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 Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda) 
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
“Oh, well I heard he spends a lot of time on Shokushu and he keeps going to the slave pens on Vanejin but he has yet to place a bid. I think he's waiting for something.” Unable to shrug Xeo stuck out both hands and raised them. “Typical gossip I don't follow the markets, I have no interest in them.”

His species enjoyed their freedom, they could be a bit chaotic at times and Xeo was the rare exception their but since they valued freedom so much they didn't take it from others normally. Well, other than the dominate ability where they could suggest a reasonable course of action and even then it shrugged off in a few hours.

“You are welcome.”

She leaves finding her way into the shop. Suffice it to say their were several Masters here with their slaves looking over this and that.

Collars, maid outfits, things akin to catnip, different collars that could be attuned to a particular voice … collars that dominated, collars that made the wearer submissive, other collars that generated pleasure from a mild caress to an Earth shattering orgasm. None of these collars could be removed by the wear, impulses in the collar effected the brain scrambling that particular command … and that was what she had seen with a quick look.

The owner was a Neko male that was well dressed and wearing a monicle. He had not noticed her just yet as he was finishing up with a customer.


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Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:41 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She slowly looks around the store from her spot just inside the door for a few moments.. Watching everything before she finally makes her way into the store proper. She moves about the isles as she gets a taste.. for what happen to be within the store.

Her eyes gaze over the selected items within.. taking note of them as she stops to eye this and that.

She sighs a bit and trys to wonder to herself just why she would be buying that neko anything.. there was something deep in her mind that.. twisted just out of reach to the answer such a question she posed to herself... but she sighs unable to answer it.. so she pushes it further back into her mind.

She contunes along looking at the assorted things within the store trying to deside what she could get that neko girl that she would look.. considering she was a slave.

She turns and makes her way back over to the counter where the shop keeper was finishing up with someone. As she stands there she contunes to let her gaze move about the room.. still unsure.. so far she had seen.. alot of slave collars.

She glances off to the side and blinks.. she had seen humon slaves.. or catgirls... but standing off to the side was a furry foxgirl.. her long sleek form was neatly taken careof fur tryed and shiny. She was allmost a strawberry blond in color with simillair shades to let her know she was a foxgirl in form. She had one of those collors that she didnt know around her slim neck.

She was currently being kissed throughly by aanother dark red haired slave.. she looked by her motions to be fighting it a little bit.. but for some reason she couldnt break away from the kiss.. even though it looked like she was kissing back.

Her owner.. which she assumed.. was a tall human like woman dressed in a sleek leather and latex body suit.. with a corset. She was talking to another Larger Human looking male and they were laughing about.. what she thought she hurd about a Kissing collar.

She blinks and looks away back toward the shop keeper as he was finishing up finally. A kissing collar.. she wondered if that ment the victem was forced to kiss someone.. or if someone kissed them.. they couldnt let go and found themselfs kissing back. That would explaine the look on the foxgirls face as she had been trying to pull away.

She shakes her head slightly waiting for the shop keep to finish before she finally steps up looking at him..

"Greetings.. im not really sure what i need and i was wondering if you could recomend something. I need something for a neko girl.. its kinda a present and im not sure what she would like.. hense the recomending something?" she contunes to look at him.. but she was keeping a odd feeling of being looked at again by someone eles.. the hairs on the back of her neck allways did that when she felt a soft tingling within her mind.


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Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:15 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
As she looked a familiar face landed upon her, glaring at her though not approaching. The onyx skinned demon glared daggers at her, his new Neko slave at his side. She had cost him a great deal … well, he had cost himself though it was easier to blame her.

He did not see her Master around and while he entertained thoughts of stealing her away the same way that Fafner took Raven from him he did not feel as confident after dealing with her Master once before. Besides he could be closer than he had expected so in a huff he left the shop with his new slave in tow.

It was the looks of the demon that put her on edge this time, the hair's on her neck standing at end though it was only now that she cout see him leaving as he glared with malice in her direction. Yes, ye had seen her, she had no idea if he would be back or not.

The shop owner considered. “A gift? For a Neko? I take it she's a slave or else you wouldn't be here. Well, there are plenty of things but if you really want to please her I have an array of tonics she might be interested in. They let her perform tasks easier, a Neko slave is all about pleasing their Master the best way they know how ...”


