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 Nuisances (for Vesperia) 
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch debated the pros and cons of certain courses of action. While she wasn't overjoyed about the prospect of Mercer getting any credit her main objective was to please Vesperia. Locate these criminals for her by whatever means she had at hand. She had not started this adventure with much adding to the difficulty and limiting some of her options.

Credits would have worked as well as sex, probably quicker too but she couldn't be entirely certain of this.

One thing she was certain of was that this collar would need to be refilled soon. It was pretty close to being empty if not so already given the remoteness of this area and her recent thoughts about Mercer. Feeling warm down below caused her to squirm in her seat. Her thoughts not well formed or developed as they danced around and there were more than a few times she fought touching herself. She may have if not for the flight suit. Her thighs rubbing up against one another, biting her lower lip, squeezing a breast, among the tedious of this search she nearly missed the blip.

A low energy signature. The ship that was hiding out had weapons powered up and locked on. If those weapons remained offline she may have missed the ship entirely. Of course they hadn't come on until she passed the hidden ship.

Either this local didn't exist or the buyer had yet to show up and Kamar opted to hideout for the time being. Maybe the deal went wrong, she didn't consider all the options as a voice came across the com that 92 opened.

Time for some acting. Of course this might not be Kamar at all.

“Thank the stars! Names Destiny, better known as Scorch. It's a bit of a long story but to keep it short I had to keep away from busier space lanes. Blew out my hyperdrive some time ago and have been on sublight for days. This field was the closest astral body I could pilot too. Been looking for a place to set down for hours so I can go about repairs. Lucky me, no environmental suit. You wouldn't happen to have an engineer on board? I can just about change a few fuses myself and haven't had much luck diagnosing the problem.”

She paused for a second, her head a bit cloudy with the chemical cocktail running through her. “I don't think there's much of value here that I can barter with. Some spare parts.” She paused. “A droid.” Of course she had no intention of giving up 92. For now she had to play a part. Leave things open for questions, be a bit elusive about her role as a slave. She hated the progress of the ship only navigating around hazards as she came to a full stop. As much as she wanted to turn her ship around to face a possible threat she resisted. Not that she was a skilled pilot.

“To whom am I speaking too?”

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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The Journey

Sun Jul 07, 2024 4:49 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
There was silence over the comms for a few moments. Were they checking their own information or discussing among themselves? Scorch was a known name in the Arena and there were brands associated with that same place. They would easily know who this gladiatrix was and who owned her.

"Long story, huh?" the comms came on again, "The names Kamar. We might be able to help you, for a price. How about you power down your ship and bring you aboard. We can talk about repairs and what you can do for use in return."

The comms were audio only so there was no information of what Kamar looked like. The surveillance footage and word from the robbed transport showed and mentioned humanoids, both alien and human. Scorch could not afford to scan the ship to get how many lifeforms are on board. Detecting said scan would no doubt result in hostile action.

Still, she was at least talking to the guy. Whether her story was believed or not was unknown. Scorch was invited on the ship though it may very well be an invitation she could not refuse. Should she agree, board their vessel, possibly unarmed? If these pirates did decide to take the redhead prisoner, there were still potential for some of her plans to still bear fruit. The risk was there but the risk had been there the moment she entered this part of space.

Whether Scorch wanted to or not, she was already informing Mercer through her actions. He had been loose with holding her leash in the past. But since working closer with Vespira, he had taken further precautions. The last thing he wanted was to lose Scorch and have to explain that to the woman he sought favor from.

The woman's collar did have a tracking device. It had its limitations. But it did inform Mercer that Scorch had arrived at Hadante then proceeded further outwards towards unoccupied space. Either his pet was fleeing, which was unlikely both due to the drugs and Vespira having Serena, or the enslaved pirate had found a lead. The drugs in the collar would only last for so long especially on such a long trip. Mercer could consider closing the distance to provide further aid or more importantly, claim the victory himself.

The pirate vessel kept its weapons powered and locked on to Destiny's ship. It closed in, no doubt eager to board and plunder what was available. If Scorch surrendered, wonderful. If not, then they would just have to rough up and disable the vessel first.


Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:46 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
It was pointless in putting up a fight. At a clear disadvantage as it were Scorch had fair piloting skills at best. As far as combat went she had no experience herself. Others in her crew performed these actions. She often joined in on the boarding parties to keep everyone in line. All in all the Iron Vultures weren't bloodthirsty savages.

Briefly she thought about her trench coat. Attempting to use it to conceal her slave collar. It was gross, the interior all crusty making the coat stiff and it smelled. Come to think of it some of those pheromones still clung to it. Giving the drugs coursing through her making her hot and a bit needy that combination would no doubt be bad. As it were she was barely able to keep focused as it were.

She hoped this was the final stretch. She had no way of knowing that she was being monitored by Mercer. Though if he heard about things she feared that he'd sweep in to take the credit. She surmised that Vespira might conclude what happened or that she led Mercer to this discovery. But she'd delight more in accomplishing this, even if she were just to report Kamar's whereabouts and let the heavy hitters handle things.

As much as she didn't want to those drugs were awfully convincing that she would have to endure Kamar and his crew. At best they could be more cordial or she might have been kept as an exclusive prize of the captain. There was no choice but to endure things for a few days.

There had been little point in claiming to be someone else. Had she thought of it earlier maybe a disguise would have worked. She was semi famous so she doubted a wig and some make up would have fooled anyone for long. Besides she hated applying the later.

