Shokushu High School

Discovery (for Pia)
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Author:  Aegir 2 [ Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

The tentacles upon her ankles had let up as they released the hold they had on her though he kept her wrists bound with his grasp on them. He loved the moans that spilled from her lips as his tongue swirled ceaselessly against her nipple, his mind injecting an "attack" against her as if it where a needle piercing her skin.

It had been a long time since he manipulated a mind like this but he did so now as he pistoned inside her his shaft vanishing part way into the tight canal before sliding out of it as he touched upon silken walls with his appendage.

While he had carved into her with himself his own mind had reached out to her own as he tunneled through neural pathways, looking, looking and at last hitting upon the mass of cerebral matter where she had stored her memories, adding to them. He constructed a vague discovery, her eyes peeling over words of a text, a text containing some knowledge of his kind, the lost city of Atlantis, and how his people stayed out of the limelight of things outside of the exemption of Aegir, who had been known to start wars and other strife that the human race came to know. A little bit of knowledge that had pumped into her mind as he pumped into her body.

This discovery occurring here of all places, in a musty old tome that she had chanced upon in the library.

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

Synapses fired off as Aegir invaded and rearranged Pia's mind. She did not herself understand the process, did not realize that parts of her were being altered.
All she knew was that she was somehow aware of the age of the being violating her, how he had passed down forbidden knowledge and thus doomed a whole civilization.
Pia "recalled" memories mere seconds old, about how she had been carefully leafing though page after page of an old, worn out tome.

Eyes wide with awe and fear, Pia tried to formulate something akin to coherent speech between her desperate moans.
"Ahhh! Why.. ahhhh.. are.. you.. ahhh.. doing this? What.. do you.. aaahh! want, from.. meeeeeee..."

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

Drawing upon her words, Aegir's mouth tendrils swayed and twitched, a telepathic response coming as he projected words into her mind.

You of course. At least in the short term, if you mean in the long term then notoriety, recognition of sorts. Write your book, make mention of me, record me in their annals so that I will be remembered throughout the ages, loved and feared by all who know of me, idolized.

He popped out of her, his cock making an audible sound as it passed out of her into the air. Tentacles had gone up to her shoulders while those on her wrists had been removed. He figured that if she ran or tried anything that he was close enough to lash out with his tentacles if the need had arisen.

The tentacles on her shoulders had exerted a bit of force as he guided her down to her knees, another tentacle creeping between her legs as it flowed against her sex as it rubbed up against her slit, his large cock jutting out towards her lips.

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

A deep sigh of relief emerged from Pia as the cock popped out of her. Relief with a touch of other emotions, as her womanly opening had been quite stimulated, no doubt helped by the way Aegir had manipulated her pleasure centers.

Pia breathed heavily as she was lowered to the ground, her chest rising and falling as air went in and out. Her hearth hammered in hope. Would her ordeal be over so soon?
"But wont that risk the ire of your kind?", she asked. "And-and if I agree to write your story will you.. let.. me.. go.."
The last sentence began with a hopeful note in her voice, rapidly sinking into disappointment as she realized she had been deposited right on from of the erect member, glistening with her own juices.
"Oh, wha..mmmmmm!"
She added, as the tentacle brushed against her tender, yet eager cunt.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

He paused as if reflecting over her words. A story written about him. The thought alone had been too good to be true, but would her written words provoke the ire of his kind on him? Was that not the reason why he came here in the first place?

I already have their ire, that is why I am here, I would be unconcerned with it. As for letting you go ... I'll do it for immortalization.

He did not bring himself any closer as if gauging her response first though of course his tentacle upon her did not cease moving the appendage back and forth against the slit of her body as if ensuring that his tentacle had been well lubricated with her own juices, his mouth tendrils flailing to and fro as if taking in those words into his mind,

Pausing he had thought of his next move thinking upon it for a second longer depending on her next action. It had always been best to be prepared for any outcome nonetheless.

Author:  PiaM. [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

It was not a surprise to her that this monster was a bit self-centered. She had more or less assumed that part.

"Not.. their ire.. oh my.. upon.. you. Their ire.. oh my.. it is hard to.. ire upon me!"
Consentrating upon anything while her pussy was being rubbed and massaged wa turning very hard. One hand was on the ground, supporting her weight as her knees became more and more wobbly. The other was trying to push the tentacle away from her pussy.

If she remebered the text she had read, Aegir's kind guarded their secrets jelaously.
"I wont.. mmm.. by my freedom now.. just to find.. Ahhhh!"

Pia found she was no longer able to keep up. She let her self keel over, her face and chest on the ground and butt in the air, as she sought to use both hands to guard her pussy.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

Dawning had been slow to hit him, seeing that he had a tendacy to think in regards about himself and not others. Eyes took in the prone form before him wanting to do so much, her tightness and warmth cascading over him as he envisioned matters in his mind. Certainly she had felt fantastic wrapped about him, his desire level failed to lower any as he brought a tentacle over her hip smoothing it over an ass cheek. Her hands gripping the tentacle between her legs as he had allowed her to remove it from her bod. He had others that he could bring to bare after all and if it had took both her hands to stop the progress of one tentacle he had known that it had been possible to bring to bare others.

