Alien Influences (for Vespira)
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Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
Pulled away from that glistening cock desire shewn in her bright eyes. At the question she shook her head regarding the Undine. “I rather be rid of the Undine.” Feelings of shame and disgust yet pleasure had been all entwined into one state.
There was another craving that set in, one that had made the scene that Vesperia was painting alluring, especially in her current state. Reminded of her task, however, gathering stolen and missing artifacts for her people pressed into her thoughts. There were so few willing to leave the planet, only the clergy and while she wasn't the only one out there she did take of quit the load from others allowing them to serve in other needs hurting down all those planets and colonization vessels launched in an era well before her time.
That was something she would be tasked with in another decade or two. Right now she was little more than a novice though her psionic skills had improved since she had set out on her mission. Torn between duty and pleasure had been no easy task as her mind filtered between the two.
“That sounds great ...” she began feeling the influences upon her mind as she created that scene in her mind's eye. It had not even entered her head that she would have been reduced as little more than a play thing. Feeling that scaled cock every morning and night had an appeal no doubt. One that was hard to fight against though she hardly fought against the desire sweeping over her. All the signs of arousal had been there, aching nipples were hard and she found herself wet between her thighs despite having just cleaned herself off earlier.
Going back to the case she opened it taking out several pieces of jewelry she had uncovered during her explorations. The pieces were nice though nothing that Vesperia couldn't have obtained for herself if she had the inclination to spend the resources. The rings, bracelets and necklaces were unique pieces from this world or that. Metals and gemstones unique to a planet or found in one or two systems.
Myra didn't learn the value of these things as a whole but she knew that they were valuable being with other artifacts. She set each piece down in turn then took out what looked to be a simple piece of coral.
“Your datapad, how much of a charge does it have left?” Myra asked looking to the device then back to her. “This is the energy supply I told you about. Without my particular skills it will need to be refined but anyone with psionic potential can tap into it without needing to attune it. May I?”
She gestures toward the datapad and with but a touch of the coral to it and a few seconds with her eyes closed in concentration Myra hands the device back with a full charge. “blasters can be recharged. Ships even, of course you'd need much more coral than this but that is just a simple demonstration. Eventually the coral will perish if used too often or charging up large devices.
“They can even enhance things that have a full charge by five through ten percent. Once refined the coral can be used by anyone.”
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:14 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:07 pm Posts: 1321
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
There was no escaping Vespira's keen sense of smell. Myra's words alone paled in comparison to how her body was reacting to the lewd offer. The priestess had enough sense to get back to her task though. The Vodrani woman returned to the case that had been left behind and drew out its contents. Various gemstones and accessories made from precious metals were brought out. The Gorgonian was uncertain if these were just mere jewelry or the so called artifacts the priestess seemed intent to gather.
The final item brought out was a piece of coral. The serpent's eyes flicked briefly at the datapad though she did not answer the question. Locking the device, she handed it to the Vodrani who then used the coral to charge its energy reserves. It was certainly a unique energy source. Energy was required by everyone in some form or fashion lest they never leave the planet they reside in and never use electronic devices of any sort. Having exclusive access to a source of energy may have some benefits longterm.
Vespira took the datapad back and looked it over briefly before regarding the alien priestess. "And how much of thisss energy ssource will you be providing?" the Gorgonian hissed, "I do not have the means to refine it nor do I have psscyhics eagerly waiting to be nothing but my personal batteriess. I doubt your people are jusst going to give up their a ressource they hold a monopoly over. How are you going to convince them to give ssuch a thing to an outssider?"
"You are certainly putting forth a better effort to please me than before at the very leasst," Vespira added, a hand gently stroking up and down her scaled phallus, "Do not forget, my pleasure is your pleasure. Tell me more and what other trinketss you have brought your Misstresss." The promise to make this priestess Vespira's whore was not forgotten. The serpent would continue to tease Myra's needs while listening to the woman's offers.
