Shokushu High School

Seductive Trial (Kanoe)
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Author:  Ike Haw [ Sun May 24, 2009 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

The girl was happily on the pleasure train to the bliss villa. The girl seemed un-phased by the depth of the question. Punished by who, and why is she being forced to wear this clip. Reaching down Destra wrapped her fingers around the girls braid. Then she gave it a yank, it wasn't anything hard just enough to get a yelp out of her. "Hate to bring you back to reality, but who will punish you if you remove this clip? Oh and the exam is over, unless you want to continue playing with yourself."

Destra looked at her hand, and saw she had manage to pull a lose strand out. Hm might as well show her this trick. Bending over in front of the girl, so that their faces were mere inches apart. "I'm just going to barrow some of this." She in a soft whisper tone, as the words escaped her luscious lips. Before the girl could react, Destra had all ready dipped the hair into the puddle of the girl’s nectar. Standing back up, Destra walked over to an empty spot.

Placing the nectar soaked hair on the floor; she walked a few feet away. "Exsisto existo animus minor crusta ut a effingo vultus vos venit ex." A magic circle formed under the hair. The crimson lines it formed grew brightly, as the spell took effect. A cloud of smoke would explode from the circle. The girl was far enough from the circle not to be caught. It did however block the girl’s vision. She would soon begin to see two silhouettes. One of them was Destra's and the other one would look very familiar.

Once the smoke was cleared, The girl could see that she was standing there. "I bet your wondering what this is here. Well to put it simple it’s a golem. Well not any ordinary golem but a copy golem. Although this one is incomplete. You can just call it a life size "doll" version of yourself for now. Comes in handy for fashion dilemma's, or if you want to see how you'll look with a new hairdo. It has no soul, so it can't carry out complex commands or routines.

Destra walked away from the life less golem of the girl. "Go ahead; I'm sure you want to play with it. There are some clothes in the third closet to the left, if you want it to get dressed. You'll have to bring the outfit to her, and all the clothes are of the bondage variety." Destra was wondering how the girl would respond, to suddenly having a lifeless double.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun May 24, 2009 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

"Ah!" her head was suddenly jerked back, forcing her to look up and see the succubus staring down at her. Still breathing heavily and bathing in the afterglow of her blissful release, she slowly slides her fingers out of her dripping folds. Her cheeks flush as she looks away from the woman. "Someone very strong named Natsuki. I would be grateful if you do not ask further."

She did not want to go into detail on how she was doomed to rely on the monster's seed or else suffer severe agony from withdrawals. Or how her lover was dragged into and forced to serve the being as well. No, it hurt too much to even think about. Her thoughts were broken as the demoness dips her own hair into her nectar covered sex and pulls away.

"H-Hey!" she gasps as she moves away, glaring at the succubus. The dark witch then blinks curiously as her hair was layed on the floor. Kanoe covers her eyes as smoke billows out from the magic circle. Was her own hair being used for a ritual? It was not uncommon but she was not sure what this woman was intending.

Kanoe backs away as she sees her own self standing there in the nude beside the succubus. She had her own encounters with a clone of herself before and it was less than pleasant. But this one did not seem to have any link to her in anyway besides copying her form. Regaining some of her composure, the witch rises shakily onto her feet. She had no interest in playing with dolls. She was here for a reason afterall.

"If the exam is over then can I put my clothes back on?" she replied cooly, "And you still have yet to say I have passed or not. It is an interesting spell you cast but I am not here to play with a doll."

Author:  Ike Haw [ Sun May 24, 2009 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Fair enough. The girl didn't want to go into any details about this Natsuki, and she wasn't going to push for the information. The girl was curious if she had passed or not, and whether she could get dressed. "You can get dressed, but you might want to wipe yourself down first." A wash cloth and bucket of warm water would appear on the desk. Destra walked over to the doll taking its braid into her hand. Her eyes were focused on the replica clip.

hmm maybe this Natsuki is able to materialize matter into objects. It would explain why this jewel and the girl share the same scent. Destra dismissed the thought, as it was none of her business unless Natsuki interfered. Snapping her fingers the golem return to the hair it came from, before burning in a short blaze of flame.

Destra sat on the opposite side of the desk, with her back to the bucket. "You've impressed me enough that I'll teach you. Do you have any questions for me, and you can't ask about heaven or hell. Even if I could I wouldn't answer those questions. Looking over shoulder she looked at the girl who would be her student. "Oh before I forget, it would be appropriate to know my students name. I'm Destra and will be the one responsible for instructing you.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun May 24, 2009 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

She silently thanks the woman and moves to the desk. The student soaked the cloth and gently begins to wipe off the sweat and juices from her body. A soft sigh leaves her lips as she cleans her breasts and other sensitive areas. Once cleaned, she quickly gets dressed begins slipping on her uniform again.