Oh, yes ... you wouldn't be concerned for my being anyway. Oddly, no, they cannot touch you here. Shokushu is beyond their reach though I'd expect that they would try to bring their collective wrath upon the island but couldn't, treaties and all that political stuff that I shan't bore you with.

Aegir retracted his mind from her pleasure centers, at least a little as he looked down upon the girl before him.

I did say thaat I would release but not when.

He nearly grinned, at least his mouth tendrils twitched in a weird way that passed for a grin to his kind.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

Still trying to protect her cunt with her hands, Pia tried rolling over one side. The postion she was currenty in might guard her pussy, but made her ass all the more aviable, she just realized.

That Aegir had ceased his manipulation of her pleasure centers did not cause the effect to cease imedeatly. Her brain was still flooded with endorphines, making her all quivery and not as resisting as she normally would be.

Still, it did allow her to think a bit more clearly. Enough to be allerted to the implications of what Aegir was saying.

"Treaty? What treaty? A treaty between who?"

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

Aegir had gazed at her with those pupil less eyes of his, debating if he should say anything further about the treaty. Not that he had been overly concerned with what he had told her. Tendrils about his mouth twitched and swayed as if caught up in a breeze.

Finally he had come to the conclusion that it would do no harm to him if he had revealed what he had known.

Treaty between this facility and numerous races, demons, monsters, extra dimensional beings, they have made a pact. I'm not privy to all the details though I do know that they allow a certain number of us to hunt her. They go though all the trouble of isolating students, even going so far as to place inhibitors on the island to hinder a humans potetial, limiting their abilities to effectively fight back. Not very sporting ... but my kind can't extract me here, in this place.

He tracked a tentacle over her backside as he reached into her mind at the same moment that he plopped the tip of a tentacle into his mouth, moistening it up seeing that her pussy had been bared to him. Again he found himself rubbing up against those pleasure centers as he took the lubricated tentacle out of his mouth,using the very tip to brush against her anus.

Seeing how it could be useful for her book and his own immortality he continued. Your not even on Earth any longer. The staff had you and our fellow students kidnapped during the plane ride her, or should I say space voyage. They chose a planet that had been as similar to Earth, same sort of atmosphere, a single yellow star, single moon, I'm surprised that no one noted through astronomy that the position of the stars are all wrong. I guess you would have to be looking for such things to note it, the staff here had done a good job in concealing the truth, choosing a system with similar star clusters and constellations. I'm not sure if they discovered a world that way or did some sort of experiment upon the atmosphere to make you perceive that everything is the same. Who knows what they can work up at the labs.

By know he had thought that his tampering would have taken hold. Slowly he had inserted the tip of his tentacle into her backside, even deflating the tentacle so that it hadn't been so thick. His mind monitoring her own as if he actually had been concerned with her comforts in a way.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

What Aegir was saying was mind boggling, to say the least. Almost unbelievable, bit it still had a feeling of truth to it. It did, after all match some of her own experiences. Pia was, off course, familiar with Occam's Razor, the theorem that stated that the simplest explanation were the one that was most likely to be true.
The simplest explanation has been, for a while at least, that she was simply going bonkers insane. This one was dismissed on grounds of physical evidence, bruises, a lack of hymen, torn clothes and such.

Then there was the thing about stars.
But I did notice!, she realized. Not researching astronomy, but researching astrology. The keys of Solomon. How stupid I have been!

Because she had touched upon the truth in her occult research, but had dismissed it.

"Oh no! I will never go home again will I? Never.. ahhh what? No!"
Pia's reverie was interrupted by the more immediate concern of a tentacle probing her ass. It would have been painful, as her anus was quite tight, but with it's slimmer shape and the psionic manipulation, the pain had lessened in favor of the stimuli to her sensitive ring.
"Gah! Ahhh.. you can't.. to tight.. ahh..nooo... OHHHHHH! It's..inside me! A-ahhhhh!"

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

They won't let you return to Earth, eventually you face bing made a slave or worse though you may get lucky and escape alien attacks and such and on the ADD, an organization that combats monsterous kind near her, locate somewhere in space.[./color]

He thought for a moment as the tip of his tentacle invaded her. He had milked in her earlier thoughts and concerns, thoughts of now and placing a little thought into the matter he thought he could deduce her train of though.

[color=#400000]Why to you think some students disappear? Some are taken for experimental procedures at the labs, some are even returned with but usually without any thoughts about their abductions while others are sent into space and preyed upon their. Though I could get you to Earth itself though an interplanar gate, if I so choose to. The only way to travel long distances.

