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 Practical Training (for Diva) 
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
The pain from blocking those punches wasnt as severe as some might think, her bracer absorbed most of the blows befor she easly executed the adda soldier with her upper cut ending his life leaving her with the unconcious worker behind her and her feet however she payed him no mind, he was no threat as Diva simply stepped over the corpse and moved forward.

Diva didnt make it much further into ship befor she was ambushed by a adda who popped out from behind a door frame as he took shots at her with his rifle, luckyly her shield was already raised as Diva blocked the incomming fire with ease befor she rushed the door ready to engage the sinful ememy but that was befor the door slammed sealed shut.

"COWARD!" Diva shouted as she slammed her fist agiest the sealed blast door in frustration befor she quickly looked for a way past the door.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:39 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
There was a panel on her side of the door too. Though the light indicator told her it was locked. The transport was an older ship but one up to spec as the Adda lacked the ability to manufacture their own crafts and thus this was created by another species as was all their tech.

She did not have a map of the ship though it was towards the back either engineering or the cargo hold. If cargo there was a second way in from whatever ramp that could be lowered so that cargo could be unloaded. Those cargo doors were massive where a small vehicle could been driven into the ship similar to fork lifts and anti gravitational sleds.

If it were engineering then it might be accessed by ventilation shafts. The lower gravity placed a spring in her step and actually assisted her with jumping so reaching an elevated vent was easier too.

Without hacking skills the only way to unlock the door would be from the cockpit back the way she came … a quick glance in that direction she could see the light filter in from outside, even one of those flying bugs came in landing on the Adda corpse back there. Then a beep drew her attention back to the door, the red indicator light turning to green as it was unlocked from the other side. Nothing came out though and all seemed quite ...

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:45 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Diva looked back the way she came at first for a way past this door, with no hacking skill Diva had little option but to turn back the way she came and get in another way. She considered plan A, breaking through the outside of the ship, say smashing open a passenger hold window or shatter the cockpit dome or plan B using her ship to say tare open a section of the vessel with high yield explosives because there was no way she was going to be able to smash open these cowards blast door, well at least not quickly that is, Diva took that option into consideration. Diva wasn't the most stealthy nor was she willing to crawl through a vent unless she absolutely needed too and had no reason to even think about engineering.

"One way or another I'm getting through." Diva shouted at the door, slamming her armored fist ageist the hard metal with a loud metallic !!TINK!! before turning to leave the ship, considering plan A as her safest option to save the cardinal from theses heathens, but as Diva turned she was sudden drawn back to the terminal by the door as it gave a sounding !!BEEP!!. The Red indicator had turned green be for she heard the mechanism in the door unlock from the other side as Diva instantly drew her shield and faced the door expecting opposition from theses evil adda.... however none came, nothing came?

"Hhm?" Diva was surprised by the lack of a frontal assault at the door, but regardless she didn't let down her guard as she approached the sealed door and swiped her hand over the terminal screen opening the blast door to face what was on the other side.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:25 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
With a whoosh the door opened revealing the engineering section of the ship. The lights were off though there were a few machines here were she could see lit dials. It would be easy enough to turn the light on though and on doing so the place looked like a typical engineering room.

There were a few exceptions though. One had been the fire extinguisher set to the side of the door taken from it's place closer to one of the machines, she could see where it would have hung near there. Next was a figure partially obscured by a machine, She saw a head peak out briefly as the door opened then quickly it drew back.

It was tough for her to tell one Adda apart from another but either the warrior was kneeling down given the height of his head above the ground or wasn't the soldier but a tech instead. And it had been about that time that she reacted to the sound of a blaster firing at her from the other direction. Her shield would have normally caught the shot, if it had been at her though there was an explosion more like a popping sound as everything was showered in white fog as the fire extinguisher was hit and destroyed.

Had the simulation been on a higher setting there wouldn't have been any let up but on the moderate setting there was a lag. The rifle was flipped from a lethal setting back to stun and while the warrior had cover she knew the direction that the shot came in.

Had the worker been armed she could have been taking fire from both ides but as her luck had it he wasn't and there was good reason why he wasn't firing. She could hear movement after that first shot too as the Adda sought to keep moving to other cover or to draw her closer.

She was blinded but the diameter of the cloud she was in couldn't be all that great. Quickly there was a second shot that whipped past her head so close that he had certainly been able to see her.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:42 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Door opened to the engineering section of the ship. It was hard for her to see or make out much in the room as the lights were off, making it very low like as she entered the room vigilantly to her surroundings. However it was a easy thing to miss, she had no reason to be concerned by a fire extinguisher not being in its proper placement on the way as she simply walked past the red steel tube laying beside the door as Diva was more interested by sudden movement behind one of the many machines in the room as her violet eyes instantly focused on the shadow that reviled its self to her as it struggled to hide again.

