Shokushu High School

Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally) (Done)
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Author:  Ally [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

She at seeing the girl become confused. But deep down she was starting to like her ditsy behavior, although she would never admit it.

"N-nevermind. You've probably been here for so long you just forgot is all. You need to calm down or you'll hurt yourself," she comments, trying very hard not to sound too concerned for her.

Author:  Violett Small [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Violett nodded, trembling softly as she forced herself to take another step forward, trying to look brave. She didn't want Allyson to worry.

"That kind of thing always happens at school, right? I... I probably missed summer classes entirely and didn't even know it..."

Clearly, she wasn't convinced.

"I... I guess it might just be that I can't rember because I'm all worked up. I'll remember soon, I'm sure."

She smiled nervously.

Author:  Ally [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

"No sense in brooding over what you can't remember," she points out, as if trying to reassure her. And she thought she had problems, apparently you can forget a whole entire summer but for Violett that didn't seem to far far-featched. She seemed a little ditsy.

"By the way...about your clothes..." she begins, looking ehr up and down in quite viewable concern.

Author:  Violett Small [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Violett nodded a little, drawing in closer and smiling shyly.

"I know, but I can't face my roomates yet... I need to calm down. The good news is there's no pebblesor anything on this sidewalk...."

She held out a hand, looking back as she kept walking. "Would you like to hold hands?"

Author:  Ally [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

She nods slowly, still not finding her appearence a little bit uncomfortable. The hand stretched out to her made her cheeks redden deeply and she forces her head to the side, away from Violett.

"W-why would I w-want to do that?" she tries to say without stuttering much.

Author:  Violett Small [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Violett withdrew her hand, blushing deeply.

"You're right," she said dejectedly. "It'd give people the wrong impression..."

Hanging her head in shame, Violett staggered on ahead, barely paying any attention to where she was going until she tripped over an abandoned shoe.

"Yipe! Ow..."

Tumbling on the sidewalk, Violett winced, rubbing her knee... She'd skinned it, but nothing serious.

Looking back to see what she had tripped over, Violett's face dropped in horror.

Scattered on the pavement was a discarded, tattered school uniform, buttons popped off, skirt torn.

Lookining up she saw the undergarments that had been worn with that outfit flung over the back of a nearby bench. The panties looked as if...

No... Don't think things like that...

"M...Maybe we should go the long way...." Violett stammered.

Author:  Ally [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Having paid much attention to infront of her, Ally was only able to turn her head and watch Violett fall. She winced at hearing the thud she made, feeling a bit at fault for making the girl lose her attention.

She bends down to inspect her wounded knee and makes a 'teh' from it. It wasn't bad, but a bandage would be needed. Her eyes wander to where Violett's had gone and they widen. What were school uniforms doing out here? And not only that, they looked as if they had...been ripped off.

"What-what the this?" she stammers, gripping her cross absentmindly. The panties were what made her cheeks redden. What happened here?

Author:  Violett Small [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Violett turned, then grabbed Ally's hand.

"I think whatever it is, it's already got its girl... Think, Violett, think... It wouldn't have gone far... Try to sneak by and hope it doesn't notice more victims, or make a run for it?"

She looked into Ally's eyes, shuddering.

"Anyway, about the monsters... We need to have a chat once we get to cover..."

Author:  Ally [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Eyes widen when she utters the word 'monster' again. Glancing back at the clothes then back at the girl, she shook her head in disbelief.

"Y-You mean, you weren't lying? These clothes...are from a girl that being attacked by...a monster?" she asks, still not fully able to believe this turn of events.

Author:  Violett Small [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Violett grabbed Ally's hand, dashing towards the library. Fear glistedened in her eyes like wildfire as she made eye contact with Ally.

"You really wanna wait and ask them yourself?!"

Author:  Ally [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Being pulled by a small girl wouldn't of really made her budge, but she took the situation in and speeds up only to find that Violett was still going too slow. With a 'tch' she began to pull her hard behind her until they reached the inside of a building. Turning a corner, she hold herself there pressing Violett against her chest as she catches her breath.

She slowly brings her head about to check the scene and then pulls back, breathing short and hard, still holding the girl close to her chest with arms gently wrapped around her. She wasn't really paying much attention to what she was doing and was acting out purely on instinct, which was to protect she felt was defenseless.

Author:  Violett Small [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Gasping and panting, Violett ran, huffing and puffing and whimpering until she felt Ally pull her along. Opening her eyes, she looked forward, then sighed with relief as her new friend pulled her into the building.

"You... You really meant it... Has anyone ever called you their hero before?"

Violett smiled bashfully, gazing into Ally's eyes... And then looked around.

"Oh! We're here... Welcome to the library! Um... Maybe I should stick around to walk you back, you probably wern't paying attenion to where you were going when you got here."

Author:  Ally [ Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

She sighs with relief, adrenaline still going through as fast as it could. But regaining her thinking she looks down to see Violett's face...being hugged between her breasts.

She immediatly lets her go and steps away while looking to where she had been running to. So this was the library? She didn't realize they were so close, but then she was running for dear life. She had no idea how far she gone but at least they were safe from...whatever it was. She didn't even think about the girl that was being attacked as she step forward, turning her head to her with a monotone expression.

"There's no need for thanks. Any ways I came to library for a map so I'lll be able to find my way back," she reassures, but pauses as she steps off to the library. She was cold, but leaving Violett by herself and could possibly be attacked...that would be cruel.

" shouldn't be by yourself. Come on," she ussers with a a wave of her hand, bidding her to come along.

Author:  Violett Small [ Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

Violett blushed, smiling shyly as she followed along.

"That... um... was kind of an exciting rescue, she stammered.

Looking around, she followed Ally, pondering.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking... How'd you find the dorm... and, um... Is the name thing a sore subject?"

Author:  Ally [ Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl (For Ally)

"Glad you enjoyed yourself," she replies, meaning nothing by it. She was already looking at the receptionist desk for a map of some sorts when two question were aksed.

"How did I find the dorm? I followed the flight of stairs. it wasn't difficult."

The second one made her blink in annoyed confusion. She turns her head and shakes it.

"If it were a sore subject I would've let you know by now," she answers.

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