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Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:01 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She hmms softly as she looka at the shop keeper considering. She handnt really looked behind her so she had missed the demon glaring haterid at her. Of course even if she had saw him she wouldn't have know why he was looking at her with such haterid anyway.

She keeps her gaze on the male behind the countrer as she still considers. She didn't really know what she wanted so any advice was better then no adive.

"Umm tonics you say... I assume they are something like potions." She hmms considering and notes she was running out of time.. about 11minutes left.

"Umm just give me a couple useful ones that do what ever.. I'm going to be late" she notes. She reaches for her card and brings it up holding it toward him.


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Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Any two? The Neko grabbed one that he figured most Mater's would enjoy then considered briefly about the second before selecting another.

“Yeah, like potions except that there is normally no duration with tonics but rather an instaneous effect. I think she'll like these two.” He ran the debit card and she realized that the two tonics cost her about 40% of what she had spent at the general store so that made them what, 1000 a piece?

“There you are,” the tonics were wrapped up in cloth and placed in a bag for her.


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Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:07 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She nods softly studieing the male behind the counter for a few moments.. watching him turn around snatching one of the bottles of the shielf.. before taking a few moments before grabbing the second one.

She watches him bring them over to the counter.. carefully wrapping them in cloth and putting them into a bag. She hands over the card as he runs it threw before hanging it and them back to her.. She gives the male a smile..

"Oh thank you.. i hope these will make her happy.. enough for a present anyway.." she hmms softly hopeing in her rush she hadnt done soomething that might come back to haunt her in the long run.

She puts the card back into into her silks as she reaches forward taking the bag from him.. and adding it next to the one she was allready carrying. Turning around she starts for the door before she was even finished turning.. and runs headlong right into that.. pritty foxgirl she had seen on the other side of the store.. she had bright blue eyes and if she didnt know better was blushing as she had run allmost right smack damb right into the girl. She had been allmost touching it her.

She meeps a bit opening her mouth.. "Oh im so sor.." she blinks as she suddenly feels this over whelming presences within her mind and body as she steps right into the girls embrace.. leaning forward as they were both allmost the same height. She leans into the other girl and a moment later she was kissing the other girl deeply...

She blink blinks.. moveing her lips solidly against the girl.. if she hadnt know better she was putting.. emotion into that kiss.. like her she felt real emotion. The other girl was kissing her just intently back.. there eyes locking.. the eyes showing the.. confusion in her case.. and a look of im sorry from the petite foxgirl.

THe kiss seems to last an entenirty.. she couldnt help but blush at the warmth of the other girl as they were so closely pressed togeather.. When the cumpulsion finally ended she was panting sofftly as she pulled back eyes widening away from her. The fox girl lowers her eyes in embarrsment as if she had no control over what she had just done..

She blinks again.. blushing herself.. only her blush travels the full length of her body. She opens her mouth to say something but she is unable to say anything.. so she bolts for the door to head out.. needing to get back as she remerbers she was allmost out of time..

The sound of feminime laughter from the foxgirls Mistress follows her.. but it sounded light as she thought it was amuseing.

Even as she makes her way out into the street her mind started to work around what had happen.. Maybe thats what she had hurd them talking about before. Something about a Kissing collor.. perhaps it was a collar that made who ever the wearer touched.. or touched the wearer they ended up haveing to kiss that person.. Well it did make sence at what just happen to her.. and it really hadnt seemed like a forced.. kiss. her body had responded like she had really ment it.. even though her mind had rebelled not knowing what was going on.

Shaking her head slightly she contunes on her way trying to make it back to the point she was supposed to meet the monster.


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:12 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Time was running short now as Amanda turned to leave it grew even shorter not at her own doing mind you but the vulpine girl that was bringing her lips against Amanda's, moving against hers though the other girl was under a compulsion that she had struggled with it was a dull kiss that stormed over her senses. Sparks of electricity seemed to engulf her and while the foxgirl seemed greatly embarassed by what had happened Amanda could only hear ther chores of laughs that rolled out from the shop.

