Shokushu High School

School Project (Clarice)
Page 14 of 14

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kanoe shivers as the Voice teases and tortures her body and mind. The wager was undecided but it was obvious who won this exchange. Two women ravaged and drained to a far more weakened state. And Spectre was able to continue coming back to them when it wished. The despair the Voice brought only added to what the dark witch was already feeling. Tears slowly trickle from her blank staring eyes. All she could do was watch Clarice be in just as bad of shape as she was. She knew what the woman was thinking. If Clair had never met her, she would not have had to go through any of this. This was all her fault. She could not protect her lover nor herself. Now they were reduced to this. Kanoe lets her eyes fall shut, not able to take in the sight anymore. She wished she could just blackout right now.

Author:  Clarice [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

She gives a hoarse whimper upon seeing Kanoe's eyes shut. Perhaps she was to pitiful of a sight to look on. That was more then enough to make her cry. She strains to reach the woman's hand but could only touch the very tips of her fingers before she couldn't move anymore. Drips of her tears hit the pillow and seemed to be the only thing aside from hard breathing that made any sound. She wished to speak words but to just dare and try to open her mouth would never be accomplished in her state.

Her dreary eyes suddenly fall shut as the slime works its way to falling from its known purpose. Finally she would be able to recupurate what strength she had left. But the fact that part of her mana was certainly would set her back from doing any magical spells she tried so hard to accomplish. Both girls were set back years and years of hard work into their studies. That with what just happened seemed to put a strain on their relationship.

Author:  Kanoe [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Her fingers twitch to Clair's fleeting touch. The young witch's arm extends as much as it could, trying to hold her lover's hand. After all this, her love was still trying to reach her. Kanoe lets out a weak sob. She could not look at Clarice now due to her own shame. Her lover was still fighting to hold the bond while she thought it was all over. She wanted to grab that hand so badly. The witch wanted nothing more than to get up and pull this woman into her arms. But, her body would not obey. She felt her mind slipping. Her vision grew darker as the effects of the slime began to wear off. No...she had to reach her. She had to let Clair know she was still here... Her lips were moving but no sound escaped them as she tries to call out to the woman before blacking out completely.


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