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 School Project (Clarice) 
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She merely sighs and shrugs her shoulders. Obviously the price was just to high. She summoned the thing and wished to ebar it alone. How could she possibly argue about that? And now she tells her of how its merely toying with her emotions. if she told her how, she may do it...and regret later. Still, she couldn't help but feel hurt that Kanoe didn't trust her enough to make the 'right' decision. If she atleast knew it would ease her tension.

She sits back abit from her lvoer and gives a shake of her head, "I'm not going to force you to tell me. Its your decision...but...I just want you to know does hurt me that you can't let me think for myself..." she says rather lowly, before she gives her a sudden hug, "Its okay though. My hurt shall heal. I just wish that there was something I could do to help you...I feel so helpless just sitting here."

She places her hand on the woman's cheek and smiles with a single tear running down her cheek. She was atleast understanding for the girl. She wasn't going to press matters. But she still was suffering. There had to be something she could do.


Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:14 am
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Spectre observed the exchange with amusement. Each witch was determined to protect the other, yet, still the seeds of discord had been sown. It knew that little hurts such as these don’t necessarily heal as easily as Clarice indicated and that they could build up over time. Of course, neither eventuality was inevitable, but the power of suggestion could have considerable influence.

“And so it begins,” Spectre said, its Voice bringing despair along with the little thrill of stimulation. “This hurt may heal, but what of the next? And the one after that? Should she not choose for herself? Or perhaps your reasons are not as altruistic as you claim?”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:18 am
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Kanoe's heart sank when her lover mentions her reluctance was hurting her. What choice did she have? The witch sighs softly as she was pulled into another hug. Clair will forgive her in time. If the woman knew what she is going through, she would probably thank her for not telling her how to hear the Voice. That brought some relief to her knowing that at least her love would not get pulled into this.

Suddenly the sinking feeling felt worse. Spectre was speaking to her and each word began to fill the witch with a sense of hopelessness. Kanoe shuts her eyes tight as she rubs a bit closer to Clarice. No, it was not like that. She was protecting the woman not hurting her.

"You say not telling you will hurt but," Kanoe says faintly, blinking back tears, "Telling you how and seeing come under the effects of the Voice would tear at me for the rest of my life. I..I can't stop it from speaking to me. Even now... I..I know if I tell you it will be a victory for it, having two under his spell instead of just me. You have to believe me Clair..."

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:01 am
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"I believe you. I will always believe you. DOn't...don't let that thing control your thoughts and actions. Your stronger then that, I just know it. Its alright if you do not wish to tell me how. If your truly trying to protect me...then...then I thank you.."

She smiles softly as she kisses the woman's forehead affectionatly. No monster or creature was going to tear her away from Kanoe. Their relationship was more then just physical was so so much deeper then that. Of course she wished to go through this with her make the burden less heavier...but perhaps it would be the opposite? Would she too be succumbed to climaxing at hearing the Voice? By the look of the witche's feelings, she should say so. It didn't matter, the subject was to be dropped.

"So...there's no way for you to get away from this thing? Nothing?" she asks with a hopeful voice.


Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:23 pm
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“So, the matter is decided,” Spectre’s Voice still brought tinges of fear along with the tingles of pleasure.

“You have succeeded in keeping me all to yourself. It’s probably for the best; she would likely not find my Voice as pleasing as you do.” The aspect of despair slowly faded as the Being spoke, so that only the low level stimulation of Kanoe’s pleasure centers continued.

“But, in truth, it matters little,” Spectre continued, slowly increasing the pleasure aspect of its Voice “In time, she will become corrupt enough to hear me without the invitation . . . If she remains with you.”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:45 am
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Kanoe's cheeks flush gently as the feelings of fear began to fade, once more replaced with teasing pleasure. A sigh leaves her lips at Spectre giving up on getting Clarice for now. She won...however small the victory was. But, if her lover remains with her, what then? Will the woman eventually succumb to the darkness and become another puppet for the being to play?

"No...he can't be stopped," She whispers, "If you remain close to me, he says you will be corrupted enough to hear the Voice. I...I don't know what to do Clarice. He is going to take you to get to me, I don't want that to happen."

