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 Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania) 
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She had delayed though whether or not that had been a good thing was something she had yet to determine. Oh, she had a plan of course though she had been caught up in watching what was going on to her fellow student before she too had been drawn forth by a tentacle and positioned before it departed.

Poised there above Ania she was face to face with an rather aroused Etolie who's hands had already descended to Ania's ample chest as if in effort to remain upright.

Well, she needed something to anchor herself to and did the same to Etolie, grasping those sensitive breasts in her hands. She leaned forth capturing her mouth with her own, after all the instructions for a show had not been retracted and though her Mistress could not see it she could hear it. Like a book she would have to use her imagination.

Using one hand to grasp a breast her right hand dipped down lower to dance against that love pearl. “UHHH!” That tongue, nice and slick pressed into her tight folds quaking her body for a moment. Her grasp tightened as she grew use to that sensation. Her hips swishing back and forth as she bounce up and down as she gyrated.

She couldn't keep herself silent though fortunately they were in an empty locker room just the three of them ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:13 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Her eyes widened in terror as she felt that touch on her rump ever so close to that forbidden core. Drawn to Ania's lap though she relaxed as the direction of that stimuli changed. Positioned above that pole and further teased she was growing more and more aroused with each passing second.

Juices had been rolling out over that member and if not for her station, if not for Rhaine being present she would have been begging for more. To top it all off she felt Rhaine's hands seized her breasts shortly after Ania had decided to advance on that slick passage that gobbled up that cock as greedily as a parched man sucked down water. Her folds tight around her, trying to lock her in place though Rhaine had taken advantage of one of her cries pressing her lips back to her own.

She squeezed that ample chest beneath her palms as that tongue moved against her. A muffled moan escaped from her lips as contact had been made with her clit, her hips pressing down to feed that growing need inside her though it was not too long before Etolie had to wrench her lips away to breath in ragged gasps.


Etolie Leblanc
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
"Mmmf .." Shoving deeply inside extremely narrow walls, every push of these shapely hips rewarded Rhaine with another breathtaking thrust of that deft tongue which begun squirming within her sacred chalice, spiraling forth whenever their bodies united in such a manner, hitting those weak spots they had ample opportunity to explore throughout the past. It consumed Rhaine from the inside, funnelling sweet nectar into that greedy maw which lingered right below these shimmering folds, a low purr of approval surging through her tongue and into these sensitive patches of nerves.

Gently her own hips grind themselves into the deliciously snug brunette, every moment spent rubbing against those fervent muscles a true blessing to behold. She cherished that loving touch over her full breasts, coaxing a tender moan from the huntress whose erect prick pulsed feverishly in the ever recurring union of their bodies, barely concealing her enjoyment throughout all this.

Slowly these bright blue eyes sealed themselves shut under the attention, any eyesight rendered obsolete under the circumstances for without it Ania could clearly perceive of their embrace, their every moan and pleasant shudder induced gasp more than enough to encourage their captor to the fullest.

However, with Etolie close and Rhaine not too far from her fellow member of the student body, Ania promptly began to pick up the pace. Tentacles latched onto the savory woman above, coiling around her tender thighs while swirling into her passage without relent, allowing her tongue to feel and likewise taste every captivating portion of her sweet insides.

"Unngghh!" The other female fared little better as their meanwhile accelerated tempo forced them to collide with a lewd smacking sound, bouncing the wanton student on her hardened love pole as though they were racing each other to the finish line. Before she'd permitted Etolie to dictate the pace, now she was subjected to immeasurable quantities of radiant bliss.

Ania herself held back on the thought of release, straining herself to contain that seed whilst driving the two into the throes of passion. She denied herself such pleasantries and locked the floodgates to her liquid love for the time being, eager to let them extract it through other means considering how close the amazon in their midst truly was.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:24 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She had more stamina then Etolie. Not that it was something she had prided herself on though she simply had far more experience at these sorts of things. That and she had far more experience in trying to outlast both Master and Mistress when she had been with either though she had not been able to accomplish it with either.

