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 Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania) 
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She watched through lidded eyes as Ania clung to Etolie. There were words exchanged and while she had once been blindfolded by her Mistress and had to rely on her hearing she had not gained enhanced hearing or anything of the sort and so strained to hear what was being said.

No good. She heard nothing though she gasped again after that transformation into the more familiar form that she had been use to. She had not realized that her Mistress could manipulate herself so thoroughly though it was more the touch to her breasts that felt as if there were hands actually moving against her. A pleasant tingle had been against her lips and her arms drawn upward above her head, her upper body raised as did her breasts and her legs pulled apart as she knelt there. The doll was set aside for now and she caught that mischief smile.

Not knowing what was in store for her she glanced between Etolie and Ania. The situation was so familiar with Tidal in Ania's place but there was a stark difference. This was her Mistress, not Etolie's and so she did not have the same sort of fear. She was a little nervous yet excited at the same time, her breasts rising and falling with each intake of air.

“W-What are you two planning on doing to me?”

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Etolie was a bit devious. She was an opportunist though she thought better about lying and saying that two Voodoo Dolls of the same person would not work, that the first superseded the second. Maybe it worked that way though she doubted it. If so everyone back on Haiti would have their own Voodoo Dolls of themselves to thwart someone else from making one or rather have the witch doctors make them for them since it was an art. But revenge was a dish best served cold and she could omit a few things.

“There's already a doll made from me … Vera has it, she had me make it for disciplinary reasons,”
whether or not Ania would seek out Vera or not was another issue. She was hoping though, and she let everything else be implied but up for Ania to judge for herself unless asked specifics. She simply supplied the basics as her eyes went back to Rhaine, seeing the rise and fall of her breasts.

Clearly though Ania did not intend for this being one sided and when last with Tidal it wasn't either. She held no illusions there as much as she tried to deny matters and quite from offering her opinions on matters.

“Let's see ...”
so it looked that Ania was going to let her play a little first. Rhaine did not seem worried this time around though. She approached an knelt down on her knees. Her fingers slowly unbuttoning that shirt. “Relax. It seems that your Mistress wishes to have a show, isn't that right, Ania? So there's no need to worry about what's going to happen, promise.”

She had opened up that shirt, swept her hands to the back and unhitched that yellow bra before pushing it up from her breasts displaying the orbs beneath as she rubbed them slowly as she grinned waiting for conformation of her words before going on.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:50 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
In essence Vera tended to be off limits due to certain arrangements Ania made in the past, to try and win Daphnee over with the prospect of serving under someone whose reputation amongst other, less hospitable creatures, actually didn't fare quite as badly, to serve someone who cared rather than risk being discarded by one of these alleged officials. But no matter, breaching electronic locks and such hadn't been a problem when she and Rhaine visited the suites for entertainment purposes a while back, committing some of her time to the task of retrieving the doll certainly wouldn't hurt anyone.

Ania smirked at the temptation, at the sight of those deliciously heaving breasts although there was no denying the charm of the woman kneeling down in front of her beloved protege. It was a shame she might have to return Etolie's makeshift replica, otherwise she might get in trouble over its disappearance and as the huntress figured by then, another simply wouldn't work as long as the first existed.

It pleased her too much to cherish the moment to further indulge in these troubling thoughts, however, and Ania allowed herself to walk up behind Etolie, towering over the pair which offered a perfect view of these meanwhile exposed breasts, the petite blonde seemingly lacking fear in this instance although any potential harm would've been averted under her watchful eye. Out of sight, but not out of mind, her keen senses repeatedly scanned the environment for any intruders, wary that anyone sought to steal the nearby Voodoo doll which meant somebody would be able to put a lot of pressure on the azure amazon.

"You're correct, dear." All the confirmation Etolie needed resided in those words, the following pat on her head merely enhancing that notion before her blue eyes flickered to their restrained prey, well aware that Dani was her lover above all else except direct commands. "Surely a brief performance for your Mistress won't hurt anyone?"