“Sure thing, Kamar.” She powered down her engines. Keeping passive sensors online she'd use the excuse of smaller asteroid fragments. Since she was dead in space she keep only minimal power to the shields to deflect minor debris until their vessel got close enough where she had their shields for protection. At which point she would turn them off fully. Cutting the coms for the time being she turned to 92.

“Get that message out as soon as you can. Hopefully there a bit distracted. Wait until I board.”

Flipping the com back on. "Ready to dock.” Whether they docked or could actually fit inside the larger vessel Scorch undertook all the necessary steps. Nervous she didn't have to fake the red coloration that flushed her cheeks. Need brought on by the drugs did that and she hoped to pass it off as embarrassment due to the collar.

Leaving her plasma pistol and stashing that datapad she got from the ratman in the pocket of that gross trench coat after wiping the data on these coordinates but leaving the contact information. She hurried to the dock to greet her “saviors”. Standing there one leg crossed in front of the other she felt her head ache with the brief exposure of those pheromones. That and the drugs compounding. It felt as if she'd collapse, her head spinning for a moment, her body visibly aroused from the tight nipples that strained against the flight suit to the scent of her arousal waifing from soaked petals.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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The Journey

Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:47 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
There was not much time to prepare before Kamar gets impatient. "Acknowledged!" 92 responded to Destiny's commands. The ships docked to one another. Kamar's ship was larger but not so much so that it could fit an entire other ship inside. Scorch was back in her trenchcoat, every breath a reminder of her day of shame back on Hadante. She had enough wits to delete the coordinates from the datapad. The contact information remained, reminding her of what she was thinking of doing after this mission was over.

As the airlock door hissed shut, 92 prepared and sent a message. But, the destination was not to Vespira but to Mercer. Back when Scorch was getting 'reacquainted' with Vespira, Serena was with Mercer. The last thing the sister wanted was competition for her Mistress's praise and attention. So she offered to help Mercer be the one to complete this task, reprogramming 92 to aid Mercer in whatever ways possible. Assuming the message was able to escape the debris field, he would get confirmation that Scorch had found the pirates and had been taken. 92 also deleted the footage received from Gus to ensure no further clues were provided to Kamar and the others.

Scorch was left in a dizzy haze, arousal growing with every breath. The other airlock opened to reveal four human gladiatrix women with rifles in hand. They were dressed in the skimpy bikinis that were usually worn in the Arena. Destiny could see the collars around their necks. They were ones that Vespira made and distributed. From how their nipples were erect and visibly poking through their tops, it was safe to say the vile devices were rewarding their obedience.

"Hands where we can see them!" One woman barked. "Lose the coat!" Another ordered after seeing compliance. "Strip off that suit!" They finally commanded, ensuring the former space pirate would be in the nude before them. If Scorch resisted or tried to speak, the four women would take matters into their own hands. With no weapon and outnumbered, it was unlikely she would last against them much less the rest of the crew of the ship.

Eventually, they would see the collar around Destiny's neck. "Still owned by Mercer, huh?" One said, eyes narrowing. "Get moving!" One would shove Scorch forward, leading her down the corridors to a sort of meeting room or perhaps it was where they sat and ate. There was a table and chairs all around. There was a larger chair that sat a humanoid alien male that had smooth hairless skin with various hard ridges and angular features. He had large black eyes and large pointed ears. He was wearing nothing at all along with two other men of the same alien species that were standing with weapons in hand.

Kamar had two women on their knees before him, both dragging their tongues over his erect phallus. Scorch would recognize both women as members of Iron Vultures, the ones she hoped to find back on Hadante. Bother were in their own skimpy attire and wearing collars. From the flushed cheeks and panted moans, they were no doubt feeling bliss from pleasing and satisfying the alien male. One woman had her hand in her bikini bottoms, stroking her dripping pussy lips while the other was cupping and fondling one of her breasts.

With the collars on the women, it was difficult to tell if they were serving willingly or not. But from Scorch's own experience with the evil devices, that line became blurrier the longer a slave wore one.

"So, the lovely Scorch has graced us with her presence," Kamar chuckled, "Still collared by Mercer? What a shame. Would have loved to see how you look in one of these little toys. Did you run away then? Tired of fighting in the arena? Would hate to find out these girls told me wrong information."

Former comrades from Scorch's past would know some things about her. They probably knew about working with Mercer. But did they learn about the deals with Vespira? Neither women was looking up though as they continued to suck and slurp on the man's cock and balls.

Some of the gladiatrix women left to board Destiny's ship and see what they could find. "So why should I waste my time helping you? I think you would look good spreading those thighs for my crew. What do you say?"


Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:16 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch had been ignorant of any tampering with 92. She was distract and unlikely to check through code even if she wasn't. Having Mercer sweep in and take credit would burn her, especially since she would be powerless to speak to the contrary. Her only hope would be that Vespira worked out the truth for herself but she just might wash her hands of the matter as closed regardless of who accomplished what.

The chief thing was accomplishing this task. Even if it stung at not being recognized as the one that orchestrated this. She never expected to take care of Kamar or retrieve the cargo in the first place. Her goal was to locate him and/or the cargo and let Vespira's people take it from there.

But first things first. She had to make it to the point that Vespira's or Mercer's people showed up.

Blue eyes widen in surprise as the air lock hissed opened. Four gladiatrixes appeared. Immediately issuing commands. She sized them up in seconds. From the collars they wore, to the erect nipples, she knew those collars quit well. Far more sophisticated then this one.

