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 Practice (for Follower) 
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Though the tentacles allow her to squirm, the ones holding her arms and legs keep them spread away, unable to protect herself. The eyes moved to examine her everywhere the tentacles rubbed her. One hovered near her crotch, examining as the blind tentacles rub and prod at her covered sex and creep beneath her panties. After an amount of feeling around her privates, the tentacles seemed to tire of the underwear blocking their access, and with a few quick movements, the panties were ripped to shreds. Only Rhaine's torn shirt and removed bra remained on her now, and they provided no protection.

The tentacles returned their attention to her exposed pussy. They began rubbing around the outside of her slit, teasing her sensitive crotch. More tentacles descended around her mound, creeping over her shaven pubic hair, almost touching her clit.

Up near her chest, a pair of tentacles raised themselves away from her breasts. They hovered for a second, before a smaller appendage split off from each and extended towards the crown of her breasts. The new tentacles were thinner, and suddenly split into a cluster of thin, writhing arms at the end. The new tentacles moved over her breasts, and suddenly drops of thick, warm liquid dripped onto her nipples. The thin, twisting arms reached down and wrapped themselves around her nipples. They began slowly twisting and sliding around the sensitive nubs, rubbing them sensually, before beginning to twist and pull at them more firmly. The thicker tentacles wrapped around her lower breasts squeezed her mounds at the same time, stimulating every inch of her tits.

The tentacle between her ass cheeks continued to slide back and forth. Another seemed to have a similar idea for her pussy, and it pressed its length against her sensitive slit. It slid up and down, grinding its length forcefully against her lips.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:44 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
It had not yet taken her but soon she could feel the thing taring away her panties and rubbing up against her crotch as it continued to examine her though her eyes had been closed to that sight as she felt something drip on her nipples.

Was that an aphrodisiac? She had experienced them before both inhaled and injected both having similar effects but no, this was some sort of lubricant as she felt it rubbing it into her nipples that blossomed into stiff peaks.

The rubbing against her crotch further heightened her experiences as she felt her body getting stimulated against her say so. Even her clit stiffened against the probing that she squirmed against. All in all the sex, though stolen from her, had been something that could be expected though her life was precious too her and the bizarre creature had her heart beating within her chest as she felt those eager tentacles rubbing against her crotch and exposed ass cheeks.

Her puffy flower was parted against that length that rubbed up against her as her, barely inside her as it swam back and forth against her core.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:24 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
As her arousal grew, the tentacles seemed to become more excited. They rubbed faster against her privates and breasts faster and harder. The tentacle against her pussy forced itself hard against her swollen lips, practically humping her with its length and rocking her body in the tentacles' grasp. The tentacles around her breasts started to pull harder, alternating their movements and stretching her nipples almost painfully. Tentacles around her face began to pull away, but one stayed nearby, angling towards her mouth.

Then the tentacle nestled against her slit pulled back. She felt a tug as the tentacles wrapped around her legs pulled her limbs out and away. Her folds were spread slightly as her hips were parted and exposed for the creature's full access.The tentacle moved closer, its bulbous head resting against her lips, and began to push at her entrance.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:39 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Teary eyes opened and that was due to the act that she needed to see in order to take advantage of an opening to escape I one presented itself although it seemed hopeless. There had been a shred of hoe left in her though all she witnessed were the eye tentacles as it rubbed and pulled against her, harder now in it's excitement.

The moisture was probably some form of lubrication as it pulled rougher to the brink of hurting though it was more a discomfort on her part than actual pain, the lubrication easing that pull a little as her excitement only grew from all this.

He had positioned a different tentacle against her flower as her leg was yanked aside. It poised there after the other had finished rubbing against her as it got her quite excited.

It had seemed to be more eager the more aroused she had found herself as it used her natural reactions against her.

