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 Never So Free... 
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Lacey clarified her intentions and possible methods. If student victims were willing to open up to a complete stranger, so be it. Whether beneficial or not, as long as the red haired student did not try to incite a riot the Head Girl would not care who Lacey spoke to or on what subjects. As the student had already mentioned before, this was something that would either do nothing or possibly soothe some concerns in the small population of victims that have made themselves visible to the public.

"Talk to whoever you like, Ms. Renault," Vera replied, "You are free to do so as is any other person on the island. That is not the only reason you are here though, is it? You have avoided speaking on how exactly you are going to submit to me. What are you going to do during your time you have devoted to me? You have come to my office with many promises, Ms. Renault. How exactly are you going to come through with them?"

The student had explained her intentions when it came to helping the school and its students. But, what of Vera? The Head Girl certainly had not forgotten what Lacey had offered. What skills did the student have that could benefit the silver haired woman? Talk was cheap and Vera had no use for good intentions by themself. The Head Girl had to becareful of what was offered and what she was willing to accept from such devotion. Lacey's previous outburst required Vera to be more wary of this student's intentions no matter how sincere they may be.

"That was why you came to my office before was it not?" Vera asked, "You wanted to learn about the rumors in hopes I accept such an offer of devotion? What do you hope will happen if I say yes, Ms. Renault? What are you hoping is done to you?" Vera would prod Lacey's mind with questions, finding what makes the woman tick. There was a reason she provoked the Head Girl and it was apparent that it was in hopes of going into the basement. Was Lacey just looking for confirmation on the rumors or was there something else?


Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:50 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
A soft breath of relief slips from the redhead's lips at Vera's reply to her further explanation; good. It's a step in the right direction...that same breath catches in her lungs at the next question to come out of the white-haired woman. Lacey's original purpose and the other reason she'd come here...images of the things she's heard, the things she's craved, go dancing through her head for a split second that seems like an eternity before she forces them under control...though not before her heart rate spikes a bit. The question isn't about what it is that Lacey wants, it's what she'll do for Vera, in addition for what she does for the school. How WILL she devote her time to Vera? Well that's not too difficult.

"Well...I suppose that's actually the easier of the two things to manage. I'll do...whatever it is you need me to do. Menial things you don't want to set your Prefects to, aiding and assisting however you might want me to. I wasted your time earlier, so I can at least work to help make up for the time I wasted. Just...whatever it is you need from me. If anything..." It seems so simplistic...and yet it's so hard not to come out and say exactly what she wants, what she hopes for. But still, to just blurt that out to this woman...that's not a good idea.

The Head Girl doesn't let up however, and Lacey's not allowed to wiggle out of this one with a simple and vague little answer like that. She's pressed about why she came to the office earlier, and she can feel her heart beat faster still, her face flushing as those thoughts dance through her mind once again, a little tingly-fluttery beginning in her tummy at their return. She's surprised and off-balance at the sudden directness of the questions...but then she supposes she shouldn't be; the lunge is also a part of fencing, after all. And that's what speaking with Vera is like; fencing, crossing blades and applying pressure back and forth...although in Lacey's case it's more like taking a defensive posture against the Head Girl and holding desperately to it for dear life, trying not to be run through in the first seconds of the match. She's not a stupid girl, she knows that much; but this woman makes geniuses look slow in comparison.

"I...I wanted..." She's not certain how to respond. Part of her hopes that this is still about how she'll help Vera, though she knows that's not what the Head Girl wants to hear out of her. Part of her is gleeful at this new round of questioning. "I was..." Her gaze slides down from Vera's eyes and to one side, her cheeks burning bright pink with an embarrassed and excited flush at this sudden turn. What to say? How can she say what she wants without seeming foolish? You ARE foolish though. Otherwise you'd just come out and say know you want to anyway... All the same! How to explain this..."The rumors...the rumors I heard were that you...have a preference for dominating students...for forcing submission."

GOD what is she saying?! But there's no denying the hot thrill that runs through her very core as she speaks the words. "I...recently, I learned a bit about myself...I learned that I'm somewhat...submissive, I suppose..." She shakes her head. She's come this far, why try to gloss it over? "Not somewhat...I AM submissive. And so when I saw you for the first time...when I heard the rumors...I..." She swallows hard and takes a deep breath, her eyes locked on her shoes now. "I wanted to explore this new side of myself. And hearing about you...seeing you, just getting a glimpse of who you made me want to learn about this new side of myself from you, Ms. Matsumoto." She can't even bring herself to look at the other woman; she screams at herself internally. How could she possibly have gone so far, said such things?! But that warm glow of satisfaction at having said her piece wars with her fears and doubts, creating a chaotic whirlwind of desire and despair and excitement that courses through the little redhead, making her feel as though the room is spinning slowly.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Once again, the student sat there, defeated and exposed through words alone. Auras flared, letting Vera read Lacey like an open book. "I correct students, Ms. Renault," Vera replied, "In order to correct someone, one must establish they are a figure of authority. I do not force them to submit. They do so on their own volition. Whether they submit or not is irrelevant to me as long as they learn from their mistakes and continue to grow as students. Just like I expect you to learn from your mistakes and continue to grow, Ms. Renault."

