Shokushu High School

Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)
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Author:  Narrisa [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

Narissa glared narrowlly at the ceiling, with no where else to pint-point the voice. A mistake to take her eyes off the tentacle around her.

"You'll not make me want any part of this! Let me leave!!" She screamed, the lockers rattleing with the echos. Mind or not, she was going to make sure this creature had a piece of her mind.

Author:  Antipode [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

Ahh, well. It couldn't be helped.

"Well, I suppose that's how things have to be, then."

With that matter-of-fact statement, which held a hint of disappointment, the tentacles really did approach her. They moved quickly, their goal simply to seize her and keep her from hurting herself, more than anything else. Several of them quickly moved behind her, grasping her arms, first at her armpits, then at her elbows as well. Down lower, her knees and ankles were grabbed.

Another tendril wrapped around her stomach, but none of them were tight. In fact, though they were firm, they only grew tighter the more she fought, but never quite enough to hurt her. He had no intention of doing so, after all.

"When you calm down, I'm sure you'll have plenty to say. After all, you don't know much about what's going on on this island, do you?"

Author:  Narrisa [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

The voice of its dissatifcation came back to Narissa and she could see the tentacles reacting. With all of their slithering in front of her, she could not focus at the two octupus arm like limbs lash at her from behind, fastening themselves to her limbs, joints, and waist.

"Let go!" Wriggleing and writhing her wet body, droplets of water shooks off from her skin as her breast bounced wildy with her. But the more she tried pulling free the tighter they became on her, nothing that would bruise, she could feel. But nonetheless, she had become ensnared and it looked like no one would be able to help her.

"Please! Please let go!" her voice quivered.

Author:  Antipode [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

Antipode listened to her. It did not seem that talk would have much effect. But instead... he DID let go, for now. For the most part. The tendril around her stomach stayed there, but the ones on her limbs receded, but stayed very, very close. What was he plotting? Well, he was going to tell her.

"You cannot escape, miss Narissa. The doors are sealed, and even if you are free, you'll be trapped in here as long as I wish it. It would be best if you calmed down. After all, what I am offering you is quite a different thing than whatever you have encountered before... but then, you don't care much about that, it seems. I will take you, but I will make this as easy on you as possible. Do you understand?"

Author:  Narrisa [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

What was with this monster!? Did it seriuosly think she'd go along with 'Oh, i'm going to rape you, don't resist.' And she'd go, 'Tee-hee, go right ahead.'?!

Quite surprised of the receding tentacles, her limbs became freed, leaving only the one above her hips, resting only centimeter above her pubic area.

"Are . . . Are you letting me go?" she asked in disbelief.

Author:  Antipode [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

Sigh. Screw it. He was just wasting time, now. Time to get on with it.

" I really need to stop talking so much, and just act in situations like this. Don't you think?"

His conversational tone was how he ended that little exchange... and the tentacles came back. Several of them began tracing lightly on her back. Their tips started on her back, and started moving, like a finger or something, to her sides... he was teasing her?! Two more appeared near her legs, touching her from behind, tracing her inner thighs quite lightly at first. He was starting, and she wouldn't be able to stop him. Yet, he didn't hold her arms or legs, he only had that tendril around her stomach, holding her there. But it would prove stronger than it seemed. Maybe he valued the ability to move in his prey?

As it was, even if she fought against him, and pulled the tendrils away, and he kind of figured she would pull the teasing ones away, more approached... and at a moment of distraction, they'd come up to her breasts. They started quickly, wrapping around the base of each breast quickly, squeezing lightly as they wrapped a second, much larger loop, which ended near her nipples.

Author:  Narrisa [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

With the tentacle wrapped around her, she could only turn slightly to behind her in reaction to the two caressing motions began massaging her back.

"What the? Don't touch me you sicko!" Knowing it only had to be the creature's doing, she grabbed ahold to the ones at her back, once again, not paying attention to the others that latched on to her breast.

"Ooh!" She gasped as they teased the sensitve nipples. Gripping the two in her hands for support, she was more than unbalanced by the sensual way they began to massage and lift her breast.

'Ah! That . . .actually feels pretty good.' She shuddered. The anger in her voice was growing obviously weaker. "I . . . Don't want you touching . . . me" But the way the loops cupped them, still felt undeniably good.

Author:  Antipode [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

"Doesn't it, though?"

He said it with a bit of amusement. But whatever amusement he'd feel would not be noticed much longer... the tendrils wrapped around her breasts began to play with her nipples, their warm, soft tips, like fingers, rubbing against them, toying at them lightly. But then, something very strange happened... the tips of the little tendrils opened up! Like small little mouths, they latched onto her nipples suddenly. Tiny cilia were inside, and began rubbing against her tits quite intensely, while a strange sucking began... it felt like a mouth, if a mouth had many smaller tongues in it to tease her, not just one!

The other little tips began tracing again, as though she hadn't even stopped them. they went back precisely where they stopped, and started up as if nothing had happened.

Author:  Narrisa [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

A traitorous sigh escaped from her as when the opened mouth tendril clamped on. She could feel her body reacting without her consent to the continuous caressing, as if they were close lovers. The ones in her hand slipped effortslessly from her slackened grip and she could feel their ministrations continued on her tensed back.

"Ooh . . ." Despite herself, she couldn't deny that this really felt good, her body humming with content to its attention. She gripped the tendril at her waist, trying to keep her fighting spirit.