Unarmed fighting was never the option. Outnumbered took away her ability to channel plasma since that required concentration and time to power up. Quick unleashing of it was about as effective as a slap. Against single foes with a measure of distance was ideal. Hence why she often went around armed. No charge time for a blaster.

Her hands went up half way. She drew in the brand, but had no time to ponder on things before she was told to get rid of the trench coat. She was a little more comfortable with revealing the collar since they too were collared and probably wouldn't think much of it.

“What?!” Undress? “OK, OK, OK.” She backed up as one of the gladiatrixes came forward. Getting the material of the flight suit down beneath her breasts before one of them “helped” her out of it. No doubt getting a hit of the good stuff for doing so.

Erect nipples were revealed just as prominent. Her sex soaked. She said nothing about being owned by Mercer. Not to the gladiatrix that shoved her forth. She could have refuted that, stating she had escaped but bit her tongue. That statement was true of course. Though she noted as her thoughts shifted to her Master that none of that drug had been released. The collar was empty and she knew once she came down she would come down hard.

Scorch was forced along until she came to a chamber that held a naked alien. By the way two other slaves were going at him she figured him to be Kamar. Two other aliens of his kind she figured were bodyguards.

Wait? She knew these two.

So far she counted nine individuals. Unable to get proper scans of the ship there should be only a few more of them, if any. Then again there were modifications and the ship could be rather cramped.

“Collared but not owned. Let's face it I'm pretty lousy as a gladiatrix. Never … never liked it.” This was a bit distracting. Her head a little foggy, her eyes drifting to her old crew as she recalled how great those collars made her feel.

There was some hope though. With those collars there was likely drugs somewhere onboard to prevent crashing. She struggled to keep focused.

“Mercer's having his own issues that I didn't want to be in the crossfire for. Since I'm around him a lot it was either get buried with him or …” she paused briefly, a chill rushing through her. Images pressing into her head Scorch shook them off as best as she could. “... or hope to distance myself. The ship wasn't in the best of condition but held together to get me here.”

What did the others know? Her working with Mercer occurred after she left the Vultures but was close enough to it that they probably heard the rumors about her working relationship. In the least there were the holovids of her matches. So they probably knew about that. Doubtful they knew anything about Vesperia unless word got out that she was working at one of her clubs and even so it wasn't as if she were at that local herself. The later was an unknown quality.

She was playing a role. Acting shocked by his last statement. Though in her current state she was fighting that itch one thing she didn't want was one of those collars. All sorts of planning went out the window. She didn't wish to b passed around by the crew either. Pending the alien one could be exhausting or punishing.

“Do you r-really want to know what I think? That that's small potatoes. That might increase morale but why not increase your wealth? Mercer didn't always stick me in the arena. Most of that was to keep my sister safe. N-No, I don't want to go back to him but I did procure certain things of high value for him.

“Help me fix up the ship and I'll do a number of jobs for you to make it worth your time. Or … or I'm a novelty in the arena. I don't like it much but I can earn you a fair amount of credits with a few bouts.

“If neither of those appeal to you I can work off the parts in … other … ways ...”
She drew out the last, her eyes dipping to his crotch for emphasis.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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The Journey

Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:44 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Depending on how long those collars had been on, removing them may not free these women of their already altered brains. But if Kamar was able to easily afford these submission collars, he would not be in need of hiding out in no-man's land. It was possible these collars were part of the cargo stolen from Vespira. It would also explain the difficulty selling such merchandise. There was no remotely shady merchant who did not know this brand of collar belonged to a Gorgonian crime lord.

Eyes drift to look at former comrades. There was no avoiding the thick footlong phallus standing proudly between those panting and nibbling lips. Veins pulsed and precum oozed from the tip which was eagerly lapped up by one of the two women. One of the other alien males approached to look over the collar around Scorch's neck while the other roamed his hands over the woman's nude form. Fingers pushed into the mouth, sex, and ass in search of anything out of the ordinary. The one looking over the collar turned to Kamar and shook his head.

"Hmph. Guess your cheap collar was not cheap enough to be removable," he grumbled, "As for your offer, it is less than potatoes. Why would I send someone I can't control out for a task? Its not like I have work needing to be done right now unless you are rich and wanting to buy some cargo. And I ain't about to send you across the galaxy back to the arena. But... I don't think that is what you want either. I see where your eyes are going. You haven't been able to stop looking at it since you walked in here. You are dripping... So let's cut out the useless junk about how you deny you are a horny little slut and come over here."

Mercer's collar was the only thing sparing Destiny from being fitted with a submission collar. Wearing multiple collars would either be ineffective or dangerous for the slave. Though Scorch would be left wondering what contingencies this collar had to ensure she could not escape Mercer. But her options were limited. She could not hope to fight them all and it was doubtful they would trust her to perform any work outside of sex for some time. Hopefully the message got out. But even if it did, how long would it be before Vespira or someone working for her arrived? Would she be able to endure days or even weeks as a prisoner here?

The gladiatrix women in the room approached Scorch from behind. Soon their hands were all over her. They were trained in sensual and sexual techniques as their fingers zeroed in on erogenous zones and pleasure points. She would feel one's hot breaths against her neck as she was licked and teased. Another's fingers was playing with that exposed and vulnerable clitoris. Another was massaging a breast. They would seek to rile the enslaved pirate up but not grant her release. That would be reserved for their Master to provide.