"You have failed to answer my question again," Vera continued, "You say you wish to save me time and yet I am forced to repeat my questions over and over again until you finally get up the nerve to answer. There are two things I hate as they directly cost me time. One is lying and the other is forcing me to repeat myself, Ms. Renault. But as you have come back in hopes of improving yourself, I will be kind enough to let this matter slide. Now... What is it you are hoping I to do to you, Ms. Renault?"

The Head Girl's tone was even but seemed much firmer now. The way she asked the question was as if the woman was demanding an answer from the student. Exposed, Lacey would not be allowed to hide from Vera's gaze or further questions. The silver haired woman would strike deep while the student's defenses were down to draw out just how submissive this woman was and what the poor student was aching for more than anything. Lets see how well Lacey can follow directions now.


Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
You're wasting her time again...that didn't work out so well last time, did it? Lacey trembles a little in her seat, looking up...the worst mistake she could have made. Those ice blue eyes pierce her through, fixing her in place more firmly than a rapier ever could. Even her shivers stop, the redhead sitting stone still, unable to break that gaze...unwilling to. There's no escaping the absolute authority this divine woman wields. It's in her eyes, in that voice that's softer and smoother than silk and at the same time harder than steel, in the calm and controlled posture of her body. There is no defying Vera Matsumoto.

"I'm..." She bites back her first response; the Head Girl isn't looking for an apology. She wants an answer. Don't waste time. Give her the answer, the one you know you want to give, the one she knows you want to give. Soft lips part, trembling a little as her breaths come a bit faster than before, excitement and fear dancing through her, making her head spin.

"I was hoping..."
She swallows, hard. She can't look away. She can't avoid answering...she won't waste her time, not again. "I wanted...I want..." She shudders just once, feeling warmth flood through her body as she lets those images in her mind run free and wild, no longer forcing them aside. "I be stripped nude before you. I want to be naked...defenseless...and used to serve your whims, whatever they may be..." Light-headed, she has to bite back a little whimper.

"I want to be tied up...whipped and spanked, teased and touched, kissed and bit...until I can't do anything but beg you for release. Pushed into a frenzy...and not able to feel that release until you allow it." It's almost as if it's already happening, losing herself in those blue eyes as she opens herself to Vera. "I want to service please taste you and touch you, and to work to bring you pleasure, so that I can earn my own." The redhead does whimper now, just a small sound, absolutely tiny...but it escapes with one of her breaths, and she has no doubt that this divine woman before her hears it just fine. "I want...I want to submit to be dominated by you."

She quivers in that seat. Vera would hardly need ropes or chains to tie Lacey down; her stare is plenty. It's as though she's already naked before that gaze, being assessed and analyzed like this. She couldn't move if she wanted to...and she's not sure she does want to. "Free..." She says without thinking. "It...being tied up...learning to obey...letting myself obey and earn whatever reward I'm given...submitting to's like taking off restrictive layers of clothing. Even this much...just this...letting my own desires out in just words feels so makes me feel free. But...but I can't do it by myself!"

There's a quality of desperation to her voice now, as though pleading with Vera to though begging. "I can''s only with someone else, giving myself to someone else that I can feel like this...and that's why...that's why I came to see you. That's what I wanted...what I want. I want that freedom that comes with absolute submission...with being honest with myself and admitting who I am to another."

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:27 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
There was no hiding those hidden desires now. Lacey trembled in her chair as she recited all the dark fantasies she had playing out inside her mind. Vera did not interrupt, letting the student open her very soul to the Head Girl and await further judgment. Lacey was not the first submissive that came to Vera and she would not be the last. Where should the Head Girl go from here? Lacey did not qualify for a Prefect position and it was much to soon to even consider offering such a role to someone she had only met today.

"And you wish me to fulfill that role for you, Ms. Renault?" Vera asked, "You already know I am a very busy woman. I cannot devote all my time towards satisfying your needs." The Head Girl timed her response, letting that aura of doubt and worry start to surface before giving a glimmer of hope. "But," she continued, "Perhaps if you did enough work, you may free up more of my time. As a student, your tasks will be limited and it will be up to you to figure out how best to assist me. Your first task will be one given by myself. You have already explained what you intend to do with troubled students. But, it would hardly be fair if you did not take your own advice. With that, you will have experience in what the school has to help students and be able to give factual information to students you speak to."

"Go see the nurse, now," she ordered, "Tell her your problems. Be as detailed as you wish with her. She will not tell anyone else and will do everything in her power to help you. Once you complete your task, I expect you to use your free time to rest and reflect on our discussion. Should you still desire more, you may see me. Should you see me, come properly dressed. A tank top and jeans is hardly appropriate attire when seeing a Head Girl."