_________________ Vespira
Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:38 pm |
Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
It was hard thinking straight, her eyes wandering to the stroked phallus. She nearly forgot herself in her own desires to please, almost as if Vespira wished to be pleased too. She began crawling forth then caught herself pausing then sitting up on her knees she moved to answer.
“Most Vodrani lack even rudimentary abilities so the coral must be refined before use.” It was rare for aquatic species to evolve in the way of land dwellers. Energy was tough to come by, fire wouldn't work though their were pockets where underwater volcanoes boiled surrounding water. The call of the coral, a psychic entity in it's own right had made contact with the mind of others with psychic potential. Who discovered how to tap into it had been lost to time but it was forever useful in the advancement of her people.
“I have a small supply on my ship, just a couple of pieces in the event of emergency. On my world the clergy controls the flow of the coral, we are the ones with the psychic potential and can use it in it's raw form. We make it suitable for the rest of society.
“As part of the clergy I have access to it. I know where it is kept and where the records are so altering them wouldn't be an issue.” To kill her need she wasn't above stealing it not sure how much of it Vesperia desired.
The resource was highly contested by the Undine. Their spacefaring vessels were not numerous partially due to their xenophobia so often the Undine managed to set down on the planet. Sometimes they even managed to get away with the resource, more often than not they were beaten back.
As a royal her ship wouldn't be searched allowing her to get inconsistent but large quantities. Naturally other aquatic species or droids that functioned underwater would be needed to assist her in gathering up the resource. Still, it would need to be refined or …
A thought had occurred to her. Part of her wondered if her people would be on board with it. Another told her that they didn't need to know and if they found out they may not have looked upon the price too badly.
“Even the Undine can use the coral in it's unrefined state. Their females can possess a great deal of talent though most only possess rudimentary skills. Their males can't use anything but each can develop them and can use the coral.”
There was no need getting into the fact that older males sometimes became females like some fish did. There were a number of factors, none of which she had known for sure but all were latent psychics and could use the coral. “I can see Undine slaves as being very useful. Their shorter life spans will keep the demand up for them too.”
It was out of her mouth before she even processed it all. The logistics in acquiring slaves, costs and what not had all been out of her league. Yet it all seemed to make sense to her as that thought came to her. If the energy source proved useful the demand for slaves would be high, she didn't deal much with trade and that sort of thing. In fact due to the nature of her people it had been a tough concept for her to grasp even with the assistance of the clergy that left her planet, at least a small number of them had.
But she dismissed all the logistics and such from her mind. Vesperia was the crime lord, she knew the value of these things and could sort all that out for herself.
She crawled forward stopping close enough to reach out and touch that member. Her hand settled on Vesperia's drawing it away if allowed and replacing it with one of her own. Stroking that length then dipping to trail her tongue against it's head before looking back up.
“Just how much of the coral would be necessary to help me with my problem ...” Certainly she wasn't thinking too clearly thinking on something long scale, the what if's of a bigger operation spelling out what could be possible when her interest had been quelling the state that she had been place in by mental influence.
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Mon Jan 13, 2020 12:25 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:07 pm Posts: 1321
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
The priestess came crawling forward and resumed stroking and tasting the scaled phallus. It pulsed and throbbed with more pent up heat and aggression as precum dribbled from the tip. "Mm... I have no usse for filthy poor quality sslaves," Vespira hissed, "My businesss is quality. Not fodder that decayss in a matter of decades. A Vodrani lives far longer and is far more useful in that asspect. Your kind make for perfect sslaves. Is that not right? You claim your kind are superior to the Undine. That musst mean you make for better sservants, better petss, better sslaves." The Gorgonian thankfully did not lash out from being offered such inferior creatures as potential slaves to be sold to potential buyers.
