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 Outpost Six (for Vidalia) 
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia looks between all of the scientists, nodding her head as she listens. "I like that idea." she says. "Power up two of them simultaneously, while locking the doors to slow them down and give us the best chance possible to get a shuttle powered up and out of here." She looks around at all of the scientists. "So..first, we need to claim the security room. Any volunteers?" she asks. "And once we have that, we can start luring them away...if we can get them farther from the docks, then that might give us a few more seconds that we need." she says.

"I can handle a few droids...and even masses of them aren't quite that dangerous. I can hold out for a long time. You'd be surprised." She grins a little bit. "How important is the artifact though? Do we need to recover it or can we abandon it in favor of getting you all out of here alive?"

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:47 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“I will go, while I am not as great on the tech edge I can offer some tactical support to those I watch in the monitors.” Quad volunteered.

“And I will join him. The others have a com I'll contact them and redirect them too a power station. One group can be kept here initially to fire up the incinerators and deploy that droid if necessary and the two of us will join you at first to secure the security room.

“We can have the two not here split up and each power up a hanger. Those at the incinerator can join them once they are done here. It's easy enough to move though he station with the exception of the occupied hanger and section four so we should be fine getting around before things hit a fevered pitch any way.

“The artifacts are an important curiosity but not knowing what they do I do not feel that hey are worth the loss of life. Saying that though, someone thinks their important enough to risk a bit for them, probably thinking that this would be an easy mark but at the same time willing to get their hands a bit dirty so I'll leave that up to you to decide I don't know what's going on.”

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Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:46 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia nods her head. "Sounds good. The artifact is a secondary objective." she says. "A target of opportunity. If I get a chance, I'll make a grab for it. If not...well, we need to get everyone off of this station." She looks around at the scientists and then nods. "Quad, you're with me." she says. "To the security at least." She smiles at Olivia and nods. "You as well. Once we get that room, we set everything off and make a break for a shuttle." She looks around at all the other scientists. "Do we have a preference on that? Are they both the same?"

Once that is decided, she sets off, lead the small group to take the security room.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:36 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“Sounds good,” Olivia agreed. There was no preference to the hanger, each being essentially identical and it came down to whichever one was easiest to get to. Those in security could guide one team or another even figuring that they could use this tiny droid to watch things when the team in the security room had to make their move.

Everyone split up into their respective groups. She didn't have much trouble evading any security droid patrols and at the security room itself there was the two droids though there was only one and not two, the other had to be inside the room while the other was right outside. It had no cover but a shot might alert the other droid.

“Hm, looks like you need a distraction but the droid I've been working with is pretty stupid ...”

That small device had been left back with the others and sent forth on it's way already.

“They're not stupid … they only work in the constraints of their programming or commands. Most ignore everything else, call it single mindedness, this model looks like the others back in my lab and it has no AI I have found so chances are it will be easy to deal with on some extent but I doubt it will stray far.

“Do you have a knife ...”

Quad had claws but while his intellect had no been as sharp with tech there was some he had learned about too. “The fire suppression system … if we could trigger it somehow perhaps it will be sent to investigate. Just a thought.”

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Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:46 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia crouches with the others, looking at the lone droid for a moment. "I've got a knife." she says after a moment, reaching to her waist and drawing the blade. She offers it to Olivia. "Got somewhere to stick it?" she asks, grinning a little. "You're turning out to be a lot more resourceful that I'd have expected from a scientist." She focuses herself back on the droid, watching it.

"Trigger what you need to, I'll stay here and slip in to take care of the other one as soon as the first is gone." she says, tapping the suppressor on her weapon. "Noone will hear anything if they're not that close."

She breathes in deeply, steadying herself. "But let's do this quick. There might be more coming."

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:22 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“Well I would need the knife to pry open any panel to get at it's controls. My major field is electro-magnetic fields though I have a pretty good handle on robotics too.”

“I agree, we shouldn't wait though I have no idea how to trigger the myself,”
Quad interrupted and Olivia nodded.

“Stay with me … get ready to move agent.” She and quad moved off and in short order foam discharged fro sprinklers that came out of the ceiling in response to an alarm. The droid in the hall seemed unresponsive for a long while then moved out as if the area of the alarm had to be determined and orders had to be transmitted to the droid.