"Are there any questions, Ms. Renault?" Vera had layed out her first task. Lacey mentioned guiding students to see the nurse of a councilor and now she was expected to do the same. Words only went so far but now the student would have actions to back up those words should she find a victim to speak to. The nurse will also be able to help Lacey with her problems. Nothing a little medication and soft words will not soothe. The nurse was trained in her job and knew what drugs would soften up a student's mind to help make them forget about all their little problems.


Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:08 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
There's nervousness there, written plainly across the redhead's face as she waits the Head Girl's response to her desires. It feels good to get them out in the open...but it's terrifying waiting to see how the woman on the other side of this desk will react. Disgust? Disdain? Or will she simply be sent away again? It's impossible to read Vera as Lacey waits for her decision, transfixed to her seat, unable to so much as look away. Finally after what feels an eternity, that soft voice comes to her ears once more...and the words she hears make her heart lurch in her chest, a flush of despair running through her. No time...of COURSE she has no time. What was Lacey thinking in the first place...?

It's an awful feeling, akin to a punch in the stomach, leaving the redhead feeling hollow and breathless, wondering if perhaps she should leave...when the Head Girl speaks again, delivering hope this time. Lacey listens as though her life hangs in the balance, her attention focused completely on the beautiful woman, a little thrill of anxiety running through her at the thought of finding things to do to free up Vera's time. It's only a small one, however; she'll figure something out. She figured out how to help the school within her own means, after all.

The nurse. Simple enough, and it makes sense...and Lacey flushes a bit as she notes her own clothing. She should have changed outfits before coming back, but had forgotten in her eager rush to make up for her breach of etiquette. "As you say, Ms. Matsumoto." Lacey bows her head respectfully, heart pounding with joy. She has a chance...this has turned out better than she'd dared hope. "No, ma'am. I understand my task...and thank you again. Truly." She waits only to be dismissed.

Some thought about her task itches at the back of the little redhead's mind, but she's far too lost in relief and hope to pay it any heed. Swept up by her own emotions and desires and caught up in the moment, she's eager to be off to complete her task...and to think of ways to assist in future tasks. Already her mind is flying along that track, contemplating what she can possibly do to help Vera with her workload and free up some of the Head Girl's time...the thought of which is enough to make the girl's legs tremble just a little.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:06 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
A short time later, cursing herself for a fool but still carrying out her task, Lacey stands before the nurses' office with her hand poised to knock. The nurses at the school aren't particularly terrifying or anything, that's not what's foolish about this whole ordeal; rather the fact that she's only recently realized what that warning twinge in the back of her mind had been about, back in Vera's office when she'd been told to come here.

The problem here lies in the process itself; DOES the school's medical staff have some way of dulling the edge of her memories of the attacks she's suffered? And if so, then to what degree? "Idiot, you should have figured this out some time can't protect ANYONE if you're doped up to the point that you're a drooling vegetable!" It's not likely that this is the result, but her concerns are still valid; she doesn't know what kind of medicine she'll be receiving, if any, and she's unsure as to what to expect. "I guess...I could always just not take it..." She murmurs. You're wasting time, Vera will be angry...she quietly tells herself to shut up. Listening to that side of her at all is what's gotten her into this entire mess in the first place.

She hovers there in indecision for a moment longer. Run away? Can't...she wouldn't be able to go back to see Vera, who would likely find out that she hadn't visited the nurse. She's worked far too hard just trying to convince the woman of her sincerity in making up for her earlier outburst. Maybe accept whatever meds they offer, then refuse to take them? That won't work, either; she's not entirely certain the nurse will allow her to just wander off without having the medication firmly in her system. She's not even sure what kind it is; if it's a pill, that might be fine. If it's a shot, she's screwed. And besides that, she's not really all that good at lying; if she goes back to Vera and the question comes up, the Head Girl will be all over her in a heartbeat. She's already trying to fix one mistake; adding a lie to the list is not something she wants to do.

Lacey sighs and knocks. The only thing she can do is hope for the best; maybe if she just tells of one of the attacks, and one that seems a little surreal anyway...well, more so than the norm...they'll just give her a small dose. Maybe she can handle something like that...she shakes her head. "A great many 'maybes' and precious little assurance...telle est la vie..." Still, it's not like she has any better why not shut up and dance? She's bidden enter, and she does just that while praying and hoping for the best....

. . .

A needle...Lacey curses quietly. An injection...something to 'suppress anxiety and help a student relax' as the nurse had put it. Her head feels like it's full of cotton fluff...she'd told them about Wraith, deciding to stick with the most surreal experience she's had so far, hoping they'd send her off with little more than some sleeping pills or something. Instead, they'd put a needle in her arm and told her that Wraith isn't real...

And it sort of makes sense. After all, it HAD been a dream...she'd never actually seen him, right? Just a lucid where she'd discovered a taste for...well, that's unimportant right now. What about the other creatures though? Gersham, Ortix, Birch, Slarr, that little blob in the pool whose name she'd never gotten...if it even had one? The more she thinks on it, the more the nurse's words make sense.