First it was from the foxgirl's mistress. It grew like a contagion though as more attention was trought to them. The large human was next and even the Niko owner snickered and asked itf they liked the collar for they seemed very interested in humiliating their prize any way that they could. If that meant for the slave kissing a perfect stanger with such fevor then so be it. Amanda rushed from the shop and through the markt place. There were many people that noticed her as she ran, some that had already been watch and others that were waiting for opportunities to pounce but she was oblivous to all this.

Amanda wa a long way from Kansas. She was on another world, albeit a dangerous one and until recently she had not even thought she was in space.

Reaching the rendez-vous point she could see Fafner leisurely approaching as she got back, distraactions and all under the wire.

Fafner regarded her for a moment, noticed the two bags and nodded slightly.

Mow, what have you aquired.


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Last edited by Aegir 2 on Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:30 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Makes her way threw the crowd.. trying hard not to bump into anyone as she hurred.. She was still blushing from that odd encounter with that vulpine.. She had been soft.. and tender.. and it was odd.. she had to admit to herself.

She shakes her head as she dashes around a building and brings her selfup short to where she had been running to.. Allmost skidding to a hault. At least.. the slippers were part of her silks.. and they kept themselfs in a nice self repair even if she didnt know it.

She stops at where she was supposed to be as she turns and see's the.. creature slowly making its way to the spot she was at.. she watches him loom over her.. She half wondered if he wasn suprused she had acutally showed up in the first place.

She blinks a bit..though she should have figured when the first question out of his mouth was what did she buy..

"I got.. flash chips that will teach me First aid and chemistery..." she says after a moment.. "And theres a couple i dont know know he threw them in there" she says after a moment.. after all that was the truth and she had no problem keeping her mind on that fact...

"And i got 2 things for the neko.. appeantly tonics.. and no i dont know what they do.. though apppearntly they are considered nice for neko's" she says.. and that was also the truth.. though that was only because she had been running out of time and didnt have time to stop... and to stop herself from thinking about anything else she contunes on...

"And the general store will be haveing dilivered if they havent allready beem.. blankets, energy bars.. and something that will make enough water per day appearntly..." she acutally forgot about the heater.. considering it had been added in last moment.

"And i was allmost shot.. if you care... Kidnapped.." She says.. she does leave out the part of that soft... and warm vulpine that had kissed her.. or she had kissed her.. she wasnt sure really still what had happen theree... only it had set her heart beating faster.


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:13 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Ah, yes, you made quiet an impression on Xeo. He wished to buy your contract. I was a t the ship and hence why I was a little late. He showed up and began unloading stuff amd had a word with me while his worker di all the heavy lifting.

He een tried to dominate me though only telepathy works on me of the mental attributes.

But no weapons? A bit of a surprise there and while I am disappointed seeing how you haven't eaten today our prior arrangements about such arrangements are, well seen to for the day and some time afterwards I realize that in time you will run out of energy bars eventually.

But I am quiet please. You have taken steps to acquire your freedom, certainly, but you returned and managed to get those things that you would have greater need of in the future. I could be cruel and dole them out as I see fit or not at all but I gave you free reign to acquire what you had … I am concerned though that someone chose to shot at you.

He delved into her mind to see what that was about and the issues that lead up to getting her shot at. He considered this for a moment.

Savalis … I will have to have a word with him later … you are alirght?


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:27 am
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
Sigh a bit as she had expected that to happen so she hadnt got her hopes set up too much in the general store owner would acutally be able to hire her.. it was a shame to say.. even though she figured she would be working for some time.. at least she wouldnt have been required to do anything obscen.

She shakes her head slightly as she contunes to look at the creature before her. Feeling that heavy presence thicken in her mind, able to feel him within but not know how, to keep him out. Even as the creature had delved into her mind to find out about the pather.. there was a good chance he might notice that her mind had triggered that Precog that had allowed her to jump out of the way in time. Even if she didnt understand what had happen.. but it was a like a split seconding warning about where she was to dive before his finger had tightened on the trigger.

She herself had just figured she had been lucky in advoiding that not knowing really what had happen. It was jsut a further example her those untapped mind skills that he mind was flexing now that it was being dived into daily on one form another.

