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 Teacher, an apprintice and something else (Clarice and...) 
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Kanoe listens patiently to Keemari's lecture about the elements. Though she knew light and darkness can be perceived as elements, she never consider to be in the same mix as the natural four...or five depending on the culture. But, just because it is a dimension doesn't mean it can be channeled. She finds it difficult to comprehend channeling metal as a spell. Sorting out the people she knew, that left herself knowing basic dark and fire abilities. Aleace knew light elements. Clarice knew how to control the four base elemental types. The timid girl she met at the garden, Saria could be consider able to channel wood or the life element. Keemari seems to be a druid so it would be safe to assume he knew the base elements as well as wood perhaps. Does Shokushu attract gifted students on purpose? She doubts Keemari would reveal such knowledge about the school's intentions.

"The other dimensions might effect our magic but," Kanoe began softly, "Controlling the balance of all of them seems like a unreasonable task for mortals to do correct? How am I suppose to mediate the large well of elements that make up the planes?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:31 am
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I smirk. "No, that's not what I meant. The balance is not meant to be kept by us, merely that the balance can affect our magic as is. The balance is mantainted by a Matricah of each realm. The light and Dark have kings and have a more meaningfully title to us mere mortals as you could say. But depsite there names, in the end it's a matter of how we use our powers. Now the lesson is that if your power is weakened with no apparent reason the realms might be off. Also you need to know about them if you wish to sign a contract and truely summon powerful beings." I tell them.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:37 am
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Clarice shivers at the remembrance of the being Kanoe had summoned. She was sure conjuring powerful beings were suppossed to aid you in some way. Somehow that ended up backfiring.

"Conjuring powerful beings seems to be a rather not so easy task for us. I think I've only conjured once and...nothing happened. Kanoe here was able to summon something, though its so out of control. I'm not exactly sure if we should bring things to our realm and world just to do our bidding. Doesn't seem very efficient."

She looks over to Kanoe and couldn't help, but give a nervous smile to her. She was pretty sure she would be thinking about that being she summoned as well. She leans over and whispers in her ear,
I'm finding it rather odd we have alot of witches here don't you? Maybe the school is up to something..."


Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:50 am
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"In order to control a summoned being you must at least for the moment you bring and then bind the creatures will to you must have three things to make sure you have control. One is to sign a blood contract, sometimes this is simply a matter of pressing your blood to get there service, or you will have to offer something to get there service or be on par with them, the second is to have a pact with the creature, something of a friendship one might say. The third is to summon the creature into a binding circle of some kind where your powers are greater or equal to his and force it into submission." I tell them.

"The act of summoning is a high level skill, but with great results. A summoned being depending on the type can be more effective then three or even ten of you... that includes myself in those caculations. The main point is that the realms of magical elements are something one must be aware. Often magical words are really just the native lauguage of that realm." I tell them

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:01 pm
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She nods slowly to Clair's comment in her ear. Now, it's not like every student in the school was magically adept and in most cases thank god such fools cannot. But, since her arrival to this island, she has met about four people or monster that are able to channel mana into spells. For someone who met zero and lived in a heavily populated city, it was quite a large increase. But, there was little she can do about it now. Even if Keemari knew something about it, he was a member of Shokushu's staff. Does the school know they have a druid as a teacher here?

Kanoe could not help but feel guilty when Clarice mentioned her summon that went out of control. And now Keemari was giving a lecture on how it's a very high level and difficult skill. That only made her feel like a bigger fool for trying to do it for so long. Even before Shokushu, she had been trying to summon creatures through the rituals she manages to translate in her tome. She did not know anything about the realms he mentioned showing her growing ignorance. All she had was that book that she stumbles along with the translations. It mentioned some things about the demon realm but nothing that really helps with the rituals themselves. Suppose the blood she has used is not good enough to be considered on par with demonic creatures.