It was definitely not quick on it's feet she realized but something at least had the capacity to judge threats, was this another AI though even if it were the slow response time seemed to indicate that it wasn't much of one unless it was doing a thousand things at once …

Slipping to the security room she could see all sorts of cameras situated over the station. Computers here monitored various things and simple matters such as “shutters” near the hanger could be closed, an adjacent brig could be monitored and she was sure she could look in on other matters too.

The security droid seemed to be monitoring a monitor on which was Quad and Olivia. On another the security droid that departed had been moving in on them. Was it being lead? Where exactly were the others?

Though as soon as the door opened the droid spun about, too late for it to do much though as she was able to take it out though just as importantly without damaging any of the equipment.

Tracking down the other droid had not been difficult. It had not gotten far and this one was in an area where it wasn't surrounded by delicate equipment. Dealing with it one on one was a sync and back tracking to the security room was easy enough.

“Are you still planning on going after the artifacts?”

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Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:07 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia doesn't have any trouble handling the droid at all. A quick strike to the right spot and it goes down. She smashes it with her boot a few times just to be sure before turning her attention to the monitor. Then she has to go and make sure the second droid doesn't get her newfound allies.

She simply shoots it and returns to security to study the cameras. "I...yes, I think I will." she says. "If we can lure the droids away long enough for me to do some good." She glances at the other two. "I assume you'll both be staying here to give instructions to the rest. We should proceed with the plan...and keep in mind I have my own ship. If they are all at the hangars then I won't have any trouble getting back to my ride and getting out of here." she says. "So..."

She looks over everything one more time and then nods. "Let's do it. I'll go for the artifact and you all proceed with the hangar plan." She looks towards Quad. "And you're going to have to keep them all safe, got it?"

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:15 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
“Got it,” she was given a communicator so they could keep in touch with her. It was fairly easy getting to section four though once there it was a bit tougher. Most of the droids were hear though with guidance she made it through.

Further droids left the area in response to what was going on at the hangers and the droid that they had sent into the section earlier had already hacked into the computer systems. It was being directed by Olivia as it had internal communications systems and functioned as a probe of sorts. It was on the small side but had typically been used with medical research and occasionally programmed to collect samples out of things such as comets.

Automatic weapons and other security devices had been turned off. Some even turned on, motion sensors kicking back in to catch droids off guard. It made her job a little easier, she could hear the blaster fire and had been directed away from some problem areas before they were a problem.

The last obstacle had been a vault door much like a safe's. It seemed to be sealed and an AI droid working on a computer to hack the passwords. Whatever other security had either been by passed, ineffective against the droids such as poison or knock out gas which had long since dissipated.

There were some damaged security droids here and some destroyed ones from prior traps but there were enough of them where the AI tossed them at a problem. Currently the area she came to had a lot of cover in the form of various computers, stands and even desks as the area seemed to be a lab of some sort leading into a storage area.

There were half a dozen security droids present too and there was a chirping sound … an alarm, no, the AI lifted it's head.

“No sir. It hasn't been accessed yet. There seems to be various problems occurring on the station. No, sir, that is unnecessary. I am about to access the vault now and will have the battery before you arrive.

“Speculation? The way the computers are being accessed I believe it is the scientists. They have escaped. The droids guarding them were drained of power and it is assumed that one of the scientists saved her colleagues. OK, sir, it shall be done. Over and out.”
There was a clicking sound and the AI let out a sound much like a sigh and shook it's head before returning back to the computer.

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Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:52 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia pauses outside of the room, peering around the corner at the security droids and the AI. Well, the easiest way to handle this is to disable the AI first...but, she could use the element of surprise to take out several droids and the AI itself isn't that effective at combat. She considers for a moment and then steps around the corner, shouldering her rifle and sighting on the closest droid. She puts two bullets into its head before switching to the next and the next. In a matter of seconds she has taken out half the combat droids and is ducking into cover.

She glances to one side and begins to crawl, moving to a new location before she will pop up and put bullets into the next droid and the next. Again she ducks into cover, sliding around quickly to move to a new location. She's more concerned with the combat droid than the AI, waiting a moment before she rises and aims at the last droid, squeezing the trigger.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:12 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Before they could respond two of the droids had been dropped and a third as it whirled about to target her. The remaining ones fired upon her but their accuracy was poor with all that cover. Then there were only two. The AI had already taken cover once the shooting began.

