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 Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania) 
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
He would leave the two girls to the clone for the time being. Each gave off a feel of being though this rodeo before and he knew his target had endured this before from his “parent”. But the girl quivering at the wall … fresh meat, and he so enjoyed braking in a student for their first monster experience so he had been distracted enough to near, a deep chuckle.

“You should have listened,”
and he flowed out about her to surround her easier as he pressed in, slime dissolving the cloth near that ample bust revealing her bra beneath, the acid tingling but not harming those thighs as he spread them apart. He would slowly dissolve her clothing away in time.

“Pleasure or -”
his eyes widening in surprise … something was being added to him something that allowed her to sicken herself but what had surprised him was that amazing strength as he tore free. Like a predator that was suddenly attacked by it's prey Ortix was confused for those first few seconds allowing her to get free and tare at the other two girls.

Realization came quick though and he applauded. The three wee sill stuck between them …

“I see that something is quite off here. What is your name?”
He pressed no closer to the four as he began to consider his approach here. There was that neutralizing slime of her's though their were multiple targets. But he had only a few minutes to rejoin himself and loosing half his body wasn't worth it. Still, he could not back down here with nothing to show for his efforts.

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Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:27 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Fear spiked through her as her heart pounded in her chest. Rhaine recalled quite well what the parent slime did and while there were many differences, many things that were unlike last time it sort of implied that it knew her. And the only slime she had known.

Naked snared by the ankle by the creature and by the wrist by Etolie the end result was a foregone conclusion … what the? Etolie won? Either she had possessed supernatural strength or …

She popped free, breasts slamming down on the floor as Etolie plopped on her backside with the other student's arms secured around her waist …

“Mistress?” Rhaine blinked quite confused as she looked upon the tanned student for he first time before being made to scramble before she heard the applause and the creature speaking to the trio.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:28 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
That wasn't suppose to happen! Rhaine had been free by her and another girl simply by pulling. No it was suppose to be a gesture made in vain, of course Etolie was not to thrilled about the prospect of failure but she tensed hearing the creature speak …

That explained it, a monster. Wait! Mistress! How many of these frigging things had Rhaine know. She certainly was a poor choice for her and Tidal that day. Dare she look? Out of one problem and into another, her heart sank as she saw just who it was recognize that face, those tits … she swallowed hard. Ania!

Etolie Leblanc
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Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:29 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Not even lacking her partially dissolved clothing had stopped the athletic beauty although she wound up losing the shirt throughout her dash seeing how the front was pretty much falling apart already. She would have to get another from storage eventually, but for the time being she aided the two distressed women and succeeded in freeing them, rewarded with unforeseen applause.

It proved both blessing and shame for Rhaine to denote the hidden predator with her most adequate title, blessing in the sense that the lovely blonde picked up on who happened to be underneath the exotic student nearby and shame considering that both Etolie and possibly the slime based pursuer had been aware of their relationship depending on how well he perceived of sound without any visible auditory organs. Neither of them knew that they were involved in that sense and now the brunette had enough information to connect the dots of her torment back in the day while Ortix presumably had reason to believe that one of the two young women possessed value much like Slarr discovered previously.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be and Ania languidly patted her beloved favorite with that human hand, her most sophisticated creation thus far given how her tentacles ordinarily lacked both bone and cartilage and rather than mimicking the maneuvers of her species as a whole, the amazon simply generated them as well with the benefit of being able to absorb them into her being when she turned back to her natural form, but without further ado Ania guided her attention to the other monster.

"I would assume common courtesy entails that you state yours first during introductions .." But the woman wasn't unforgiving and figured that one of the two would have to make the initial step eventually. He should have trapped them back in the gym and he might have had enough entertainment to last himself for a while before she'd eventually chance upon their sexually abused bodies. "My name is Ania .. I suppose you already know I don't really look the way I do now, but I would rather not draw upon my entire arsenal right now."

Hazelnut colored eyes honed in on the blob-like entity, uncertain as to where to look although her expression had been unmistakably stern, the same determination reflected in her voice. At a whim her knight in shining armor attitude allowed for Etolie to relish in the advantage of being taken under her wing, her assistance potentially a sign of goodwill and it wouldn't go unrewarded. "You've spent an eternity chasing them down and I'm not too fond of sloppy seconds. I shall claim these two for myself since you've wasted your time fooling around and I highly advise that you take your leave before I'm forced to remove you."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:06 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Ania, he chuckled a bit at her statement. “I am called Ortix.” Physically she could tare him to shreds all day and he'd keep reforming but he was pressed for time in rejoining himself. Another time for that perhaps. Etolie was of little consequence to him, an extra that was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and Rhaine was a n idle curiosity.