Meanwhile, Mercer would receive the report from 92, informing them of their current location and that Scorch had been captured. It may be possible to bait them out with an offer to purchase his prize again then deal with the matter himself.


Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:24 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch assessed things in her state. Mercer's drugs were more the nefarious type designed to tease and deny. Her thoughts a bit muddled with the small whiff of that ratman's pheromones. But even in such a state of arousal she concluded that the collars must have been part of the stolen cargo. If Kamar had enough funds to own six of them if not more, he would probably have better resources than hiding out in an asteroid field. Again she figured that he may have been waiting for someone or more likely not finding what he sought out here and laying low for the time being.

She hardly had time to follow that train of thought before the guards moved in on her. Fighting her instincts to step back she soon found hands upon her.

“HEY!” Her retort bit off as fingers were jammed in her mouth. Roughly pushing her tongue aside. Touching the soft palate beneath. A moan was choked off as fingers were inserted in that overly stimulated sex. Her ass briefly checked too as if she were concealing a tool or weapon.

For good measure a breast was squeezed. She shuddered in response. Catching the guard shake his head at something.

Relief flooded her knowing that the collar couldn't be removed. She knew Mercer had controls for it but always thought that it could be unlocked by other means. Her relief coming in the understanding that she would avoid those pleasure collars. Her mind would be mush. Even if she were recovered could such damages from prolonged exposure be corrected? Would anyone care at that point? Her role would be set in stone as a simple cock sleeve as she is shunted in this club or that. As much as she hated it she had some portions of clarity avoiding being cast in just one role.

Just how did it remain sealed? There had to be a way in removing it outside of the control device. If it were ever lost or stolen. Time, someone skilled in electronics or locks however it remained closed. Scorch had never had the time to ponder it or give escape a thought. Concerned about the well being of her sister Serena if she tried something so foolish. While Mercer no longer owned her Vespira would not take that so well. It was ingrained in her training to stay and serve even if it weren't the one she ultimately wanted to serve. At least Serena was safe from the lupine.

At the same time there was that competing notion to please, obey and serve. Vespira above all else though begrudgingly Mercer too. Sometimes she loved it. Sometimes she hated it. Scorch figured Mercer gave her those moments of clarity so she could reflect on her shame and see how far she had fallen.

Naturally Kamar wasn't going to let her roam the galaxy freely. Not that he wanted the exposure of going to the arena at present. It had not been her idea to leave, however. Hoping assistance came. Hoping that she could keep Kamar distracted long enough. There were other issues of course. With the last of the drugs gone how was she suppose to keep her head straight enough to accomplish this?

“Not rich ...” she shook her head. She had a few stashes of credits here and there. Someone found what she had on her ship and that was gone. The other locals were to distant to take a detour for or in the form of trading of favors. At best she had enough to make minor repairs to her ship. Nothing outlandish.

Kamar called her forward. Her reluctant giving time for those gladiatrixes to close in on her. Expecting a beating at having hesitated she instead is surprised by hands focusing on her naked body. Her clit attacked, as well as a breast Scorch gasps out in response. Oh it felt so divine. Her knees felt weak. Heated breath flowing over her neck as fingers press into a breast.

“What … w-what are you … AHHHHH,” Tongues lick. Mouths suckle, fingers rub and pinch stirring her up. Yet refraining to feed that ever growing need. They were trained for this. They knew what they were doing. While they may not have worked in sex clubs entertaining was in the cards for gladiatrixes. They know how to put on a show for their audience and how to prolong matters.

The two Iron Vulture slaves were oblivious. Not once looking away from Kamar or that impressive dick. The three males watched on as far as she could tell. Scorch was too crowded to know for sure or what sort of show they were seeing. Her guess was that the gladiatrixes moved in a manner that their view was less obstructed than her own.

“Oh … Ahhh ...” She reached out, her training kicking in. Her mouth affixed to one of the gladiatrixes. Hands working over the a breast of the other two while she brought up her knee to rub between the thighs of the final one. There were too many individuals around her to focus on them entirely. But she responded nevertheless. Growing more aroused if that were even possible. Yet denied that moment of bliss as she was being primed for what was to come.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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The Journey

Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:02 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Any collar could be broken with enough effort. But, that gave all the more reason to develop these devices with that in mind. Vespira's submission collars would react to any attempts to remove them without the proper key. The pain and possible brain damage would only increase the more someone tried to force the collar off. Of course, it was not impossible. The ADD and other factions have their own means of removing such vile devices.

While Mercer's collar was nowhere near the same quality, it was safe to say these pirates did not have the means to safely remove it without triggering the failsafe. None knew what drugs or poisons reside inside and could not afford to take the risk. Killing someone else's slave was as bad as stealing one.

Scorch was limited on what she knew about Kamar and his crew of aliens and collared women. Mercer was the one who dug up what he could about the brand they were shown before. Through his connections, he learned that the owner of gladiatrix women bearing that brand was killed some time ago. The details of what led to his death was not completely clear. Guards had gone missing soon after the incident as did a number of gladiatrix women. Either the guards turned against their boss and stole the gladiatrix women or they worked with the gladiatrixes to get their freedom.

The details of what happened after were lost to all but Kamar and his crew. Unfortunately for Kamar, they did not think too far ahead of what to do after. They turned to piracy and ended up taking what they should not have. But with those stolen collars, he was able to subdue any protests from the women, turning them into his loyal slaves. The capture of the two Vultures came later while he was searching for buyers and ended up abducting the two women to further flesh out his crew and harem.

