Shokushu High School

Teacher, an apprintice and something else (Clarice and...)
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Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:02 am ]
Post subject: 

The witch blinks at Clair's answer. It would have been fine if the woman said she didn't know. Though she never had a real tattoo before, she was sure the process of ink needles being punched into one's skin was a pain to remember. The action sounded so unlike her though maybe she would get one if Clarice did it with her. But, normal tattoos do not emit magical auras nor singe the fingers of one who attempts to remove the ward. Kanoe's eyes narrow. She knows Clarice has her secrets but what she was hiding involved her.

She frowns and channels her mana as she brings her fingertips to the mark. A black spark of energy arcs and burns her fingers slightly. Kanoe hisses softly in pain as she shakes her fingers.

"No equipment I know of makes magical tattoos..."

Author:  Clarice [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:23 pm ]
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"Well, you were the one who tried to get it off by using magic and it merely stung your flesh and now its basically permanent for you now," she says with shrugging shoulders. Perhaps she should've kept her mouth shut, but right now she was still abit 'drugged up' at this point.

She felt extremely guilty for even trying to lie to the woman she loved, and lied badly at that.

"By the way...Keemari would like for you to...come along...if-if you don't mind. I can already tell you don't like him, but perhaps it will be good for you. You never know if he could teach you something or not." Her calm posture and monotone voice finally returns once more as she sits up more formally. It had been awhile since she could even do her natural state of mind with so many monsters running all over the place. But besides that she was having to hide something. What happens if the monster comes backa nd reveals what truly happened? Would Kanoe despise her for lying to her? She sighs in defeat as she lets it go. Guess she'll have to deal with it when the time comes...if it ever comes.

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I doubt I can make a permanent tattoo with magic and forget about it," She replies.

Kanoe lets out a long sigh. She felt paranoid. The explanation Clair gave seemed not like her. She can't just forget something like that especially something that has happened with a matter of months. But, she had no way proving anything. All she had was her lover's word. That should be enough, right? Trusting people was so hard. She almost felt sad for doubting Clarice. They both went through much together and she had to endure her secrets.

She blinks at the request. Keemari wishes her to attend Clair's lesson? Why would he want that? Kanoe did not think she had a master or teacher that has claimed her as far as she knew. Learning alone was already a slow and tedious process of much trial and error. But, to trust a monster... What will his price be for his teachings? But, if she hesitates, her lover will continue to move forward while the witch continues inching along at a snail's pace. She needed to get stronger, for both of them.

"Very well," She says softly, "Perhaps he will know something about this magic tattoo. I suppose he is waiting for you.."

Author:  Clarice [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:53 pm ]
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"Hey, Kanoe. Please...just don't worry about it. If you leave it be sometimes it will come back to you," she says softly and smile.

"Where's that confident girl I know and love hmm? The tattoo will probably come off if Keemari helps. Then you and I can work on getting more 'comfortable'," she puts sly with a wink. Might aswell have some fun and make the mood abit brighter. her attitude had certainly changed around the woman before her. She felt...happy.

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:07 pm ]
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The witch blushes faintly as she lowers her gaze. She nods and looks at Clarice, giving a weak smile. Kanoe rises to her feet. Her robe brushes softly as she walks around to Clair, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

"You're right," She says softly, "Lets see what we can learn, together. And...I'm always comfortable with you near."

She lets her hand slide down her lover's arm and gently takes her hand. Kanoe did not know why she even considered doubting the woman. They were lovers and she needed to trust her. Doubt will only create weakness, something monsters enjoy taking advantage of. The dark witch walks over to the door, gently pulling Clarice with her lest she resist and let her fingers slip away.

Author:  Clarice [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:17 pm ]
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"I won't let anything bad happen to that mind of your's. I can atleast promise that," she speaks and allows herself to be pulled. Sometimes it was better to lie then to tell the truth. She was protecting the woman she cared for from horrid memories of rapes. It was the least she could do to repay Kanoe's love for her.

She lets the girl do what she wanted, obviously she wanted to lead to her dorm it must be. As they neared the dorm Clarice couldn't help but turn the woman around and give her a small kiss.