"Ms. Renault, there's no such thing as monsters. You're suffering too much stress and anxiety, and it's playing with your mind." Those had been her words to the redhead. She'd been rather soft-toned and gentle about the whole thing, and she has the prettiest chestnut brown hair...Lacey shakes her head, trying to clear it. The shot had come after that, "Just a little something to help you with all that stress. It'll relax your mind a bit, and you'll probably feel a little off for a few hours...but you'll be fine after a bit of rest. You'll be alright, Ms. Renault, I promise. You just need to relax, calm down a've been pushing yourself too hard between a double-major and all that running and training you do." Is that what it is? Funny, she's never had any massively vivid hallucinations of monster rape before coming here, and she's always trained hard. Not to mention your normal daydreams don't feel that good. Inwardly she snaps Quiet, you.

The nurse had continued with her soft, gentle words in that warm and soothing voice, and Lacey had fought hard with her own thoughts against everything she was being told. The nurse had grasped her hand, gently squeezing it, and Lacey had done her best to appear relaxed, loosened up. There'd been a pretense of brushing the redhead's hair out of her face and commenting on how pretty her locks are while the woman had checked her eyes, watching for dilation...and apparently finding what she was looking for. A soft pat on the cheek, a promise that she has help whenever she needs it, just come and see the nurse...and Lacey's free to go.

And now she finds herself walking slowly back into her dorm. She has to change, to get into something more suitable for visiting with the Head Girl. She'll be so happy to know that the monsters aren't real --yes they are-- that they'd been Lacey's imagination --no, they're real-- and to know that Lacey's taken care of her problem. Not as long as you're here, you haven't...Something with a skirt, this time. Definitely a skirt, and one that's not too long or too short...something a couple of inches above the knee. She has those. What color, though...? And should she do something interesting with her hair, or just a ponytail...? Playing dress-up for Vera won't save you from the truth, you know that. Besides, do you really think she'll care as long as you're presentable? That woman is ice...It's important to be presentable, and the only way she can be presentable is by putting effort into her look, something better than jeans and a tanktop! None of which will matter to her, as long as you're useful. And it certainly won't help you forget what you know...even if you do get her approval.

Why won't it stop? Why won't it let her have peace, even if it IS an illusion? The nurse said they were just imaginary...and yet she knows better. Deep down, even through her rapidly growing stupor she knows better. She fights a three-front war within herself between fear, pleasure, and denial of both. She tries to cling to the nurse's words, to that sleepy and peaceful feeling the drug she'd been administered gives her. She tries to break free of it; after all, she has to protect the school, protect the students. She can't do that if she refuses to accept the monsters out there. She tries to force herself to just give in to how much she loves it when they grab her, when they tie her up and have their way with her. But no, those are just dreams, they're not real, they happened to her and she knows it, even the one in her dreams had happened to her and she has to fight against it, to help others fight against it, but no fighting is useless and it only hurts, though even the pain feels nice sometimes, so why not just give in to them and save someone else the trouble of being caught that way, since it feels so lovely to be the sacrificial lamb and...The redhead whimpers softly, collapsing onto her bed. "Too much...there's too much..." She says, feeling wetness on her cheeks....tears? She's crying...

Don't cry, little camellia...

Her father's voice...she remembers it. His comfort to her...first when she'd been grabbed by Ortix, and now here while her mind tries to tear itself apart..."Papa, help..." She weeps openly, her little body shaking with sobs that she tries to hold back. "They have me...the monsters have me and the school won't help, and there are so many others...I want to help them, but I don't know if I can, and...and I'm so all hurts so much, and I don't know how to stop it..."

Don't cry, little camellia...

She shivers for a while, laying on her bed as her storm of anguish passes through her, unleashed by the drugs that had softened her mind, and the barriers she'd kept in place to keep the madness of it all out, to keep herself moving forward and surviving. For a time, she drowns in madness, terrified and alone with only her warring thoughts to keep her company...before she passes into blissfully dreamless sleep

. . .

Green eyes flutter open, greeted by the sight of moonlight flooding through her window. She'd fallen asleep...she'd needed to. The troubled little redhead's thoughts feel much calmer now...she can remember her previous encounters just fine, knows that they happened, that they're real...but she's somehow attained a distance from them, as though they happened ages ago, to someone besides her. Lacey shudders; she can't afford to forget. She just can't...but she has to admit, she feels better than she has in some time. Stretching her body, she looks at the clock; it's past midnight. Too late to go out for her evening practice session...and she's still tired anyway. Lacey rises, laying out an outfit; she'll go and see Vera tomorrow in the morning, to see if there's anything she can assist with. She considers her choices, finally settling on a blue cotton elbow-sleeve top with three buttons that one can open up for warmer days. She grabs a soft cotton skirt of the same color, and an orange web belt for complementary value, along with a pair of fairly comfortable wedge sandals with orange straps. That done, the little redhead turns around and lays once more in her bed, sleeping peacefully for the first time in weeks.

