was quite impressive given the fact she always thought of her as beautiful anyways.

The way her love scowled at Keemari's retreating form definitly put a damper on what she was planning to ask of her. She nervously runs her fingers through her hair as she steps in and shuts the door behind her. She sits down at the coffee table and gives the disoriented woman a warm smile.

"Tea sounds nice. You've...been confused lately Kanoe? I must ask you ebcause its sort've making my head hurt. I thought you were just in my dorm were you not? Keemari said you had just stepped out and here you are in your dorm. That's...really odd of you to do so its really confusing me."

SOmething was extremely off in her being in her dorm then just stepping out. Going to your dorm would mean you were going to stay there for a long time no? Stepping out means you just went to get something or along those lines. Already her mind was working in thwarting Keemari's manipulation and tries to remember what is going on.

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Kanoe blinks for a moment as she felt something in her head. Suddenly the memory from the pollen reaches her senses. She was not exactly used to such mental effects and uses a chair to steady herself. The witch pours Clarice a cup of tea and hands it over to her. With a sigh she sits down. Having to cover for a monster, this is beyond troublesome. But, such memories were probably better left blocked.

"Oh..I'm sorry to leave you like that," She averts her gaze, "You were unconcious majority of the time I was there. Keemari must have just lost sense of time. I had left awhile ago. Unfortunately Shokushu is not very forgiving for not turning in work."

Keemari's statement made sense now. Still, she did not like it at all. The witch had enough confusing things to deal with for now. But, memory blocks... How do those work exactly. Perhaps there is a use for that strange man. Was it worth talking to a monster about though? That can be decided later. She pours herself a cup of tea and sips it.

"Are you feeling better, love?" Kanoe asks softly.

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

"Sort've. Everything up until that point is abit of a blur. I feel like I'm trying to remember, but it just comes out as dreams. I don't know, perhaps I shouldn't push it since I was sick. But really, if I was out for awhile wouldn't you think Shokushu-well nevermind. Knowing that staff they probably wouldn't care I was out long again?"

She takes a sip of her tea and gives a sigh of relief. It felt nice how it ran down her throat as if cleansing it and just the sensation felt nice. "Thank-you. You always know how to make me feel better," she says softly and smiles thankfully to her. Kanoe didn't exactly look like she was having a good ole time either. Perhaps something to her as well. " okay? You never did explain why you felt so confused there love."

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

"A few days," She answers, "Time seems to be a blur now."

The dark witch was unsure what Shokushu's reaction would be. Probably would have reacted to help the woman if she were really sick, just not for the same reasons. It was nice to have someone to talk to after the past few days. She had been wracking her mind trying to understand what has been happening. It too felt like images, dreams, that were just out of reach.

"I'm ok..I guess," She continues, "It feels like my mind is trying to figure out...remember something. I have these items that I do not know where they came from. And this.."

Her fingers lightly trace over the tattoo between her collarbones. Did Clarice notice these things? Did she always have them? Whatever magics they were in the mark, they were far beyond her abilities.

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Seems we're both in the same boat," she says softly as she takes another sip. Kanoe didn't remeber she was ravaged by monsters and taken in as a 'prize'? She bites her tongue as she sets her tea cup back down. What caused her to forget such a thing? Did a monster wipe her meory or something? Hmm...perhaps it was for the better. If her lover didn't know then maybe she could be..happier.

"Oh the tattoo? He-hehe. Silly, we both got tattoos from...a girl at the school. I overheard a girl saying she had the equipment and you thought it was a nice idea so...we both got one."

Biggest lie she ever told in her whole entire life. She wasn't sure if Kanoe would believe her but she didn't even believe she would think she was telling the truth if she said it to her. She gulps as she tries to act busy and not answer any questions. She kenw lying was probably a bad thing to do but surely it was for her love's own good right? Atleast one of them could be in ignorance. How she wished she could forget her rapings.

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