Shokushu High School

Investigation (for Alex)
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Author:  Goro [ Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

He pushed her away from his gooey mass as he exited the cell, his eyes glaring at her as if his imprisonment had been her fault and in a way it had seeing that he was more of a target given that she was with him. Of course he would have been attacked either way.

“You are no Pet of mine.” He started towards the door, paused then looked towards her. “I don't care how much you want it. If you cannot be useful then why should I reward you.”

He pauses as he studies her for a moment. “Unless … unless you choose to be useful now ...”

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Alexandra could not take much more of this. The pain kept growing and her mind was clouded by the morphine injection from earlier. She practically slumped against the wall that she was pushed towards. She pulled her legs close to her chest as she sobbed. The agent was only in that white medical gown that patients wore. Alexandra did not know what to do besides beg. She knew that the attack would happen. She was going to be saved but it was too late for her. Being saved by Luna was the cruelest form of torture she had ever experienced. Now, she had freed Goro from his cell after so much work and planning, undoing it all for her own selfish needs. Alexandra did not even know what she was anymore and she did not care. She just wanted the pain to stop.

Goro did offer a glimmer of hope as he stopped and looked back at her trembling form. The agent lifted her face, tears dripping down her face. "Please... Just tell me... Master..." she whimpered, helpless to resist the withdrawal effects of his musk.

Author:  Goro [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

“Then tell me a out this ship. What size is it? How many agents? Where are we?” Pretty basic questions there then what he needed most for he was far from a tech wiz.

“I need this ship to drop into real space near a planet. Either I need the escape pod and weapons disabled or some sort of emergency requiring a landing for repairs.”

Goro sighed and shook his head. “I need my battleship, I need to know just where I am. I don't suppose you would prove worthy enough to be useful once again.”

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Alexandra was in no shape for twenty questions but would try to answer as quickly as she could. "EMI-2," she replied, both hands clutching her head as it continued to pulse and throb madly inside her skull, "I... I only saw one agent and a droid so far. Ship must be small without a crew, scout class maybe. Battleship is being led by another and is currently further behind this ship due to its lack of speed. Both must be heading towards ADD headquarters. I do not know how far we have to go... Please, I want to be useful. I feel like my skull is cracking open..." The agent felt so weak as the pain just kept ebbing away at her mind and will. Would Goro reward her for the information or was there more she must do?

Author:  Goro [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

He paused and gazed at her for a long moment. He not heard of the ship then again he did not recognize the agent that he had been transferred to either.

Based on what he knew where he was to meet with his battleship and where he was attacked he could figure out what the likely route was to get back. One agent? He had considered though he was unsure about that. What should his next move be? If his battleship was behind them then agents might be there to race to the rescue.

He released some of that scent to her. “I need you able to think straight. It would seem I may need some of those tech skills of yours. Can this ship get off encoded messages at the range of five light years?”

That should be a great enough range, his ship was a no go it had seemed and he was already thinking ahead.

“Perhaps you can prove to me that you are still useful?”

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Pain... That was the only thing every cell in her brain was giving off. Never had she felt such pure agony. But, then that sweet scent returned to save her. "Ahhh..." Alexandra took a deep breath. The pain was gone immediately and now she felt pleasure rolling through her body. It was only a beginning amount of pleasure. But compared to the agony that wracked her mind just moments ago, it made the pleasure feel all the more amazing. The agent shivered as she felt her juices running down her thigh. One breath was all it took to undo all that work to detox her with the serum. Now she was hopelessly under Goro's leash once again.

Slowly, the agent rose to her feet. She walked towards Goro as he asked his next question. "I believe so, Master," she said softly, taking slow breaths to get as much of that sweet musk into her body, "But, I do not know where I can do so without Sergeant Umbarge noticing. She told me she would be in the cockpit or the labs. I do not know if there are any other consoles that can transmit that far. The ship also has an AI that may notice my attempts to transmit." The AI was going to be an issue. She was not sure how smart it was or if it had noticed the forcefield was taken down. If so, Luna may already know what she had done and Goro's freedom may be cut short.

Author:  Goro [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

He frowned at hearing that. An AI could be problematic and getting a message out could be as well. If there was one agent and she had been aware that the forefield had come down she may have already sent a communication for assistance and might be held up someplace rather than actively engaging him.

That could mean trouble too since the ship could not be secured. Then he had an idea though he had to wonder if his people made all the necessary repairs. She may have fixed the systems on this ship but the Adda were to add the extra escape pod to replace the destroyed one. He did not keep track of the inventory but having an extra escape pod was probably not something they carried either.

“Does this ship have two escape pods or just the one?” A lot of ships had multiple ones, when he had a freighter his had two, one near engineering and one near the cockpit for quick access to either if he were at opposite ends of the ship.

“Could the distress beacon on an escape pod be used? I know there is limited communications with them.”

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Alexandra closed her eyes and took another deep breath. She was calming down and her body was gradually heating up even from the minute amounts of musk she was being offered. She brushed long strands of hair away from her face. Her brow was glistening with sweat, most likely from the withdrawal effects from before. "The ship is equiped with two but one was used before being taken into the battleship according to the ship's log. There should be at least one remaining," Alexandra replied, "I may be able to change the frequency of the beacon though I am uncertain how much I can boost its range." Changing the frequency may prevent it from being noticed by EMI's sensors. "I need a new frequency though if you want someone to find this ship..."