"I love you alot, Kanoe. Anything I do with you is for you...remember that will you?"

She softly opens the door to her room and smiles very short like to Keemari before gently pulling her lover inside as well.

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was there sipping some tea. Where I got all this tea from for those who know me must be a great mystery in there mind. I look up at Clarice and set eyes on Kanoe for the first time. "Oh hello Clarice, Kanoe is everything worked out?" I ask them

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

She could not help but smile to Clair's kiss. Perhaps it was difficult to understand as it did not happen much before but, this woman made her happy. Her lover was so selfless when it came to her. Could she be like that in return? It seemed so difficult, so foreign.

Kanoe's thoughts were interrupted as she was pulled into the room. Keemari was already waiting for both of them. She could not help but be paranoid around the so called teacher. The witch did not think she had any classes with him, though all the classes tend to blur together for her anyway. It just felt like her strings were being pulled and this was all his intention all along. But, Clair trusts him enough and said that she learned some things from him. Though her elements were far different from what Clarice controls. Just learning the basics of channeling would help a novice like her at this point. She should not complain.

"Yes, everything is fine," She replies cooly, "Clarice mentioned you wished me to attend your...lesson?"

Author:  Keemari [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:04 am ]
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"I was suprised that my apprentice had a witch for her girl. I'm sure I could teach you something. After all Druidism and witchcraft are closely related in there teachings in some areas." I tell her. I then put my tea down and look at her. "Do you wish to learn from me along with my apprentice?" I ask her my eyes gleam a bit as I ask.

Author:  Kanoe [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:11 am ]
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Kanoe's eyes narrow as she gazes at Keemari. So he is a druid? Besides what she read in fantasy stories, she did not know the real details about such mystics. She fails to understand how dark and demonic arts can relate to natural magicks. Perhaps he was confusing her with more of the wiccan type of witch. Every little bit will help even if it is not her current path of magic. Besides, this will mean she can stay with Clarice should this guy try something. Monsters are monsters in the end.

"I do not know what all you will be able to teach me," She began, "But, learning alone has brought forth many barriers that block my path. I wish to learn more without such hinderances."

Author:  Keemari [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:15 am ]
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"Very well, I will assist you." I tell her offering her my hand for a shake to seal the deal as I could see her suspcion in her eye as I wait for her to take the hand.

Author:  Kanoe [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:17 am ]
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Though there was one thought that still tore at her about this deal. She has yet to hear what this will cost her. The dark witch knows that power comes at a price. She just hopes this is not a mistake. Clair seems to trust him so the question was better left not asked. Kanoe gives a slight nod as she steps closer and accepts the hand in hers.

Author:  Keemari [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:24 am ]
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"Then we have a pact, shall we begin right away do you wish to begin your training again Clarice?" I ask her.

Author:  Clarice [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:59 am ]
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She merely watches quietly as the two coicide with eachother. Little did she have suspiciouns for Keemari's intentions, but he did get what he wanted from her anyways. But if he dared tot ry and do anything like that to Kanoe infront of her she may just have to do something about that. She remained silent until a question was adressed to her. She looks up and gives him just a small nod.

"It all depends what you have in store at this very moment. If not you might as well begin with Kanoe. I believe you said something about being able to conjure and control fire alittle bit correct, love? That's something to go on since Keemari can do the elements as well," she states, not even waiting for the druid to answer whether or not he would go into training right now. At this point she was willing to just sit down and gather her strength. She still felt alittle sick o her stomach and probably adding more stress to it was going to catch up to her sooner or later.

Author:  Keemari [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I smirk. "Then how about an oral lesson. Listen carefully too Clarice. This applies to you as well. The elements we conjure in this world are pulled together from our mana our will. However this mana and the elements are affected by what are known as the eight planes. Fire, water, earth, wood, wind, metal, light, and dark. These planes intersect with all worlds, all dimensions in some way even themselves.

These dimensions depening on it's stabilty, power, and other factors also affect the magic we pull from them. That is why balence between the eight is so key. This applies greatly to your magic as well Witch. Since you focus on conjuring." I tell her.

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