She tried to keep her lips pressed against one another as tear filled eyes saw the approach o that tentacle though she turned her head away from it that was a useless gesture that only prolonged the inevitable as it aimed to steal even more o her pleasure from her as it got ready to tare into the small package of her body.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:41 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Escape seemed even more unlikely as another tentacle wrapped around her waist, holding her in place. With her lithe lower body immobilized, the tentacle pressed against her entrance. After a bit of resistance, its bulbous head slipped through and inside her. The rest of the tentacle followed, slowly slithering deeper inside. Her love tunnel was stretched wide as it steadily entered her, pressing a solid ten inches into her and still pushing.

The tentacles around her body and limbs pulled against her movements and pushed her towards the one entering her, helping its entrance and increasing the pressure it exerted on her. The only tentacles that didn't seem to be affected were the ones already pleasing her body. The coils around her breasts continued to squeeze, and the small tendrils around her nipples tweaked and twisted the hard nubs, sometimes even prodding at her tiny milk holes. As her body jerked in pleasure and arousal, the tentacle inside her was able to push in deeper and harder.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:18 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
She shuddered. Master had 18” though she could handle no more than half that so 10” had been beyond what she was use to and it was still pushing in, her body full of him as he pressed into her body that was frantically squirming there within the air.

"Uhhhhhh!” Her head shaking from side to side though her mouth forced open given the rougher treatment that she received as it pressed into her. The squeezing against her mounds continued and the flesh there had been a reddish pink and discolored.

Her lips forced open as it pressed inside her tight passage that tried to repulse him though it was useless. The other tentacle could have taken her mouth then and there as her body was molested and caught up in his grasp.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:38 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The tentacle continued to press into her tight passage until it bottomed out, filling her as far as it could. For a moment, it simply sat inside her, twisting slightly and stretching her walls this way and that. Then it drew back, almost as slowly as it had entered her. It pulled out more and more, almost seeming like it would leave her stretched hole. Only its head remained inside her as it came to a halt. Then the tentacle undulated in place, and pushed back into her. The thrust was faster and smoother than before, and it stretched her and filled her completely in one stroke.

The tentacle repeated the motion, picking up speed as it rhythmically raped her. It drilled her with long, hard thrusts that hit deep inside her. As its head stretched her sensitive walls apart, its shaft twisted and undulated, stretching her young pussy in ways nothing else ever had. The arms that bound her, previously content to let her hang and struggle as she wished, began to dominate her small body. They pulled her arms aside, and more tentacles wrapped around her waist and legs, holding her in a position to be more easily fucked, and drawing her onto the tentacle that violated her. All her struggles were useless against the sheer strength of the tentacles, and they moved and forced her as they pleased.

The tentacle near her mouth continued to point its head towards her open mouth. It didn't move closer, as if allowing her to cry out, but the sounds she made did seem to excite it. It started to twitch and turn faster , rearing its head as if poised to strike at any moment.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:40 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
AHHH!” It halted for a moment within her then it began to slowly draw back along the stretched out depths until it had barely remained inside her then pressed back inside the moist chalice of her body driving the air from her lungs as it pressed forth claiming that passage yet again.

It sped up as it drove into her. Other tentacles securing a hold on her adding to the sheer number of tentacles holding and controlling her thus far.

Seeing the tentacle getting ready to strike and associating the noise with it's agitation she tries to silence those cries as best as she could staring wide eyed at the tentacle in front of her fast as he diminutive body is pulled and stuffed by other tentacles.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:33 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The tentacle in front of her swayed as her mouth clamped shut, seeming to lose focus as she stifled her voice. But her plan backfired in other ways. With her responses diminished, the things around her seemed to become intent on increasing her volume. The appendages around her body started to coil and rub her skin, caressing her stomach and her sides, even her arms and legs. She felt something strange about her surroundings as they worked - something vague and unclear, yet strangely sensual. She saw nothing, heard nothing, but she felt it in the corners of her mind. Like her own voice was moaning in pleasure into her ears, almost completely silent but not quite.