It amused the serpent hearing the holy woman volunteer to steal and smuggle the Vodrani's prized resource. All these sluts were the same, willing to do anything for an ounce of relief. A hand stroked through Myra's pink hair. "As for how much," Vespira continued, "That depends on whether you can get it refined or not. If not, then they are uselesss rockss to me. How much power would a shipful of coral provide? Your cargo storage full of thiss ressource? Perhaps bring me another priestesss who has psychic ability? You have made it clear that your people do not sseem to care what happenss to you after leaving. What is one more, yesss?"
"Sseems you are a bit... Disstracted," the Gorgonian added, "Tell your Misstresss, what is going through your mind, hm?" Tendrils slither forth, sliding under the alien woman's flimsy garments. Tips traced along the Vodrani's netherlips, flicking across her exposed clit with each pass. Another began to poke and prod the alien's tight ass, wiggling and withdrawing before entering only to repeat again and again. Other tentacles stroke over the woman's smooth skin, stroking the priestess's arms and thighs.
Vespira was in no hurry. If Myra broke, then that would simply mean it would easier to get the best deal out of the enthralled beauty.
_________________ Vespira
Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:35 pm |
Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
Maybe she could drop rumors about the Undine being able to use the energy source unrefined. It was dangerous, if it did work. Unsavory types would be in her home system and one might actually discover the planet or learn where the coral was from the Undine. The males didn't speak but as slim as it was a female could get captured and they possessed telepathy. If it brought them hardship an Undine would stir up trouble for them. Probably the only reason that they had been alone in their attacks had been the aquatic nature of the planet and to keep their prize solely to themselves. Myra did pause looking upward with a slight shake of her head.
Whether it was pride in her people, some loyalty to protect them or some hidden truth hadn't been apparent at first. Then she explained beginning with the most obvious. “Not to other Top Siders. Most Vodrani save for those in the clergy that have spent their lives training lack legs. And we are dependent on the water, the clergy less so then the others but that is because we train for that. Pets or underwater construction would be the best one could hope for and ...”
She paused for a moment. It was hard to explain to non-Vodrani so she had to ponder what was the best way to translate. While she thought her fingers moved along that scaled scepter one way then the next scales rougher in one direction against her finger tip.
“We live longer but our temper is legendary. We are slow to anger but when we do succumb to that emotion we get reckless to the point of suicidal, not that we have those tendencies but we can do real stupid things that results in death where cooler heads would prevail. Like trying to siege a fortress with an arm full of rocks if it brings us one step closer to the target of our rage. Vodrani slaves could be docile for awhile but can blow up in time if conditions are poor.”
Bending at the waste her tongue swept that scaled length from base to tip then from tip to base on the other side as she shifted a little now in front of her. She opened her mouth sucking on the tip and allowing her tongue to wash over it.
She gave the question a bit of thought. She herself didn't have much of it on hand though she could get more. What she did have was more than enough for her current needs. Her ship wasn't a freighter being modified to contain a pool but there was enough storage for the artifacts she collected. It was easy enough to carry the coral in the pool, in fact that was the ideal means to transport it keeping it alive until needed.
“About the size of your pool, enough to line the bottom of it. The fresher the coral the more potent it is. The piece I brought with me can power the vital system of a star ship, pretty much to get from point A to B if the ship takes catastrophic damage. Getting to a starport for proper repairs. I would say it could be used for about a week in this manner. Also, it can boost the efficiency of the systems it charges up. An increase to weapons, shields and so on. It burns through coral at a faster rate if continuously run but you could stretch it out if you use it in smaller bursts. Using it to reduce jump time or for a star fight or two. Increasing the range on sensors, even a little, could be useful to smugglers.”
Tentacles soon made it difficult for the gregarious priestess to think straight but she tried. “Ah! I-I was just considering getting another priestess.” Her body was quite obviously responding, hard nipples, wet nether lips, she rocked between the teasing tentacles.
“My birth order was the lowest in my generation. Until the next generation hatches all the other priests and priestess, AHH, in my c-community have a higher station then me.” Not to mention that they were all royals the youngest of their generation. Her role as an artifact hunter was a solo job and with those tentacles teasing her, promising to give her what she wanted it was hard thinking about getting one to join her. Even most of the clergy stayed on planet.
