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 Pandora's Box (for Gaia) 
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
It had seemed as if KD had been smart enough to recognize the danger that the Ashlyn represented to the organics and it had not made a sound in those chirps and whistles though it still communicated via the read out when asked which way.

Workers and soldiers shifted towards the emitters drawn by the heat. Right now these Ashlyn may possess super genius intelligence but instinct governed them for the most part. That and something knew could baffle them until the danger had been assessed. It was a young colony. Even the Queen had not been too old and it wasn't until their infestation of the ship that they became familiar with blasters and other weapons.

A lone soldier started off in her direction then stopped, dazed as the smoke grenade went off. It's connection to the hive mind scrambled and lost temporarily and that single soldier had been a colony of one for the time being reaping no benefits from the others.

There were a few more Ashlyn that had been caught by that smoke and they too were “colonies of one”. Further there were those in the vents that had been effected as well.

Following on with KD's help she could see all the green and blue slime that had been everywhere. But then as she was continuing on two soldiers were coming her way with a purpose. She was getting closer to the engines and it was clear that they did not wish for her to be here for whatever reason. At the same time that this was going on a vent overhead (though not directly) fell away and out fell another soldier. A fourth Ashlyn, a worker stayed in the vent planning on using it as cover as it fired forth a stream of green sticky slime at her trying not to hit the falling soldier but the survival of the colony, not the individual, was paramount.


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Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:08 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
Gaia moved passed the stunned drones and soldiers. Time was everything. There was no time to think but to react and stay true to her training. The Ashlyn was moving droves the heating emitter like moths to a flame. Kd stayed silent as the Soldier took notice. Could it was smart enough to avoid making too much noise. It was a alone, but she was compromised in the area. So far she was getting close to the engine room, and the closer she got the more aggressive the soldiers became. No doubt guarding their Queen.” Farin give me an update, on you’re postion.” She said over coms as she moved on. The slime of green and blue worried her. How many Aschen they loose here. She wondered as she caught sight of two Soldiers approaching fast.

She was getting closer to the engines and no doubt the queen was there as well. She tossed a cryo grenade at the two oncoming, freezing them, and likely killing them. It was in that same moment another soldier dropped from the ceiling. No time to pull another grenade. She opens fire on it, her plasma gun melting trough its armor, it die instantly, but a service shot to the head would… She barely saw the second attack in time, she didn’t dodge, she wasn’t fast enough for it, but it hit her chest eroding the garment that hid her huge breast. Within seconds her nipples where exposed, and most of the frontal fabric gone. Aiming up she fired a few shots to send it back into the vents to avoid getting shot at, preventing any subsequent attacks, and loss of garments on her part. That left the soldier to deal with temporarily it was only the two.

“Fuck off Bug” She said attempting to deliver the final fatal shot.

( OOC: Fuck off bug should've been a line in star-ship troopers... I feel all Nostalgic now :))

Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:43 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
(Starship Troopers, now that takes me back)

“I'm just getting to the secondary bridge. It seems pretty secure. No signs of any fighting or slime for a bit.”

It had seemed that Farin was all set. It was up to her now and as the two soldiers made their way forth the cyro grenade was used. There was an explosion though rather than shrapnel the area near the explosion had it's heat sucked dry. The sudden cold had been a shock to the Ashlyn system and the two soldiers dropped dead, their only purpose for their hive was discovering how the cyro grenades worked for they were relatively new and this hive had yet to experience anything of their destructive power.

The falling soldier was hit though not killed, the shot did stun it for a moment though Gaia managed to unleash a few shots at the vent driving the worker away she had been hit, the green slime stronger than any adhesive she knew though fortunately there had been nothing to angle her too and she had not fallen over where additional shots could have secured her to the floor.

Just as the soldier was tossing off it's stunned nature Gaia was able to finish it off. KD came close:


A compartment on the chassis opened and a grasper arm extended outward with a vial of blue slime in it though she could hear other Ashlyn approaching, the survivor in the vent giving away their position but while close she seemed to have enough time to get ahead of them before they converged on her.