"And why are you disapointed.. Why would i go for weapons when you made it plainly clear before i even left.. you could deal with them with a natural kind of ease and wasnt worry about them monster." shaking her head as she contunes to look at him. "

Even as he contuned to pull the pierces of her acounter with the pather.. The images about what had happen to the pathers slave.. the forcef flash card making herplay with heself to orgasm would by there within her mind.. everything eles she had seen in that store.

She rolls her eyes a bit in her normal scarstic way as she got defenceive.. "Oh sure.. i get shot at and threated with kidnapping every day." she shakes her head slightly.. "Oh wait.. thats right.. i have been kidnapped.." she sighs a bit trying to calm down now wanting to get.. over sarsctic given what she had been threw.

Her thoughts drift toward the foxgirl again.. She shivers slightly.. There must have been some dwindling effect from that collor tyhat the other girl had been enchanted with.. if it still made her shiver even now.. but dang if that girl hadnt been warm and plush to be against.

She blinks and pushes those thouhts from her mind.. thinking it was most defently some enchantment or some sort that made her contune to think about it in that kinda context.


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:52 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
You misunderstand. I am not disappointed in your decision, I am merely dissappointed in that you will hav a steady food supply for awhile and based on your will it will be sometime before it erodes again and you decide to take me up on my offer to grant you nourishment.

There was always the silks of course but could he actually drive her to a state of lust or submission with them alone? He wondered if her will would erode that far though he doubted it would occur all at once …

Still, she had come back which was saying a lot, it was a first step at least and while he sensed her precog abilities he was unable to think of a means of tapping them. His father seemed to have a little talent for it though he did not really have the talent to be an excellent tutor in that realm … Xeo was a psionic creature but if he were good at precog he would have realized that his efforts would fail unless he was the sort that just had to try …

Perhaps I have some training for you. Perhaps I will let you stay with that merchant for a little while at least. You have some talents in the Arts but I did not want to teach you so soon but since trouble seems to find you often enough it would be unwise to allow your mind to go to waste.

I am rather pleased by your decisions they showed foresight but in some cases caution and while I realize your desire to escape has not been curbed you have shown a deal of trust in that I would let you keep what you got, especially seeing how much of it goes against my plans. And no, it is yours. I am not going to take anything you bought here today away from you unless you misuse it, such as using the heater to generate a fire so you can try to escape. Baring such abuses the items are yours. I am surprised that you did not get any other clothing there are maid's uniforms at some of the shops that cover a bit more though you did pick those clothes out last time ...

As she considered some of her recent encounters he picked up on them. He would get that Flash imprinter. It seemed to be effective on this other slave though Amanda did have mental defenses. Maybe he'd try it out first but first he gestured to her to follow. He was going to that last shop where she encountered the foxgirl. He might miss them otherwise but a plaything for his little pet and that Flash suppresor there could work wonders. Plus the image in her mind about that kiss … that spark … he could always have Raven try but he knew that this was a definate effect.

Sure enough as he entered the Neko shop the foxgirl was making out with the red headed slave and their Masters were laughing. In the end he had dominated the Masters, humans were always so easy to control, the shop keep who made a fuss about some kissing collar as they headed to the door that hadn't been paid for and the slave herself, the blond haired foxgirl following in tow with them.

One more stop, Amanda and we shall be finished here. My little reward to you for behaving today and to assist getting over the trauma of being shot at.


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:36 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She shakes her head slightly to herself as she contunes to stand there stairing at the creature.. She raises her hand up and strokes some of her long silken strands from the soft curves of her youthful face.

Well she thought smugly that she achived sme sort of victory no matter how small.. though he was menchening some sort of argeement again.. though she still had no idea what this.. agreement was considering if she did make such a agreement it was before she had lost her memory.. or.. stolen from her anyway.

She hmms a bit to herself.. the heater.. she had forgetten about that.. then how had the creature know.. oh yea.. well he most likly went over everything that the general store manager had brought him with so he had seen it then.

She doesnt even for a moment belieave for a moment that he wold let her stay with the store manager.. if anything he knew that the storemanager would be super lax with her.. and she wouldmost likly find a way to escape easer like that. Not that she knew what he ment by talents in arts.. but knowing this creature he was talking some sexual act or something and she didnt care for any of that.