"Kanoe," she answered back. Seems whatever these strange exams were, she passed them. The witch had no interest about heaven nor hell. She merely cares about her own growth and protecting her lover. It was difficult to read this woman. Though the tests were strange and rather troublesome, this succubus had yet to do anything with her. Even allowing her to put her uniform back on seemed off. Never had a monster been so... She shakes her head. The witch still had to pay a price for this and would be better to focus on what she wanted out of this.

"Very well," she continues, slipping on her shoes, "What will you be instructing me on and when will we begin, Destra?"

Author:  Ike Haw [ Sun May 24, 2009 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Destra tapped the desk with her finger, as she thought. "How do the weekends sound to you? This way your lessons don't clash with your school work. Although I can't guarantee they will all ways be in this room. I would rather like a stable place, where I could teach you without any one interfering. You don't happen to know such a place?"

Placing her feet on the ground, Destra stood up off the desk and turned to face Kanoe. "Well Ms.Kanoe, the lessons will revolve around seduction magic. I do know a number of restriction, and summoning spells. I'll admit my summons revolve solely around tentacles. I can teach those to you as well if you’re interested. Don't worry if you want to learn them there will be no additional fee. "

Destra proceeded to walk back to the windows, and looked out of them. "You said you have a lover. I wouldn't keep your lessons a secret from her. Well that is if your lover is a she. Your lover can even come along. Just to make sure nothing fishy is going on. That's if your lover wants to come to your lessons. Do you have any other questions Ms. Kanoe?"

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun May 24, 2009 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

"Weekends are fine though it depends if I have my own tasks as well," she replied, "And I have yet to find a place where... Something did not interfere while I try to practice." It was true, even in her own room she has been raped. It had simply become a fact of the island. No student was safe anywhere, no matter how strong they think they are.

"I am willing to learn what spells you will teach me." If there was no fee added to it, she may as well learn what she could. Once again this demon was showing kindness, even bending over backwards to ensure the witch remains interested as the woman's student. Though tentacles sounded a bit strange for her to be doing it cannot be any worse than trying to summon demons.

"My lover is not your concern," she replies quickly and coldly. Perhaps the witch did not mean to sound so harsh but she did not want more creatures bound to her lover because of her. But the succubus was right as much as she hated to admit it. If she kept disappearing for lessons, her lover will try to figure what she was doing just like with Natsuki. Sighing softly, she looks away blushing faintly at her outburst. "If there is nothing else for today, I will take my leave Miss Destra."

Author:  Ike Haw [ Mon May 25, 2009 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Being called miss was kind of funny for Destra. She had been called a great many things, but never miss. I guess I'll just have to bring her to my secondary home. It’s probably the safest place for her to learn, but the time difference makes things interesting. The girl’s outburst was justified, but she seemed embarrassed over it. "You’re completely right your lover is none of my business. The question is how will you get into contact with me?"

Destra's eyes closed, and her lush lips twisted in thought. "I don't suppose you have a familiar you can send to find me, or some other method. It would be a lot easier than me dropping in unannounced, when you were doing something. Destra's eyes opened again to look at Kanoe. It would be difficult to teach her, if the times all ways clashed. A familiar or some other way of sending messages would be easier, especially if it was Kanoe sent the messages to her instead of vice versa.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon May 25, 2009 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Her eyes narrow slightly. It was difficult to remain hateful towards the being when she was like this. There was no sense of superiority. It did not feel like she was being talked down to. Not being able to hate her was becoming rather annoying in a way.

"The last time I tried to summon a familiar, I received something far worse," she said simply, "Perhaps a spot I can check easily to see if you are available would work. You did manage to make the door seal behind me when I enter so could you not do a similar enchantment that will set off an alarm for you? All that is needed is a place that I can go that others may not visit often." She was not fond of attempting to summon an imp again. Luckily Spectre had seemed to move on to other people to toy with.

Author:  Ike Haw [ Mon May 25, 2009 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Destra rubbed her temple in thought. "I knew you were coming for the door enchantment. You basically want me to put a cat bell around your neck." There was thing she never actually tried before, but it was probably worth a shot now. "There is a place no one goes to but myself. It be perfect for your lessons. I'm just not sure if this method works for getting others there." Destra was searching her head, for the words that made up the exact phrase.