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Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:14 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
Gaia took the blue substance though she was sure it would do no good after all her F sized breast where exposed. She poured the blue liquid onto them, it gavae her slight shiver over her sensitive orbs, the slime then came off with ease. She caught the sounds of the Ashlyn, the worker obviously sounded the call for reinforcements. She could beat to them to the punch. So far what she heard from Farin everything was going smoothly. Turning on another heating emitter to draw of the reinforcements to that spot, she charged off. It by her some time. She was glad she was alone, as her breast was flopping up and down in an erotic fashion. The last thing she needed was sexual glorification in this shit hole.

Rounding a corner she continued on, not aware she was near the core of the nest where there was still plenty of guards and workers. She rounds another corner KD hot on her heels… She stops dead in her tracks eye wide. There were fifty of them, workers, soldiers, and drones. There was plenty of dead male Aschen around. She had reached it the nest, but she had yet to get to engine room.”KD.” she said hiding the drone from sight. “Get to the engine.” Her voice was full of concern and fear.

She could dual wield but she was saving that to kill the queen. From the looks of it she would hardly get that chance. The Hitting emitter would by time for the engine to get started up, but not nearly enough to allow a feasible escape. She had one smoke and one cyro left a few clips for her plasma pistol, with ten rounds left in the gun. Ctyro could take out six or seven of them, but the rest weren’t cluttered so she was going to need to use the smoke disorient them and take them out. She had eighty-two rounds, so she had forty three targets that left 39 rounds. That was if she manages to kill all of them in one shot; which meant she was somewhere around six or seven rounds if that. Fuck me. Gaia thought as she surveyed the situation. She was seriously screwed if things didn’t pan out right.

She hoped Farin and the Aschen where ready. She was going to have to claw her way out if that was even plausible. She readied herself for combat. “When I say go, ggo.” She said to KD her grip tightening on the weapon. She still had the other gun, but she needed that as a trump card. It was time to put her training to the test. A deep breath and a slow release she toosed the grenades shouting for KD to go.

Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:18 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
The odds were severely stacked against her and it became very apparent that the Ashlyn nest had been back here. Doing the math in her head there had to be a fourth of their number here. Mentally she prepared for combat instructing KD to get the engines back on.

At the worse perhaps the Ashlyn would be distracted by her attack letting the droid accomplish what needed to be done.


Time passed. The grenade was tossed and the ensuing explosion took out half a dozen of the creatures in one fell swoop. Those near the explosion moved away from the area of cold. It was as instinctive as jerking one's hand back away from fire after it burned you.

Others were dazed caught up in the detonation of the smoke grenade. Green slime fired blindly out of a cloud of smoke, the grenade attack having been seen earlier the Ashlyn assessed what it did quick enough although currently several had been dazed and others had no viable target.

KD began to high tail it to the engines and while one might have expected a charge any Ashlyn that made contact with that smoke was dazed.

Of course those that weren't firing blindly had been looking for a way a round, many sought to take apart sections of the vent to scurry around the smoke. Some was getting into the vent so going straight over was not possible and they had to be far enough back to avoid it.

Even the smell of the smoke made them a little lethargic where dodging wasn't going to be as crisp or their shots as accurate. While she had stirred up a hornets nest she still had a bit of time for the Ashlyn to regroup.


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Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:26 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
The smoke after a few moments began to clear up, those that where still dazed or even lethargic began to come out of it slowly. Twenty shots left and a good dozen still lived not including the ones that had taken to the vents. She heard more rushing in from behind her. She looks around looking for anything to give her an edge. “KD hurry up and get that engine up.” She said over coms. She was saving the last heating emitter for the room she was in. Blow it and hopefully be out of the area by then, or have some way of riding out the explosn. Either way she was getting surrounded.