Still, this was his hunt but he had entertained other interests. “How I spend my time is irrelevant. Students can be so boring and you can fight, I'll just reform Mistress and I doubt you could defend yourself and them at the same time.”

He glanced to the two girls as if he were appraising hem for a second. Fragile little things, most students were but he relished their cries. “But I am willing o make a trade, two for one.” The ball was in her court though he had to keep a silent count in his head considering the separation of his body and the need o rejoin it before long.

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Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:58 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Rhaine blinked, he had heard, but he seemed amused. How did one deal with a slime? Water, whether or not that did any real good she could not say though her Mistress seemed to have a way of neutralizing that slime at least.

That was something and she considered options in her mind looking at the pane of a window and the downpour out there …

Trade … two for one … did he mean?
She was confused, did monster prey on monsters here or did her stupid error make things more complicated? Was this just a matter of convenience? A means of getting something with little effort? Most creatures did no care about the students and just left them when they had finished with them. By offering up a trade did this … Ortix … treat them as if they had little value, or maybe he realized that she might have some importance and offered her up in exchange, exchange for what?

“Don't do it, Mistress,”
the cat was already out of the bag, no sense in hiding it now.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:00 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
What? Huh? She had heard right. Did Rhaine send Ania after her too? That was after the first creature. No … no … she hadn't done anything since, gave back the digital chip with those photos she was going to blackmail her with.

Random chance? Perhaps it was a mention of what she did that drew her there that day. Etolie did not know though her eyes looked between everyone for answers.

Getting out of the matter was fine by her though it appeared as if Rhaine was being stupid about matters, at least now she had picked up the towel and was pressing it to herself. Well, if his didn't go well she had one bargaining chip that probably wouldn't work but was worth a try.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:01 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"Ortix it is." Ortix presumed that the newfound combatant could not defend herself while having to protect two students at the same time which, in spite of how many limbs Ania truly possessed, had been far more likely than she would have liked. Her corroding toxin would not last forever and drew upon the same finite substance otherwise reserved for aphrodisiac whereas her great many tentacles might slice through him, but could never hope to destroy him completely. She listened attentively, however, and the slime let it be known that two could be exchanged for one. It was questionable whether he implied that the huntress herself would suffice or not, but either way had been out of the question, especially with Rhaine's intervention.

Inner machinations of her mind sought to amass possibilities and promptly settled on the most feasible course of action. It carried an abundance of risk, but then again staying entailed little more than the same. Rhaine regarded the downpour outside which certainly aided in these calculations and Etolie most likely would have ditched their savior even now in favor of saving her own skin, but even the rebellious one who purposely harmed her precious servant would have a part to play.

Swift and precise, Ania could deal with nothing less under such dire circumstances and parted her lush lips in preparation of the command she was about to give, the contour of the arm closest to the outside shifting into lavender colored hues which had been indicative of something the vile creature knew nothing about. "Etolie, Sleep Enchantment, now."

She would maneuver herself in that instant, uncaring as to whether or not the girl actually complied for they had no choice in the matter. Human digits burst apart into elongated blue tentacles which lashed out at the nearest window and shattered the glass into numerous pieces, vicious edges drawing blood as these tendrils dragged themselves along the pane in order to remove any smaller fragments which might harm the two of them, the crimson substance smearing their escape route though the wounds closed within mere moments.

"You two, out." Regrettably it proved too tiny for all three to flee through at once and while the brunette might have assumed differently, Ania sheathed the two of them in tendrils and heaved their combined weight through the opening with utmost ease, more or less tossing them into the pouring rain outside given their time constraints. Surely he wouldn't surrender his prey that easily, but the blue skinned woman lunged in their wake in hopes of getting out of there herself.

He had an opportunity to snatch the curvy predator. Her heroic deed lenghtened the time of exposure to his presence and with every moment spent trying to save them would bring him closer to their sublime protector. It would prove challenging to pass up on these nubile young women, but for the most part Ania had retained her physical, tanned humanoid shape and potentially suited his interests far more than them anyway.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:15 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Which one was Etolie? Though the shift of his attention was brief the clone sprung into action lashing out at both girls. Smashing glass told him that a window was broken. He could feel the wind, hear the pounding rain and feel a drop in the overall temperature. His clone was no longer large enough to engulf someone but string pseudopods wrapped about the girls, Ania pulling them free with that supernatural strength of hers having to avoid a lashing pseudopod that sprang at her.