"And why would i want to dress in a french maids outfit..i think that screams severent more then these do" she said jesturing to the silks she wore.. acutally that logic sounded flawed even in her own ears... yea a maid was ment to serve.. but how could they scream severtude even more then the slave silks she was wearing.. To be honest she was sure there wasnt anything in that shop that would be better.. at least with the silks.. they did.. more or less hide her parts.. a maid outfit was designed most likly so the "maid" could be bent over and taken easly.

She shakes her head clearing the thought from her head a she turned to follow him as he said to follow. Her eyes taking in the crowd again now that she had.. time to be able to and not rushed.. she was seeing assorted eyes following her again.. but this time no one was coming closer as she was following the other creature.

Her eyes widen as they make there way back up to the neko store.. she blinks.. remerbering.. what had happen here all not to long ago.. "umm what.. are we doing here.." she starts to say as they made there way into the store proper.

her eyes adjust to the light as she stands just within as she watches the creature allmost Beeline its way over to the foxgirl and owner.. watching the sleek foxgirl making out with a different read head again.. there eyes telling how they were truely embarrsed.. but there bodys not responding as they contuned to kiss before parting.

She swollows a bit and looks toward the creature she was with..He was talking to the foxgirls owner.. but she noticed the look the woman was giving.. first shakeing her head no.. then shaking it again.. only to start nodding before the woman had turned over a leash into his awaiting grip.. She blink blinks a bit as the woman points to him.. the girl herself blinked a bit not understanding.. as she didnt know why something was happening before she was forced to move over toward him... to follow.

She blinks again giving another shake of her head.. wondering if she had just witnessed what she thought she had.. had he just baught the foxgirl.. or had taken her like he did so many other things.. but she hadnt told him about the girl or what had happen.. she knew.. he could read surface thoughts.. but.. She swollows a bit as he makes his way over toward her and out the door again. She follows though careful not to brush against the girl.. she looks at her.. her eyes were seeming a little downcast.. as if.. something had just happen she didnt like.. or was saddened.

"Umm.. you.. didnt just take her did you? That... was.. so wrong" she shakes her head slightly.. assumeing of course he had.. "Dont you think she is going to know something about that was fishy come later.. even more so if she acutally cared for her?" she says as they pass out of the door. Still being careful not to brush against the other girl.. remerbering what happen last time she had.. she didnt need to be doing that in the street if thats truely how it worked.

"Oh.. your going to let me go then for a reward for not being shot.. releaseing that i would be better off free and you will just simple release me uh?"


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:21 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
He had followed her train of thoughts about the 'Arts” he had mentioned and while he had found that she was sub par at giving head she was quiet enjoyable otherwise being nice and tight down their … he had not mant a sex act in this case though and it had seemed that Xeo was uninterested in her, maybe not even compatible come to think of it. He was mostly eye and mouth after all.

Fafner had let her think what she wanted. She had to be shown things to truly believe them and tended not to listen to him anyway so there had been little reason to explain what he had meant when perhaps in time he could show her what he had meant.

He felt her faulter a bit as she thought about the maid's out fit. But he was not going to argue with her about it … No reason … I just thought you'd prefer it.

We are picking something up.
He answers as they get to the Neko shop as she asks. No kidding, really he had thought he would hear in his mind but hadn't partially because of the drug he was on, partially because he was focused on what he was doing for he was not as versed as Aegir in splitting his focus and doing multiple things at once,

He needed to concentrate on what he was doing, dominating minds hadn't been something he often did. Implanting suggestions to get free stuff was easier though her he was exerting a bit more control.

The foxgirl acquired, Fafner was delighting in the realization that Amanda had at how powerful he could be and thus how futile it was to resist him in the end. He made getting things that easy … wouldn't that hold true about getting information about her movemnts if she ever did escape? Who gave her a ride her or there? Who saw her as she jumped a fence to stowaway on a ship and what not. It was truly frightening what he accomplished and it thrilled him to let Amanda see all that and consider the future a bit …

You have yet to pay me back, Amanda so no. No, I will not release you. Oh, and the girl is aware of what is happening, she cannot control her body, just as that collar compels her to kiss whatever she touches. If she cares about her Mistress or not is no concern of mine, I can and did take her. However, I will be kind. I will let you earn her freedom. She has cost me nothing and if she goes running back to her Mistress or trying to obtain her freedom will be her doing … ah. We are here already.