"You . . . you" At least once she could make a full sentence without moaning in the middle.

Author:  Antipode [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

Her body certainly was responsive. Good, that was precisely what he wanted. A responsive body that would quickly give in to what he wished her to feel. And she was feeling exactly what he wished now, her fight already beginning to fade away, wasn't it? He wondered how this compared to her other experiences with beings on this campus... but that wasn't a big deal, that wasn't something he was too worried about. Right now, it was time for him to step things up a little more.

The tendrils on her breasts worked at her even more intensely, her nipples getting sucked on by those strange tips, her flesh being squeezed and fondled by something that would feel like a master... but down below, he wasn't going to just ignore the other possible actions.

A tendril slipped up her leg, then, starting lightly behind her knee, and moving up her leg, up her thigh, tracing slowly until it reached the lips of her pussy. It touched lightly, teasing along those outer lips, barely even touching her now, just moving like a light finger along the very...very... edge.

Author:  Narrisa [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

"Oooh, please stop that," she mewled as she could feel her nipples growing harder and another tentacle beginnig to tease her lower regions. The pleasent menstrations, the tender massages. This thing was in the process of raping her. Raping meant she didn't want this or consent! So why was she enjoying it so much!?

'I'm not suppose to be enjoying this,' her mind fought, the only real opposition she had left as she felt her netherlips aching for the touch that was being teased just centimeters away.

'No! I can feel myself gettin wet to this thing!' Indeed, with the ever growing ache to her nipples and lower lips, rythmic to each fluttering heartbeat, she could feel herself on the verge of cumming.

"Oh, please don't make me . . . Don't make me--"

Author:  Antipode [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

Hmph. She was still begging him to stop. Well, it didn't matter at that part, her body was reacting with such enjoyment that her words were pretty much meaningless. Not much more than the insistence of propriety, or at least an attempt to keep from feeling like she was the one who wanted this. Perhaps she didn't, in the sense of not wanting it at the start. But at the same time, the way she reacted, her body's pleasure sparking within her, the way she moved and the way her body grew more and more aroused suggested something else to him. Oh, not that she really wanted it, but that her body had already given in, even if she hadn't. Quite perfect, really.

The tendril down at her netherlips stopped teasing, then, and moved a little farther up, pressing just slightly into her. Not far, not really even entering her at all, actually, but instead rubbing up right at her entrance now. More of the tendril, including the slight ridges on the sides, were able to enhance this little rubbing, and in fact it quickly began sliding up and down, moving slightly up towards her stomach, but then slightly down. It had come up from behind her after all, so this sort of motion was very easy.

(if I was unclear, I could send a picture in a pm, or something, to show what I mean. ^^;)

Author:  Narrisa [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

Another tendril came from behind her and rounded her waist, limb searching southward until its broad side found its mark. Seizing up her muscles, she felt the sliding against her lips, like a seductive wipe as she disdained to find her cunt was all to hospitable to lubricate its motions.

She weakly fought back against another moan as her lips felt the the contact that they had been begging for. But her strength she had mustered up felt like like it was being sapped out of her, much like the suctions and tickles of the suction on her nipples. With their new found sensitivity, she could easily feel that they had gotten bigger and distended from the suctioning as her body gave more and more to the creature.

'I don't know how long I can hold out.' Her panting becoming audible as she opened her parched mouth.

Author:  Antipode [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

"Then don't try. Just relax and enjoy yourself!" He said it playfully, his tone actually teasing her, clearly pleased with himself and with her, actually seeming happy and cheerful instead of despondent and separate. Perhaps he was gaining the effects of her pleasure, and that was the cause of his changing attitude?

As it was, of course, he was going to give her no mercy... but this was still only the beginning. Why enter her or anything like that quite yet, when she'd very easily cum without such prodding? He was going to save that for afterwards... because he didn't intend to make her cum just one time. Oh, no, she wasn't going to be getting a rest anytime soon. In the morning, she'd certainly wake up... not sore with bruises like she had last time, but safe in her bed, with some rather... interesting memories.

That tendril's broad side began rubbing up and down her pussy quite intently. It was moist now, especially from her own juices, and as it rubbed, it started to find her clit. Oh, it focused there quite a bit now, rubbing along her lips, yes, but just as much against the young woman's sensitive little spot... this wasn't direct, like small tendrils stroking it like careful fingers, as the broad side of the tendril was much larger than that, and much less precise... but what she felt would still be rather intense, in her current state, regardless!

Author:  Narrisa [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Encounters of the Tentacular kind (for Narissa)

"Then don't try. Just relax and enjoy yourself!"

Suddenly the suggestion seemed harder to ignore as a rippleing surface found her love nub. The fact that it kept rubby, back and forth, back and forth, made her thigh instantly begin to tremble with the sensation. A small blush of red colored her cheeks, testament on how hard her heart was pumping with her nerves being toyed with so masterfully. With how tense her body was from just trying to stand, her back began arching on its own, attempting to not snap from the pressure.

"Oh man, I'm gonna cum again!'' she mistakenly said aloud as she felt her walls contracts on themselves, new juices dripping out of her and smearing the tentacle sliding back and forth on her clit, some of it trailing slowly down her thigh. 'Aw! He's killiing any self control I have!' she found, as her hips began to weakly twist with the tentacle almost naturaly as her body continued to enjoy its menstrations.

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