But whilst the eager brunette commenced in her undertaking, not every ounce of their attention lingered on Rhaine. A tentacle each danced along the contours of her soaked blouse, teasing the concealed breast flesh beneath prior to delicately coiling around the base, squeezing them gently whereupon the shifting damp fabric rubbed over the sensitive cherries at their center, giving Etolie exactly what the trampoline had earlier. "Alas, I cannot leave the likes of you unattended .. I want the two of you to enjoy yourselves while I'm here .."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:26 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Where was the doll now? She had lost track of it though that was not an issue here. Her arms had still be secured above her head and while the situation seemed similar to one that she had endured before she knew (or hoped, no knew) that things would be far different this time around.

She had been caught up in thinking about Dani though when Etolie had broached the subject. If it were just Etolie she would have fought this as submissive as she tended to be. But then her Mistress had answered. Whether Etolie was checking to make sure it was OK afraid of what Ania might do she could not say for certain though she gave far more credence to Ania then her fellow Student President.

“Yes, of course ...” But she was in a bind now. She was sort of restrained and stuck where she was so she was sort of dependent on Etolie here to get a little closer ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:56 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Etolie was unaware of any arrangements that Ania had going but getting that doll out of Vera's clutches … probably would have done little good. Vera would probably suspect her or have her fashion a new one but she was just hoping that Ania would take the bait just to pay back the Head Girl.

For the moment none of that seemed to matter. Ania gave her the green light and she approached seeing that look of surrender in Rhaine's eyes as she was told to put on a brief show. How brief she did not know though but she brushed her damp fingers through Rhaine's blond locks and knelt down before her.

A tentacle wrapped about a wet sensitive breast, squeezing it, the peaks of her nipples quite stiff beneath her soaked shift and bra. The air conditioner hadn't helped dry the clothes any, damn tropical island even when the weather was like this the air conditioner usually was on, after all it was still warm.

A hand gripped one of Rhaine's breasts getting a moan out of her which had been smothered as she applied her lips against Rhaine's own, her tongue sweeping forth to smooth over the student's own as both there moans had been muffled. Her fingers rubbed and squeezed against that flesh as she tasted those lips with her own. Her second hand drifting lower and dipping beneath that skirt drawing along her crotch to stimulate that moistening slit beneath with strong strokes there letting the clothing do her dirty work for her rather than making direct contact yet.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:58 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
It certainly was quite a show, one which left the wanton huntress torn in her plans of toying with either one of the two first. Rhaine was devoted, certainly a pleasure to have at her beck and call and yet Etolie fought her every advance the last time they'd met, but ultimately proved just as delightful of an experience. All the while Ania dashed over the ample bounty of breast flesh in her grasp, putting a little more emphasis on these rigid cherries which, albeit concealed, would clearly feel every ounce of attention they received.

"You're doing well .." A soft purr enhanced her praise for their enthusiasm thus far and Ania wasted little time in playing with their senses a little more. She would keep Rhaine restrained for the time being, trapping her in that submissive posture she seemed to have been most familiar with, but when Etolie deliberately focused on applying pressure unto her protege's moistening snatch, she ensured that these efforts wouldn't go unrewarded.

Another tentacle quickly joined the others in manipulating the gorgeous violet eyed vixen and sensually slithered forth amongst her privates, teasingly descending upon that concealed flower with gentle strokes. It was far more tame than what she might have been used to, but enough to allow for a slow and steady buildup of her own arousal although Ania fared little better in that regard by watching them alone.

She felt blood gushing forth into prominent ember amidst these ever tightening panties, straining the garment to an extent while Ania observed the two with sultry eyes, subconsciously licking her lips at the very thought of having them both, to be the one smothering their loving sounds of approval with a passionate kiss. An immense pressure begun building up within her tingling loins once the full package surfaced beneath the short skirt of her stolen uniform, the substantial twin orbs of her testes merely held aloft by her underwear whereas the cloth parted the duo in their midst, highlighting each exquisitely swollen globe.