His tendrils curled up into the equivalent of a grin for his species with his last words though it faded as quickly as it came. Just as her words about his size and his invading tentacle in her backside had made upon her ears.

I could bring you back home at least temporarily where you would only have to worry about the actions of humans.

Tentacles reached down to her wrists to pluck her hands from herself. One of his own hands smoothed against the curve of her breast in the same action that his tentacles had moved in.

Author:  PiaM. [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

"Ahh..ahhh.. ahhhh.."

Concentrating was so hard. Her sensitive asshole was being ravished by that tentacle, squirming inside her. Painful, but her anus also had a lot of sensitive nerves, ripe for stimulation, and with the skillful manipulation of her pleasure center, she was close to being flooded by the sensory input.
It would be easy to let herself go. Surrender.

But instead she tried to hang on to what this creature was saying, what he was telling her in her own mind.
Lost memories. That sounded familiar. Too familiar. Had she been to the labs? She believed she had, but her memories were jumbled. And there were other episodes. Missing time.
Oh, hell. How many times have this happened? What have they done to me? She knew from before that her mind had been tampered with, but now realized she had just seen the top of the iceberg.

And then the monster raping her, groping her round breasts and her hard little nipples just as he was fucking her ass said something. Something that gave her hope.

"You can.. ahhh! C-c-can you g-get me back? Ohhh...AHHHH!"
And if he can get me back.. Can he save another one? What would I need to do to make it so?

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

Yes I could bring multiple being back by opening up a sizeable portal. Of course it would require the construction of a conduit of some kind for me to channel my energies in doing so. What would I require to make it so? Why immortality of course. Life within the pages of a book would suffice, a hymn or song passed down throughout the ages even. Who did you have in mind?

While tentacles flourished about her wrists he had first drawn her hands away from her body, the tip of his cock extending out from beneath the mass of tentacles that had comprised of his legs. Ussing the tip he had rubbed against the slit of her body as if getting her ready or perhaps smearing his shaft with her juices. He let out a burbling sensation as he felt the warmth of her body coursing over his length.

The question hd been of course why he would do this, and of course for how long. He supposed that if the deal had been great enough he would indeed make us of this power.

He found his tip brushing against her sex, rubbing first against it then contracting himself as he sank inside her, feeling his tentacle moving within her backside through the thin walls that had separated his tentacle from his cock. At this point he had dialed up her pleasures centers of her mind. Not caring if she was comprehendable or not as he could easily pluck things from her mind, of course this had been easier for him to under take.

Author:  PiaM. [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

"Mmm.. Ahhh.. Oh! Oh my! Ahhhhhhhhh.."

Pia was twisting and writhing as the cock rubbed up against her wet, eager pussy. It was no matter what her mind felt about it, her cunt was ready to welcome the big member.
As it slid inside her, she threw her head back and let out a long, feral howl. If it was defeat or lust was hard to tell.
It was obvious that the double penetration had its effect. With both her holes penetrated, Pia was real tight. Every faction of an inch the cock sank into her brushed against every possible nerve.

"Oh my.. Ahhhhhh.. It's so biiiig...Ah!.. Filling me...Ahhhh-ahhh!"

What was he saying? Oh, he wants to ask who I want to send home!

Pia banished the pair of golden eyes that appeared in her memory. No use pointing the monster towards new victims. Especially not her.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discovery (for Pia)

Perked, Aegir found himself interested in her thoughts. No sense in giving him new victims. But whom did she consider? While he had told her that he would not alter her memories he found himself doing so. He did not alter a thing though he had a quick look through her memories as he felt her keenly against him, his grasping tentacles tightened a little out of instinct, her body sliding against his own as he invaded it.

Hands molded her breasts as they rubbed against those orbs. His fingers seemed more dexterous than a human's despite the lethargic nature of his movements, they roamed over her nipples even playing with them in his grasp as he injected her mind with even more memories about what she had discovered in that musty old tome in the library as if her recall about such information had been flawless, eidetic even. More about his kinds ecology had entered into her mind with tantalizing bits of knowledge about gates.

Dimensional objects that could be used as a conduit for their power, that let one travel from world to world or dimension to dimension as the case may be. Something that they had learned long ago before the human race had been a speck of dust forming in the cosmos of their universe, the technique passed down from individual to individual throughout the ages.

Stone Henge had been one such structure that had been used as a gate in the distant past and even occasionally in the future. His kind's telekinetic abilities serving to help construct such a monolith though the conduit did not have to be so grand provided that the ley lines, the raw magical power in the land had been strong enough. And Shokushu had plenty of strong ley lines due to its very nature.

You feel good around me, nice and tight, plump breasts, mmm ... yes, I can feel the heat of your body wrapped about me.

His pace began to grow quicker though his shaft within her only went so far as if holding himself in check in some nature, refraining from splitting her in half or bringing any sort of injury upon her, though he knew that that had not been a great concern for many or the beasts that dwelled here on this island.

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