Maybe she would think the matter over more later but for now it was tough to consider. She glanced up with a pleading look on her features then took that cock straight into her mouth since she had no answer at the time lips sealing against that member as her head feverishly bobbed up and down.
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:08 pm |
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:07 pm Posts: 1321
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
"Irrelevant," Vespira hissed in annoyance to Myra's attempt to correct her, "You already know I can provide an aquarium to sswim an sssurvive in. Legs or not, they will ssuit the needss of many. Correct me like that again and I will disscard you like before."
Tendrils tightened painfully to show the serpent's displeasure . The threat of being left with that endless yearning and need would hopefully force the alien woman to reconsider her words in the future. . Her business dealt with countless alien patrons of various species. Whether the females are human or not was of little consequence as long as they were appealing to them. Vodrani lived longer than Undine and could potentially have uses beyond sex. Their sex also would not change with age which would keep things consistent. Even if the Gorgonian was mistaken, the last thing she wanted to hear was being corrected by a whore priestess.
The alien serpent had no reason to be concerned about any sort of temper tantrum. She had the way she treated Myra to prove that much. Any that dared to raise a hand against the scaled mistress would be biting the hand that fed them what they needed most.
If a small piece was enough to last a week or so depending on output then, a full ship's cargo worth would at least have some use. Getting another priestess would also been a lovely little bonus. But, further discussion would have to wait as Myra was losing herself once more. The tendrils tightened pulled the Vodrani away after a few bobs on that delicious member. "If you want it ssso badly, beg for it like the whore you are," Vespira hissed as she sat up on her coils, standing over the yearning priestess.
_________________ Vespira
Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:35 am |
Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
Vodrani would live longer and did have uses outside of sex though Myra encountered few aquatic species in her travels off world and figured that they would not be too adequate unless someone needed something built underwater or similar tasks not that she had thought that someone would have need of more than one or two projects. Still, she really did not know the interests of Top Siders and it was Vesperia that had more dealings with them. The priesthoods interactions with other species had been limited and the bulk of her own personal experiences had involved those connected with Vodrani artifacts or could point her in the right direction.
“Of course …. I was just pointing out those differences in case you thought all Vodrani could walk above the waves. So few can,” she stammered out, the tendrils making her announce clear as they displayed incredible strength in tightening against her painfully so as if someone was clamping down on her arm while it was in a vice.
She did not mention that the Vodrani could turn on their Masters later on, years down the line well after their conditioning if conditions weren't right. Her species had been slow to anger, years, decades even. Sometimes it was quick but not often. While Vesperia had talents to deal with them without such issues others that purchased her product may not have such abilities. In most cases a rebellious Vodrani would have to be put down being self destructive when that rage hit.
Of course if conditions weren't bad then a Vodrani could be quite docile for years on end without incident. That wasn't to say that they wouldn't try to escape but it w ould be no higher than any other slave. They were an odd species when the rage hit, many never had it embrace them.
The condition was horrible, self preservation left them until they were dead or they took their revenge against however wronged them. She remained silent on this not wishing to displease Vespira any further figuring that she'd work this out for herself in time or not. None of that truly mattered to her. Quelling that need was strong and she had gone back to feeding it until tendrils tore her away from her task.
She did not know Vespira's mind or the interests that she had for the coral or the other priestess. She had been all too aware that she had displeased the serpent and didn't want to do so again. The threat of being discarded had been more than enough. Though it had her mind shifting to her own needs.
She gasped, her gaze going from the cock just in front of her to the towering women that rested upon those coils. She crouched there on her hands and knees, blue eyes filled with need, pleading in their own right. Her features as flushed as any human. She looked remarkably human and if Vesperia didn't know it she could have passed by as one.
“Please ...” she gasped one hand reaching between her legs rubbing at her sex while her other arm supported her weight. Eyes rested upon that glistening member.
