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 Practice (for Follower) 
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The flow of tears increased as those phantom sensations at the back of her head focused in on her earlier torments. Being submissive by nature many of them had not been bad … especially her first sentient being as far as she could tell, Kakumaoh though his appearance had scared the hell out of her at first she had come to accept it and didn't mind him or her Mistress Ania. She was being groomed for the role of her slave after all.

Some of her experiences were bad. There was the bizarre experiment in the lab with that girl that called herself Sunshine, all in all that could have been worse as Sunshine saved her from the brunt of all that. There was that black slime that savaged her just as brutally and worse on the pain level was the combination of Etolie and Tidal. It was mostly the later though Etolie did brake her hand to add to the misery she was feeling from that broken jaw.

Her own thoughts turned darker though, modifying her memory at least in the short term. Being rejected by her Mistress was one thing that hurt her to the core and many of her memories twisted those encounters.

Mistress! NOOOO! She cried out in her head as her body continued to be abused. If her mouth had not been stuffed full she would have grimaced in pain with the feel of bone being dissolved once again.

The Demon! It had hurt her in so many ways. Ania had said she had killed it though she never seen the body of that hulking brute that had carved a claw into her ass each time it came as if providing a record. It was abnormally large to the point there was no way it could have fit with her surviving the ordeal at least. Thankfully she black out during all that but there was no telling what it did.

Now at each shadow it lingered. She pressed her eyes closed so as not to see it though it was all she could envision, that hulking brute in no more than a loin cloth.

The tentacle on her throat did not constrict though right now she was too caught up with her darker thoughts to pay it much attention or even the tightening of the tentacles on her limps that pulled them taught. It was forcing her to her climax, dealing with beings like Ania and Kakumaoh caused her to build up quite a bit of stamina it had found.

She continued to whimper out against the tentacle that had been muffling her all the while.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:35 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Every cry and outburst spurred the tentacles on, exciting them with her shrill voice. They plowed into her, indifferent to her building climax, twisting and pumping greedily. Her holes had been stretched as far as they could, and yet the things still felt massive inside her. Her body couldn't adjust to their savage movements, but they never gave pause for her to recover.

Her memories swirled into a vortex of rape and abuse. Pain and fear and helplessness flooded her senses. Her perception of the present bled into her past, and her perception cut between her memories and her present violation, feeling everything but almost watching it from a distance. She remembered her mistress. Pain shot through her brain, and Mistress turned her back. She left Rhaine alone, and then everything is despair and darkness. Her body floated in blackness, twisting helplessly as an invisible force violently fucked her. The demon was all around her, but she couldn't move, couldn't run. She could only watch herself, the unseen assailants raping her, throwing her around and pillaging her, using her. She felt pain that was hers, and pleasure that wasn't, as her orgasm steadily built in her core, burning with need.

More tentacles wrapped around her body, holding her in complete submission. She couldn't move, couldn't even squirm. They started to squeeze, compressing her ribs and stomach, making it hard to breathe. The tentacles around her limbs constrict tighter and tighter, until they're stressing her very bones. They pull against her arms, as if ready to pull her arms from her shoulders at any second. And still they take her, the tentacles pillaging her sensitive pussy and young anus, held in place to be fucked senseless.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:20 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The liquid … it had to be some sort of drug … realization was slow to arrive and even when it had their was no denying the pain she felt or the very fact that the Demon may have lingered there. She had never gotten a sense of it's abilities other than thinking it was a savage brute bent on pain.

The very thought that it was lurking nearby … waiting to simply collect the scraps … it had stolen her away to that cave last time and it had kept her there at least over night before Ania found her.