For Destiny though, the details would matter little now. She was happy that they could not remove Mercer's collar and was spared being adorned with that other evil device. But, it also meant that she was still Mercer's. Before, Mercer would nonchalantly send her off on missions to pay of a never-ending debt. Now, he kept Scorch closer and awarded her with his own personal attention. She knew what awaited her each time she pleased him, obeyed him, and served him. When his knot entered her, she was his as his hot essence would fill her entire body and soul.

But now, it was not him who was pleasuring her but these lovely gladiatrixes. They giggled as their own bodies were aroused by the collars for their compliance. They loved seeing and hearing the redhead moan and swoon in their grasp. Scorch tried to give back what she was given but there were too many women and she was already too drugged and aroused to put forth much resistance. Unable to focus or concentrate prevented her from tapping into her powers.

Eventually, Scorch was thrown towards Kamar. The gladiatrix women left with the other two aliens. They were either resuming their duties or finding elsewhere to satisfy their own smoldering desires. The two Iron Vultures finally looked to their former comrade. They both approached and lifted the redhead by an arm each. Both grabbed a handful of hair and forced Scorch's face between Kamar's thighs.

"If I can't collar ya," Kamar growled, "I'll just have to break you myself! I'm sure you want work for me. Wouldn't want to make me angry and take it out on your former crewmates, right?" He threatened to punish the two female members of the Vultures even as they obediently guided Scorch to pleasure their owner. At least the collars would not be breaking her. But, will Scorch last long enough on her own for help to arrive?


Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:49 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Things were far from clear for Scorch. While the collar wasn't going to be removed she still had future problems to worry about. Withdrawal wasn't as bad with Mercer's collar opposed to Vespira's. Still being clear headed was out. She couldn't expect assistance from her colleagues either knowing just how those collars worked on minds. Even if they had not been wearing them long. She would still attempt to free them but that wasn't a priority. By sending out those coordinates a recovery team was likely to take them along for their troubles. Vespira would get two new slaves and she didn't have any sort of leverage to barter with to spare them of such a state. Nor did she have the credits to purchase them out of contracts. If she had those kinds of funds she would have done so when Mercer possessed her sister.

And the plan wasn't to escape. And they lacked the initiative to do so.

Even spared from the more advanced collar could she last long enough for aid to come? Would she be broken without the collar? If so would anyone care? She was literally putting her body and mind on the line here for the success of this op. All that were future problems for her.

Scorch had pockets of clarity where she processed a lot quickly. Not that it had managed to be real useful so far. Often it made it feel as if she got to wallow in how far she had fallen for longer periods. At other times she thought about how she could serve better, especially in the afterglow of the latest infusion of drugs.

So like all other things she just had to deal with it and do her best. Things were out of her control.

To many gladiatrixes to pleasure much on. As her body was further primed by their hands. The more she moaned the more they giggled and teased her, No doubt their collars doing far more than her own efforts. Still she tried in that dizzying haze. Only to be pushed forward.

Stumbling she broke her fall. One of her knees cracking hard against the deck. Yet she hardly felt it. One of the perks of the drugs had increased her sensations to pleasure dulling most others. It hurt briefly. Not enough that she hadn't heard the gladiatrixes and guards depart for greener pastures. Only Kamar remained along with the two near-human slaves. They noticed her for the first time flanking her and drawing her the remaining distance to Kamar. Each grasping locks of her hair and forcing her forward on her hands and knees.

Oh the stench! Her stomach rolled. While that member was primed and already leaking it smelled bad. There were all sorts of aromas she experienced. Some surprisingly pleasing. This certainly wasn't one of them. Though she had not known if it was just his seed or the way his species smelled.

Not as thick as Gus but almost as large she glanced up as Kamar spoke. She hated the fact that she wanted to try to please him. That nauseating member. Yet at the same time she thought to add to her role in being here. Uncertainty flickered through her eyes, eyes that went from him to his member. Perhaps there was a chance in not being broken. Of course she couldn't come out and recommend a course of action.

“J-Just … just don't sell me back to Mercer. Don't hurt them ...” The pair were probably lost at this stage. She was concerned for them but not so then pleasing her Mistress. Not to the point where she'd place that in jeopardy. Besides, wouldn't it please Vespira to gain a bit for her troubles? She doubted either would cross paths with her Mistress so she didn't feel that they'd be competition.

If she planted the idea that Mercer might want her back Scorch thought her odds would improve slightly. Used but not used up. There might be enough left of her when a retrieval team finally arrives if she could get through the storm of withdrawal was a separate issue. Perhaps Kamar would contemplate her worth to Mercer. At least to the point of delaying her role among the crew until that was sorted out. Then again he may not care one way or another. But it was the last card she had left.

Taking his package in both hands she traced the sides. Her palms curling around him as she guides him between her breasts using them instead. Pressing them together as she brings herself against him.

She things she's going to be sick. The drugs in her already aroused system aid her on along with her conditioning. She's dealt with worse she tells herself. Not much but …

Her head dives down as her breasts work that shaft. Her tongue swirling over the tip.

God it tastes bad! Tar would taste better. Yet she forces herself onward. Eyes peak up for any form of reaction. Those breasts moving a bit faster. He was already moist from the tongues of the others and his own pre-cum so she opts not to tease for long.