Even without the voice adding to it, the witch still felt hopeless and despair. The only way to keep Clair safe would be to push the woman away. Tears fell down her cheeks. She couldn't do it. She wanted this woman to be with her. Kanoe whimpers softly at her selfish thoughts.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:29 pm
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"Then let him try. Our love is pure. I would honestly love to see him make me hear him because I'm close to you. If he makes it sound like I should be pushed away and leave you be by yourself....good luck. I'm not going anywhere. I don't care what he says or what he does...I love you...and that's all that matters I think."

She brings the woman's face to her's and kisses her lips to show she meant what she said. Though truth in the matter is that she was slightly afraid of being stimulated by the mere sound of this creature...she couldn't very well leave Kanoe alone with it. Not now, not after all they've set up with eachother. Wise as her words were, Clair couldn't help but shiver with the slightest thought that it maybe right. It doesn't really matter anyways...sooner or later she would bound to be corrupted enough even without Kanoe.

She hugs the woman close after their kiss and whispers soft words to calm not only her but herself aswell. She could see her emotions flowing, guilt despair, hopelessness. She couldn't dare leave the woman she cares for in this state. She might just give up if there wasn't anyone to snap her out of it. No, she wouldn't allow that. Not even if it costs her her soul, she wouldn't let her lover succumb to lustful desires. Unless she wanted to...with her.

Ssshhh...its alright. I'm here. I'm not going to leave you. You cn try to push me away...but I'll always come back," she says, half truth half lies really, but it sounded nice to her. She lifts the woamn's chin up as she gives her a warm smile, "I love you that much. Try to stay strong for me and yourself and I will do the same...can you do me that favor? Kanoe?"


Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:41 pm
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“Ah . . . Beautiful sentiment,” Spectre said, letting the power of its voice lessen again. Perhaps they’d start to think the power of love could push it away.

“Still, I can’t help but doubt that you can know each other well enough to really love one another. Love is a bond that endures all else, but the passion of a first encounter slowly fades away.” The Thing spoke with conviction, for despite its nature it knew some of what it spoke.

“Countless times on countless planes have I witnessed countless trysts which lead to declarations of eternal love. Yet the truth of the matter is that such bonds are exceedingly rare. Often, unforseen conflicts prevent them from forming.” Spectre paused briefly to let its words sink in.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:57 am
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The young witch blinks back tears. Her arms tighten around the woman as they hold each other close. Kanoe did her best to focus on the words of her lover and not the Voice that pierces into her mind. She can't help but worry of the what if's that may or will happen to both of them. Why was this spirit so interested in Clair or her for that matter? Despite having some power, they were both novices in the arcane.

"Yes Clarice," She says softly, "I will resist as long as possible."

Clarice seemed taller than her now. The woman was so willful and strong, unlike her at this moment. She gave her lover a weak smile as she lets her body rest against her. The Voice continues to speak to her about their love not lasting forever. What did a demon know about love? Kanoe lets the words wash through her mind, seeming to be weaker now. She sighs softly as she hopes this spirit will leave them alone soon.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:36 pm
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"I don't care what its saying to you. I'd honestly love to see him try and do anything else then just simply speak with vibrant words. In time you should be able to ignore him and his stalking ways it seems to be with him. I'm...sort've glad that you did tell me how to communicate with the thing. I guess I'd be arguing to myself alot," she says or somewhat jokes to try and lighten the mood. Her joking ways may come off abit rude, but she had nothing else up her sleeve.

She was more then afraid the monster Kanoe hears may take her up on the bet of doing something else then just talking. Without much restraint, she shivers greatly of what she may fear to become of her and Kanoe. Though she could not hear what he was saying, what was saying he saying to Kanoe exactly? Harsh truths? Half lies? Who knew besides the dark witch. She knew her fear and worry was obvious, but a human couldn't help but feel such things. Maybe not a monster but a human would be extremely fearful. She was lucky enough to be this strong for both herself and her lover. What was this monster planning to do now?


Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:43 pm
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“For instance,” Spectre continued, unperturbed by Kanoe’s lack of response or Clarice’s jibes. “In the past, you have done anything required of you to increase your power. But I can foresee a time when you will have to choose between your craft and your love. Will you sacrifice all the effort you’ve spent to master the art?”

Spectre kept its Voice restrained as it spoke to the dark witch, attempting to make it just strong enough that she couldn’t ignore it. It purposely kept from addling her senses so that she would clearly understand the proposition it was about to make.

“I believe not. Thus, I propose a wager. If you win, I will leave and never visit you again . . . save that you call for me. If I win, then I will have proven my point.”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:42 pm
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She lets out a soft sigh as Clarice continues to be confident. Even against an unknown foe, the woman did not seem to show any fear at all anymore. In fact, it was almost like Clair was trying to provoke the spirit. Not the wisest of moves but it did comfort Kanoe knowing that she was not alone anymore.

Unfortunately, it changes nothing about the Voice that continues to whisper in her head. No matter how hard she tries, the Voice continues to crawl through her being. It felt like tiny spider legs tickling over her skin and thoughts with each word. The way the thing spoke to her, it was impossible for her to block out and ignore. Spectre continues to toy with her, mentioning the power she has long strived for. What it was can't be true. It foresees nothing. Clarice was just like her, they both wish to improve their art and their power. She will not sacrifice her art but strengthen it from being with her.

The wager the spirit mentions made Kanoe blink slowly. If she could see the being, she would have looked up at it at that moment. With no place to look, she continues to rest against Clair's body. The wager seemed too good. Losing would be of no cost to her but if she wins...

"It...wants to make a wager with me," She says softly, "If we win, it will leave us alone. And if I lose, it will have proven that I want power more than I want you.."

Reflecting her thoughts with Clarice nearly seals her fate. If she backs down now...the spirit will have proven it's point and Clair will know about it. Whatever happens, she won't lose.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:44 am
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She looks to her love with a perplexed stare. It..wants to make a bet? On the two of them? How dispicable could this thing be? But as Kanoe finishes what happens if they win, that sounded almost to good to be true.

She holds the woman close as she thinks this through from every detail she could imagine. This thing must have something up his sleeve. He wouldn't dare let the woman she loved go without a plan. Should she agree to take him up on it? She bites her lip and tries to think deeper. Its not like if they lost it would be that much affected. Well, that would mean Kanoe had lied to her when she said she loved her. She would love power more then a person. That didn't sound like Kanoe. Though she hadn't known the woman that long...

She sighs as so many things began to cloud the true meaning till she decided. Might as well risk it.

" want. Its your choice. I'll...back you up on what you choose."


Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:28 am
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The Thing was silent as it listened to the exchange. It suspected the possibility of being free of its attention would be enough to sway Kanoe; and Clarice’s willingness to go along increased that likelihood. It was amused that the dark witch assumed it would leave them both alone if she won, however; Spectre had never mentioned her lover’s name in the deal.

And this was a wager it thoroughly intended to lose. The Being was not nearly as skeptical of their love as it claimed. For, although everything it said about love in general was true (to its knowledge), it had seen the bond often enough to recognize the signs in the actions of the two witches.

“Have you decided?” Spectre prompted, its Voice still subdued.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:55 am
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Her lover was hesitant though she seems to agree. It was to be expected as the woman has been stuck listening to Kanoe talk to herself and repeat words that are spoken to her and only her. If Clair was not magically inclined, would the woman still believe her and not think of her as some mad woman. She did not know though it did not matter.

Kanoe has always hungered for power. It was all she knew until she met Clarice. Since this first meeting, she felt different. This woman was like her, trying to grow just like her. The other spell user was just as strong as she was if not more and seems to have the time to show her love to the dark witch. She was not some cheap bimbo and this was not some one time fling. This was special, it meant something to her, to both of them. This love is real, it had to be. Her arms tighten slightly around Clair, staying close to the woman.

"I love you Clarice," She says softly, "I won't let it tear us apart."

With that Kanoe gave a slight nod that was more towards the disembodied voice that continues to tease and torment her. She was ready now more than ever.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:22 pm
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