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 Hunted (for Nail) 
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail yelped in pain once agin as the back of the creatures hand conected with her cheek. Drawing blood from her lip as she struggled to keep her arms around her chest but his tenticles wrapped around her wrists plus his telekinesis forced them apart to the wall behind her befor the squid faced creature started ripping at the top half of her flight suit like a wild animal leaving her completly exposed befor roughly molesting her breasts. "Urghh! I'm not playing!!"

Nail winced half her face red as her breasts where rougly toyed with befor she jumped in suprise feelingva sharp pain in the back of her head from Farners psycic probing. "Urghuh s-stop it h-hurts!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:14 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Good, let the pain be an incintive. Now where is he?!

He riped at her bra, a flimsy piece of material in his opinion, a hand falling to a breast, his fingers falling to her nipple pressing it between his thumb and fore finger simultaneously squeezing then twisting, He did the same with the other twisting it as well.

I have all day ...

Drez stirred and sat up, his head shaking from side to side.

We have an introducer, his name is Aegir and he is quiet powerful … he put a lock on her mind so I cannot access it, soon, very soon but not yet … I recommend deserting this place, it is already compromised and if Aegir is here then it can get rather ugly ...


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Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:33 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"I-i dont know!!" Nail screamed as he tore away her bright red bra ripping the garment to pices befor going for her nipples giving them a hard pinch and even harder twist, forcing Nail to archer her chest forword as her breasts to swell from the molestation. Biting her lower lip Nail winced to try and endure the pain as this Ageir look alike roughly played with her like a child with a new toy. "Errhh!! errhh!!" Nail whimpered, it felt like he was going to twist her tits off. "N-no ones locked any thing!! S-STOP ITS TOO ROUGH!!" Nail cryed loudly her face red from pain mixed emberessment but also abuse from Farners back hand momments ago.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:06 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
So she wished to play dumb. Alright then, a tentacle coiled around her neck, squeezing as he cut off her air supply, he gazed into her flushed face, cut off her air supply for perhaps half a minute as he forcefully twisted those nipples in his grasp.

He slackened the hold about her neck, let her take a quick breath then grasped it again.

He squeezed as he gazed at her, enraged, knowing that she knew something he did not despite the way she protested.

Fafner … Fafner … FAFNER! Drez was attemptong to get his attention as he squeezed, cutting off her air supply. Eventually he shoved her back against the wall.

She knows, Aegir is here. He will not get the better of me this time!

Aegir? Who is that? Don't break the girl, I could get money for her … how much?

Fafner peered at Nail, tentatacles reaching up to grasp at the top of her torn flight suit intending of stripping it from her, shreadding it the same way a child rips through wrapping paper at Christmas.

Yet, he seemed opposed with pulling this information from her. No, fret, in a few moments I will get by this barrier and learn the truth … how does it feel to be made a sacrifice? Yet, you would protect him, foolish girl ...


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Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:01 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"I really d-dont Kno-huw uhgk hgkk!!" Nail shouted back befor being cutt off as Farner reached out with one of his tenticles wrapping it tightly around Nail's neck, squizzing it tightly cutting of her air as the agent arched out agiest the wall trashing about trying to get free. Gasping for air while the monster roughly twisted her sensitive nipples as hard as he could over and over. He did this for some time just befor she blacked out Nail would come back choffing for air given just a momment to breath befor being choked agin by the cruel being torturing her.

While in between his enraged fueled torture Nails body was overly stimulated by the 'attention' as the strange sense of arousal forced her into an orgasm just befor Drez stopped Farner from almost killing her, letting Nail fall nearly unconsious agiest the wall gasping for air. Nail was too dizzy to realize what they where all saying as she only focused on breathing even as the creature started ripping away what remaind of her suit violently leaving the poor half-blood naked beaten and gaspig for air.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:19 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Aeir is here, he is looking for the key no doubt … this is adistraction, he wants us to waste time with her. We don't have the man power to deal with him and should leave and regroup with Blue. We need his drug as a defense … then we can deal with him. I will tell you her worth in transit.

Fafner whipped her back with a tentacle as another moved to bind her arms behind her back as he jerked her to her feet.

Drez nodded, then he was on his walkie talkie communicating to his men to fall back to the base (those that were out looking for her) and the others to head to the hanger so they could meet up with some guy called Blue.

Come now, we have a change of venue, then when we are away from this place I intend to find out how valueable you can be, perhaps even more than once.


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Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:30 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Another cry of pain escaped Nails lips as the whip cracked agiest her back leaving a noticable red line where it struck her. "Errhh!!" Nail gritted her teeth whimpering as Farner rapped a tenticle around her wrists bind her arms behind her back forcing her cheast to jutt forword as he roughly pulled the almost unconsious naked agent to her feet making the whole experiance even more unconfertable.

But Nail managed to regain enough sesnse to make out what Drez and this cruel creature where saying, wonder who blue was. "I-i no for sell!...W-whos blue?....where are y-you taking me?" Nail mumble in a confused tone still gasping for air, her chest heaving strugglimg to get oxegen to her lungs.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:08 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
You'll find out who Blue is soon enough and you'd like to know where he is, wouldn't you? You agents have wanted to dispose of him for some time. Whether or not your for sale is no longer up to you.