"You there! Come out! I promise not to harm you!" Diva shouted to the hidden adda, urging him to come out, not caring wither it was a worker or a warrior, either were enemy in her eyes as she carefully approached the machinery the adda was hiding behind be for suddenly Divas 7th sense tingled and she suddenly froze as she felt the presence behind her, but befor she could turn around and face the enemy it was too late.

The shot rang out and sudden everything was covered in a thick cloud of white mist as the fire extinguisher was destroyed. Lucky Diva was wearing the face mask so she didn't inhale any of the toxic vapors from the extinguisher as it popped. However inside such cramped space the explosion was ear shattering, leaving Diva deafened for the moment, this was likely the same the other two adda if this simulation was in anyway realistic.

Diva dropped to one knee as she held her head free hand as she tried to quickly refocus after the loud explosion, closing her eyes as she hardly noticing the shot the zipped past her head as she simply held up her shield to protect her self for the moment as Diva even in her state was taking into account the adda behind her must be a whelp and unarmed as the true threat was ahead of her and lucky for her this smoke also displaced her true location from the loan shooter as he randomly shot into the cloud.

Blinded Diva didn't have a choice as she stud up, allowing her shield to expand and fold open into a much larder shield, that was roughly the size of her self, covering her body completely from the forward facing position the shooter was firing from as Diva immediately began her push forward, lifting her heavy shield as charged down the hallway in the direction she was last faced and with luck close the gap between her and the enemy.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
The simulation seemed realistic enough. The worker wasn't an issue though the one shooting at her recovered rather quickly from the sound. She was able to expand her shield in time for it to catch a shot though nothing happened to the shield at all.

She felt that impact dissipate again and their was hardly any pressure on her arm as the shield was barely pushed. Stun again she reasoned though charging forward she found that there was not a barrage of gun fire. The Adda only had to one rifle she realized, probably unarmed and snagging only one rather than any side arms.

When her hearing did clear she was able to track the Adda hearing it move. Soon she could see it as she came out of the residue that the fire extinguisher provided though her shield took a few more hits in in the process.

The soldier was wearing goggles now, probably able to see her body heat though now the few seconds of an advantage he had ended and she was able to deal with the soldier. The tech was no help at all and even a pair of soldiers with those goggles may have been able to take her down.

Though at that point the tech made a frantic run for the door before she had remembered him perhaps though there was a clear shot to him now, none of the cover granted by those machines. Just four left at most counting the fleeing one provided she was in the mood to even let him get that far.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:47 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Diva charged forward out of the hazey mist the adda used to try and hinder her with as the ony thing he would see would be the massive slab of metal that was the knights shield errupted out of the mist. The edges of Diva's shield kicking up sparks as it grinded accrost walls of the hall way. Every shot he fired reflecting off the strange metals surface befor she finilly reached him.

"STAND DOWN MONGROL!!" Diva shouted in a boast of strength as she charged at the adda, slamming her shield into his body with all her strength behind her reckless charge. Hearing the sound of metal bending and possibly bones breaking as she smashed that poor adda inbetween her shield and whatever he happen to have his back agiest with enough force to jousal the entire cabin.

Diva stepped back and let the adda's body slump to the floor only to glance back as the worker bolted past her, fleeing for his life, however where as some agents Luna might have tesed may have taken him out Diva allowed him to flee. The coward posed no threat to her.... with that Diva folded her shield to is lesser size, moving forward seeking her way to where ever they were keeping the cardinal.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:24 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
She had learned that these things could take head shots reasonably well. Even hit with the shield one remained conscious from a head shot before though dazed as he was. This time she found that a body shot was far more effective. The Adda had been durable there too but not as much a their skulls, at least the skulls of the warriors as the workers did not evolve in such a fashion.

She heard the crunch of bone a the Adda became trapped between the shield and a machine. Dropping either dead or unconscious she did not have time to thoroughly examine hearing movement she whirled toward it finding that the worker was rushing off. She had not bothered with him though. He was smaller, perhaps a child or just matured she could not say but she let him scurry off since she didn't deem him to be a threat.

So three at most? She had to back track a little since the only other way out of engineering where through the vents that she had thought of as an option to get in here. For the most part she focused on the aft of the ship since she was back there. The rooms were all empty as far as the Cardinal or Adda went though there were open lockers in the armory and some weapons here … mostly sidearms and stunners, blaster rifles with just one setting though there had been a few rifles that had a kill setting too, she had squared off against of of those.

In addition she found two boxes of grenades, both full. One had been smoke grenades that she determined they must have used before boarding a ship with some IR goggles they had an advantage when boarding a ship. The stunners pointed out that they were slavers. The goggles and restraints had to be stored elsewhere though.