Don't cum. Don't cum. Don't cum. She pleads in her head. It already tastes bad enough. Her lips stretch as she fits the tip into her mouth. Her cheeks bulging out like a chipmunk she takes more of him in feeling him deep within her throat as she services the disgusting thing. And yet at the same time she can't help but feel good. A tingle fluttering through her as the combination of breasts and mouth work against him.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
Character Listing
The Journey

Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:34 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Kamar was presented with an asset that could be sold back to the original owner. It was not like he stole this slave. If anything, he would be helping Mercer out. But, he would have to get in contact with him or his people for a deal to be made. There was still the danger that awaited him if they tried to return to civilized space. Vespira apparently did not let go of grudges and he has yet to find a means to sell the cargo he has.

Whether it was fear or desire, Scorch took the initiative from here. Breasts slid around the towering shaft. Unlike the other women, she found the taste and stench abhorrent. How were these other girls enduring this? Was it because of the collars or did they simply get used to it?

"There we go," Kamar chuckles, "You are much better with your mouth full."

One enslaved Vulture rose to her feet to kiss Kamar, moaning softly between heated breaths. The other woman remained on her knees beside Destiny. Fingers slid between her former comrade's ass cheeks, curling up between those thighs and teasing those dripping wet petals. The other caressed Scorch's breast, pinching and twisting a nipple.

Despite the disgust, Scorch's body still responded positively to all of this. It was just like with Gus, the ratman, Mercer, and all the patrons she served in Vespira's establishments. No matter how vile or disgusting the creature or situation was, the enslaved redhead would feel such pleasure and satisfaction in serving others.

Scorch could feel the heat and pulses from this unyielding spire of hardened flesh. She could taste the precum oozing forth. If she kept at it, he may just blow his pent up load right down her throat. But if she stopped, there was no telling how Kamar would respond. Would it be better to offer another hole for him to take. Kamar reached down and felt the other breast, squeezing and groping as he took in his new prize.

"Mm... I bet her pussy wants a taste of you, Master," one of the girls moaned softly, "Isn't that right, Scorch?" Was the woman helping her Master be pleasured further or was she providing an out and sparing Scorch tasting his disgusting semen?


Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
She went to work. As disgusting as it was her mind perceived, All the conditioning, training and drugs allowing her to overcome the repulsiveness of the situation. Oh, much much she would have liked to bit it off with his remark. But she did her best to ignore it. Besides, her mouth was too stuffed to bit.

She moaned around that member as she felt fingers teasing her sex. Restless hips sway back and forth. A spike of delight rushes through her as her nipple is twisted. Another deeper moan. God she is so ready! God she needs this! Yet she's stuck sucking on that disgusting member.

Feeling it twitch. The increased taste of that nasty pre-cum hits her tongue. She wants to pull away, wants to avoid that foul tasting sludge. But she's been trained to endure … to please. How much better would it be for that seed to coat her face? Or her tits? She'd still be stuck smelling the substance.

Concern fought against training. Then a life line extended to her. Scorch doesn't know if the slave recalled how bad that stuff tasted like and sought to spare her from the same experience. The way her fingers teased around her dripping sex told her that the slave had mastered the art of teasing. That or she thought she was wet enough to deal with that tent pole.

Whatever the case Scorch moaned out in response. She gave a quick nod. An enthusiastic one that she wanted to ride this dick. With Kamar playing with her other breast she attempted not to get lost in the moment. She stilled though her breasts still pressed against that shaft. While slowly her head draws back unless stopped so that she could mount him.

If not stopped she would get to her feet straddling his lap. Those wet gates rubbing against the tip as she swirls above him slowly. Not long. Hands set on his torso as she lines them up better. Then slamming her hips down as far as she could get them.

“OH FUCK!!!! She tenses up. The same drugs that have enhanced her arousal dulled the pain a bit. She did felt it. God she felt it. But when dealing with something that big there were two ways to handle it. A gradual and slow insertion, which she often preferred but deemed that Kamar wouldn't be patient for that. Instead in this case it was better to just rip the band aid off and take as much as she could.

She stilled. While he may have attributed it to her cumming hard around him she had to adjust to his size. If he did not move first she would start. First by rocking her hips from side to side, attempting to loosen herself up more. Then a brief climb up and back down keeping the bulk of that foot long submerged in those clenching depths.

“F-Fucking huge! Oh God! It hurts! Fuck! It feels good!” She gasps as all these conflicting sensations hit her. Bouncing up and down her breasts bounce in their grasps.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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The Journey

Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:36 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Scorch was not stopped as she climbed on top of the alien male. She threw herself down upon the man's lap. Pain was quickly replaced by searing heat and warmth that spread throughout the lovely woman's core and outwards to the rest of her body. Kamar felt the woman's insides clench around his shaft as the woman came just from the first descent. Juices mixed with his own as the woman steadied herself and began fucking her captor in earnest.

Hands gripped Scorch's hips as Kamar's own began to rise to greet her motions. His unyielding manmeat ground and rubbed into those sensitive inner walls. He certainly did not lack in experience, having fucked every woman on board his ship several times already. The tip pounded against Destiny's cervix as the shaft rubbed against the g-spot. He leaned in closer to kiss his prize, his tongue forcing into her mouth and throat.

When the kiss broke, he sucked on the woman's neck. Hips bucked harder as he sought to conquer his prize. His mouth drifted lower, sucking and slurping on an exposed breast. His tongue dragged and swirled around a nipple and areola.