Drez snorted, shook his head as he picked up the only remaining custom gun. It was no good without the others. He sighed at their loss and tossed this one aside. Bring her to the ship, I'll be there prestly there are a few things I have to get first.

He took some pills and departed, Fafner tugging the poor agent along, half naked and half unconscious. He had wondered why she was so loyal to his father and began to assume that Aegir had mentally dominated her then sent her forth after blocking her mind.

Sooon he was practically dragging her down the dark corridor, lights sprinking on as he telekinetically hit the control panels. They had been close to the hanger when Fafner looked at her. Perhaps I can convince them not to sell you and make you my personel fuck toy if you are good enough ...


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Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:22 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail only stared at Drez coldy befor he was tuggled out of the room like a dogg by the horrible creature not really getting to see what Drez was getting, but Nail proble would not see any way still dizzy from Farners abuse. Afther a minute or two Nail managed to get some sense as she was able to make out where she was befor beig pulled into a hanger room wher Farner threaten her more. "I-I wouldrather be sold..." Nail spit at him coldly as she turned her head away to show her disrespect.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:50 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Yes, you rather be sold indeed … I hope you are a dead lay my dear where Drez or Blue decide against selling you since you would be of little monetary value until properly trained that is.

Surprise, surprise, who would do the training? Though she could guess that the other thugs would evaluate her performance.

This did not seem to be going well for her. She was soon loaded up into a ship, it was powering up soon thereafter and while there was no brig he took her to a cargo hold loaded with drugs and a few other pieces of cargo.

He shoved her down to the steel grating. Let us get started ...


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Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:00 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail listen to this creature talk, itonly annoyedvher ascshewas pulled to the cargo hold with her 'trainer' along with drugs and other items befor feeling thefamilure rumble of the ship taking off. The entire time Nail only thought about the boy she meet down their on the survice worried he got captured or worse, it was an odd feeling butthat Nail never noticed befor but she prayed he got out safly.

It wasnt long befor the abuse piced up agin as Nail was roughly froced down to the floor grating. Nail crying out once agin as she struggled to get Farner off her but found with her arms bound she was easly over powered. "GET OFF ME!! STOP IT!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:06 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
I trust you'll be saying that a lot more. We have time now, ventually I will pick apart these defenses and learn what I want to lean. But first ...

He jabbed her hard in the gut with a tentacle.

That is for even associating with Aegir … you would have been far better not knowing him ...

It implied that he condition could have been much better though he grasped her torn flight suit again and began rippin, tarin it so it remained in tatters collecting at her waste, his hands going back to her breasts taking the full weight of them in his hands as he squeezed.

Nice and plumb, I will enjoy this ...


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Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:17 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
"Theres nothing to learn from me!!" Nail shouted lookng up at him from her postion below him befor let out a loud gasp of pain as the creature jabbed her in the stomic with its tenticle. Nearly knocking the wind out of her while he lean down once agin tearing off more and more bits and pices of her flight suit leaving the poor girl in just tattered raggs, while what remained gathered at her waist hanging loosly.

With her completly exposed Farner wasted no time take advantage of her going for the agents breasts while spitting out a comment admiring them. Nails nipples still sore from the abuse back in Drez's room as she moaned agin feelig him squezze her plump mounds agin as she winced her face turning a shade of crimson. " wount!! enjoy this... Get off me NOW!!" Nail screamed agin struggling under him still trying despritly to free her self or at least make it hard for him.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:49 am
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Oh, I'm hoping that I don't enjoy this, it means the chance of keeping you for the time being goes up. I will learn what I need to from you in short order as well. But I am hoping that you resist, that you don't enjoy this, or even get into this for in the end I will get to keep you for longer. I am not Aegir as you will come to undestand, I do not care if you enjoy this or not … ah, I'm getting something, it's a bit foggy but it's a name. How unusual … Nail … yes I am going to nail you my dear ...

He pressd tentacles inside the tattered remains of her flight suit shredding it leaving her only in her boots and panties as he had finished. He delighted with her protests to get away from her, to get off him and he struck her again whith a back hand in an effort to keep her from squirming too much.

I will not get off you, get off on you perhaps but we shall see with how good you are ...

He roughly squeezed her breasts as he focused on unlocking more information from her ming. Tentacles gripped her panties easily pulling and shreadding them as he exposed her with his mouth tendrils tweitching eagerly ...


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Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:02 pm
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Post Re: Hunted (for Nail)
Nail felt another stabbing pain in the back of her head as Farner burrowed deeper into her mind. The poor agent looking shocked afther hearing her name, Nail. She never told him it she realized as she stared up at him shocked. "STAY OUT OF MY HEAD!!" Nail screamed nervously, trashing about more and more, feeling the tenticles crawl over her lower body, climbing into the holes of what remained of her flight suit, tearing it to pices, leaving the poor agent in nothing els but her boots and bright red panties as she struggled to Farners amusment.

"Urghh!! ..!!" Nail grunted as she winced in pain afther getting roughly struck agin for trying to fight back. while hitting most was effective for most, the abuse only made the half-blood stuggle harder as she kicked, twisted and turned under him doing any thing to gettig free as he tryed to hold her down. All while he tore apart Nails last shread of clothing, leaving the agent completly exposed in just her boots as she gasp in suprised feeling...well naked. "No!! No!!..Somebody!! Urghh!!! HELP ME!!" Nail screamed agin watching his mouth tendrils twitch.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:28 am
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