Shokushu High School

Cute, cunning & clueless (completed)
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Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana looked at Quaetea, she didn't know what to think, though, she didn't like she wanted to cause any harm, well at least she hoped so. Then she heard it say Darwin's name.

"So what if I care for Darwin... whats it got to do with you?"

she asked, she was still holding the skirt down, even though it was unnecessary. She noticed her button popped from its place, was it trying to undress her or something.

"Why are you doing that?"

She asked, probably knowing the answer.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:34 am ]
Post subject: 

She'd giggle a little spinning in place as another button would free itself and land in her hand. Her thoughts only on copying things she'd seen thus far.

"You don't want to scare her away do you? You don't want me telling her certain things about you would you? you humans seem to believe almost anything you're told so i'm sure I could make it so she'd never talk to you again."

She'd pause at her final question turning hands on her hips opening her mouth to speak before scratching her forehead.

"Well... It looked like fun when I watched other things doing this sort of thing and I thought I'd try it..."

this either had to be a lie or a bad joke... apparently this alien had no idea what it was even actually doing... It had to be the only virgin inhuman thing to ever visit the island.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

"No, no you wouldn't, please, don't"

Diana was more confused now, she let go of her skirt, her hands right at her side. She even forgot about her button's. She was unsure if this thing even knew what it was talking about, she didn't even know that she had ever done anything that bad.

"What do you mean, you watched other things do this?"

She wasn't sure if the monster was joking with her, or actually didn't know what it was doing.

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

She'd pause for a moment tapping her temple trying to think of the word, not quite a master of the english language yet.

"Ummm... lets see extra-earthrials i think you call them and damons doing something you call... umm what's the word for forced mutual pleasure."

She'd nod hoping diana would understand what she meant as another button popped off of Diana's blouse revealing her cleavage nicely for Quaetea to view.

"And I won't even have to lie, I mean I'm sure if she knew you had what you call dirty dreams about her and self pleasured to the thought of her undressed would scare her away qell enough."

of course she had just made up these events... even if they were likely true.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana had a bad feeling that this alien thing knew that she had dreams like that, she actually wasn't sure how Darwin would feel about knowing about that for some reason, probably not.

"What do you mean, forced mutual pleasure..."

She thought for a second... then she got it... She was pretty stupid not to expect that... but why would this alien not know what she was doing, it was the strangest thing she had seen on this island...

"No fucking way your going to do that... No way... You don't even sound like you know what to do"

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana had a bad feeling that this alien thing knew that she had dreams like that, she actually wasn't sure how Darwin would feel about knowing about that for some reason, probably not.

"What do you mean, forced mutual pleasure..."

She didn't bother covering herself up, she wasn't that concerned right now...

She thought for a second... then she got it... She was pretty stupid not to expect that... but why would this alien not know what she was doing, it was the strangest thing she had seen on this island...

"No fucking way your going to do that... No way... You don't even sound like you know what to do"

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:11 am ]
Post subject: 

"Well... I know what not to do at least... and how would you plan on stopping me... it is forced... You're supposed to try and stop me."

She'd sink back into the shadow of the bed only to join back with Diana's shadow thinking for a few moments before speaking again.

"I could always just make you tell me what to do... That could be fin i guess... if not a little bit like cheating... Or I could just... figure it out as I go and hopefully not harm you."

the disembodied voice would say a hand reaching up between Diana's legs from her skirt's shadow that was resting against her legs poking gently against her cloth covered core.

Author:  Diana [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana wasn't sure what she meant by this, and then Quaetea just vanished, into the shadows, she looked around for a second, when she felt a nudging at her nether region.

"No, don't, please stop"

She pleaded, she wasn't sure that she could stop something that she actually couldn't see, she was completely helpless to the amateur rapist... how humiliating...

Author:  quaetea [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Her hand would trace over Diana's clothed nether lips a time or two before she'd reappear hands wrapped around diana gripping at the loose portions of her blouse tugging gently as if testing something.

"Well... if you can give me good enough reason not to; I'll stop I can't see why you wouldn't want a girl as 'beautiful' as me not to. The first human I spoke to called me that, before I considered doing any of this to you girls."

She'd wait in that position arms around Diana's breast a leg lifted between hers of course now would have been a good time for Diana to actually test the alien's physical strength.

Author:  Diana [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Diana thought up her answer, but she actually didn't have one, apart from that being raped was not one of her most fun things to do, and she wasn't that afraid of this alien.

"Just, uh, please, don't"

She couldn't think of anything, else to say, hoping that the alien could find it in her heart to let her go. Then she wondered 'How strong are you?', it didn't seem very strong... She made a quick move, and managed to push the girl against the wall. Her upper arm pushed against her windpipe, holding her in place.

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:22 am ]
Post subject: 

So she wasn't that strong in this form... an eye held closed she'd look at Diana straight in the eyes a bit angrily. pink eyes showing flames within them.

"So... humans are as physically capable as an akti's birth form... didn't expect that..."

She huffed slightly with Diana's arm over her throat and her windpipe, which wasn't a very important part of an akti really. Quaetea continued to look at Diana as she was held to the wall.

"If you let me go I promise to forget you did this... You really don't want me being mean about this."

Author:  Diana [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:55 am ]
Post subject: 

"Well thats a first... An alien asking a student to let them go..."

Diana laughed a little, it was rather ironic, she actually felt in control for once... But she wasn't sure how long it would last, it wouldn't be easy.
She relinquished a little of the force on the alien's neck.

"Are you going to let me go?"

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:13 am ]
Post subject: 

"I don't plan on returning to boredom... so I'd say not..."

that bit of force she released was all Quaetea needed to gain her control back. A pair of wings sprouted from her back and her tail lengthened her body stretched contorted and deformed, changing color to a pale read and white, her clothing shifted as well she rew taller and the lights flickered slightly and before long Quaetea was standing looking down at Diana the now 7 foot tall creature would smirk slightly baring fangs at the girl.

"I believe you just lost Diana... I was half tempted to jst walk away you know, before you pinned me against the wall..."

her breath was a bit quick and tired from changing shape but, her abilities weren't as she'd stare into Diana's eyes, she too would feel the exhaustion of the alien changing to this shape.

"You pushed me to this... now Diana, tell me what would you want Darwin to do to your body?"

She asked and diana wouldn't be able to stop her from blurting out the truth.

Author:  Diana [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Diana didn't know why, but she felt exhausted for some reason, and now the situation with the monster, just got much worse. She didn't know what to do, and when it asked her the question about Darwin, she couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Uhh... I-I want her to touch me, hug me, anything, I don't care"

She gasped, what had she just said?, and why

Author:  quaetea [ Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:53 am ]
Post subject: 

"Alright... now sit on your bed and... teach me what humans think feels good make yourself squirm for me."

Again diana wouldn't be able to stop herself from doing as told. quaetea on the other hand would move closer to the bed and pat a spot making sure to take in an eye full of diana's actions.

"Oh and do keep your clothes on, I'll be taking the pleasure of rending them from your cute little body once you've taught me enough."

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