“Let me finish. B-Better yet make me your cum dumpster! I want your seed. I need you, what you offer. I humbly submit to your desires. Please use me as you see fit.” It was hard to keep from approaching but the memory of the tightening tendrils had been fresh on her mind.
Fingers plunged into soaked tight depths though they would never be enough to satisfy her. She was looking at what would. “Please give me that dick. Please forgive me for questioning you. I won't again.” She looked up crawling forward a little. Not much distance had separated them and she was still in the grasp of those tendrils so her movements had been limited. Still she did what she could.
Her fingers had left her quivering pussy, desire shone all over her features and body. The scent of her sex had been stronger now. But she managed to keep from touch Vesperia though just barely.
“Use me as you see fit. Please fuck me. Please.” She gasped as she looked up again though this time she did not stop herself from reaching out if only to set her hands on her hips as she lifted her head up.
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:31 pm |
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:07 pm Posts: 1321
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
Myra did not seem to understand that everything she thought would take away value as a slave only made her all the more appealing. Having a slave of a supposedly willful species was a sign of class, wealth, and dominance. Vespira had encountered many women of various species who all claimed they would resist and break free of their chains. Many were serving at her establishments while others serve the scaled Mistress directly.
Of course, it was not entirely the priestess's fault. The poor Vodrani woman was completely ignorant of Vespira's methods and how effective her indoctrination can be. Myra was proof enough of that. The aquatic beauty had no idea that she had been manipulated this entire time. Even Vespira was impressed with how well the hypnotic commands were holding. Myra had longed for Undine cock this entire time until desperation brought the priestess crawling back to the Gorgonian. Now, the hopeless woman desired Vespira attention and was more than willing to do anything for it.
If such passive training brought Myra this far, more direct methods Vespira used for future slaves would no doubt work wonders on the Vodrani holy women this one brought. The tendrils tighten once more as yellow eyes narrowed. "If you were like thisss in our firsst meeting, you would have been accepted much more favorably," Vespira hissed, "Before, you were not even worthy to lick the floor in my wake. Now, there is potential. Now, there is hope for you. But, only if you prove yoursself."
"You sssay you sssubmit but your hands ssay otherwise," the serpent continued, the tendrils releasing Myra and drawing away, "Who gave you permission to pleasure yoursself? Only your Misstresss can bring a sslave the releasse they desire. Ssit on your knees. Keep your eyes lowered when sspeaking to those above you. Now, beg for what you dessire properly. Show your Misstresss that your kind can make the bessst cum dumpssters."
_________________ Vespira
Fri Jan 24, 2020 5:12 am |
Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
She had been ignorant of most things outside of the teachings at her church, her lessons to manipulate her form and that of water. What she had learned were the tools of the trade that would be useful as an artifact hunter. Some limited knowledge on the species they encountered in the galaxy and piloting.
The Vodrani had few space craft all of which had been the property of royalty since only the clergy, which were all royals, had any interest in leaving the planet. Their craft were no better than most species but they could function under water and in space as necessary.
Tendrils tightened drawing her away. She grimaced in pain, an addled mind comprehending the words after they had a chance to bounce around her skull for a few seconds. Then dawning hit and she did as commanded, fingers extracting themselves from her wet cunt, slickness evident on the insides of her thighs.
Her innards quaked with need that had been denied her, her head bowing down so that her bright eyes could see her own troubled reflection in the reflection cast by the polished stone.
“N-No one. Forgive me. I can't stand being this close to you and not having you. Please, I implore you. Make me your cum dumpster. Fill me with that magnificent scepter. I-I ...” No, that wouldn't do. She wasn't thinking straight and those minor abilities wouldn't work as she intended. She was too stained to concentrate much.
“Let me show you how worthy we can be. Let me show you that we are the best cum dumpsters, Mistress. Please.”
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:00 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:07 pm Posts: 1321
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
Unfortunately for most species, there was not much information about Vespira's kind as they were incredibly rare. Vespira herself had yet to meet another of her kind after all these years. Not that she cared to find another. The serpent was more than pleased to be unique and desired by many. The lack of information only aided her in manipulating all she worked with and those who opposed her all the same.