Ah there it is. Destra would produce a key, and hold it for Kanoe to take. "Here you'll need this key, and the following incantation. Ostendo sum ianua ut domus, quod patefacio per verus key. A door that the key fits to should appear. You can use the spell any place your alone, to get to your lesson spot." It was uncertain if it would work, but it was better than nothing.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon May 25, 2009 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Kanoe looks at the key produced for a moment before accepting it. Her suggestion was not to put a bell on her but on an area but this seems to work out better. "I see, will it be safe for a human to be in this place?" she asked, "And you have been going through alot of trouble just to get one student so I shall ask this as well. Why me?"

Call her paranoid but this was her first encounter that had gone near entirely in her favor. She cannot help but feel there must be something she was missing. She will have to pay with her body much like she does with Keemari. But this seemed more out of consent rather than manipulation or the use of phermones. The demoness was practically treating her like a person and not a slave, something she was no longer familiar with on this island.

Author:  Ike Haw [ Mon May 25, 2009 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

"It's perfectly safe if you can control your sexual desire. The key I gave opens a door to my home I use while on campus. Basically a pocket dimension which reflects a mortals sexual desire, so if you can control that then you can make the dimension look like whatever you want. “Destra moved back to the windows. Unknowingly Kanoe had struck another one of Destra's memories.

"Despite what you think of me, I'm still a lesser succubus. I'm actually in transition between lesser and full succubus, so I still retain my mortal memories. Once I become a full succubus I'll completely lose my mortal memories. The only desire I will have is to have sex, and feed on spiritual energy. To put things simple you remind me of someone from my mortal past. Granted she didn't look anything like you, but she was a witch. You share that one thing in coming.

Let’s just say I messed up to wind up like this Ms. Kanoe. Your potential only reinforced my desire to teach you. Don't bother trying to find a cure there is none on this plane. Does that satisfy your curiosity?" The entire time Destra's voice was morbid instead of its normal sweet tone.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon May 25, 2009 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

A pocket dimension of sexual desires? She was not sure she would fare to well there. Perhaps she should not have agreed with the demon's home. The situation could put her at a great disadvantage.

The dark witch blinks to the woman's reasons. A lesser succubus? She did not know the difference between the two but it did answer a few questions. Kanoe could only guess that a full succubus would easily swat away her mere mortal powers. But if this woman was just a lesser demon, perhaps this one will be a perfect being to practice her magic with or perhaps even on.

The final words brought forth that familiar chill and dread the witch was familiar with when encountering monsters. She was still slightly curious of why becoming a powerful demon was a mistake. But she deserved the reaction she got, she was prying just like Destra was and thought it best to let it go there.

"Yes," she replies calmly, "Will there be any lessons today or am I free to go now?"

Author:  Ike Haw [ Mon May 25, 2009 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Destra could see the curiosity in the girls. That question in the back of her head wanting to know why, why making a deal to become a powerful demon was a bad idea. She would answer that question any way to put the topic to rest. "I can see it in your eyes you want to know why it was a mistake. I was what you call a less popular girl. People didn't pay attention to me that didn't leave me in a great mental state. Put that together with creatures who raped me, and you get a pretty low self esteem.

There was this one girl that had captured my heart. A young witch I had a few classes with. I was afraid of being rejected, so I never told her how I felt. Then the Succubus who infected me appeared. She offered me the ability to get anyone to like me. I thought I could use that ability to get my crush to like me. Unfortunately what you see before you is the result of that deal. Succubus have no interest in having a permanent lover, so I got the power, but even if I found her I...I could never really have a relationship with her.

The succubus that turned me is reaching the end of her active life span, and I'm her replacement. Once I become a full succubus, she'll turn one of her male toys into an incubus, and spend the rest of eternity in one big orgy. Such is my fate, but I've been delaying it by feeding off the sexual energy of the student body here. I'm not entirely sure I want to go through with this deal."

Destra walked behind Kanoe, and just stood behind the girl with her back to her. "We can go to the pocket dimension if you’re up for learning something today. I forgot to mention the time difference between here and the dimension. One second here is equivalent to half hour in the pocket dimension. It's possible to get a full day’s lesson in, just within 48 minutes here. We could just stay here as well."

Destra's eyes were closed trying to forget her foolish mistake. It had happened so long ago, yet it seemed like yesterday to her. Yes a yesterday that happened a long, long time ago. Now she had an eternity to regret it, or until she folded and became a full succubus.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon May 25, 2009 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

The witch did not want to pry so she did not follow after Destra's explanation. She still did not understand it but it was not her concern being that she was not a demon afterall. What did interest her was the pocket dimension, a place where they can train. Even time could not reach them there. Though the difference would be something she should be careful of unless she wanted to return a year older suddenly.

"Well it was what I was called here for," she answered, "If you are willing to teach me more about magic, I am ready to learn." Destra had been kind enough to make these mostly fair offers. Perhaps this would not be so bad. A day in another dimension, she could handle that right?