Then her world shuddered as the tentacle between her legs began to drill her tight passage faster. It had abandoned its twisting strokes in favor of straight, hard thrusts that bottomed out against her cervix every time. Her walls were stretched and stroked by the relentless barrage. The tentacles holding her twisted her and pulled her against the penetrating appendage, rocking her into its wide head, forcing her to fuck it almost as hard as it fucked her.

If she thought things couldn't get worse, she was mistaken. As her pussy was brutally penetrated again and again, the tentacle between her butt cheeks withdrew. A moment later, it was back, this time with its head pressed against her puckered anus. It slowly turned in place, gently teasing her other hole.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:26 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
She could not say if that was her or the sounds were in her head as that tentacle seemed to relax some. It did not though seeming to be interested in her in other ways as it jabbed forth bringing deep unrelenting thrusts that had her screaming out each time as it grew more forceful.

An ache rushing through her soaked passage as she was stretched out about it though after disappearing for a moment the tentacle at her backside returned. This one teasing as if exploring again, as if seeing I it could go this way or not.

She had not been a stranger to anal but she was terrified this time, not by that prospect but the reminder of her first time there were that black ooze was rather brutal with her. Judging by the thrusts her pussy received she doubted it was going to be gentle once inside her.

She whimpered still trying to stifle some of those sounds from escaping as she pressed her lips together though she could not help but cry out despite her lips being pressed closed.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:38 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Even muffled by her lips, the girl's screams excited the tentacles significantly, causing them to squirm and pump her harder. Her breasts were squeezed as her cries vibrated through her chest, and another tentacle descended and wrapped around her neck. Its muscular girth kept her head pointed forward, and although it didn't squeeze enough to choke her, it felt as though it could do her serious harm at any moment. The tentacle dangling in front of her mouth inched forward, until its head was pressing against her tightly sealed lips. It slid its head slowly back and forth against her mouth.

If she was worried that the tentacles wouldn't be any gentler in taking her other holes, she was right to be. Without hesitation, the tentacle against her anus squiggled and wormed its way forward, stretching her tight hole with its bulbous head. It coiled its long, muscular body behind itself and thrust forward, entering her ass roughly and pushing its way inside. It made its way inside, stretching her bowels as far into her as it could reach. It quickly began to pull out of her at a brisk pace before thrusting back in, again and again.

The increased pressure from the second tentacle made it harder for either one of them to enter, but the arms wouldn't be deterred. The tentacles began handling her more roughly, throwing her abused body onto the rapist intruders. Her legs were spread wide to allow for easier passage as the tentacles pounded into her with force that grew by the second. All the while the vague pleasure in the back of her mind hummed, becoming almost tangible, like she was the one viciously fucking herself.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:03 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The hold on her neck had been very apparent as far as he choices went feeling how strong it was. Her body a trembling mess held in place by the sea of tentacles some of which roughly swam against her breasts, her lips open just a little at first as the other tentacle inches forward.

A shout, a cry as her ass is violated in the same fashion causing fresh tears to roll down her cheeks as it speared into her. She could feel the two tentacles inside her racing a marathon of sorts as they moved in and out of her without restraint.

At the back of her head she had felt that strangeness even now almost as if she were part of this and not at the same time! Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks as it viciously pressed forth, her lips forced to open further now as she let out a deeper cry of pain as it took her viciously.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:33 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The tentacle's response to her cries was immediate, and predictably unrestrained. As soon as she cried out in pain, it jutted forward, thrusting itself inside her open mouth all the way to her throat, nearly making her gag. The thing tasted bitter, for what little taste it had - like skin, dirty but not sweaty. The tentacle wiggled inside her mouth, rubbing itself against her tongue and lips. It began to draw itself in and out, as the others had, enthusiastically humping her mouth. Its thrusts weren't as sharp or forceful as the ones lower down, but the extra movement of its body as it moved in and out added more than enough movement. It began to enter her throat as it thrust into her.