Hips sped up, pumping faster and harder until he hilted himself. He let forth a pleasured groan that vibrated through the breast he was sucking on. Scorch could feel every hot spurt of cum painting and filling her womb. Only when the rod stopped jolting did he slowly pull out.

But, he was far from through with his prisoner. Kamar dragged Scorch to the table and bent her over. She would feel that tip against her ass as he began pounding her from behind. While not as insanely vigorous as the rat-man from before, he was still steady and unrelenting. He kept fucking her, alternating holes until he had enough of a first run of this sexy piece of fuckmeat. He called a pair of gladiatrix women to drag Scorch away to be cleaned up.

Scorch would spend much of her time with her wrists bound behind her. She was to be treated as a prisoner until they found a reliable use for her. Without the collars to assure loyalty, Kamar was being careful. Even with the collars on the Iron Vultures, neither was left alone with Scorch, always being accompanied by a gladiatrix.

Hands would wash, clean, and help tend to Scorch's needs. All this while they groped and stimulated her, keeping the helpless woman aroused and needing. The Vulture tending to Scorch had flushed cheeks as she worked. She did not speak but her fingers would lightly tap Scorch, seeing if she would notice the messages she was trying to pass. She could speak with the gladiatrix with them. She could only convey that they had been on this ship for a few days and that these collars were ensuring they obeyed their Masters. Just tapping out the word 'Master' sent such wonderful pleasures through the poor woman's body.

Scorch knew what multiple days of being collared did to her. Whether the Vulture was aware or not, her behavior and thoughts were already changing. The tapping would slow, stop, or become unclear as the woman's thoughts would drifted an her hands would fondle and grope Destiny's lovely body.


Thu Jul 11, 2024 12:45 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Spared from consuming that foul seed Scorch was made to ride that cock. Hands secured her hips holding her steady as that man-meat devoured her insides.

“AHHHH!!!! N-Not not soo fasAHHH!!!” Kamar's hips moved beneath her. Each thrust causing her belly to swell in response. Her nipple consumed as her ears fill with the sound of their bodies clapping together.

All the while she was unable to help herself. Pleasure and pain bleeding together as she's stretched out. His thrusts coming hard and fast scratching that itch within her core. He certainly had the experience. Whether he picked up a few tricks with the gladiatrixes or was just a natural had been unclear. Touching upon her sensitive spots her mind blanked for a moment.

The lesser of two evils. At some point he would have claimed her with this spire and it was best that it came after being so primed. She didn't think he would do it otherwise if not to thoroughly brake his toys then for his own pleasure by avoiding nasty friction burns unless his slave was well prepared before hand.

Tears rolled down her cheeks at the rough handling. Yet those weren't cries of pain but pleasure. At one point a cry was cut off as she found his mouth consuming her own. That tongue felt dry. Unexpected. More so it's taste wasn't as foul as that seed. Neither pleasant or unpleasant Scorch's own entwined with his own. Her cries of passion being muffled as those hips came up from beneath her.

When he broke away from her mouth she felt his attention at her neck. Then a breast. Fire surging through her as he focused on the orb.

“AWESOME!!! UHHH!!! H-Harder? Was she losing her mind? Scorch preferred the gentler side of things. Smaller members then the goliaths she tended to square off against. Few species got off by bringing their partners bliss. Others brought it through sheer conquest. Her preferences were irrelevant. Default training kicked in ensuring that she loved each moment of this.

“AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!” Suddenly hilted Scorch feels that explosion erupt inside her. Her belly swelling even more until he pulls out and much of that tar-like release flows out of her body. It was a good thing they were different species as their was no way that would have not knocked her up. Somehow she doubted Mercer went through the expense in inoculating her against such things humans, especially male humans, being a rarity among the stars.

Barely able to catch her breath Kamar was far from done with her. Leading her to the table and bending her over it. Palms brace against the top of it. Her stance widens in preparation. Her legs slick with the seed she can smell.

But there is no time to ponder. She felt that glistening tip make it's way to her back door.

“NOT THER – AHHHHH!!!!” Kamar hadn't listened as that massive member pushed forth. Her body falling forth on the table against the onslaught.

Powerful thrusts. Deep enough though not as firm as they could have been as if he had been concerned about any lasting damage. No stranger to anal Scorch often experienced it in the arena or with customers. She preferred not to invoke it. But those drugs actually bestowed pleasure. Obedience was it's own reward.

Holes were altered. Vigorously fucked her head was left spinning. Not computing the pair of guards escorting her to get cleaned up. Unable to do much more than moan at those expert touches that took liberties with her.

How long had her wrists been secured behind her back. Her shoulders ached and while for the time being she was left alone. Kamar was probably deciding on his next move. She didn't know what was worse those pleasure collars or the withdrawal. Her body ached, not from soreness but the chemical response. Her head felt warm and she had a headache something fierce.

Right now all she could do was wait. That message hopefully getting to Vespira's people. Or at least Mercer gets contacted from Kamar. As loathe as it was for him to show up it beat being Kamar's latest slave. A bit of clarity, she recognized the code tapped to her skin. One that they had used from time to time when powered down and about to ambush a target.

Rather than speaking aloud Serena worked out a system where they could communicate with sound. Rarely did they ever have to worry about sensitive scanners or satellites being focused on them but it was better to have it then not have it and need it.

It had indicated that the slave wasn't so far gone. Her messages were unclear at times and trailed off at others. She thought to instill hope in her but didn't want to tip off Kamar. At one point she kissed the slave on her breast. Using her tongue she coded back UNDERSTOOD.

