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 Freezing all alone (Whisperer) (Completed) 
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Post Re: Freezing all alone (Whisperer)
Kanoe's entire body arches as the tendril slides into her flooded cunt. The woman lets forth a loud moan of pleasure. It was perfect. There was no pain just overwhelming waves of pleasure as the tendil fills her being. Her fingers dig into her breasts, squeezing and groping as the tendril slides all the way into her. She could feel the heat from the sparking member pushing at the entrance to her womb. She began to slowly squeeze and fondle her luscious chest. Palms grind against her peaks as she strokes and squeezes her breasts together over and over.

The woman was in heaven. Soft moans never stop leaving her lips as she and the monster take her body to a new state of arousal. A sucking slurp fills the cavern as the tendril slides all the way out only to provide another squishing slurp going back in. Kanoe's mouth hangs open, nearly speechless as the cock methodically impales her time and time again. Her heavy gasps for air quickly became loud groans. The phallic tentacle fit her cunt perfectly. Every thrust slid along her tender g-spot, sending wonderful shudders through the witch's body. The bundle of nerves quickly hardened and errect, making each invasion all the more intense.

Hips buck slowly into the smooth thrusts. She wanted nothing more than to be taken over and over by this wonderful feeling. Her groans became soft cries as her body began to tense up. Her thighs quiver as her toes curl. Kanoe gives her chest a tight squeeze as her body began to shudder and spasm. The young student was helpless to resist, screaming as her cunt clamps tightly around the thick member. Hot nectar began to spray and gush out around the thrusting member, loud squishes echoing off the cave walls. The climax tore through mind and body, drowning her in a sea of pure bliss.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue May 27, 2008 1:52 pm
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Post Re: Freezing all alone (Whisperer)
Whisperer was a bit surprised at how quickly his prey succumbed to such an incredible orgasm. Or perhaps he had just been lost in the moment, enjoying the act of pleasuring such a sexy woman. Regardless, the climax had occurred and O, was it glorious! A tremendous sensual explosion that shattered the barriers guarding her spirit. After such an event he could not help but feed.

So, even as Kanoe’s lovely scream echoed throughout the cave, even as the alien’s cocks continued to pump between her breasts and in her clutching sex, Whisperer drank deeply of his victim’s life force. Constantly siphoning off the swelling energies kept the wave of bliss from truly cresting, locking her into the peak of orgasm as her captor drained her essence.

And it was a deep well from which he drew, filled with a vast amount of untapped power. Seconds passed to minutes as Whisperer gorged himself. His inner storm intensified continuously, causing his flesh to crackle and hum with barely restrained power. Soon, his body could no longer completely contain the tempest and arcs of electricity began to leap and crawl between the alien and the cavern walls; the ground;, the stream: even between monster and prey. The copious amounts of cum and pre-cum in Kanoe’s system shielded her from the potentially deadly discharges, rendering them harmless and preventing any pain.

Then came the flood of memories; that (relatively) recent development that started the last time he had fed on a magic-user. A deluge of images and sensations from the recesses of Kanoe’s mind assaulted him. Most of them flashed by too quickly to be absorbed, and much of the detail of those that remained was lost, but Whisperer now knew much of what his captive knew, in a general sense.

Finally, the moment arrived. The sexy young witch had been drained of all but the last shreds of her life-force. An involuntary seizure wracked Whisperer and his cocks exploded with jets of brightly glittering electric semen. He filled the limited space of Kanoe’s cunt in an instant and soon his member was forced out of her by the force of his own ejaculation. The one between her breasts jerked and shuddered, then pulled out to shower her face and chest. The third he had looped beneath her and sprayed its offering up onto her back through the web of his other tentacles.

Greo (space scenes only)
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Wed May 28, 2008 12:00 am
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Post Re: Freezing all alone (Whisperer)
She did not know why but her body just kept going and going. The climax continues to tear and rock her entier world, showing no signs of ending. Screams sound through the cavern until she could managed it no more. Mouth hanging open, drool runs out of the corner of her mouth as her eyes began to flutter wildly. The shudders quickly became spasms of bliss. Her hands shook as they weakly held her breasts, sending ripples through the firm flesh. She did not know what was happening but to stop it was not a thought in her mind.

The never ending climax tore her mind into pieces, leaving her nothing more than a quivering sex doll for the creature to feast on. Her eyes roll back to whites, fluttering constantly as her life force and memories were feasted on. There was not one ounce of resistance left in her, an open book for the monster to read while enjoying her energy. Only the occasional weak gasp for air was all her body could do as it was taken on the ride of her life.