The other tentacles seemed just as excited about her renewed screams, even if they were now muffled by the thing in her mouth. The arms thrusting inside her increased their pace. Though her body squirmed under their intense pressure and the force of their pounding, she was held in place and moved as the tentacles saw fit, held and exposed to be penetrated again and again. Another tentacle descended towards her abused sex, this one ending in the same smaller fingers that were twisting her nipples. The small manipulators dipped themselves into her honey pot around the larger, quickly covering themselves in the fluids she was furiously leaking. Then they turned to her clitoris, starting to stroke around it before wrapping around it and gently tugging and squeezing her pleasure button.

The tentacles around her breast suddenly retreated as another descended. Its head was angled towards her face as it fell to her stomach, just below her breasts. The finger-tipped tentacles around her nipples suddenly shifted their position to grip her breasts more thoroughly, and pressed her prominent mounds together. Slithering up her, it pushed itself into the valley between her tits, and began enthusiastically humping her breasts.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:25 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Pain. She had her jaw broken once and only that was more painful then this though it was the savage Demon that stalked her that generated more fear. Perhaps it was due to the fact that when her jaw was broken in that rather bizarre encounter that Etolie was there as well, assisting Tidal in her violation. She experienced pain then, to the likes she had not felt before and there were many freaky things in addition to the giant squid and having her bones dissolved at one stage but death never entered into her mind, not until the pair began to keep her head submerged but even then while the possibility lingered there there were steps that were taken along the way as after thoughts that saw to her …

She was given the ability to breath under water for a bit, her broken bones seen to by a chemical that dissolved her bones and the cure in restoring her was found in that squid …

Rhaine wasn't so sure … this thing was alien and not interested in communicating save for with this savagery. That bitter taste that filled her throat along with dirt, she wished she could wash the taste away though it had not let up as fresh tears continued to stream down her face as it moved that tentacle and the others inside her.

Breasts had been pushed together against another tentacle applying friction to it though all the while smaller “fingers” played with her clit ensuring that she remained aroused throughout. It had seemed to delight in the sounds she produced and came at her with more urgency even though those cries had been muffled against the tentacle invading her lips.

Just … just … don't kill me ...
In retrospect that slime or that diminutive demon thing or even the plant she had been saved from seemed quite preferable to this. Of course, there was no real way of knowing if it would have been worse or not.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Last edited by Rhaine Fischer on Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:27 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The tentacles continued to ravage her fragile body, filling all of her holes and pumping her furiously. But despite their merciless and unrelenting assault, it didn't seem as if her life was in danger. The assault was painful, but it wasn't tearing her apart from the inside. The tentacle wrapped around her neck still didn't squeeze, didn't choke her. Nothing suggested the tentacles had any intent to do anything but use her body, although nothing suggested they didn't intend to kill her either.

And yet she was afraid. She couldn't stop fearing for her life. And as her fear continued, it began to grow beyond her control. The sensual feelings in the back of her mind turned dark, transforming from an unwanted sense of pleasure to a more powerful dread. The memories of her past violations became stronger and more present, resurfacing beyond her control. Each time one faded, another took its place. They became stronger, almost like visions. She could practically feel her jaw breaking, her bones dissolving, her mind racing in panic as she was held below the water's surface. As the tentacles caused her body to writhe and rock in the air, she could even swear she saw the demon, just out of the corner of her eye, watching her from the shadows. The feelings flooded her mind, and she couldn't shut them out. All the while, her body was savagely taken by this new, unknown thing, her holes filled and stretched and used and battered.

And as her fears began to reach a fever pitch, she felt the tentacles around her arms and legs start to tighten, as if the thoughts of her earlier pain were driving it to more extreme and harmful lengths. It was like it responded to her fears, and was eager to validate them.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:52 pm
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