Shokushu High School

Practice (for Follower)
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Author:  Follower [ Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Practice (for Follower)

Rhaine slipped into unconsciousness as the tentacles continued to take her. They didn't let up even as her body went limp, finding no interest in her mental state, needing only her body. The tentacles caused no more injuries on her, but she wouldn't know how much longer they'd ravage her, what they'd do to her and how many more tentacles would shove their way inside of her, leaving their liquid in her passages and covering her body. Unbeknownst to her, they dragged her limp form around and pillaged her for almost an hour after she faded.

At some point, she became almost aware of voices around her. She could feel the jungle floor below her, but she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes as she faded in and out of unconsciousness. "-id a number on her-" "-n the left forear-" "-ent with her medica-" "-psych history. Maybe-" The voices faded away and she was in the dark again.

When Rhaine came to, she was in the nurse's office, lying in a bed. Her head was hazy as the light flooded her eyes. A dull ache echoed through her entire body, but she could barely feel even that. Everything felt numb and murky. She could see that her arms were lightly bandaged. She remembered nothing of the voices from the jungle, but as her mind began to work, memories of her attack started to return.

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Practice (for Follower)

It was so much more than a dream. Pain had diminished, her body scrapped and dirtied from being dragged about. The school had great medicines and several means of healing the student body though in her case it was slightly different.

The alien DNA injected into her had fought of the nannites that were introduced though it probably wouldn't be long until this DNA was analyzed fully and something could be worked around.

The light even hurt when she managed to open her eyes and even then they had to be kept squinted closed. She was cleaned, with her right arm relocated and bandaged though her left forearm had the bone reset and was bandaged with a splint keeping it in place or the time being. Her cuts and scraps had been healed at least before that alien DNA rejected the nannites. A fresh uniform was placed on her and she found herself lying on the examination bed in the nurses office, or at least she had the sense that it was there at least.

The morphine or whatever drug she was placed on made her feel good and loopy. What had been real, what had been imagined, it was too tough to say which was which.

The phantom pain in her jaw and hand had been gone though. She groaned and had an inane thought. Did anyone get the soccer ball?

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