It seemed far more interested in drawing this out as it had an internal communication device it was using to contact other droids and summon forth reinforcements. Of course it seemed oblivious to the fact that the security control room had been taken and if luck had been on her side Quad and Olivia could delay and hinder any response.

Even with cover the remaining droids were easy to take out once she got their timing down. That left only the green AI. It had not seemed armed though it took better cover then the others.

“It is pointless to carry on,”
it said from behind cover. “Even if you destroy me you will not be capable of securing this room. Reinforcements are on their way here and even the security droids will eventually overwhelm you as pathetic as they are ...”

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Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:58 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia calmly sets about reloading before she rises and stalks through the room. She doesn't take cover...but she does her best not to make noise, slipping through to try and catch the AI off guard. She waits until she finds it, then quickly darts forwards to put a pair of bullets into it. "I'll be gone." she murmurs, before keying her com unit.

"Olivia, can you get me into this room? Fast? I can grab the artifact and make a break for it. I've probably drawn off some of the droids headed towards the hangars. I need to get in and out fast before they get here." Already she's sliding up to the computer, tapping at keys to get to the point where she can open the vault. "I need a password or something...anything."

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:28 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
The AI dropped in a shower of sparks.

“On it ...” There was silence. There was a lot to work on with the some of the droids heading in that direction. She had to deal with that and the security system though the four armed Quad lacked any real expertise to be of use here.

“... it looks like I can only get you into the first vault before the droids arrive, the others would take too long so it's just a snatch and go.”

A few minutes later the vault was opening. The room had three doors each locked though one of the additional doors had been unlocked. Inside was a metal table and on it had been an orange 2x4 sized metallic contraption though it was light weight and the metal quite durable. There were strange power emissions from it, not that she had any tools to really analyze it or much more time then to grab it.

Olivia guided her through the section away from the reinforcements as she could tell. Then the communications went back off and a frantic voice chimed in.

“We got a problem! Incoming transmissions, it's all automated but from what I can tell … Oh God! It's a ship! It's going through docking procedures!”

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Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:48 pm
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia waits, keeping an eye on the entry into the lab with her rifle shouldered. "Go." she says, ducking into the room and pausing to look at the device on the table. "This is it?" she asks. "It's light..." She trails off as she listens to the scientist. "Go Olivia! That is not a friendly! I heard the AI talking to someone, but I didn't think they would be this close. Go, you and Quad get to the hangar and get the hell out of here. I'll head to my ship. I can get out quickly, maybe lead some more off after me. They won't be able to handle my ship once I'm in flight." she says. "Come on, move it!" She grabs the battery and begins to run, dashing down the corridors with no concern for stealth as she makes her way to her own ship.

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:03 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
It was confirmed that that was in fact the battery though the urgency of the situation kicked things into gear as individuals scatter toward their respective hangers. The security droids, once she encounters them, are easy to deal with but each encounter slows her down a little.

Then blackness. The power goes out completely in the section of the station she is in. Further, the artificial gravity cuts off though there had to be power further along as she hears heavy security doors drop into place, probably obstacles that the AI had previously dealt with.

For a time she can only float and feel her way along before hearing the rumble of something metallic drawing near. It halts every so often and she can hear a humming before it moves again closer this time. Was it a droid? Was it scanning for her?

Further, it sounded as if it were rolling over the metallic plates of the floor given rise to the thought that it may have been magnetized.

Her com began crackling as it neared too as if it were triggering something or someone was trying to access it. Finally a voice, raspy and masculine.

“You have something that belongs to me.”

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Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:11 am
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Post Re: Outpost Six (for Vidalia)
Vidalia gasps as she finds herself suddenly trapped. She's stuck in a section of the station, a pair of doors on each end and Olivia well out of the station...she hopes. She flails in the open space, simply floating and unable to find a wall. The darkness certainly doesn't help things...though she knows if she can find a wall, her boots will at least let her stick to the metal.

She doesn't try her coms for fear of giving away her location, but it doesn't seem to matter as soon as that voice contacts her. "And who would you be?" she asks. "How do I know I have something of yours? For all I know you're just some random scavenger. Prove that I've got something of yours."

The scrounger Emilla. If you need something, she can get it.

ADD Agent Vidalia. How in the world does she walk in those boots?

Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:46 pm
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