Shokushu High School

It's only a dream (Icelus)
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Author:  Kanoe [ Sat May 16, 2009 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It's only a dream (Icelus)

"Uhhnnn! Ugh! Ugh!" She groans loudly as nectar trickles from the corners of her mouth. With nothing holding her upper body, she slumps foward as the other two plants continue to pound away. The witch's chest grinds into the stroking vines as each thrust sent her body grinding against the soft earth and vines.

Her skin tingles as more of the strange liquid was spread over her luscious mounds and all over her pale back. But the witch was in no position to care. The rough treatment did little to cool the flames inside her. A sharp cry sounds as her body arched and another flood of her precious juices gush forth from her body. Her body twitches as she weakly moans, letting the climax was over her as the plants finish their work with her.

Author:  Contagion [ Sat May 16, 2009 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It's only a dream (Icelus)

The pink flower wriggled, removing itself from her tender back tunnel with some difficulty, a thick spurt of the sugary syrup spraying across her bare back s the stamens retreated back within the flowers, the tendrils releasing her wrists and pulling away. The orange flower let a few spurts go out of the tips of its own stamens, marking her face and chin along with the rest of her pale flesh before it retreated, slinking off into the low underbrush with the rest of its ilk.

The yellow flower was the last to follow, spurting deep into her aching, clenching sex, filling it with the thick, dripping nectar before retreating out of her, feeling her body shuddering in the aftermath of her powerful climax.

They left her there, shivering in the dirt in the midst of the humid jungle environment as "reality" itself began to waver and fade around her.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun May 17, 2009 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It's only a dream (Icelus)

The student curls up on the floor. A mixture of hot juices and nectar ooze out from her sex and ass. Her body was completely nude beyond the bunched up dress around her stomach. Her body glistened with sweat and juices as she groans softly. The woman felt tired from the vicious poundings the plants put her through.

The being did not seem to be anywhere nearby. Kanoe rolled onto her back, half lidded eyes looking at the wavering vision before her. What was happening now? Was the room changing again? She could not just lie here. She had to get out of her. But her body did not obey her as she lays there quivering as the world wavers around her.

Author:  Contagion [ Sun May 17, 2009 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It's only a dream (Icelus)

Icelus watched from the warped screen of an oculus, seeing the girl shivering, laying in the midst of her own shame as reality washed back upon her, claiming her like a trembling, uncertain surf and buoying her back to the classroom.

“Refreshing…” he concluded with a slight laugh, adjourning from the viewing room to attend to more pressing business than his own amusement.

She would awaken sweating on the floor of the classroom, the room empty save for her things and a detention slip made out in her name on the desk.

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