Forced to endure those thrusts as the tentacles continued to push into her she cried out again as she felt the further tightening of the thing as it pressed against her ribs and secured her motionless causing an ache in her bones and pain at her joints mainly her shoulders, wrists, ankles and upper thighs …

Her own body betrayed her as she clenched down on that tentacle as it forced her to experience an orgasm against the cloud of this darker despair that rushed through her brain, screams o pain and pleasure mixing together as it savaged her, keeping her still as it plowed into her small frame.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:19 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The tentacles were undeterred by the sudden clenching of her walls. If anything, the trickle of her juices enticed them, and they pushed harder to overcome the increased friction as they stretched her convulsing tunnel apart again. The arms might as well have been a beast weighing hundreds of pounds, slamming into her body and rocking her with each thrust. The tentacles moved with alternating timing, one filling her pussy to its limits, only to leave it as the other stretched her ass wide open. No part of her was left to rest, there was no relief. Only the endless thrusting and groping, her violation continuing on and on without any regard for her body's limits.

She didn't know if this was a drug. She felt alert, present, yet her thoughts were not her own. Like the echoes of her thoughts were swallowing the mind that had made them in the first place, leaving only fear and pain. Whatever the case, the tentacles seemed to be responding directly to her memories, growing more vicious and more dangerous the more danger she imagined. The arms were strong, as evidenced by the force tearing into her young sex. And even though it hadn't done anything but rape her so far, it didn't seem like they had many inhibitions to do so. Did it think she wanted the pain? If she couldn't control her thoughts, things might start to go even worse.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:42 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
It was impossible or her to try to redirect her thoughts, not that she had thought that they were responsible or this as she was overloaded with fear and as a consequence pain so intense and greater than any she had revisited upon her as she was forced to relive what had happened, what hadn't happened and what it was doing all at once.

It was more forceful now too as it plunged into her, her body pressed one way then back as the tentacle in her ass pushed her against the other. It was really the only movements that she had been allowed other than keeping her eyes pressed closed as that fear grew, o fearing seeing the Demon again after all this was over, if it ever was for she did not know it's motivations for this at all and could not understand … her fingers balled up into fists, fingernails piercing her palms as she continued to cry out in pain as it force her through this orgasm, not yet content.

And when it was done it could very well kill her or all she knew. The pressure on her joints had been intense and close to breaking or at least it felt as if it were going to tare her apart and the past pains that had been visited upon her kept her in utter agony where her thoughts could only observe what came to her rather than display any active control over the images that came.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:12 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
As her thoughts spin further and further out of her control, the tentacles go with her. Her fears and memories of pain became a goal for the monstrous appendages, and they obliged. The wrapped tighter and tighter. The ones around her left arm were especially tight, causing her once-shattered hand to tingle as her nerves are stressed. It pulled harder, and harder. Suddenly, the tentacles pulled in different directions on her left arm, and the bone gave. She could hear the snap in her forearm as it splintered, and a second later pain shot through her whole arm.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:31 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
She screamed, her eyes shooting open, despite her fears of seeing the Demon lurking there in the shadows. The bone snapped before the bone dislocated from the shoulder or her arm was torn of though the pressure still remained in the other limbs as it pressed into her beyond her first orgasm as if it was seeking out even more.

Her body convulsing, her vision growing dark and hazy yet she was still conscious trying to remain that way like a child struggling to stay awake as she was deathly afraid that she would never wake up but the memory of that broken jaw combine with memories of the broken hand and now the very real braking of that forearm as it pulled simultaneously in two separate directions as the hot brands of it's tentacles drove in deep and savagely filling her to capacity without taring her in half though it had felt that way.

It was suffocating too with the tentacles on her chest restricting her breathing. The screams made it worse as she used up precious air as her heart hammered in her chest seeming ready to burst.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:56 pm
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The tentacles only moved faster as she screamed loudly, unaware of or indifferent to her arm's breaking. They continued to pound her ass and pussy, slide between here sore tits and fill her mouth with their foul mass. They rocked her body, agitating the already-broken arm. They were swarming over her small frame now, jerking her effortlessly from side to side, though the tentacles around her limbs still held tight, pulling her in all directions. There seemed almost to be no rhyme or reason to how they moved her now - it was all a frenzy as they sought desperately to fuck her harder.