Myra had bowed her head and pleaded to be fucked again. A hand slowly stroked the glistening member as tendrils released the Vodrani woman. "You will never have me, sslave," Vespira hissed, "I shall have you. That is... If you are worthy to be my pet. Turn around and spread those legs."
When the priestess obeyed, the tendrils would coil along the alien woman's limbs and around those hanging breasts. If not already, they force her to bend forward so that her ass and sex were in the air. The Gorgonian slithered closer. Hands slid over Myra's ass and stroked the curve of the alien woman's hips. The still moistened tip pressed against the alien's sex. It prodded gently, parting those netherlips but not entering yet. The scaled shaft pulsed with heat and pent up aggression. The serpent mistress was more than ready for another round.
"Mm... Tell me all the things you love about your Misstresss, sslave," Vespira hissed, "You besst not sstop."
When Myra began speaking, those powerful hips would surge forward. Inches of thick scaled dick plowed into Myra's tender depths. Scales smoothly glide along those quivering walls only to dig into them as her hips drew back for another thrust and another. Vespira's head reared back as she let out hiss of pure glee as she churned this priestess's insides like butter.
_________________ Vespira
Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:05 am |
Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
Her heart sank pounded against her chest. She had to fight the urge to look up keeping her gaze down on the floor. She had been hit with incredible loss that she could not quit explain. Before she had been able to process all the associated emotions Vespira went on bring relief to her that her need may yet be sated.
Eagerly she moved to comply shifting on her hands and knees as she did so. She had agreed to that statement, her own voice distant and hazy to her ears as she did so. Such had been her eagerness at what she had anticipated. Once she was facing away she spread her legs as far as she could get them. Tendrils returned to her forcing her upper body lower, erect nipples grazing over the floor.
Still she did not look up not yet given permission to do so. Another voice cut into her own thoughts, commanding her focus and dissolving her own thoughts for the moment.
Tendrils pressed held her in that position, her ass in the air feeling smooth scales trace against her ass and hips. That scaled member pressed against her parting wet lower lips but halting without entering her. “Uh!” She panted, deep breaths caused her breasts to hit against the floor every so often.
It had been a wonder that she hadn't spilled all over that tip in anticipation of what was to come. Somehow she didn't. She gave a little nod at that command using care not to hit her forehead against the floor as she did so. Not thinking straight she didn't have any order when she began.
She simple did the best she could and began with the first thing that she could think of, what she had been reminded about with that point pressed to her warm inviting sex.
“Mistress dick is so big it's AHHH w-wonderful!!!” It ploughed into her rocking her forward. Her forehead was protected by her forearms, her breasts hitting the floor again and again. That scaled member smooth on the way in and rough on the way out as dozens of tiny scales scrapped against her.
She battled against her pleasure as she clenched down on that member. “AHH!!! OHH!!! N-Nothing feels better! The feel is so … so … exquisite. Your eyes so hypnotizing and UHH lovely. The way your scales shimmer in the light. Your command, the way you dominate, rule ...”
There were a trail of incomprehensible things slurred by her cries. She had been unable to hold back for long fighting against her own need. As she clenched she came hard and fast forever caught up in that loop against the sensations that kept assailing her.
“Your … AH! OHH! Mercy … how you give what is needed!” Not sure, though wanting to move back against that scaled mass she kept herself as still as possible save for the well trained internal muscles of her body that rippled over that scepter.
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:16 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:07 pm Posts: 1321
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
Hips pounded harder and faster. Vespira's luscious breasts bounced and swayed as every thrust mashed Myra's own along the hard floor. The Gorgonian swayed rapidly, sending shivers up and down the scaled length, sending them stroking back and forth against the Priestess's tenderized inner walls. The molten tip pressed against the entrance to the Vodrani's womb, each strike sending the impact echoing within the climaxing beauty's lovely form.
