Shokushu High School

Say what?! [for Nell]
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Author:  Forny [ Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Say what?! [for Nell]

Had the whole thing been simply a joke, albeit a cruel one, the girl would have surely ran out into the snowy weather of Vermont, still safely back home from her terrifying experience at Shokushu.

Sadly, it had not been a joke at all. Instead of being embraced by the frosty chill she had expected, Nell would find herself standing in the hallway at her dorm building, having just left her room, where Ria's cruel game had begun. Behind her, Ria remained seated, this time on a bed, and the treacherous asshole that had dealt her such a terrible blow now standing and clothed, pulling off the collar his sister had placed on his neck.

A small act of mercy could be found in the fact that she was no longer naked, but clothed as she had been before putting the necklace on. Ria merely kept on giggling as she was shown yet more amusing things.

"A real shame, hmm? Getting away from the island and being back home, only to find out... It was all a lie. Of course, I started it all with my game, but... You can thank Luju for starting that whole crap. Such a clever way of getting out of my game, brother!"

Meeting her gaze with just a scowl, the demon turned his attention to Nell, truthfully interested in what the student would say to him now. Would it be yet another tongue-lashing or would she simply break down? "You really should have known better, Nell. But in the end, I guess you're just a naive and dumb whore after all."

Author:  Napton [ Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Say what?! [for Nell]

Nell stared out at dorm hallway in stunned silence for a long time. The illusion of home had faded so quickly that it hardly seemed real. Nothing seemed real. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't actually be back here with absolutely nothing to show for the pains she'd been forced to endure... That's when the shock finally began to wear off and she staggered and was forced to lean against the door frame for support.

Back in the room behind her Ria was talking but Nell refused to look back at her. Luju spoke up then, back to being his horrid old self. Her lip twitched downward, threatening to break the last bit of her composure but she fought it. "You really should have known better, Nell. But in the end, I guess you're just a naive and dumb whore after all."

Nell griped the door frame until her knuckles turn white from the strain. "You are right..." She said softly. Still refusing to turn around. Tears were pooling in her eyes now but she wouldn't allow them to fall. They'd both love to see that... evidence of how deeply they had wounded her. She clear her throat and said a little louder this time. "You are absolutely right, Luju. I am dumb and naive and, heaven help me, I should have known. There... I've admitted it. You were right, I was wrong. You win! Congradu-fucking-lations!" She hoped that would be the end of it. That they would both leave now and she could crumble in peace.

Still, she felt oddly spurned to add one last sentence. Though she knew it was probably a mistake. She heard her voice saying it anyway, bitterly lashing out just a tiny bit. "I'm sure your father will be so proud of you."

Author:  Forny [ Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Say what?! [for Nell]

Ria merely smiled as she listened to Nell react angrily to her brother. She had to admit, the girl was really easily to mess with, as her brother had said. No doubt the girl was crying, if she was refusing to face her tormentors, or at the very least, fighting to hold back the tears. He had said she was rather headstrong as well, and she could see what he meant.

Luju, on the other hand, merely listened with a disinterested look on his face, his arms crossed together. Only once had Nell finished, ending it with a bitter remark on their fathers did he speak. "Don't really care much for your tone, Nell. But hey, at least you finally admitted it. I did tell you before, you know... I always win in the end!"

With her back still facing him, the demon approached Nell, wrapping one arm around her neck in a mockery of intimate contact as his other hand slid over her clothes, cupping her groin in the palm of his hand, still trying to press her buttons further. "Say what you will about dear old dad, but... That doesn't change the fact you opened your heart to an asshole like me, willingly allowed a monster like me fuck you. It doesn't change the fact that you're good for nothing but sex, Nell."

Once he had his say, Luju backed away, pulling Nell into her room before allowing himself to step into the hallway, done with the entire affair and not caring about Ria now that she was satisfied. Indeed, now that Ria had taken it upon herself to leave, wanting to find something else to do, the demon turned around to look at Nell.

"And, Nell. I wouldn't plan on finding anyone to love you, because all things considered... You're never getting away from Shokushu, and you're never gonna have a normal life anymore. Ever."

With that, he began making his way down the hall, whistling merrily for a moment, before calling out for her, "And don't you fuckin' change your room, because I sure as hell ain't finished with you!"

Author:  Napton [ Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Say what?! [for Nell]

Nell stood stock still as that bastard touched her. Like he somehow had the right. It gave her another strength to get through the next horrid part of his speech. She bit her tongue and waited. Waited until he was out of sight. Shooting off one last glib threat which she did not dignify with and answer. She just slammed the door to her dorm room and stormed off to the bathroom. Then, after crying her eyes out through two and a half scolding hot showers she began to feel slightly. Not much though. She used up the hot water but stayed in the shower until she was positively chilled. Then she got out of the shower, changed into her PJs and buried herself under the covers of her bed.

You're never getting away from Shokushu, and you're never gonna have a normal life anymore. Ever.

She truly hoped that wasn't true. Life would become truly unbearable if that was true.

And don't you fuckin' change your room, because I sure as hell ain't finished with you!

She scoffed. Yeah right... What could he possibly do to her now? After today's deception... Surely anything else would seem poultry by comparison.

She had no idea how wrong she was.

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