Then they moved her wrong. She only had a second to feel her right arm move in a different direction than the rest of her, before the whole limb dislocated, popping out of its shoulder socket with a sickening sound. Even as it twisted unnaturally, the tentacles never slowed or reacted. She was like a ragdoll to the arms now - her breaking body as subject to their whims and careless motions as her violated sex. They tightened around her torso, constricting her breathing even further, until she heard another splintering and pain shot through her as one of her ribs cracked. Still the tentacles impaled her on and on, using her like a helpless fucktoy.

And they used her to what was now the only possible conclusion. As the tentacles reached an impossible pace inside her, a bulge began to run through their mass. If she'd had the presence of mind, she could have felt a hole open on the tip of the tentacle in her mouth. The bulges traveled down the lengths of all of the tentacles pumping into and against her, pushing inside her entrances. In a sudden, coordinated movement, all three tentacles inside her pushed as deep as they could go, hitting against her cervix and her large intestine and the back of her throat. A moment later, they each released a flood of warm, thick liquid inside her. She felt it flow into her womb and her anus, and flowing down her throat into her stomach. Some of it came back up, and she could taste it. It was sour and bitter and foul, and it clung in her throat.

As she was pumped full, another bulge moved between her breasts, and a second later the green liquid sprayed over her chest and face in a long, uninterrupted stream. The disgusting smell filled her nose and stung her eyes. The tentacle in her slit squirmed and twisted, and slowly began to withdraw as it filled her to capacity. Still streaming its load, it pulled out of her battered pussy, a stream of foul ooze following it, flowing across her walls warm and sticky. It withdrew and angled itself at her crotch, carpeting her lower body with its ejaculate. Even the dozens of tentacles that wrapped around her begun to ooze the same substance slightly, quickly covering her in a thin coating of the warm goo.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:29 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Another scream followed another, that broken arm inflamed further with each touch and pull it made. The right shoulder and arm disjointing as she heard a popping sound telling her it was dislocated. It was a surprise that the limp had not been torn off though the vice-like grip on her chest had been like a constrictor snake crushing the life out of her until a rib burst.

It became impossible to breath as spunk fired into her face and smeared her nose. More was forced down her throat forcing her to gag and even wretch but with the tentacle there there was no place for it to go and she was choking on her own vomit induced by this bitter tasting substance that filled her up as seed poured out of her as it drew free along with some blood given the internal damage it had caused her.

There was that panic within her, the lack of breath that caused her field of vision to darken. She had great lung capacity but given that it took her mouth so savagely and she had been caught up in this overall pain she could not breath with her nose so covered and throat filled. Even if freed she would have been hard pressed to clear the slime from her face. Her eyes burning given some of the slime getting into them.

If freed with one dislocated arm and the other broken she would have been hard pressed to clear some of that slime away and suspended there her true panic set in sensing that the end was open her as consciousness from lack of air hit her, her body still clenching and quivering in response to the orgasm she had been driven too despite it all.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:26 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Even though she struggled for air, the tentacles held themselves inside her passages, as if basking in the afterglow of their discharge. Darkness continued to creep in on her, consciousness slowly fading. Just as she was nearing her physical limit, the tentacle in her mouth squirmed and withdrew. A second later, the tentacles around her upper body squirmed, and began to loosen. The arm around her neck vanished. They uncoiled quickly, and after a few seconds of them rubbing against her skin, all the support for her upper body vanished. Her head and torso fell backwards with a sickening lurch. Her legs and abdomen were still gripped by the tentacles and held aloft, leaving everything above her waist to hang backwards, upside down and under the sway of gravity. Her limbs surged with pain as they jerked to a stop, and burned as they hung limply at the sides of her head. She could see the ground almost two dozen feet below. Several moments passed as she hung inverted in the air. Her bruised breasts swayed softly beneath her chin. The goop that covered her was thick, and refused to drip away, but at least the fluids blocking her breathing could drain away.

But if Rhaine had dared to hope that the worst was behind her, she was soon disappointed. The tentacles proved to be unsatisfied, as after several moments, a new tentacle appeared from nowhere and surged into her battered, cum-stained pussy, thrusting itself all the way inside in one sudden, brutal movement. It began thrusting roughly in and out of her, even as more tentacles approached her from behind.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:56 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
She dangled there without the strength to even cover her head should she be let go. Each breath threatened to cause her lungs to burst though she had been released in part. Trying to gain her breath after wretching forth her lunch and some of the bile that made it to her stomach rather than stubbornly clinging to the lining of her esophagus and mouth. She was coughing up a storm when she noticed even more tentacles coming into view.