He slipped inside another shop, scanned and went over to the area whe the flash suppressor was … suppressor? That dodn't sound right but he found a gun with a few cards containining a yellow clear liquid that one loaded into the gun, a needle gun that injected the serum straignt into the arm or leg. He took a fair share of samples and the gun leaving after dominating the owner again.

Now back to the ship ...


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
She hadnt said anything in responce about how she would perfer the maids outfit.... to be honest she really hadnt looked much at clothing.. she had been more intent on the imprinter.

She puts a kabosh on that train of thinking as she starts thinking about the imprinter as she watches the whole play within the neko's store before they all ended up leaving after.. the Other neko girl in tow.

She shakes her head slightly as she looks at the creature.. "You dont even want her.. why did you do that" she blinks and looks at the girl.. she wasnt overly sure the vulpine did like the woman.. she had saw the embarrsment within the girls eyes as they had kissed her.. and the other girl she had been with.. She knew it was like a forced compulsion.. allmsot like anyone of a submission nature that touched or ran into the girl felt a overwhelming need to kiss her.. and the vulpine girl would find herself kissing back.

She huffs a bit as she contunes to pad along.. she looks back at the creature again.. "You had no reason to take her!" She half growls.. though she was keeping her voice low trying hard and not yelling. "Unless you got her to just simply to try to use against me somehow.." she responds until you explain about how she would "earn" the vulpines freedom.

"So i was right.. you got her to try to get me to be nicer.. someone i..." she trails off trying to kabosh that thought to.. not wanting him to use the knowladge she thought the girl was pritty against her.. but she feared thats why this was suddenly happening.

They, the vulpine and herself follow him back to the sex shop.. she sighs a bit and feared he had used her to find things.. things he had otherwise not cared to search out for himself.. or to take the time to shop as it were.. window shop the term was called..

SAs she move into the store she glances over to the counter seeing the creature behind there again.. before she follows the creature to the isles.. She stops as the vulpine girl had bumped into a naked mousebrown haired human that still wore her classes. The Vulpine and her looked at each other.. it was as if a unseen magnet suddenly pulled them togeather as they were kissing deeply.. embrassment locked into there eyes as they held the kiss allmost the intire time the creature picked up the Flash injector.. she glanced at him.. eyes widening.. she remerbered that stuff.. that was the stuff that had been used to "infect" that red haired girl from the pather to play with herself openly.. that stuff took a few days to wear off in the system and left certain.. afflictions on the victem depending on what was used.

She turns her gaze back to the vulpine as the creature made his domming talk with the shop keeper. The Strawberry blond vulpine finally managed to break off the kiss leaving both her and the other slave panting for breath as she takes several steps away.

She looks at the creature again as he comes back toward them... and they follow him out the door.. she doesnt say anything this time around.. but feariing.. what he had picked up.. not to menchen she didnt overly like needles to begin with.. but to know whatever those needles held.. would make her or anyone that stuck them with do.. things. She and the vulpine girl that she still didnt know the same of follow him back to the ship.


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Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:15 pm
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Post Re: Yearnings (Mine part II) (for Amanda)
No, I have no interest in keeping her just as I had no interest in Raven. Her acquisition was done to spite her Master, this … you'll see. Fafner somewhat explained to her as they went on. He freely talked about the slave, she had no choice but to follow as he glanced toward Amanda. This surprises you?

He could take whatever he wanted most of the time so appreciating things was harder for him when he could simply take what he wanted.

Progress. She was trying not to yell, he could feel the anger but rather than lashing out at her he was more amused than anything at that moment. He was too amused thinking about future prospects to be bothered by that at the moment. He had the slave, the collar and this new toy after all and he thought he would have to wait though he had been wrong about that.

When they got to the ship he used his mind to open a locked door. One of the rooms she had not seen before. There was a grand bed here and a smaller bed. Manacles had been secured to the wall and their were various sex toys lining the walls.

Do you wish to earn her freedom, Amanda, or ... He injected her in the arm suddenly with the device. Or do you wish to cum? Resist touching yourself or being touched by another for ten minutes and she can go free.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:07 pm
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