Muscles tightened and wrapped around the serpent's thick trunk. The alien crimelord hissed with delight as she felt Myra trying to milk her for that precious seed. But, those hips kept forcing through the Vodrani's vice grip. The scales stroked and punished those resisting insides, stimulating the Priestess the more those velvet walls tightened around the thrusting meat. Hot juices welcomed every thrust with an audible slurp. How many times would this woman cum before that lovely body gave out? Myra's cries of how she loved being commanded and dominated grew less coherent as every thrust drew another orgasm from the shuddering alien woman.
Tendrils coiled around the Vodrani's breasts. They tightened hard, causing them to thrust outwards as the tips of other tendrils flicked and swirled around the woman's engorged teats. Other tentacles stroked the holy woman's arms and legs while one methodically teased the woman's exposed clitoris.
"Ahhh... Take it all you ssslut!" Vespira hissed with glee. Her head reared back as her hands and tendrils tightened their grip. The cock swelled and shuddered inside Myra's body. Swell after swell rippled along the heated length, expelling the Gorgonian's thick steamy load into the Priestess's sex and womb. The serpent woman would pull out slowly, letting spurts of her seed splash over the other woman's back and hair. Tentacles would force the Vodrani to sit up. Vespira grabbed a handful of that long pink hair and proceeded to tug the Priestess towards a tall mirror.
Whether led or dragged, Myra was presented her own reflection. Vespira's free hand was stroking her throbbing erection. She forced the woman to face the mirror while releasing more of her pent up seed all over the holy woman's face. After painting Myra's features, Vespira released threads of alien semen onto the reflection in the mirror. "Mmm... Tell me what you ssee, ssslave." The Gorgonian hissed with pleasure.
_________________ Vespira
Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:17 am |
Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
No matter how tightly she tried to cling to that scaled member it had no trouble pressing into her. Or maybe it had but Vesperia was just that strong. In and out that shaft pressed into her deeply, probably deeper than anyone had before. She was unable to dwell much on that question in her current state.
A mixture of pleasure and pain followed depending on whether those scales were advancing or retreating but none of that mattered. Her mind had been rewritten to the point that it had needed this in any form. Her mind producing endorphins in abundance in that moment.
“AWWW!!! UNH!!!!” She cried out, her words had been further chocked off in the overwhelming pleasure that shot through her.
How many times had she cum? Her walls clenched and retracted. Tendrils began their attack on her breasts squeezing them tightly in the coils they made. Others swam along her arms and legs and another still stroked across her engorged clit keeping her on that high and not allowing her to come down.
“YES! YES! FILL ME! URGHHHH!!!” She indeed took it all, there was no choice in that matter as that shaft exploded painting her innards with that seed.
That rod slowly pulled out of her, out seed collecting in her hair and back. She was gasping when tentacles forced her upright, a hand in her hair forcing her along. She tried to stand, to hurry along but her hand ended up slipping in a puddle of her own wetness knocking her off balance so she never had a change to keep up being dragged along until they were at that mirror.
A few pumps of that still throbbing member by Vesperia's own hand and her features were painted. More cum splashed against the mirror as her attention was drawn back to it. Still panting, her breasts rising and falling with each intake of air as a question had been posed to the addled minded Vodrani.
She had realized that it wasn't rhetorical. Enough of that haze had left her getting exactly what she needed so it didn't take long before she had been able to process those words. A second later she moved to answer.
“That you made me beautiful, Mistress.” Gooey strings of seed slithered down her features gravity having an effect in some places that seed had been smeared in good enough that it would take some cleaning to get to.
She looked at Vesperia in the mirror seeing that she had been placed in a kneeling position she was rather sure that she was meant to see her now, well most of her any way with moving just her eyes so she assumed that the question had dealt with what she could see at her own eye level, what she had been directed to.
She could even see her own pleased euphoric look in that reflection. Eyes that appeared to be more dilated as if she had just taken a dose of drugs relishing in the gifts that they brought her.