"Do you know all the languages?" She asks thinking perhaps that will help some.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:35 pm
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"I am well versed in laguage of the metal, wood, wind, water, fire, and earth laugauges. I'm a novice in the dark and light realms laugauge though. Why I was teaching Clarice here the lauguage of the wood relm." I tell them as I had told Clarice to read, understand, and learn the lauguage of the plants here.

"It is really a sight to see such high level spells being used by novice, but then again it's no suprise. It's not like the spells themself have any diffculty settings or warning attached to them and without a teacher you girls would have no way of knowing." I tell them.

I looked them over they seemed to be both eating up this info and at the same time in distress over there lack of skills in the area. I ran my hand through my white hair in human form now of course. "However, if you apply yourself I'm sure you'll do well. Although this place seems to have a lack of mana so it'll make it harder for you to do spells." I tell the two as my way of explaining away the devices that dampened a humans abilties here.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:01 pm
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Clarice took in the information as best as possible. She remebered fully what Keemari had spoken to her of and had actually began to read...until something happened that her mind seems to be blocking. Sensing Kanoe's emotions turn to a guilty and foolish factor, she reaches over and grasps her hand with support. She smile softly with a sympathetic look before her head turns back to her mentor.

"I only know bits and pieces of the closest elemnets. Fire, water, wind, and earth. I...actually didn't know darkness and light were elements either," she truthfully explins with a blush of in emberrassemnt. What she had in stregnth she lacked in knowledge. Blood pacts, rituals, animal sacrafices were all fairly knew to the woman. her best sacrafice was a doll and a bear during her childhood and that certainly didn't work out.

"I kind'ave thought our abilities were dampened here. But...perhaps it makes better training for when we achieve our goals and graduate from here?"


Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:08 am
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The witch lowers her gaze some as her hand closes around Clair's. Her cheeks were a bit flushed at her lover's concern. No matter when or where, Clarice was always there to comfort her. Kanoe bites her lip before finally regaining her composure. She did not know that elements themselves had a written language. She thought it was just a generic language of runes that made up her tome.

Compared to Clarice, she lacked much more than her. She had a great amount of power but lacked both knowledge and control. She gently squeezes Clair's hand when the woman began to show her own embarrassment. Kanoe did not know that everything was all pooled together in what was known as the elements. Even what rituals she did she knew little about. She just followed the instructions as best as her crude translations would allow, like reading a cookbook when that person had only just learned how to read.

"Our magic is...dampened?" Kanoe blinks, "I don't feel any different."

Her sense of magic was one of her worst traits. The most she will feel whenever magic is channeled near her is perhaps a slight tingling sensation or sense of unease. It takes an amount of concentration for her eyes to adjust to see mana threads in the area and far more to learn to manipulate them. She felt no resistance beyond normal when she attempts to channel her mana or use her magic. She didn't even think their was reduced mana on the island. Kanoe always felt like she had a large well of energy though she ends up wasting much of it due to her lack of control. But, how much was her magic really reduced while being here? Is this why monsters shrug off her attacks at times? She was unsure if she was grateful or upset about this. With her lack of control, she has hurt herself rather badly by her own spells. Her singed fingers gently rub together as she lost herself in thought. Was the dampening the only thing keeping her from killing herself?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:37 pm
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"Well I think that's enough of a lecture for today. I'll field any questions you ladies have now." I tell them as I see them deep in thought, each for there own reasons, a lack of power, the desire to have more, to protect one another. In the end any of these or whatever they were thinking of might be mute points with the campus loaming over them. Still I would enjoy teaching them and the other benfits.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:46 pm
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"Just two from me. Why...are you helping either of us this much? I know you got something from me which leads me to my second question. Your not going to...NEED anything from are you?"

She tries not to seem so nosy, but Kanoe was her bussiness certainly as she was to her. If Keemari needed to to have sexual interaction with her lover, it may not turn out good for her small selfishness in keeping the woman to herself.


Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:53 am
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I shrug slightly. "Right now Kanoe is merely hearing the lesson I would give your Clarice, so for your first question she is merely benfitting from your deal. So at this particular moment she has no obligation to pay me back in any form what so ever. However if she wishes to recieve more training, real training like what I give you, then she too will have to make a pact with me of her own accord." I answer her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:46 am
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"Real training?" Kanoe murmurs to herself.

She had no intention of paying him back for this lesson. Though the knowledge was useful, it was not going to help her against future monster attacks right now. Was she called to attend this lesson just to be baited in as another of Keemari's students? That was slightly annoying but, how much further can she really get alone? Though he is a druid, he still knows much more about magic than both Clair and herself. The difference in skill between Kanoe and her lover would only get larger if she continues as she is now.

"What are the terms of this pact?" She asks.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:31 pm
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I smirk at her. "What's with the slight scowl. Trafficing with demons surely the things they ask for would seem small compared to what I ask for." I tell her as I then lean back in my chair.

"However Kanoe the teaching of magical arts is a rare skill as I'm sure you've relized. To atain magical arts there are four methods or things considered to be for an apritince. One is a masters will to pass on his knowledge to a skilled student who can continue his work. Since nether one of you wish to be a druid that does not apply, number two is to train an indidvudual to fight for them, to became a zealot, diciple, whatever you want.

Once again it does not apply. Reason three for a master to teach is for an exchange of skills between two sorcess schools to futher the knowledge one has. Once again, it does not apply.

Now finally at number four is that of a master taking on an apprentice in what is called indendtured servitdude. Which basicaly means I provide teachings for your services which is why I told Clarice before it's one of the reasons you hear about masters taking on handsome men or beautiful women. Which is the deal we came to with Clarice. Now if you can think of something else you can provide me with other then your body I'll take that into consideration. THe choice is yours." I tell Kanoe spelling out for them that this was not smething I was taking advantage of, it was merely the way of teaching in magical schools with few exceptions.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:43 pm
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Clarice would have to pick her jaw up from the ground if she could. Wide open with utter shock she was finding words hard to come out. Hearing these lines and ways Kanoe would have to grow stronger was just...torture.

"S-So...Kanoe would have I'm sorry, but there's way for me to stand here and allow it. I can't do that. I know its not my desiscion...b-but..." she tries to answer but it just made her look like a blubbering fool. Her eyes turn to kanoe for help in getting words out, but what if she wanted this? What she wanted...

She shakes her head and grasps it in her hands. It was so stressful to hear such things. She was at a loss of words to say the least at the moment. But slowly words began to click in her mind, even though they were filled with pauses.

"This is giving me a migrain. I can't give you Kanoe like that. But...but its her choice in the matter, whether I disagree or not. I know that..."


Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:41 pm
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Kanoe's jaw clenches at the only option available to her and Clarice. Her lover had accepted the term, she already knew this. But hearing it from him still dealt a wound to her heart. What made it worse was she was ready to give anything to become stronger, strong enough to fight off the monsters. Things are different now. Her actions are not just for her anymore but for the woman that was right now trying to protect her from this fate. She was torn between her lover and her magic. How will she even protect Clarice if she does not grow from her current ability? Kanoe gently takes Clair's hand, giving it a squeeze. She could feel her cheeks growing warmer as she lowers her gaze away from both student and teacher.

"You made this choice as well," She says softly, "I don't want to be weak anymore. We're not ordinary students like the others and we should not be raped like they are. But..." Her hand squeezes tighter, "If..If you do not want me to join you in these lessons...I understand."

She did her best to remain calm. She could feel her body tensing up, knowing that no matter what choice she makes, Clarice will be servicing this man. Kanoe did not want to give Clair away either but she never had the chance to stop her love from making this choice. So many thoughts tore at her mind. This one could have the answers she needs to finally get past the wall that prevents her from growing. The door was open and all she had to do was walk through it. But no, she must stay where she is...for Clair's sake.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:04 am
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