She fired her weapon killing those who were still dazed. Seven rounds left… Spotting an Aschen weapon she picks it fires… Nothing, any ammo had been used up. Her mind slipped back to the extra pistol she had in flat space. No, I might need that if things go south. She though as if things weren’t. Squteched…
“Damn.” The blue skinned bauty shouted as some acid hit her right leg, making her role to her left. Then something snagged her leg. The green slime had hit. Did nothing to her boots surprisingly but she stuck, with six, five, four, three, two. Click. That damning sound rang in her ears as her pistol went dead more slime knocked her onto her back much of it dissolving her clothes but no her tool belt it was covered in slime and was unaccesible.
“Fuck!.” She cried out in battle rage extending her claws on her free hand extending to fool length. The slime was gooey and hard to cut but it was being stripped a way in a crude slow manner. Allowing the Ashlyn time to stop her, she saw the slime been down her arm. She down but stil struggling, she wasn’t going to let the bugs kill her, or do worse. By then a loud sound erupted, the Engines perhaps? Or the Ashlyn she didn’t know, but what she did know was she in a world of shit.

(OOC: I was thinking of having KD fail, but doesn’t get destroyed or killed. So that way in when its safe he can come back an help Gaia get free and then finish what she started with the hitting emitters and blowing up the ship)

Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:37 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
(I had similar thoughts :))

It was a small mater though one she was unconcerned with, even if she had known that the sub had been recalled to the surface, a command send to automated systems. There were more pressing matters for her to deal wit as the smoke dissipated and the effected Ashlyn were coming out of it.

They were sitting ducks at first which made it easier for her to take out but their numbers were just too great she found as they snapped out of her stupor. There was just too much slime and the fact that none of them had a sense of self preservation as they moved forth.

Unlike an individual the self did not matter, the collective did. As long as the Queen survived so too would the colony. So it was rather instinctual for them to advance without regard to their own lives. Her boot snagged, slime covering her utility belt she had been out of the blue slime from earlier that worked so well in neutralizing this stuff.

She was not Aschen, enemy of the Ashlyn and so there was no immediate desire to kill her. She was new to them, strange and new and the Ashlyn grew stronger the more they digested information.

She had killed so many of them but that did not matter. The Queen lived and thus the colony survived. Besides, they had disabled the safeguards on Aschen tech. By the time the distress call was made the colony was large enough where they had been blessed with greater intelligence. Genetically they understood some of those safeguards, call it a communal memory that was passed down the line as was all Aschen tech. If this hive lived they would pass along information on the cyro grenades. They were good at braking down the goodies of their mortal enemies, evolution made them quite dangerous.

A soldier drew near, retractable tentacles, one on each side, whipped out at her weapon slapping it away while a worker used it's own to secure a wrist, pressing it down to the floor and spat green slime on her hand above where it was grasping before moving to a leg. It paused as another worker bound her arm in similar fashion.

Orders from the Queen. Gaia appeared humanoid, just how like the Aschen females was she? Her legs were kept free for the moment. The Ashlyn survivors had crowded around and a bit of blue slime washed over her waist as the bugs began to strip away her gear.

A pair even mulled over the sonic weapon but not for long assuming it was just an Ashen weapon and they had seen how the others operated. One of the drones was beckoned forth. The drone had been the seize of a Great Dane with wings and a stinger that it used to inject something hot into her leg for a few seconds.

Workers used their tentacles now to spread her legs for the drone whose tentacles grasped at her breasts after a worker blasted them with a bit of blue slime. The idea for their slimes had been adapted from the Xagi though they only possessed the green and blue slimes.


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Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:02 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
Gaia had been restrained, her clothes dissolved or tattered rags her sex revealed as well the henna like tattoos that where hidden on the lower half of her body. More importantly her utility belt had been swiped away. They mauled over utility belt. They would find it an odd make. It looked primitive but was obviously high tech. There was a circle base container that seemed to have a faint glow. It was a flat space disk, newly design but effective in carrying hidden armaments or weapons. Her pistol was also unique and not Aschen make or design; one could say it was better than Aschen tech, in terms of fire power. The tech itself was easy to replicate the metal design etched into it was not. All of it pointed to she wasn’t aschen nor superior in tech, but around the same area as far technology could go.