The agent's eyes fell to the floor as she continued to feel so very good. But now she clearly knew what she was doing. She was betraying Luna in order to make the pain stop. The russian woman felt disgusted with herself. She felt like she should just kill herself and end this here and now. The pain would stop and Goro would still be taken in. The thought sent shivers down her spine though. She did not know what to do anymore as she trembled there before the slime monster.

Author:  Goro [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

“I am aware that one was used though it is good that the ship has two.” His fingers caressed her chin. “You still have use my Pet, rise.

“We need to get tools. If we act quickly then range should not be too much of a factor. I have a frequency memorized that we can use.”

They had to move quick, he realized and thus he had her lead the way since she would have had more experience with the layout of ADD ships. First stop was to a storage room to see if they could grab some tools, engineering if they had to but since the agent might be there he would avoid that if possible.

Once finding tools then they could move on to that escape pod to see what could be done about matters.

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Alexandra did not resist having her chin stroked and lifted. Tears wet her eyes as she gazed at the creature that full control over her body. But even her feelings of despair would gradually be replaced with that familiar need as she inhaled more of that drug. It hurt too much to resist and it hurt so much to give and betray her own people. But, one foot came infront of the other as she was commanded to find some tools that would make her current task even possible to accomplish.

She grabbed a small plasma cutter and a small scanner along with a few power cells. The cutter would allow her to access any wires and circuitry in the pod and she would use the scanner to alter the frequency. The power cells were just in case she needed more power or somehow disabled the pod in some way.

The agent trembled as she hesitated at the door. She was feeling doubt on what she should do. She needed the drug so badly but how far was she going to go to get it? Luna came to save her and this is what she was doing in return? "I... I can't..." she whimpered softly.

Author:  Goro [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Incredulous eyes gazed upon her then as she had her internal struggle, her act of defiance caused him to shut down that musk right away.

“What? Useless woman!” And this time he did not have to act. Immediately a pseudopod whips at her to knock the tools from her grasp, others seek to grasp out and grab her so that she does not afford much o a struggle. A pseudo pod forms about her throat that was made of slime.

“Fine, I'll fucking do it myself.” He couldn't let her go off by herself instead attempting the work himself when he gets to the one man escape pod it is clear that he has enough knowledge to get started at least but can't do what he wishes, frustrated and growling as he tries this and that his pseudo pod tightens upon her neck in frustration as a slight tremor ripples though the ship indicating perhaps that it was docked with. Other agents?

Goro looks quite worried as he tries to hurry thing along but fails in doing so forcing another frustrated growl to emit from him as he begins to cut off her air supply to render her unconscious once more seeing that she was a liability here as his plans become simpler focusing on what he can do.

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Goro had expected his work on Alexandra to be perfect apparently. He was surprised that the human woman was hesitating about betraying the ADD and in turn humankind. That was enough to switch him to panic mode where he immediately began to choke out the woman. Alexandra was confused at the sudden outburst as she was dragged along towards the escape pod. Her lungs burned as she was slowly choked out. Her eyes rolled back in her head as darkness began closing around in her vision. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she was uncertain what she was supposed to do. Would Goro escape? Would he take her with him? What was going to happen to her?

Author:  Goro [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Darkness begins to close in on her and he perks up his head. There was no time anymore as he could here them now. He might have succeeded in the task if he had all day to work on it though he could stuff her in the escape pod where she would not be noticed.

It was designed for one person though he tosses her inside it before choking her out completely as he oozes inside. He not being solid he could fit as well. It was his hope that the agents would not think to check the pod right away.

He exclaimed. “Don't you say a fucking word.” A threat? He had already taken away the musk and could do no worse though now the best he could hope for was the agent to pass and for him to sneak off the way she came to steal her ship. It would have the shields and weapons to make the attack though it was likely that they anticipated that and kept something there, he was screw and it seemed as if he was on the verge o surrendering once more.

Goro had panicked and that actually went well for the agent as she passed out, something those drugs could not instill in her. It would have been enough time to get back to the base and without the need for them the emergency supply of serum that Luna had could have had tidied her over until another IV drip was fashioned …

In an ideal galaxy there would be no headaches, no withdrawals and all this would been well enough behind her so that she could recover. There was little that she found out about Nail. The pirates she was investigating had been gone and Goro's people where there … they were suppose to rendez-vous, right?

Instead of that ideal world though she wakes up in an infirmary though it is not on the base or on
EMI-2 from what she can tell. Rather she is probably on a ship, there are no windows though she could be planet side somewhere.

There are no IV's though she was in that plain hospital gown. Her headaches are back though as soon as her bare feet touch the floor she can feel the slight hum within those plates vibrating beneath her feet.

Yes, she was on a ship, pretty spartan by the looks of it. The design is familiar, ADD? It certainly isn't the EMI-2 any longer.

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Investigation (for Alex)

Darkness came as Alexandra fell limp in Goro's grasp. He was panicking at this point. He had to somehow get out of this mess or risk being taken back to his cell once more. What came next was lost to the agent. Did Goro escape? Was she taken as well? What happened to Luna?


"Nngh!" A hand came to Alexandra's forehead as the woman woke to that familiar throbbing pain. She noticed she was in another infirmary but not the one on the EMI-2. Assuming she was on a ship, the design seemed similar to the ADD. Did Luka rendevous with another ship and transferred her?

There was no droid with her as she slowly slipped out of bed and made her way towards the door, uncertain if she was safe or still very much in danger.

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