Eyes wide, she did not know if they were separate creatures of one in the same at this stage.

“GOD NO!” But it did not matter as if force itself inside her quite suddenly causing her unobstructed screams to pick up where they had left of.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:16 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
The tentacle forced itself into her, taking her as savagely as the first one had, although not yet as quickly. The force of its thrust traveled through her body, shaking her dangling body with one hard impact after another. Her broken arms ached with each shake. Some of the goo left in her tunnel was pushed out by the pumping of the tentacle as it stretched her open.

Then the tentacle in her anus began to twist, and it finally pulled itself from her tired asshole, drawing a considerable amount of the ooze with it. Its exit felt bizarre, like she'd just emptied her bowels while hanging upside down.

Her intestines weren't given time to adjust or return to their original circumference. Immediately, a second tentacle took the place of the first, sliding between her cheeks and pushing back inside her anus. This time its entrance was lubricated by the discharge from the previous tentacle, but she could still feel herself being stretched by its bulbous head. It tunneled into her and began thrusting in and out in alternating time with the tentacle in her sex. The movements caused her to swing and shake frequently, shuddering under the tentacles' constant thrusts.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:34 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
Each jolt into her swollen pussy sent fire shooting through her, each movement utter agony to those broken limps that buzzed with intense heat. Her breathing in broken rasps between her sobs as she still struggled to breath against the ache that had been flowing through her.

Relief. It was only for a moment as it drew out of her ass replacing itself before she could get use to the feeling of emptiness. It drew out some of that ooze as it left though the next had been eager to take it's place.

With blood rushing to her head she was battered between the invading tentacles. Her screams little more than choked off sobs as it grew far too difficult or her to breath given the cracked rib even though she was no longer being constricted by it.

All the while she could see the ground below with stung eyes until the pain became unbearable. Just … just drop me already ... A cracked skull from this height would bring an end to the pain she was feeling throughout her broken body. It hurt to breath, to move or be moved and she yearned for an end to it all.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:58 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
It didn't drop her, and no relief came. Only the ongoing, relentless hammering, again and again into her. Her body was left to dangle, free to rock under the effects of gravity and the thrusts and the involuntary convulsions that her violation brought on. It used her, never seeming to reach satisfaction. No tentacles entered her mouth, but several moved to stroke her face, rubbing against her cheeks and chin. Even if her voice had diminished, the excitement of the tentacles had remained. Her breasts were left to hang freely for a while. Then, tentacles slithered over them, and began roughly molding and massaging them, pulling them and moving them in circles. They handled her breasts roughly, though it was nothing compared to the raging churning inside her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
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Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:09 am
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Post Re: Practice (for Follower)
It all became too much for her young mind to process. Her voice raspy barely louder than a choking gasp as she struggled to draw air. Her chest burning and each jolt bring excruciating pain through her to the likes that she did not understand. Why was she being taken so roughly? When would that end come?

Her head throbbed with the rush of blood rushing through it. Rough tentacles grasped and pulled at her breasts turning them a reddish pink coloration as they tugged though it was nothing in comparison to the hot brands that sliced through her body at both ends.

Pain washed over her senses as she was taken thoroughly like this. At first the pain was great enough to keep her conscious but thankfully that was no longer the case. She had given up in both mind and body as she was pushed to that brink. To that brink she was pushed as another orgasm tore through her though it was forced and no pleasure could be taken from it against the pain that diluted the pleasure just as the abundance of water in a lake consumed a drop of iodine. It was just too much or her to process as her mind became overwhelmed.

“Ugg! Ahhhhhh!”
Weak sounds fall from her lips the ground below and additional tentacles that had yet to swarm over her had been the last thing that her conscious mind say as it all faded to black against those probing tentacles to her face that moved against that shattered body ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:03 am
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