Morning comes and Lacey wakes, stretching and heading immediately for the shower. She bathes herself, tends to her hygienic needs and dresses swiftly, stopping by the cafeteria long enough to get herself a light breakfast. Eating quickly, the redhead resumes her journey with but one thought in mind; today, she's going to be useful. No classes for her until tomorrow, so she'll see what she can do to help Vera. First, a quick tour around the school. Lacey can note behaviors, learn about her fellow classmates...and identify potential victims --Like yourself! And maybe drugged up just like you were, like you ARE, and wasn't last night FUN?!-- she squeezes her eyes shut, focusing on silencing those kinds of thoughts; it's going to take some getting used to, this odd feeling of disconnection, of having to hold her barriers in place by force of will...but for her sake, for everyone's sake, she can do it. She has to, so she can help everyone. Regaining her composure, she continues on, watching and learning, talking and meeting when she has to, and generally making her presence known...

A couple of hours later, the sun indicating it's just a bit before noon, Lacey finds herself at the tower. She hasn't taken anyone to the nurse today; but she's learned of a few girls who have seen strange things or encountered strange creatures...or as far as the student body at large is concerned, they THINK they have. That's good enough for her; she'll get to know them a little later. First, she should check in with Vera and see if the Head Girl needs anything taken care of; the woman's likely been awake for some time now, and it seems appropriate enough to come in at this hour, rather than when she might be eating breakfast. Riding the elevator up, Lacey steps out and knocks politely on the door and waits.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Last edited by Lacey on Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:12 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Vera did not keep any tabs on Lacey beyond ensuring she did in fact visit the school nurse. The nurse sent a message informing the Head Girl that the student did obey her commands. No further information was given though. It was unknown if Lacey's 'condition' would improve or not. It would not surprise her if the student chose not to visit the nurse again after obeying the command. A pity but that was unfortunately the woman's choice and Vera would not push the issue lest Lacey becomes a problem for the school.

The Head Girl made no further plans for the student. Would Lacey return? It was possible but that would be a matter she would deal with when that time comes. As Lacey had mentioned, Vera was a rather intimidating woman and it was never a surprise when a student comes to see here and ends up in over her head. Most never return after that unless they were truly desperate. But, there were always those few who climb the tower again of their own free will. The knock at Vera's door revealed such a student.

"Enter," a simple command that also revealed that the door was unlocked. Vera looked up to find Lacey approaching her desk once again. The woman was not in uniform but at least better dressed for speaking to a Head Girl. Vera was dressed in a perfectly kept uniform. The desk hid the sight of the light blue sash resting loosely around her waist. She stopped typing as the student approached, giving Lacey her attention.

"Afternoon, Ms. Renault," Vera greeted, "What can I do for you?" Lacey came to find out what she could do for the Head Girl but Vera was the one who asked first. Did Vera ever ask students for anything? She did have Prefects that help her out. It was impossible to guess what Vera's day to day life was as no one really came this high up the tower and stayed for long. Was there anything a Head Girl needed that she did not provide herself?


Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:45 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Again Lacey enters as bidden by the Head Girl within the suite, that same low thrum of excitement running through her core. Visiting Vera hasn't lost any of its dangerous appeal; if it had, this likely wouldn't be as exciting. The redhead pauses a moment, realizing that she feels...better today than she has for a long itme. The medicine? Or perhaps the idea that she's going to be helping others soon...maybe both? Or maybe the thought of helping Vera specifically...she can't tell for certain what's what about her mood. She just knows she feels good.

"Ms. Matsumoto." The redhead replies, bowing her head respectfully by way of greeting. "Other way 'round, actually. You've already helped me a great deal, and it's my turn to reciprocate." But how? That's the question. She's not a Prefect or a Head Girl, so there's not a great deal she can do to help with any of the workload. Demerits aren't hers to give, rules aren't hers to enforce...she thinks for a moment. What CAN she do to help Vera?

There's a simple enough answer; the tower itself is quite tall, and not exactly central to the campus. Going up and down would take a while even with the elevator; time a Prefect or Head Girl could spend working wasted in long transits from one place to another. Errand running, bringing paperwork from point A to point B might not be a horrible way to save Vera some time...if she even needs someone to do things like that for her. For all Lacey knows, the Head Girl can accomplish everything she needs to without ever leaving that chair right there...still, nothing ventured...

"I have to admit...I'm running a little dry of ideas at the moment, but if you have anything you need run out of the tower to somewhere else, I'd be happy to take it for you...if that doesn't provide more problems than assistance, that is."
She looks around, spotting a clock. For that matter..."Have you had lunch yet? I could pick up something while I'm out, if you'd like. Or I could cook something here...I'm not an amazing chef, but I know my way around the kitchen." Two simple offers, small tasks, but time-consuming ones. It would likely be easier to ask what Vera needed done...but the silver-haired beauty had told her yesterday that it would be up to Lacey to figure out how to be useful. So the redhead goes about trying to figure out ways to do just that.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:27 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
"You are honest at least," Vera replied, "You are not the first student to come up here to help me though you may be the first to admit not having any idea what to do. Most do what you did and default to cooking a meal for me. Your culinary experience is not that important as long as the food is edible and filling. Some continue with that path and improve their cooking. But I suppose I am going on about others when it is you I should focus on. I have not had lunch yet. If you wish to make a meal, you may use the kitchen or seek something from the minimall. If nothing else, I can place the order and you can pick it up if you wish."