Hopefully there would be more news coming further down the line. Her skin prickling with all that attention she glanced between the two.

“If you can't take these off … at least … at least fuck me already. Please.” Her wits were barely holding on. Again looking between the pair. She could do nothing at present about the Kamar situation. Hopefully she would continue to get news.

Scorch wasn't certain if they came by just to keep her aroused. Perhaps Kamar judged that her collar would keep her out of her mind. Little did he realize it was empty though that alone affected her in that way through depriving her of that need.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
Character Listing
The Journey

Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:12 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Destiny still had enough sense to recognize the code and even attempted to respond through her own means. "Ahh!" The former comrade gasped as those lips and tongue worked her breast. Her bikini left plenty of bare flesh for the redhead to taste and flick with her tongue.

But Scorch was already reaching her limit. Fingers danced and played with her naked and vulnerable body. "Only Master... Mm... Only Master is allowed to fuck you," the Vulture replied, "He fucks all of us. N-Never mmh... Never stops." Her eyes fluttered as she kept pinch and teasing that exposed clit as her other hand moved to cup and squeeze her own breast. The more she thought of Kamar, the more her body was exposed to the collar's influence, associated her pleasure and bliss to him and obeying him.

The gladiatrix approached, hand stroking the Vulture's hair. "If you wan to be fucked, you will need to beg for it just like we all do," the fighting woman stated, "And shouldn't you offer something in return?" Fingers pulled aside her thong and played with her netherlips as she crawled up onto the bed and straddled Scorch's face. That juicy pussy rubbed against the enslaved pirate's face.

The gladiatrix would not consider Destiny's needs until she was satisfied. Only then would she clip a leash onto Mercer's collar and lead the horny space pirate out to Kamar's chambers. Scorch would hear a woman's passionate cries echoing down the metal corridors as they approached closer. Inside, Kamar was fucking the other Vulture. The poor woman had an ahegao expression on her face. The former ally at Scorch's side watched with flushed cheeks. She bit her own lip as her hand drifted down to her lower belly, almost imagining herself being the one being pounded by that dark navy blue phallus.

The woman being fucked let out a long drawn out groan as her head rolled back. Cum could be seen oozing out around her stretched pussy and drooling down Kamar's shaft down to his still pulsing balls. He casually tossed the woman to the floor, his cock slurping out and hanging at half mast. Dark eyes see Scorch and the others. "And what brings you here, slut?"


Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:43 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
This was the same Vulture that had recommended the position change sparring her from consuming copious amounts of that cum. She didn't appear to be lost yet. A slave to her pleasure for sure but a portion of her will remained. Even so there was no sense in getting her hopes up or plotting an escape. The aim was to endure long enough until Kamar got his just deserts. Wouldn't it be something if he winded up under the influences of those collars. Not all the patrons to the club were male and not all the males had tastes in women.

But that matter was out of her hands and she kept from thinking about it. Putting off thoughts of that large member. Just how it could please her in her current state.

No! She scolded herself as she attempted in vain to keep from getting lost to the withdrawal symptoms. It was bad enough that they caused her the feelings of unwellness.

“What! That's nuts!” Bad choice of words. Her thoughts drifted for a moment. On the one hand she was spared being the toy of the crew. She'd be fucked into oblivion. As it was she'd probably come undone at Kamar's hands and er … other things.

Scorch pondered this. Weighing her odds of enduring. It seemed they went up just a tad. Yet she struggled with the fact that she would have to demean herself. No, she would resist. She had too. Extend his little sick game as long as she could in order to draw away his attention.

She struggled with it but as her mind danced with just how to go about this the gladiatrix approached. Forced on her back her arms were pinned beneath her. She managed a yelp before her face was covered with that needy sex. She went to work immediately. Something sparked within her.

Her arms ached uncomfortably beneath her. It was difficult to breath but her tongue acted on its own accord. Grazing the exterior of that sex then delving forth. Continuing her alterations between licking, sucking and eating that pussy until the gladiatrix was satisfied.

Gasping for breath a lead was attached to her collar and instantly she fell in line. Crawling down those metal corridors rather than walking. Her head spinning, her body burning as she ached. Needing. Moans only enticed her to go fast as she zeroed in on Kamar's location.

Once there she witnessed the surrender of her comrade. Marveling at that scepter as it came free. Goo spilling out over the deck.

Pressing her eyes closed her jaw trembled. Hearing those words. Scorch tried to focus herself. Her eyes opening forcing her gaze not to wander but stare into those alien eyes.

“FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! My name is Scorch.” That was probably a mistake. She so much wanted to quell this need. But it was foolish insulting the one that could punish her simply by denying her. Plus when she finally surrendered, which face it wouldn't be long, he would make her pay no doubt.

Was he use to being denied? Would she experience an amused Kamar? A sadistic one? Something different? Having jacked one of Vespira's ships he just might have something designed to punish.

“I … I think we're done here.” As much as she ached for more than a touch she had to keep his interest too. Her judgment being impaired she hadn't decided if she should crumble in short order or show that she had more potential being sold back to Mercer since she obvious wasn't trained so well. At least in the attitude department.

Of course if he threatened her with being sold to Mercer she had to keep her role going and act fearful of that prospect. All of which would get her to crumble if only to keep up appearances or that was the lie she could tell herself to sleep a little better at night.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
Character Listing
The Journey

Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:20 pm
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