She was able to evade it and even get the two girls out the window but he approached from either side. He had no been to concerned about the girls and only sought to restrain them because there was some sort of trick that one could do … sleep … no that he expected it to be effective he did not need to be dazed for even a second when dealing with Ania.

He pressed in from both sides, his interests shifting to the azure creature a pseudopods came at her from either side. Another racing towards the window to gunk it up to prevent her escape that way though he had doubted it would do more than slow her down he ad other ideas in those regards.

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Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:53 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Things were happening too quickly to comprehend. Etolie of all people had brought her here. She was ensnared, freed and ensnared again only to be freed once more ten out into the cold driven rain. She lost her towel again too but she was being helped p and tugged along by Etolie though her heels offered up resistance this time.

“NOOO! Let me go!”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:55 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Huh? She wasn't doing this for her health! She was soaked and cold and attempting to save her skin and by extension Rhaine's but now she was hesitating? She slapped Rhaine.

Not that she had really cared what happened there. Whether monster or student a distraction was a distraction and she got Rhaine moving again at least. The girl probably realized ow futile staying was or didn't want to waste the sacrifice of her Mistress, however she realized it. Maybe it took the slap to rouse her out of her stupor, who knew?

Back to the gym ...

Etolie Leblanc
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Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:56 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"Keep running!" It had been beyond pleasing that the two managed to reach the relative safety of the rain outside, but while they occupied themselves with getting away further Ania struggled against the hold of their potential usurper. His halves effectively double teamed the predatory temptress and delayed her own flight through the window, slimy appendages tearing at her momentum and resolve which slowed the luscious female down considerably despite the immense amount of raw strength at her disposal.

Sharpening the tentacles in her possession they lashed out at the freshly summoned pseudopods and slashed them in half, barely impeding his progress while the vicious sludge of the revolting ooze-like entity swarmed her most feasible escape route and essentially blocked the passage with himself. Vile acid leaked down her mildly trembling thighs of feminine opulence in hopes of deterring any further attempt to embrace the buxom beauty although by the time her mind set itself to choosing an alternate path he had surrounded the alluring predator from both sides which virtually lingered little more than a few feet away.

"Ungh! Let go, damn it!" Her recently liberated captives had been forgotten and now her freedom turned out to be at risk with the combined bulk of his body nearby. She would not even remotely consider plunging through that mess he created around the window pane, trying to bypass him with brute strength then and there, presumably to flee down the corridor and find another way outside. His unusual stature made fighting him impossible and her corrosive reserves would be drained soon enough without suitable nourishment to replace the substance.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:45 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
The cut pseudopods oozed back to him, Ortix grinning, encroaching in on her though holding her was a bit fruitless. He was about to tare down that ceiling, his oozy nature would protect him and with any luck he could pin her.

Fighting other monsters normally wasn't his style though he was equipped for that. He had an abundance of targets that time that three eyed Demon showed up so there was really no issues. Snaking his prey, well if she wished for that then she would have to offer him something better in return.

Damn that acid though, it was what allowed her to press past him as she fled the scene though she had a mild head start as he enveloped his slime … to pursue her or just flow out the window after the students? Ania was far more interesting but if he got the students then he could use them.

He considered for a brief second. While water didn't hurt him holding his form together was difficult at best. He had to constantly reshape. For now he let the monster flee. Next time he would pin her in someplace, perhaps even lure her inside … he knew the proper bait to line his trap with.

Yes, too much effort and in nature most predators gave up if opposition seemed to be too intense. There would be a time though not today. He was patient, after all he had promised future visits to Nin and Juniper though nether had wanted them. Still, it was so fun playing with them ...

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Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:39 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She was indeed muddied by the time they got back to the pool area … no one was here, thank God but her chest was splattered with mud as her her legs, feet and her hand as she pushed herself up. Needless to say she needed another shower but with that thing …

“Do, do you think it f-followed us?”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:45 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“How do I know?” Etolie sat on one of the benches. “The next time you hesitate I'm fucking leaving you! Mistress! How many of these fucking thing do you know! It' bad enough you sent one of them after me but two?”

She was getting a blank look from Rhaine though and it seemed as if she was going to say something but Etolie simply cut her off.

“Forget it for now. Let's just worry about this slime. I'll keep a look out, get cleaned up quick.”

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:47 pm
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