Being a Head Girl, Vera had access to a better menu than other students. But, most students did prefer making something themselves when they had the opportunity to cook for a Head Girl. Then again, most students who now cook for Vera were now Prefects or her personal servants.

"Beyond that," Vera continued, "You know what your goal is. I know why you wish to help me. You have a selfish reason. The only question remaining is not what you can do for me but what you are willing to do for me? When you think of helping me, what is the first thing that comes to mind?"

It would be simple to just give a command to Lacey. It was within the Head Girl's power to do so. Even if Lacey chose to disobey, the student would have little to hold over the silver haired woman. Of course, Vera was in the mind that any command given to this particular student would be obeyed. Lacey opened her heart and exposed her weakness. The woman was a submissive and a desperate one at that. Anything that would lead to Lacey's preferred fetishes or the potential of being reward with said fetishes would be taken immediately.

But Vera did not always work that way. Despite a prior misstep, Lacey has presented herself well. It was why the woman was allowed to return and attempt to find something to assist the Head Girl with. Vera takes servants, she recruits Prefects, but she will not micromanage a mindless drone. Students who lacked enough will and ambition to carry themselves forward were not worth Vera's time and effort to train further.


Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:55 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
She doesn't bother pointing out that Vera'd Said during their last meeting that she dislikes falsehood; only a fool would believe that this woman is as lost in thought as she seems. She smiles a little, feeling an absurd rush of pleasure when Vera murmurs about focusing on the redhead for the moment, the thought that she's worth the attention making her feel she's on the right track.

What is she willing to do? The list is huge...but Lacey thinks the question is more one of intent than anything. How far will She go to see Vera pleased, her work done...and Lacey's own reward granted? How badly does she want it? More than anything right now. But now the redhead's question is what will she do to prove it? She thinks carefully. The first thing that comes to mind is Vera's workload; keeping on top of the students like she does, even WITH her prefects, is a full-time job; Lacey has no illusions about that. Anything she does, be it menial or'll take a LOT of it to free up Vera's time in any substantial fashion. However, she has doubts as to Vera's need to run any errands; any messages she needs delivered can be easily sent via the school's intranet. She's far from useful from a paperwork point of view, being unqualified to the extent that Vera is, by virtue of being neither Head Girl nor Prefect.

Lacey thinks harder. Paperwork is out, Errands are out...she can make lunch, that's easy enough, but it's also not enough to get her what she wants. Judging by her tone and the way she'd reminisced about other students, Lacey imagines that most of her domestic affairs are already seen to by others; offering to do her laundry and such is likely not even worth her time and attention. Likely she got away with offering a meal only because cooking is one way to measure a person's resolve; easy to throw laundry into a machine, much more difficult to express yourself on a plate of food. It's all about effort...her eyes narrow at that. Effort is met with approval. For what she wants for herself, she'd prefer Vera put some effort into it...isn't turnabout fair play in that case? If she's going to help, then what can she do that requires some measure of effort...?

She considers Vera's next words carefully. It's true, her goal IS selfish. It's not a lie that she wants to help Vera in repayment for her transgression...but beyond that, there's something more she wants. Perhaps she'd been too quick to dismiss them lies an opportunity for something further, after all. She kneels down without a trace of modesty, bowing her head. "The first thing that comes to mind is taking care of the needs of the homestead. Simply put, my reasoning behind it is that, as long as I remain close by and make myself useful, I'm bound to find something I can do to assist you. And in this fashion, I can do something more than just twiddle my thumbs and wait for orders."

She's uncertain as to what she's looking for as far as being useful goes, but fairly sure that, as long as she keeps her eyes open and her mind working, she'll figure something out. Provided that Vera approves of her plan, of course. "If this meets with your approval, then I'll begin preparing lunch...Mistress." She murmurs the last, unsure of whether or not she should; true, it's the place of a servant to show respect, but Vera hasn't accepted her as such yet. Her choice to prepare lunch herself is a simple thing; she owes the woman a debt, in her own mind, and is loathe to repay it through someone else's efforts. Purchasing something from the minimall would smack of insincerity to the little redhead, when she can manage on her own.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:09 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
The Head Girl watched as Lacey kneeled and bowed before her. A familiar title left the student's lips. It was maybe getting ahead of herself but, there was much that could be said about a woman who submitted so easily to a given authority. Vera rose to her feet and walked over to the kneeling woman. "I did not hear that last part," Vera said firmly, "Speak up." She forced the student to repeat the title. "Louder..." she made Lacey repeat herself again. "You say such a title so easily. Do you even know what it means?" Vera asked, arms crossed, "If you call me Mistress what does that make you?"