Ania refrained from undressing just yet and planned on having the two girls commit themselves to that particular duty in a short while, but for the moment she sought to see just how greatly Etolie wished to indulge in their presence and how well Rhaine dealt with such sublime attention. It wasn't long before her tentacles slowly unbuttoned the soaked blouse concealing the brunette's concealed chest whereas their brethren never missed out on a chance to tease and fondle such erotic contours, holding back on removing her bra until the last possible moment.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:50 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Suspended arms over her head, her shirt unbuttoned at the front and her mounds exposed as her bra had been pushed up exposing her breasts and stiff nipples that begged for attention. Rhaine was quiet submissive once caught or realizing how futile it was to run.

Once this had been accomplished though it was unlikely to have to be repeated unless the experience was frightening or terrifying. If she saw Tidal again she would have run but Ania, Kakumaoh and a few others had managed to catch her fair and square.

The matter was much like braking a wild horse though their was less fight in it on her part. This was what her Mistress wished and she obeyed not thinking further upon the matter other than to retain her place at the top. She wasn't the smartest of girls but she was no drone either. She was obedient first thinking over the details second. Simply put she had no reason to believe that her Mistress would stare her wrong.

Etolie come a bit closer and she could feel the tingle of those lips wash against her own. Part of her had been thinking that this was not right, that there was Dani, and the other part was focused on pleasing her Mistress.

Her tongue left her own mouth swishing against Etolie's though there was little she could do at present, whether it was by design or not. Perhaps Ania had made it so she could do little but receive this attention rather than submit her to bestowing it herself making the whole situation easier to deal with. She did not know but her body had already been aroused earlier and this intentional attention had her softly moaning out in approval though Etolie wasn't stopping there ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:48 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Soft lips upon her, that tentacle over a sensitive breast, Etolie moaned out, the sound muffled though she did brake that kiss using her grasp to touch a tit and guide the other to her mouth as her tongue traced over that delightful nipple.

She gasped out feeling the additional hold of that tentacle on her sensitive orbs. Another had dipped beneath her skirt stroking against her already wet panties though they had not been as soaked as her other clothes they were a bit damp from her own arousal. All this time on the island and Etolie was rarely touched. Either she was victimizing a student where only once she saw to her own pleasure or using her well skilled mouth to please but rarely her body that had been responding to that heavenly touch that stroked over her crotch and continued to squeeze her breasts until the wet blouse was unbuttoned and cast aside leaving her in that soaked green bra, her nipples evident to the naked eye stiff beneath those cups and it wasn't just the chill of wearing damp cloths in the air conditioned locker room.

“Oh, yes,” she purred out going back to that breast that she had presented herself with. She sucked as those tentacles played with her sensitive chest though eventually the bra was removed as well and those tentacles against her bare flesh returned feeling ten times as sublime.

She shivered, a small orgasm coursing through her with that delightful touch alone that had her crying out gain around that tit. She nibbled that nipple softly and gasped out between soft tugs on it.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:49 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
In private Ania knew very little of their sexual liaisons although Rhaine tended to indulge with Dani in the more carnal realm of their relationship though Etolie tended to be rather unknown to the huntress. Sensitive as she were, one would have guessed she didn't partake of the local population's attention too much, not that such knowledge deterred Ania rather than motivate her to try harder to please.

Delighted by that loving touch, Ania swarmed the beautiful student with attention in hopes of coaxing further sounds of approval from the girl, permitting her to play with Rhaine in turn although the voluptuous hermaphrodite could feel her resolve crumble as they went along. She would have little respite from the tendrils wrapped around her soft breasts, caressing and molding the mass of tender flesh thoroughly with a sensual touch whereas another mischievous duo collapsed around one of her rigid peaks, pinching the delicate cherry playfully.

It slithered underneath that final layer of cloth and traced along the outskirts of her labia before applying a more enriching touch to their lovemaking, allowing the entire azure length to dip inbetween these silken flower petals roughly half an inch, teasingly sawing back and forth along that slit in deliberately languid strokes. She commenced driving the brunette onward for several agonizingly slow moments to come before finally angling herself against her wet chalice, slicing into her treasure trove with one fell swoop of that tentacle.