The second box of grenades were stun grenades. Useless against her currently as they exploded using spores. Against the Adda they may be effective though. There had been no way of telling if the spores were effective against her, they may not even be effective against her species. Whether or not she took anything though she wouldn't uncover any major clues until getting to the cargo bay.

There was a simple cage there where the Cardinal must have been kept. The transport must not have had a brig or an area that had been modified into a holding area or … she would realize that the placement of the cage was deliberate. The cargo bay doors had been open and it was clear that the Cardinal had to be shuffled out onto the planet. With the jungle offering up better cover for them she could see some of their foot prints leading from the ship and could tell where they went into the jungle. Among the Adda prints where those booted ones that had to belong to the Cardinal. Two or three Adda had been with him, it was hard for her to tell not being a tracker. One was a smaller print belonging to a worker though the others were larger belonging a soldier … no three she worked out with tracks either side of the Cardinal she could guess that there was a soldier either side of him and a worker leading the way or trailing behind, that was tougher to figure out.

The ground was softer here, turned up by the blaster fire that made the landing zone so it was hard to say if the rest had been as soft but there should be a suitable trail to follow in wilderness that may not have been touched upon before.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:23 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Diva didnt care if the welp fled, she simply watched him run by and escape out the door befor she moved on deeper into the seemingly empty ship with zero resistance as she soon found the armory as she quickly gathered a quick grasped of their weapons. Diva finding these particular adda were slavers, the lowest of the low and it was only more of a reason to hate them, Diva thought as she gave a annoyed growl.

Diva's search was quick as she moved room to room, it was soon she discovered the cage and the exit side hatch to the ship wide open open, hinting at how the Adda moved the cardinal out of the ship.... most likly to draw her out into the open deeper into the jungle.

Diva had little choice, she could not let the cardinal be harmed or taken, even if this was only a simulation, she treated the reality as truth for now. Seeing was beliving after all as Diva jumpped from the hatch and landed in the brush below the ship befor she head out, quickly noticing a trail of three foot prints. She was no tracker but fallowing foot prints in wet mud was easy enough.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:29 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
With the lower gravity of the planet she was able to cover more ground quicker. She would note too that the tracks were spaced out further than the stride of an Adda. The prints were deep too indicating that the creatures hopped great distances.

When she made it to the jungle tracking was easier then she had thought. The Adda weren't use to the gravity and she could see regions of trampled down vegetation or areas where branches were broken off of trees. The warriors would have been discomforted too since it was more their foreheads then the top of their heads that could resist blows, the creatures use to grappling and head butting one another.

The occasional print told her she was on the right track too though there were no paths in the jungle and it was easier to figure out which way to go.

She saw more of those large flying bugs though none messed around with her staying clear.

It was show time not long after. She was able to move quicker then the Adda since they were staying in a group. She would catch the blaster shot on her shield almost too late. The shot came at an angle from an elevated position where one of the Adda warriors had been. Certainly he had been meant to slow her down.

His aim would have been spot on too even with the trees as she would have noted he had aimed for a bit, but he was set on a lethal setting as branches and the like had been disintegrated and she felt the impact on her shield more than the wispy shots.

A second later though another shot came at her from the ground – a blaster and not a rifle, it had lacked the range to reach her not that the shot had a chance of hitting with all the cover she had from the trees.

The warrior in the trees was a good shot but at a disadvantage since he had no cover and unable to dodge effectively. Two of his arms had been holding a branch above his head for balance and the one on the ground could be heard attempting to get closer. He was set on stun too, she heard it with his shot into a tree. The sound not as destructive as the sniper's. This was two of the last three. The third had to have continued on with the Cardinal or perhaps circling around her using the others as a distraction.

The one on the ground had to be a worker given that he fired lacking the range to do so or he was an inept warrior and the worker had the Cardinal, she could not say for certain.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:40 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Following the foot prints was a simple task for sure. Diva had little trouble doing it despite now being a tracker of any kind, theses lumbering brutes left a trail of destruction in their wakes as they had enough if not more strength to leap long distances and cover much more ground just like how she was able to travel once she was free from the ship's tight corridors allowing Diva to jump incredibly high and further then she could on a planet with standard gravity.

However Diva's chase was soon cut short to an abrupt end as a shot suddenly cracked over the tree tops of the jungle. It was to quick to react to and far to sudden to dodge as Diva was in mid leap as the blaster bolt slammed into her shoulder with enough force to knock the knight off chores as she ended up slamming into the side of a jungle tree with a hiss and grunt of pain as Diva quickly scrambled behind the tree for cover. Lucky Diva's armor plates took the brunt of the rifle shot absorbing the impact, however it still left a nasty sting in her right shoulder, weakening her dominate arm for the momment.