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:13 pm |
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:07 pm Posts: 1321
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
"Yesss..." Vespira hissed, "I made you into thisss. Every Vodrani you bring to me will have a chance to become beautiful like you are. You may resisst but deep down, you know thiss is what you are. You long to be commanded, dominated, ruled. Your planet cannot offer what you need, what your fellow sissters need. Don't you agree, sslave?"
Myra's hair was released. "Clean up thisss messs," the Gorgonian commanded, "When you finish, we will continue our disscusssion. You ssstill wish to find your little trinketss, yesss? Or do you only want to be fucked like the whore you are? I am certain I can provide much if you continue with thisss growing obedience."
The serpent slithered back and sat on her own coils. The mirror was coated in Vespira's seed and there was the trail Myra left when she was dragged along the floor not to mention the puddle from the fucking just moments ago. Vespira would continue to speak while the priestess worked. "If retrieving a priesstesss proves difficult, I may be able to aid in the matter," the Gorgonian added, "They are required for thisss transsaction to be of any use beyond pleasure. I ssee you had other items with you. What are they?"
Vespira would watch the priestess with amusement. She wondered if Myra even recognized that the supposed legendary anger of the Vodrani had been so easily tamed. It mattered little. Whether knowingly or in ignorance, the Gorgonian was pleased to see how obedient the once rebellious woman had become over time. If more of these holy women or minor members of royalty were brought here, Vespira could continue taming and training them into her own personal pets to use to further spread her influence into the aquatic world of these mermaids. Such a plan would take a great deal of time but Myra could very well be the first step in beginning the foundation.
_________________ Vespira
Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:50 pm |
Myra V'al
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:20 pm Posts: 469
Re: Alien Influences (for Vespira)
“Yes,” she agreed with a nod. She found herself at peace lulled by those words until her hair had been released and a command given.
Without cleaning supplies Myra could still get started on the cleaning. Her mind being clearer she could concentrate better and focused her energies on manipulating liquids gathering them together in a few locations so that they would be easier to clean. Beads of cum and her own juices rolled from the mirror and floor.
Reluctantly the last part of her that she cleaned was the cum off her body in that same fashion. She had to gaze into the mirror to better target the cum and had to pull her hair over her shoulder to better look at it and get at the cum there. Turning around and looking over her shoulder she had addressed the stuff that got on her back. She cleaned herself only because she had been ordered to.
After getting a hold of cleaning supplies she treated these gathered areas and the mirror as well treating it in cleaners until there wasn't a streak left on it.
She struggled with the question that was put forth. While duty hadn't been her primary motive now she still needed to collect artifacts. It gave her a reason to keep returning to her home world making it easier to get at other Priests and Priestess. She could always sneak back but didn't trust that she could do so more than once or twice before someone would make a note of her presence tipping them off to the fact she wasn't checking in. The threat of the Undine made her people more diligent.
And yet at the same time remaining her was so appealing. It was what she wanted, what she needed. All this had been processed through her head in a few seconds.
“I need to do both. I don't think I could manage getting the living coral and others if I stop collecting artifacts. It would raise to much suspicion.” She frowned at that making it clear that she wished that hadn't been the case. Knowing that she would find no relief on Vodran, only here …
She appeared hopeful at the mention of assistance in acquiring others. Still that had only dealt with half of the problem so it would still be risky in her attempts to retrieve coral. Maybe later a better idea would come to her, she would have to review everything once more later or perhaps after she got started she would figure out better ways of doing things after having a bit more experience.
“Other items? Oh yes. Things I acquired while recovering artifacts. Museum pieces of this culture and that, some minor jewels. Some unique artwork of civilizations long gone. My job is the recovery of the Vodrani artifacts taken off our home world, the rest would have otherwise been left there.” Which in retrospect would do no one any good.
_________________ Myra V'al The Priestess' Quest
Tue Feb 18, 2020 3:12 am |
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