If Lacey attempts to look up or raise her head would result in Vera's foot pressing the woman back down to the tile floor. "I do not accept such a title lightly, slave," she continued, "It is not a title you simply give someone for a one night stand. I do not appreciate having my hand forced, Ms. Renault. Becoming a slave is a privileged, a title of trust given by an owner to her belonging."

Vera gently lifted her foot off and placed it before Lacey's head. "Your correction will be light, Ms. Renault," Vera stated firmly, "You merely have to kiss my foot and apologize. You will refer to me as Ms. Matsumoto until I deem you fit for a purpose. Do you understand me?" Lacey was given a small peek at what could be hers if she could please this Head Girl. With how Vera spoke about such matters, the Head Girl was experienced with master/slave relationships. Was this what Lacey wanted though? Was she in over her head or was this exactly what she dreamed?

Once the apology was given, Vera turned to return to her desk. "You may start with lunch, Ms. Renault," she stated simply, "Do not disappoint me." The Head Girl sat down and returned to typing and reading reports as if things were just a normal day. Did other students go through this just like Lacey did? What other things could Vera offer not only as a Head Girl but as a Mistress?


Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:51 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Lacey freezes a little as she hears Vera rise, those feet coming to rest just before her. Vera's tone is harder than granite just now, sending a little trill of fear through the well as a rush of pure delight. Her face cast downward from this woman's divine features, Lacey's lips part in a soundless chuckle. Too much, too fast? No...this seems just right to her. "I called you 'Mistress,'" She says louder, thinking she likely should have said it louder from the start. "It makes me...whatever you wish me to be." She fights hard not to purr that last.

Is this what she wants for herself for the rest of her time here? The redhead squirms a little as that foot comes down on her, pressing her to the floor before she can rise and sending warmth flooding through her body in the act. How could she want anything else?! She gives a soft gasp at the use of the word 'slave'...though rather than bother her, it excites her further. Possibility that she IS worth this woman's time...even if it comes through irritation. Still, maybe a bit more subtlety is in order...

The foot comes down in front of her head, and she's allowed to raise her face enough to see it. Kiss her foot? Lacey bites her lip and begs her wanting self not to make this awkward; it's supposed to be a kiss, not a nibble,lick or suck. Just a kiss. "Yes, Ms. Matsumoto." She says, leaning forward to press her lips against that foot. A soft kiss...followed by just a tiny lick, her desires not to be completely denied. "I apologize for my improper conduct. Thank you, Ms. Matsumoto." She purrs softly, that warmth building inside her by the second. Earn it...she can do that. Her whole life, the things she's proudest of have been those she's earned...and this privilege will be no different.

Still, words are cheap, even if they're unspoken. Time now to show Vera that the fiery student is worth that kind of trust. "Right away, Ms. Matsumoto." Her response to the amazing woman who returns to her work as though nothing has happened. Were she to look up at this moment, she'd see an excited, happy flush and a small smile on Lacey's face. Disappoint her? Not even at the cost of the redhead's life. Is this what she's been looking for all this time? It feels like it...she can't remember the last time her heart pounded so hard for something she genuinely wants. She pushes her thoughts aside; there's something more important to focus on.

She has no clue what Vera wants to eat, prefers to eat...but she knows that she's been told it's fine as long as it's filling and edible. Lacey can do that much. A moment's consideration gives her an idea, and she moves into the kitchen, searching through cupboards and cabinets and the refrigerator. She doesn't find everything she needs...but she finds a few things that'll give her a good start. Eying a clock tells her that it's only been fifteen minutes since she came in; if she moves quickly, she could have lunch ready before noon. She sets out some chicken to thaw, murmuring to Vera that she'll return shortly, doubting if the woman will even concern herself with the matter or not, such is her focus on her work. She has her own tasks, even as Lacey does. It prompts a smile before she steps out, closing the door quietly.

Twenty minutes later the redhead returns, carrying a few bags with the items she couldn't find in the kitchen. The light sweat on her brow is the only clue that she's sprinted the entire way to the minimall and back. Quietly she makes her way back to the kitchen and checks on the chicken; thawed and ready. Perfect; now she can begin in earnest. She manages to find the implements she needs to make the meal, and sets to her task with a will.

A short time later, the scent of warm food gently wafts into the rest of the apartment, pleasant but far from overwhelming thanks to the overhead exhaust fan in the kitchen. Lacey emerges to the dining area with a platter laden with her efforts, returning to the kitchen and arriving a moment later with a large bowl as well. The platter holds a few small wrap-style sandwiches, filled with grilled chicken with melted swiss cheese atop it. Two ramekin next to the platter contain crumbled feta cheese and black olives, while the large bowl holds a spinach salad, lightly dressed with a simple vinaigrette, with dried cranberries and walnuts evident in the mix. The food is nothing difficult to manage...but it's easily more effort than Lacey's ever put into making a meal before in her life. She glances left. Five past noon. Her mouth twists in displeasure; this isn't what she'd shot for. Still, it's done and there's no way to wind back time. And at least the meal is fresh and warm.