"Erhh.." Diva hissed in pain, reaching up to up her right shoulder to cup it gently, switching her shield to her off hand after assuring she was unharmed.... just bruised. "Ehr... I don have time for this...." Diva said annoyingly to her self be for she kicked off her cover and quickly popped out from behind the tree with a sudden leap, spinning in a counter clockwise motion, using that momentum to hurl her shield in a way that was similar to how Olympic throwers toss weights, strongly hurling the heavy metal disk twords the evil brutish adda positioned in the tree in a weakly placed sniping possession..... hopefully ending the bastards advantage as the shield cut through the tree line in his direction, expanding mid flight to cover a larger then normal surface area.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:19 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Clipped the Adda sniper searched the ground below for another target. He had time to widen his eyes as he saw the shield hurled at him taken unaware that it could be used in such a way. The Adda had primitive weapons, they knew what shields were though it was easier for them to use bracers not that they were orientated for defense.

But they did not use shields in such a way. By the time he adjusted his aim hoping that a shot would deflect it off course he snapped off a shot, missed and took the shield straight in the chest.

The branch he was holding snapped as did his ribs and he was falling to the ground. Lower gravity meant that there was less of an impact and at the same time he bounce a great deal hitting again, and again and again.

Dead or not he was certainly out of it. But another shot caught her attention far to wide and to high she could see the Adda worker come into range snapping off a shot straight away rather then getting closer. He was in range now though at the extreme for his blaster pistol. Fortunately he was a poor shot but with all the trees he had a fair degree of cover which he was using, he had the sense for that. But with all the trees she had a good degree of cover from him coupled with his poor aim she would be able to take out the worker with relative ease. The last warrior was gone though but she could see the direction he was heading.

Soon stone walls and ruined buildings half swallowed by the jungle appeared. She could make out the base of one of the stepped pyramids ahead. She was at the ruins of some settlement and had to be more cautious as there had been more ambush points here though not as wide open in most places as the jungle consumed most of the area with no one beating it back … at least in most places she would note, someone had done a little work or there was some sort of anomaly here that she was unaware of.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:56 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Diva's shield struck true as it burst through the tree brances nailing the adda soldier in the chest shattering his rib cage. He was likly dead befor he even hit the ground as Diva's shield quickly flew back to her magnetic gauntlet just as more blaster fire wized past her, missing her shot afther shot as Diva payed the new gun fire no mind.

It was as if she knew no gun shots were going the strike her body, she had faith her defense was secure as she simply adjusted her shield befor streching her right arm working out the wound befor she rushed forth and laid waste to the seciond ambusher who was assulting her.

Once Diva was done and she ended that adda worker with no trouble at all befor she moved along. Seeking the adda who had taken the holyness prisoner, leading Diva deeper into the jungle.....

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:15 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Carefully making her way around she was able to see areas that had been disturbed indicating where the Adda had to run off too. Another bug whizzed by then seemed to circle back taking more of an interest in her though it soon flew off once more. After being clipped in mid jump she had to try not to use her strength as much staying lower then the walls or the trees to keep some cover.

There was a soldier out there now and not a worker who was likely to be far more accurate. Sometimes she jumped too high despite her care though no shots came. When one did she was in the air though she managed to block it there was no follow up.

It was set on stun and by the time she worked her way over to the source of the shot the Adda was gone. A stunner remained nearby indicating that he had more then one or that the weapon had a low charge. He may have set up various snipping points but from the new location there were two directions that he could have gone in.

One had been towards the ruins and the other lead into the jungle the position being on the outskirts of the ruins.

How much time did he have to set up here? Not long she imagined though long enough. One direction may have lead toward the Cardinal too as it seemed that he was by himself to maximize his speed. She could hear distant birds or primates, some form of animals any way. There was a small hum too which had been faint almost like a weapon or some device building up a charge on overload … either it was in the beginning stages or wasn't growing too much. Was there a booby trap set up here? She could not see anything nor did that sound grow much more than it was ...

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:51 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Diva was more or less causious twords her surroundings afther that last skirmish, she could not afford to be injured even if this was only a simulation. Lucky for her, her arm wasnt very harmed at all just sore as she was able to work through the mild pain as she moved on, seeking the cardinal and the sinners responsable for the kidnapping.

It wasnt long befor Diva did a huge leap that a shot rang out through the trees, her fore sight alowing her to quickly turn and block the blaster bolt with her shield, sparks spashing off the metal surface befor she landed, kicking off the ground to propel her self in the direction of the gun shot, but some how the adda managed to escape once agin with out a trace as he disapeared into the ruins near by or deeper into the jungle.

Diva considered both options, if the adda had any brains what so ever he would stay outside and use the freedom of movement the jungle gave him to avoid her... however Diva could use his plan agiest him she thought, moving to the ruins and giving the adda sniper the option of either waiting her out ot fallowing her in.... at the same time this was a perfect place to search for the cardinal.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:33 am
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