Shokushu High School

Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)
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Author:  Kanoe [ Mon May 25, 2009 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

"Mmmph!" she squeals as the hot surge of molten seed shoots up deep inside her being. The monster's climax triggers her third as she rears back, her juices mixing with the monster's. Kanoe sucks deeply on the tendril, tasting the creature's precum within the swollen appendage. Toes curl and uncurl slowly as she clings tighter around the spider. The venom had worn off but she was still left with a blazing inferno within her belly that showed no signs of dousing.

The witch was breathing heavily through her nose but her hips continued to buck. Her stamina had improved greatly since their last encounter. One of the first things Natsuki did for the student's training was improve her athletic ability. Her more toned and lithe form was a product of that.

Author:  Siferus [ Mon May 25, 2009 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

Siferus was pleasantly surprised as Kanoe continued to fuck him. In the past, she'd be done by now. He decided to test her limits and where they lie now. The tendril climaxes into her mouth, spraying streams of warm, sticky cum down her throat before pulling itself out. His cock also pulled out, setting the dark witch on her knees in front of him.

How about another taste of this? He teased.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon May 25, 2009 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

"Mmmm..." her groans vibrate through the tendril in her mouth as it continues to swell. She began swallowing as the appendage spasms, spewing a hot load of monster seed down her throat. The excess dribbles out of the corners of her mouth as she takes in as much as she could.

The witch was allowed a small moment of rest as she was pulled off Siferus's cock and set on the floor. Her body sways in a daze as hot seed oozes from her abused cunt. A slight swell could be seen in the woman's belly from the amount of seed pumped into her body. She groans softly as her eyes could only see the still swollen trunk that was the beast's cock. Her body was trying to cool itself but her insides continue to tense and contract hungerly. She knew she should not resist but slowly, she tears her gaze away. Her mouth waters for another taste but she had to keep the sense she managed to recover somehow.

Author:  Siferus [ Wed May 27, 2009 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

Siferus watched as the witch struggled to tear her gaze away from his swollen cock. She looked to be weary. He decided to back away and give her time for the afterglow, letting her recover enough stamina to stand, his cock bouncing playfully with each movement, playing with the mind of the sultry spellcaster.

You ready for more now, dear Kanoe?

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed May 27, 2009 4:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

The spider granted her a small mercy by backing away. Her eyes flicked up, following the motions of the swaying cock. She bites down hard on her lip, using the pain as something to focus on. Wrapping her arms around herself, she backs away slowly. The witch could not see behind her and nearly stumbles over some chairs that were all throughout the lecture hall.

"St-Stay away.." she gasps out softly. Her knees were wobbly and weak. The woman's body was basking in the glow of her last climax. Juices continues to trickle down her quivering thighs as her luscious mounds sway with each shaky step she took backwards.

Author:  Siferus [ Wed May 27, 2009 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

Stay away? Why would I do that when I have you in this room, just the two of us. He teased, watching her back up slowly towards the door. He knew the look on her face when she tried to open the door and can't would be priceless.

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed May 27, 2009 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

She knew the doors were sealed. But the witch would not dare to come back to the center of the room where the spider waits. Distance helped her thoughts though. The venom was out of her system and the tendrils and cock were no longer pounding away at her defenses. Already she was recovering physically. Just a little bit more.

Kanoe's hand rests on the door. She tugs on it, feeling the webs holding it in place. Taking a deep breath, she turns and says a quick incantation. With a rake of her hand, she attempts to sear away the webs holding the door shut. The witch had to escape now, there was no telling what this insane spider would do to her next.

Author:  Siferus [ Thu May 28, 2009 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

Siferus wasn't expecting her to have recovered so quickly. Siferus flung a tendril, catching her wrist, pulling her back towards the still horny spider, catch her struggling limbs.

Leaving already? That wouldn't be much fun, would it? He said, buring a tendril in her soft cunt, injecting her with more of his venom, chuckling fiendishly.

Author:  Kanoe [ Thu May 28, 2009 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

"Eep!" she yelps suddenly. The witch was so close. Her blazing hand was falling towards the webbing only to feel a tendril wrap around her wrist and jerk her backwards. Kanoe stumbles as the spider very nearly drags her across the floor. Other tendrils joined in binding her legs and her other arm. The woman trembles as she sees the other tendril heading for her dripping netherlips. She desperately tries to close her thighs, do anything to keep it from entering but the tendrils kept her spread eagle before the monster. The tendril enter with little resistance and that familiar warm sensation suddenly builds inside her body. The venom was in her bloodstream once again. "Noooo... Please... No more..." she whimpers, struggling weakly in her bonds.

Author:  Siferus [ Thu May 28, 2009 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

Siferus chuckles, getting louder until he gets to a full out psycho laugh. He doesn't even bother teasing her, he just shoves tendrils into her anus and her cunt, pounding slowly at first, gradually getting faster and harder.

The spider forced her to kneel, his meaty shaft inches away. No more? I think we need more and more. He said, moving forward, the bulbous head of his cock resting on her soft, full lips. The smell of sex came from his cock, attacking her mind.

Author:  Kanoe [ Thu May 28, 2009 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

"Uhnn! Ugh! Ngh!" her body rocks with the vicious thrusts of her captor. The tendrils were smaller than his cock but it still did the job as the two vile appendages saw away at each other through the thin wall separating them. Kanoe's body welcomes the pumping sending tingling sensations rippling through her sex and up into her belly. Moans escape her lips as the mixture of rape and the venom heat her even quicker than before. Her struggles became nothing more than weak squirms.

The beast easily manipulates her body onto her knees. Her partially glazed eyes widen at the sight of the thick cock before her. She could smell her and the beast's fluids glistening over the rod. Her breathing grew deeper, each gasp of pleasure caused by the tentacles causes her to inhale more of the musky stench. Her mouth began to water. She shuts her eyes but her the image was already burned in her mind, goading her on to take a taste. "Nngh... No... No please... Don't..."

Author:  Siferus [ Sun May 31, 2009 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

Siferus loomed over the kneeling witch, speeding up his tendrils, making them thrust alterately. He rubbed the head of his cock against the lips of the witch.

Oh, come on, It'd be easier for both of us if you'd just give in, Kanoe. He said, a devilish grin coming across his face.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun May 31, 2009 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

"Uhhnn! Ahhh!" She squeezed her eyes shut tighter as the tendrils sped up faster and faster. Her breathing grew ragged as every single exhale was a blissful moan of pleasure. Then his cock pressed against her parted lips and her world stopped. The witch could hear the monster speaking but none of the words were reaching her head. The dripping tip had pressed against her mouth, giving her a small taste. Her heart pounds hard against her chest as her heated breaths caress the glistening member. She presses her lips to the rod again then again. Her tongue took a small taste than another until she melted and slid her lips around the large tip, suckling softly.

Author:  Siferus [ Sun May 31, 2009 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

That's it, Kanoe. Thattagirl. Siferus teased as tendrils coiled around her breasts, adding even more pleasure to what she was feeling. Siferus begam to rock his hips slowly back and forth, thrusting gently into the Kanoe's mouth.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun May 31, 2009 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lured (Kanoe & Siferus)

"Mmph.. Mmmm..." her groans of pleasure vibrate through the monster's shaft. Her mouth was stretched wide as he forces more of the rod into her mouth, each thrust pushing against the back of her throat. Kanoe's long tongue lathers along the underside of his member as her cheeks begin to dimple with soft sucks. The enthralled witch raises her arms up and begins to stroke along the large shaft.

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