They looked over the sonic weapon but seemed to pass it off as any other weapon and left it alone. Then she felt something sting her leg, instinctively her powerful thick legs kicked out. It did nothing as her legs where quickly subdued. She felt her body growing hot, and her mind began to fill with lust. This wasn’t what the ASchen had said; they should be tearing her to bits. She had killed plenty of their kind at least a hundred or so, that had to put a huge dent in their colony. With no males to lay eggs in they had taken a huge blow. Unless…. No. She begins to squirm against the slime realizing what was happening, but a fleeting mind, and too tightly restrained she was just making things more dramatic. in the back of her mind she hoped KD had succeeded and Farin and the Aschen where ready to blow the ship.

“Get..uggh. off.” She grunted bitterly her voice giving away pure rage and anger, as well as bliss as whatever was given to her began to take root in her blood. She didn’t want those things touching her especially her private area, it was no use, her nipples hardened and her breast swelled and became firm and perky but still jiggled as her hest heaved up and down with her weakening struggles. Her body was truly beautiful if the Ashlyn understood such a thing, and with a glowing sexual state her body seemed to radiate in wonderful colors of bluish gray.

Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:51 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
The Ashlyn workers that were inspecting her stuff seemed to like the plasma pistol. So sensitive were they to the heat that they could sense the slight increase of temperature from it. But that was a small matter.

The Queen had been curious and wished to learn more about her. With workers coating the tentacles with the blue slime the drone used them after crawling over it's victim. Tentacles coiled about those breasts, squeezing and sliding over those mounds as it waited for that drug to kick in as any stray green slime that splattered on her breasts had been brushed aside.

The tips of those tentacles flicked her nipples and despite her protests it did not appear that the Ashlyn understood or cared, probably the later depending on how the Queen's domination worked as far as communicating with a dominated mind. Did she learn it's language too? Use a form of telepathy?

That question did not matter though. It seemed that the drone knew what it was doing as far as getting the best effect out of that drug or poison which she realized quickly was a form of aphrodisiac. Perhaps at one time it was poison that mutated, again that was unimportant as the drone unleashed a retractable cock that wasted no time in making contact with her.

Though rather than thrust straight into her that cock rested against her slit horizontally as it brushed back and forth against her to further stimulate her body and hasten the effect of that drug.


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Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:59 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
Her nipples stiffened at the touch of the tentacles. The Quarrain continued to try and defy the inevitable, but her mind was numbing. Gaia was losing the will to fight, and but gaining the will to fuck. The creature would find her nipples to be black and large, and hard a rock thanks to the drug in her system. She whimpered in disgust at her own bodies failings. She questioned if she had poisoned, but it didn’t matter, what did was the cock rubbing against her hot aching sex. It was quickly becoming wet and slick. Her breaths become short as arousal build allowing the drug to have a faster affect. She tries to squirm away from it but only succeeds in adding the position or drug in her system. She could feel her mind and body craving the cock to slide into her snatch. She shakes her head trying to fight the thoughts off but it’s far too along to resist. She lets out a moan of sexual longing signifying the drug had taken its hold on her body.

Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:49 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
Her gear and weapons were soon carried off by the Ashlyn workers after they had inspected it. They were stock piling all the weapons that they found not because they had a use for them but rather so others couldn't use them against them.

Others moved on, the soldiers no doubt left to pursue KD it seemed leaving her with just the drone and two workers that remained on stand by. There were so many dead or incapacitated ones nearby though the Ashlyn had no medics and had been unconcerned with their injured as most other species may have been.

It saved resources for the colony. Only the Queen mattered. If she were slain the largest drone would be feed the royal jelly and transform genders becoming the next Queen provided that the colony survived long enough as without the Queen, the clue holding them all together they were like any old colony of super aggressive insects and lacked a sophisticated identity until the transformation was completed and that could take a week or two sometimes longer depending on the size of the drone. The larger the drone the less time it took.

The drug seemed to affect Gaia and the drone proceeded. The cock aligned itself to her entrance and pressed forward. The fleshy ones broke easier and so it used a slow approach at first as that warmth surrounded it. An inviting warmth seeing how sensitive it was to temperature changes and what began as a slow descent as it was ordered nearly befuddled the individual. For a second the individual emerged wanting to slapped down and thrust deeply inside her to bask in that warmth but the instructions were clear, to use caution and so it slowly pushed into her, pushing past her hymen as it grasped her breasts with those tentacles. Once fully emerged in her the hold on those tits allowed it to rock back and forth within her tight folds.