Stars flicker in her dimming vision as she shudders and spasms over and over. Her body was arched as if a current was constanly running through her being. Kanoe's hands loosen and slide from her breasts and fell limply to her sides, twitching helplessly. Her strength and life force was being drained away but she did not know nor care anymore. Slowly her shudders began to lessen as her breathing grew much weaker. The world faded to black as she felt hot fluids gush all over and inside her body.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed May 28, 2008 11:30 am
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Post Re: Freezing all alone (Whisperer)
When, finally, he was spent, Whisperer’s inner tempest winked out. Much of the energy had been returned to the student, albeit in a different form. Still, the electrical charge of his semen would help jump-start her natural healing process, and the fluid itself would keep her body alive until her life-force had regenerated enough to sustain it.

The satisfied alien retracted his maws and phallic tentacles, and then he was still. For some time, he just held the unconscious woman, taking in how beautiful she was with his glittering cum all over her. As he watched, the sparks faded away, and the fluid soaked into her pores. All that was left was a dull sheen nearly indistinguishable from dried sweat.

So, it was time. Whisperer retrieved the black robe from near the fire. The garment had dried quite nicely, though it remained damp in some spots. Deciding that it would have to suffice, he carefully dressed Kanoe. When he had finished, he extended a maw to put out the remains of the fire with water from the stream. He was about to leave when something occurred to him.

Casting about in the now darkened cave, the alien still easily found the small leather pouch and the little book nearby. He placed the journal in the pouch, then put that atop his sleeping charge. He still had a nagging feeling he was forgetting something, but nothing was apparent (the candles had all melted away).

If he had a head, he would have shook it, dismissing the sensation. It was not important. What was important was returning the weakened witch to the (relative) safety of her room . . .

As soon as he formed the thought, he suddenly found himself there. In Kanoe’s dorm room, in the midmorning. He had no idea how he got there, but he was still holding the witch safely in a web of his tentacles.

Re-gathering his wits, Whisperer gently placed Kanoe atop her bed and the pouch beside her. There would be no lingering marks from her night with Deimos, and his own assault would leave none of the aches and pains associated with such an attack. In fact, the only thing that would remain were the memories; with but a torn, dampened robe as evidence . . .

The transparent alien quietly let himself out the window. He was still puzzled about how he had transported them both there, but somehow, this time the jump wasn’t quite so disturbing. Perhaps because it had happened at just the right time, or perhaps he was getting used to them, or perhaps . . .

He pushed the incredible thought away, there was plenty of time to analyze it later. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the energy coursing through him as he cruised over the countryside. But, before he left, he projected his call one last time, though he didn’t know if her unconscious mind would register it or if she would remember if it did.

Kanoe . . . Strong . . .

Then he was gone, gliding silently away into the day, hunger completely satisfied . . . for now.

Greo (space scenes only)
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Wed May 28, 2008 11:32 pm
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Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:45 am
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Post Re: Freezing all alone (Whisperer)
Weak twitches and spasms were all that came from the woman as the storms finally die down. The way she was held in the air with energy arcing around and through her looked very similar to some sort of ritual where she was the sacrifice. But that time has passed now as the witch lays there completely blacked out from the rest of the world. Her body seems to glow in the weak fire's light until that too was snuffed out by the strange creature. She was in darkness once more.

The light of a new day shines brightly through her window, warming the bed along with her body. A soft sigh leaves Kanoe as she began to stir and wake. The feelings of euphoria have long worn off and the fog began to clear in her head. The tattered robe did little to hide the features of her body and for several moments the woman was not even aware it was put back on her. She begins to roll over only to bump into a small pouch which she immediately recognized. In it was her journal.

She puts the pouch on her nightstand and lays back down. She pulls her knees close as she curls up under the warm beam of light. Raped again, the witch trembles. Not only could she not stop the creature, she found herself wanting it. She needed it. Slight chills and shivers ran through her being as the memories of the night began to flow back into her clear mind. The ritual she did to summon Deimos. The vicious rapes followed by the gentle acts of another strange creature. How she hungerly sucked the creatures tendrils as they suck, click and pound away at her very being.

~To be a witch is to be a sexual being... labeled consorts to demons and Devils' concubines...~

Fingers slide up and down her womanhood, her hand having slid into one of the many tears in her robes. The words from that scroll repeat over and over in her head. Was it true? Is that why she can't resist? Her eyes glaze over as her fingers dip into herself, pumping slowly in the privacy of her own room.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu May 29, 2008 10:56 am
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