After properly setting a place for Vera at the table, Lacey steps into the office area with a deep and respectful nod of her head. "Ms. Matsumoto, lunch is ready at your convenience." With that, the redhead clears the way and waits; it's common sense that she follow Vera into the dining area rather than preceding her.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:20 pm
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Post Re: Never So Free...
Lacey may as well been a blazing sun with an aura like the one Vera was sensing. The student was already submitting to the Head Girl's will. These sorts of students could be troublesome as punishing them was usually seen as a reward in their minds. But, she made it clear that Lacey would get nothing more if she failed to deliver on those many promises to help out and serve.

The task was simple. Lacey just had to make lunch. No further details were given beyond what the student gathered from the brief conversation before. The food had to be edible and filling. There was no mention of allergies or preferences. There was no implied time limit. Lacey did not ask and simply went with what she knew. Was this a good thing? Was Vera expecting questions or would questions bother the Head Girl? There was no way of knowing and Lacey had already made her decision to just act.

Vera did not even look up when the student mentioned leaving. The door was unlocked so returning should not be an issue. Lacey could hear the light clatter of fingers over keys as she left the suite and began the long elevator ride down the tower. Vera noted Lacey leaving but had nothing to say. It mattered little to her. It would have been amusing for the student to try leaving with one of many servant outfits Vera had in her closet. But, such a stunt would look poorly on both of them in the end.

Lacey returned with bags in hand. The fact Vera had a kitchen at all was a rather major difference between a Head Girl's suite and an ordinary dorm room. She had access to a bigger and better menu and could easily get things that students would never think of ordering. But, such orders required time and it was not something Vera indulged in very often. Fine meals generally required preparation to make and to eat. Still, that did not stop the silver haired woman from enjoying meals prepared by students who hoped for more during their stay at Shokushu.

There was a brief change in the student's aura though Vera was not aware of the cause. Still, the student seemed to be more than willing to continue her given task. This time, the Head Girl did not ignore the student's call. "Thank you, Ms. Renault," she replied, rising to her feet and walking past the woman into the dining area. The dining area was just another part of the living room. A reasonably large table with four chairs around it was where Vera had formal meals. Most of the time when she was alone though, she simply ate at her desk.

The Head Girl found her seat and sat down. The main course was sandwiches, a straight forward meal to have at lunchtime. The freshly cooked chicken smelled good and there were prepared condiments as well in the form of feta cheese and black olives. The salad was the side and it looked like there was more than she could eat alone. There was certainly a level of effort and care put into this meal that was worthy of recognition. "It looks and smells wonderful," Vera praised softly before taking a sandwich and placing it upon her plate. She took a bite from it, eating slowly while Lacey stood waiting. Vera seemed to like the food. Was there anything Lacey was forgetting?


Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:14 am
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Post Re: Never So Free...
She stands and waits patiently while Vera rises and makes her way to the table. She stands back and to the left as the Head Girl seats herself. Should have pulled her chair out for her...she waves the thought from her mind in annoyance. She should have, but it's too late now. Foolish mistake, easily corrected in the future. A small smile turns the corners of the anxious little redhead's lips up slightly. "Thank you, Ms. Matsumoto. I'm grateful for your approval."

Her eyes narrow as she looks over the table. Salad is in place, and she's already reaching for a sandwich...that should have been waiting on her plate from the beginning. Damn. Still, she can do the rest of it properly. "The sandwiches are made with a light flatbread, grilled chicken and melted Swiss cheese. I highly recommend topping with a small amount of feta and a few olives. The salad is spinach leaves with walnuts and cranberries, lightly dressed with a vinaigrette. Would you care for me to serve you some?" Too late on the sandwich, but at least she can do the right thing with the salad.

And a drink! Still, again not too late to offer; the meal's only begun after all. "I hope all is to your liking, Ms. Matsumoto. Would you care for a drink? I'd be happy to fetch it for you." Even as she offers, she scans the table further. Is there anything else? She can't think of anything just now...she calms her heartbeat, steadying her nerves and forcing herself to relax; it's hard to enjoy a meal if someone's fidgeting around behind the one eating, and she won't allow that to happen. Perhaps it's only lunch, but it's important to the student regardless.

She awaits Vera's wish, managing to calm herself and quiet her thoughts. The best thing she can do right now is stay quiet and let the Head Girl enjoy the meal. She doesn't seem to dislike the sandwich, at least; that's an encouraging sign. So let her eat in peace, then. She likely has to deal with enough nuisances without the girl hoping to be worthy of her attention tripping all over the place and bumbling about trying to make things perfect. True. Out of sight but within easy reach, wait for orders...and try not to stare at the beautiful woman currently eating her sandwich one bite at a time. That part...might be difficult.

Lacey Renault
The People-Watcher's Observations

"How would you like it? Gentle...? Or a bit more rough, perhaps?" - Nu 13

Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:51 pm
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