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Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:03 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
Gaia didn’t care about her belt being carried off; her mind was focused on loosing her virginity. It grasped her breast tightly, the tendrils felt as if they where squeezing them gently. The bugs thrust were slow and narratic, drawing a gasp and deep sigh from the beautiful womaen. Her passage was un-used and thus very tight. It served to please her and the invader very well. Her Sex had also grown very wet at this point. The drug having stirred her more carnal desires had left her woman hood hot and aching, a slow fuck would not do. As such her hips begin to rock wanting a faster steadier pace than what she was getting. Easily matching the rocks of the creature at first she begins to draw forth a faster pace, but her assailant seemed to be cautious and kept its pace.

Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:24 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
It was confused when she began moving quicker against it and it expressed this to the colony. Gaia was not as fragile as she appeared and after a few seconds it was instructed that it could match the pace. That thick cock pressing into that moist flower, urged forth by the onset of that drug it had used.

Tentacles squeezed those orbs, the tips playing with those peaks as it played with them though one retracted from her to trace over her body as it peeled over her side.

The drone (as well as this colony) had never experienced sex before. She was not Aschen and different and thus had to be explored. It shared the sensation of pleasure with the hive though only the drones had the right tools to experience the act itself and truly understand what was going through their brethren as their ardor had grown. This euphoric feeling was diluted from the real thing and the other drones only grew more curious as to what this actually felt like.

They were not ordered to join in but had not been ordered to refrain from having her either should they run across her though their normal duties did not make this likely. Even so there were a few drones that were in the right place at the right time. It was just lucky enough to have survived though it was not alone, other drones made it to the vents it just happened to be closet at the time.

“Well, well, well. Look who tried to oppose me. We have your little metallic friend. What was it doing? Or rather what was it going to do?”
It had been a few minutes with the drone thrusting into her before she heard the voice of the Aschen male that arrived on the scene. His eyes gazed at her with malice and it took a moment for it to sink in that this was the Security Chief that the Queen was controlling.


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Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:41 am
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
The blue haired woman was giving small moans as she was getting fucked. Her true mind trapped and lost in the growing bliss thanks to the drugs. Though she couldn’t tell what was going on, she knew deep down something had gone wrong, restrained and her pussy being pounded, and her nipples and breast pinched and grouped she could only enjoy the sensation. The thrust where powerful, and her hips rocked with it keeping the same pace for the moment.
“Mmmmmph,ugghh.” Her moans where growing greatly, then the Aschen appeared before her.
The Security chief. He looked angry, but he also looked as if he was under some kind of mind control and not himself. The queen.”Not…. ughhh, telling.” She managed to grunt out between moans, showing despite the drug, she was resistant to talking about her plan. Her body was enjoying the pleasure however.

Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:35 pm
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Post Re: Pandora's Box (for Gaia)
“Suit yourself. I'll just instruct the Security Chief to dismantle it and check it's last commands. I just figured you would save me the time.” Was that a good thing or was it bad? The Queen would not have him doing other things while he worked on that though eventually he would uncover KD's orders.

Not that it truly mattered if things had gone to hell. It could be a lie too depending on how adapt the bugs were. Perhaps they did not have KD at all as of yet. There was still the distant explosion though.

The Queen gave orders to the hive. Blue slime released her restrained limbs while the works moved her off with ease. Each had been incredibly strong like an ant and while the workers only weighed a few pounds they could carry about 50 times that.

The Chief moved along with her as she was being carried while the drone continued to fuck her. It drove it's cock into her delighting in that euphoric feeling cumming inside her tight body about half way to the brig.

It remained above her, in her massaging her tits until that had her in a cell. There was a dead Aschen female on the floor and a few scorch marks near an opened vent.

Placed in a cell the drone finally draws out of her as it and the workers leave the cell the Chief turning on a force field to keep her contained before he leaves with the bugs. No guards are left behind though the room is covered with slime and a few Ashlyn bodies.


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Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:27 am
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