Shokushu High School

Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)
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Author:  Clarice [ Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

She was about to defend herself, but she actually found no words to say back. Her mouth shuts and she looks away with a blush. The woman's comments , all of them, made her shut up. She had little idea of how to respond anyways. Kanoe had made it clear she didn't intend for it to be pity. But rather she took the conversation into her own character and said she would find her something to wear.

Her emberrassment soon turns to a flushed smile at her last statement. It was true, they had both won in aspects. Her face reddened on how quickly she gave in. She had tried so many times for freedom and failed, and yet Kanoe gave her mercy. She was unsure if she would do such a thing. Reversing it wouldn't have been to bad for herself though. Would've given her every oppurtunity to see glimpses of her lover everytime she bent over or sat down. She chuckles softly and looks to Kanoe with glimmering eyes. She still wanted to accept her own fate, and though she despised cats, perhpas being one would lesson her judgement on them.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

Kanoe simply smiles back, seeing that her lover was feeling better. She shifts up the bed, pulling the covers back over them both. She steals a soft kiss from the woman's lips before cuddling close. Her hand rests gently over her lover's heart, rubbing slowly.

"I could not have asked for a better gift, my love." She whispers.

Her eyes close slowly as she rests in her lover's arms. Things such as cat ears and other kinky things could wait. She was not about to let this moment go for anything in the world.

Author:  Clarice [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

She welcomes Kanoe into her arms, hugging her close as if in fear she would dissapear if she let go. A warm smile plays on her lips. Stroking the back of her head slowly, she found herself thinking more along the lines of their personalities. They certainly did change when it came to eachother. Maybe it was a magic spell placed on the two by someone. Though their relationship has been long she couldn't help but feel self-consciouss about it.

"Its funny how we change in personality. We both used to be so calm and cold. I don't understand it at all," she says, looking for an answer from her lover. She was insightful, hopefully she could shed some light on the subject. She just hoped she didn't reply with a cuddly statement.

"Not that I mind...but I'm curious."

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

Her fingers lightly slide over a breast and down her lover's side. Kanoe's eyes remain closed as she strokes the smooth soft skin. Perhaps she has changed but, it was only with her. Not even Aleace could bring this sort of feeling from her cold heart. There were so many things about this woman in this bed with her that made her relax, lower her guard.

"Hmm.." She sighs softly, "Warmth...together we stay warm in our cold hearts. We have a trust that allows us to let go, relax and melt into each others embrace," She smiles faintly as her fingers slide back up and caress the side of Claire's breast, "And perhaps we both like the challenge, the power, the struggle for control," She blushes, lowering her gaze, "My apologies, perhaps that is too far hmm?"

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

She tenses slightly from having her breast stroked so gently. She shivers when fingers run over her sides, her ehated body flaring under the gentle touches. It was becoming difficult to think with her lover teasing her body like this.

A soft moan escapes her exhaling breath, a soft smile replaces it shortly after. Her own hands run up and down the woman's back, memorizing every part of it.

Warmth...that may a good enough answer. But like Kanoe, she had never opened up so much before. Her mother had never gotten so close to her even. Her lips gently place themselves on her forehead, a childish action but she loved to taste the dark witch.

"No...its not that far. Its what seperates us from the monsters around us. There should be love in the relationship. If there isn' wouldn't hurt as much to know we've been used and left to dry until another encounter comes along. Maybe its...just me. But I feel used...all the time..." she replies thoughtfully, sighing through her nose and places her chin ontop of Kanoe's head. Hr hug deepens as she presses the woman close to her heart.

"Maybe its these dark feelings...that's controling me...the Voice and all..."

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

She smiles on how sensitive her lover was to her touch. Though she tends to be the same, she liked feeling Claire's breathing grow deeper, becoming heated with arousal. The witch had no intention of pushing her lover's buttons further, she liked the feel of the soft skin against her fingers. Kanoe understood how the woman felt. Being used, their bodies abused till they were nothing but exhausted rag dolls. She suddenly blinks and looks up at the last statement.

"What?" She responds, slightly confused, "What do you mean..the Voice? And what dark feelings?"

She was growing more and more concern. The witch only knew of one Voice and that particular being was suppose to stay away from her love.

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

Realizing she had speaking out loud, Claire immediatly blinks confusedly for a moment as to her question. She sighs, seeing that she had leaked out information she never wanted Kanoe to know. She looks down, adverting her eyes sideways. She wanted to avoid any eye contact.


She couldn't answer her. She really had no intention of telling her either. Since that being had captured her in its grasp, she had been feeling different lately. Though she failed to realize it was a fraud, she actually did feel like something was completely gone. It was slow, but she felt like...she was losing her own innocence. She shakes her head and smiles to reassure her. It wasn't something she wanted her to worry about.

"Its nothing. I was just thinking out loud."

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

Kanoe frowns and sighs. The woman was hiding something. But, it would be difficult to drag it out of her lover. After going through this much trouble to make a usually uneventful birthday into something special, it was not worth breaking what Clarice had worked so hard for. She lowers her head, letting it rest against the woman's chest. She listens to her love's heart beating. No, this was not the time for that.

"Very well," She replies simply, "Thank you, for the wonderful birthday. I will never forget this, ever."

She smiles faintly though she was still concerned at what slipped from Claire's lips. Was her love in some sort of danger? A foolish question on this island, they both were already in enough trouble as is.

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

Kanoe would probably feel her heartbeat slow with relief. At least she was sensetive enough to drop the subject as it was. Even if the small leak of information made her feel uneasy, she was happy her lover dropped it. Her smile returns and nods a welcome to her after her thank-you.

"I won't either. And its not even my birthday," she replies and lightens the mood with a soft laugh. She would tell her about what was happening on the inside, but for now this was Kanoe's day, her time to be the center of attention.

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

The dark witch merely sighs as she rests against the woman's chest. Her fingers return to lightly stroking over the lovely orb before her. The movement grew slower as her own body began to relax and her eyes grew heavy. Kanoe lets her worries drift away from her thoughts. The only thing that matterrs now is this loving woman's warmth. Ending the night in bed with Clarice, she could think of nothing better to end her birthday with. Her hand rests over the woman's chest. The stroking has stopped as her eyes fell shut, dozing off into slumber.

Author:  Clarice [ Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Birthday Wishes~ (For Kanoe)

"Goodnight you," she says softly and gives her gentle kiss on the lips before allowing herself to lie down with Kanoe wrapped in her arms. She had almost ruined by thinking out loud like that. But it didn't seem to matter anymore now that her lvoer was gone from reality. She would probably forget she said anything, as it should be.

Her own eyes begin to drift close as she watches her dear witch slumber in her arms. Her calm visage gave way to innocence while sleeping. It seemed odd now that she thought of it, to put innocence in the same sentence with Kanoe. What was she thinking? Just because it is dark arts does not mean she wasn't human. It didn't matter to her anyways, it never really. She had fallen in love with this dark witch after all.

Finally, she begins to drift off into her own sleep, smiling at one peculiar thought.

'I wonder where Kanoe will get the costume...'

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