She maintained a slow and casual pace, letting the student ride out her every heartfelt desire at whichever pace happened to be the most delightful as that appendage spiraled into her tight sheath, drilling deep and precise in its pursuit of pleasure.

Hopefully Etolie would catch that hidden notion of encouragement beyond her actions, that more than the student already toyed with had been fair game and considering how inviting the sight of the two had been, Ania highly doubted her patience allowed itself to be strained much longer before tearing apart at the seams. Occasionally her gaze flickered to her precious protege whose body underwent constant manipulation, observing how her own encouraging touch unto Etolie amplified her overall experience.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:26 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She was helpless in that attention that Etolie bestowed her with. A tingle rushing through her breast as it was played with, nibbled on and pulled. Her hands clasping into fists as her head tossed back against the sensation that swept over her.

Unlike last time it was tender and sweet forming goose bumps along her arms. Her chest rising and falling at a steady rate and she moaned. Oh God, it felt good, that touch that swept over her as Etolie applied.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:54 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“OHHH!” Her breasts where played with. There could be no denying how good it felt having her breasts played with in such a fashion. Those tentacles doing a number on her senses as she tackled one of Rhaine's own. She nibbled and pulled. Her skin feeling heated, a shiver lancing her body as she felt those tentacles push inside her. They were barely in and she nearly came! Her soaked walls quivering at that feel as she drew back from Rhaine's tit.

A hand grasped it as she quickly sucked on two fingers. “More ...” She pressed her ass back trying to get those tentacles deeper inside that chalice while others continued to roll against the sensitive buds of her nipples.

Her next moan had been muffled as she was caught up in a kiss with Rhaine at the time. A hand squeezing that breast as the other dipped beneath the skirt of the school uniform she wore, her fingers dipping beneath those soaked panties sweeping against that moist slit.

“OH! UM!” Rhaine so opened dangling there like a fish at the end of a hook. Wet fingers pushed their way inside all the way to the knuckles moving with the same timing as the tentacle inside her as she gasped back out kissing down the side of Rhaine's neck at the moment.

Etolie Leblanc
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Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:56 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Both of them seemed to be settling into the mood of their encounter fairly well hence Ania refrained from taking them right then and there, their inhibitions bleeding away under the influence of a delightful touch. Azure eyes watched on as Etolie mimicked her own movements, a dampness sweeping over the monster's lips only to find that it was her own tongue hungrily swishing over their sensual expanse.

Verbal encouragement spurned these twin tentacles onward as their descent had been greater than ever, pushing deep inside those slick folds with an audible squelching sound, halting in their advance only barely before reaching the outskirts of her delicate cervix. Furthermore they no longer granted Etolie any moment of respite as they took turns in slicing into that narrow channel, pistoning back and forth into the young woman whose body rocked back and forth as a result of their ever ascending ferocity.

She watched on for a little while longer, expertly manipulating those sensitive teats and the surrounding pillowy tissue, giving the brunette everything her body could ask for and yet they never seemed to be doing quite enough. Attentively listening to their voices and the feel of the body wrapped around part of her own, Ania hoped to discern how far the two of them were along on their path to fulfillment, motivating them to reach that point as the pace of her tentacles increased once more.

But right when the two of them were about to embrace blessed release, Ania stepped in to stop them. In an instant they had abandoned them and instead coiled about their waists while Rhaine found herself freed, only to be drawn away from the woman to offer her sublime carnal delights.

"I've more than enjoyed the show." A lust riddled voice adressed the two as they were positioned next to each other, the aroused hermaphrodite standing right in front of them with an erection that could no longer be contained, easily lifting her skirt up as to expose these heavy testes and a hint of that soaked slit underneath. "I no longer wish to observe .. I want to be involved." She smiled. "Take off your remaining clothes, then remove mine. Do not do anything else just yet."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:04 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)

Rhaine trembled. She was so close, so damn close as she was pulled away. Her passage wet and arouse, a look of dismay on her flushed features though it was clear that her Mistress wished to have such attentions delivered to herself, there was no need telling her that.