Author:  Ike Haw [ Mon May 25, 2009 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seductive Trial (Kanoe)

Destra lightly placed her hand on Kanoe's shoulder. "Then we'll be off for your first lesson." Kanoe would feel an odd sensation, as the two of them crossed into the pocket dimension. The girl would notice a few things off upon arrival. The first was that they were in an open field, and under a tree. The second was that she was obviously bound, and naked.

Her hands were raised in the air connected to a steal ring by a pair of bracelets. The source of the ring and the chain holding it seem to be higher up in the tree. Her right leg was raised revealing her sex to the succubus. The leg was restrained by a leather strap, which had a triangle connector, and a chain going to some place in the tree. Her clothes were scattered about the various branches.

The final thing Kanoe would notice was that it was night out. There was a full moon out given the area a soft lighting, while the stars were clearly visible. There was also a soft breeze that when it came over Kanoe's body, it felt as if she was being groped and fondled. Destra would look around the surroundings and let out a low whistle.

"It appears my student has a very dirty mind. Well I guess I should lay down the ground rules. The first rule is that you can wear whatever you want to these lessons. The only thing I require is that it shows your charms off, or you can come to your lessons naked. The..." Destra was suddenly cut off by a voice. " Like that is going to happen. The ignorant slut wouldn't be caught dead walking the halls naked. "

Destra looked around obviously confused about the voice. Odd it sounded like Kanoe, but she didn't move her mouth. Destra just shook it off as Kanoe trying to play games with her. "My second rule is you can keep some of your modesty, but the rest of it should be thrown out when you come here." The voice would come up yet again.

" Your asking little miss. modesty to let herself go. Ha that's a laugh, she can't even bare to wear anything sexy while around her lover. ” Destra’s head was on a swivel, as she looked for the source of the voice. It was difficult due to it seemingly coming from anywhere. Could there be another soul inside this place. She was obviously getting annoyed at who or whatever was talking.

My last rule is that at any time I get a case of the sever munchies. I will attack and rape anything that will satisfy my hunger. It would be helpful if this happens during your lesson that you don't resist." The voice again picked up, and Destra was obviously now annoyed. " Her not resist for the slut she is. She'll resist with tooth, nail, and even her feet. The slut couldn't even obey those rules, because she's in denial that she just loves to fuck. "

Trying to ignore the voice in the area, but it was rather pointless. "Who ever you are shut the fuck up! I'm trying to give a class here." The voice seems not to reply to what it was just told to do. "Your first lesson is more or less fixing your mana channeling problems. You have a few problems that I noticed. The first thing is your forcing the mana, and your to tense. You need to relax, and allow the mana to flow naturally."

The voice would drum up yet again apparently to taunt Kanoe. " Loosen up, let things flow naturally. Ha ha ha ha. Oh that's a good one she only loosens up, and lets things flow naturally is when she's getting ravaged by one of those monsters. She doesn't even play with herself how pathetic is that? " okay this is getting annoying to a very fine line.

"The second thing I noticed is your incantations have no emotion to them. It seems like you’re just going through the process..." This time before she could even continue the voice rang. " Yup going through the motions just like she enjoys being raped, being submissive, and dominating the student body. Let me out of this infernal prison, and I'll show the ignorant slut who she really is. "

"Fine you want out then I'll let you the fuck out!" It was obvious Destra had reached her last straw. Walking over to Kanoe she plucked a hair out of her head. "Solvo occultus animus, quod tribuo is vultus. Solvo quis est compes quod tribuo is licentia." The hair was tossed into the air, as a magic circle, and cloud of smoke appeared from before. Instead of lifeless golem though something rather different appeared before the two of them.

It looked and sounded like Kanoe, but this version had a bronze tone to her skin. " Ah finally I'm free of that accursed mental prison." The other version of Kanoe would stretch herself obviously not embarrassed she was stark naked. Destra just watched as this version flaunted all of Kanoe's charms. Is it possible that Kanoe dark magic gave rise to this version? A dark Kanoe, a version not afraid to indulge in the darkest of desires.

The dark version of Kanoe would ignore Destra walking right up to her other self. " Well we finally meet face to face my other side. Now what should I do to you, since you obviously can't fight back. " The dark version of Kanoe would slowly circle the dark witch. At one point even slapping Kanoe on the ass. She would finally return to in front of Kanoe, and grab her breast. The groping was anything but gentle the dark version grip was hard, and the motions rough."You like that don't you cum bucket. " Destra just stood there not sure what do. On the one hand she could give this Darker version free reign, or she could restrain it and teach it a lesson in respect. For now she would wait, and see what Kanoe's reaction was.

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