Her arms free, Rhaine nodded then was able to slip off her open shirt and askewed bra. Next came her shoes and socks, skirt and finally those soaked white panties before moving to assist her Mistress out of her's.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:51 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
“OHHH YES! YES!” She could feel those tentacles playing with those sensitive mounds, pressing into that wet chalice and driving her crazy. She was reminded of that water creature that filled her with so much need and just left her there after it had gotten what it was after.

That didn't seem to be the case here, however, Ania made her instructions clear as she drew the two girls apart. Of course Rhaine didn't seem to be so into it last time and Etolie made a note of that to herself. She really got into this Mistress stuff.

She did as instructed removing the last of her wet clothes. Goosebumps were evident from the wet attire now damp body and air conditioner combination did it. She assisted Rhaine in removing Ania's clothing though it was hard not doing anything, she had a few ideas but somehow managed to keep from doing either.

Etolie Leblanc
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Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:52 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"Good .. I promise I will not have you suffer from neglection for too long .. you're far too precious for that." Bright blue marbles watched the sublime duo from above as they went on to undress, only to do the same for Ania as her manhood had been able to finally ascend into utter prominence without clothes to contain it any longer. A marvellous ripple surged throughout her bosom as she chuckled softly at the sight of the two, licking her lips before biting down on a tentacle in an attempt to conceal shudders of excitement although that gesture alone more than displayed her willingness to commence.

"You two are a diligent bunch .. I feel inclined to reward you both for putting on such a great show." Perhaps soon she would invite them to do something on their own, to have them kneel before her and do whatever sprung to mind, but for their first time Ania figured a greater deed was in order. She did not seek to torment them further and allowed tentacles to coil around their waists in anticipation of what was to come.

"I want us to cherish this together .." Ania casually laid back and before either of them had any chance to respond to what was happening, Etolie felt tentacles swarm her ample butt, dipping into the ripe flesh as they explored her flamboyant delights, the student already being drawn straight into her lap.

"Ohhh .." Hovering on top of that feverishly pulsating manhood, their exposed ends barely connected as tentacles beckoned Etolie to dance along the engorged length, teasingly rubbing against her blooming flower. It twitched delicately and bounced with newfound vigor every few moments, grinding harder against that slick silken entrance which slightly parted given the raw enthusiasm Ania underlined her actions with, each and every impassioned movement of their bodies flooding the poor girl with pleasure as more of her flesh fell victim to her advances. She never penetrated Etolie, calmly preparing for the best part of their union yet as liquid warmth pooled over her cock.

Slowly but surely Ania had pillaged her luscious victim of that natural libricant, leaving her member nicely shimmering in the nectar of her loins. It announced an end to their erotic torment considering how much both of them sought to partake of each other's riches, a soft gasp leaving the alien huntress as she maneuvered her object of desire right onto that mushroom tip which nestled up against the gates to heaven itself, feeling tight muscles convulse around her in an attempt to draw her in further.

Ania had yet to claim her depths as sapphire eyes fall on Rhaine, a mischievous smile flourishing on her features at the thought of which pose she was going to assume in the near future. "Mmm .. I don't want you to feel left out .. What to do, what to do .." She already had a plan in mind and seized the gorgeous human female with relative ease, adjusting her posture a little bit as she was carried over. Rhaine faced Etolie as her lovely bottom descended onto Ania, bound to view the huntress as her seat for a short while as these lush lips were now right beneath her damp pussy, ready to attack at any moment.

She extended her tongue and enhanced that fleshy muscle with an influx of overall length and girth, allowing it to lash out at Rhaine and her sublime sweetness as Ania lapped up the evidence of her arousal, expertly wriggling against her slit and love pearl in the process. Sustaining full control as though it were nothing more than a tentacle in itself, if not large enough to conquer even her thick shaft. The feast clearly was about to begin.

They were unbound, each student able to do with each other as they pleased, but not without a certain distraction as Ania began to loosen her hold on Etolie, slicing into narrow delights as gravity allowed her precious form to descend without hinderance, coaxing a moan of profound pleasure from the azure beauty whose tongue rushed heavenward and immediately darted inside Rhaine, spearing past her lower lips with ease.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:08 pm
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