“OH! AH! UM!”

That tongue was a slice of heaven, her cries had been matched by Etolie's though her profession that she was about to come had Rhaine rubbing that hardened pearl all the quicker while a hand squeezes against a breast with her thumb swirling against the hard nipple.

Shortly after that crescendo that marked Etolie's release she herself shuddered and came juices being lapped up by her Mistress below.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:24 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Hands tighten against that chest beneath her as she experiences bliss shooting between her thighs. A warmth surges though a breast as well as her clit as Rhaine sees to her.

Most times she forced pleasure on her victims and hardly ever had it returned to her. “OHHHHHHHHH!” It was too much. She cried out bursting over that love pole as she clenched down on it instinctively as her juices poured forth, her pace slowing, Rhaine and her hands so planted on Ania's chest as they were had been the only things keeping her upright at the moment.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:25 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Muffled moans reverberate throughout her sheathed tongue and wash over these delightful folds which clung to their blessed intruder with distinct fondness. Ania knew they were close and responded with heightened fervor to their lovely cries which wrapped themselves like honey around their inhuman savior.

"Mnngghh .." She groaned out deeply under the attention, her tremendous bust squeezed to the utmost as the excess flesh bulged out around that feminine touch. Etolie tightened around her which merely enhanced the sensation shooting through her loins, but when Rhaine accompanied her fellow student, Ania was quick to assail her most sensitive spots. She danced over those sweet nerve ends as her tongue lashed out at that hidden g-spot whilst lapping up whichever savory nectar flowed forth, promptly consuming these refined juices whilst toying with the two women at her disposal to the very last moment.

A few more experimental thrusts returned Etolie to the verge of bliss as Ania exploited her current lack of defenses, maintaining that blessed height a short while longer before finally ceasing her onslaught on the young woman's alluring form. Alas, her own orgasm never arrived since the huntress had held back in favor of letting the two finish her off in another fashion, a course of action more than worth the hassle.

Her tongue slithered out of the petite blonde once every ounce of liquid love had been consumed, skimming over her lips as to access each available fraction of freshly escaped dampness from their full frames.

"You taste lovely, Rhaine, as always." Ania allowed them to remain in their respective postures for the moment before sliding out of the gorgeous brunette as well. She began to maneuver their bodies once more, setting them down on either side of her own self, beside that fully engorged cock whose surface happened to be coated in Etolie's own release, shimmering faintly in the light of their surroundings.

"It is only fair to return the favor, ladies .." She cooed sensually, giving enough of a hint for the endearing pair to work with as to what was expected of them.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:26 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She shivered and twitched above her Mistress at the continued feel of that tongue as it pressed inside the convulsing chalice of her body. More moans spilling from her lips in the process as Ania licked and played further. Her hips squirming above that head from side to side as that tongue pressed into her. More moans slipped out from her lips muffled against Etolie's as her fingers continued to work.

One hand squeezed Etolie's breast while the other began rubbing against her clit up and down as if she were rubbing two sticks together to generated a fire though it was a different sort of fire she had sought to generate.

Whether from those additional thrusts or her doing or both Etolie let out a few additional cries, louder than her own as they held that kiss. Rhaine took advantage of this opening by sliding her tongue around her own, at least for a small while before being positioned by her Mistress.

The words barely completed before she had entwined a hand along the base of that shaft guiding it to her lips and brushing her tongue over one side leaving the other for Etolie.

“Vous allez haut. Je vais aller voir faible.”

Rhaine heard Etolie say. French … she didn't understand it. She had a few course, enough to know that vous was you and je was I but she had forgotten all but the most basic of the lessons. Well, if it was mathematics she would have remembered them but she wasn't really interested in other languages.

Since it was in French she could only surmise that Etolie didn't want Ania to know what she was saying. Well, that made two of them ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:38 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Oh, that felt good! Her cries were muffled given Rhaine's lips and that rubbing of her clit so vigorously, her sensitive breasts and the plunge of that cock as it gave her even more experimental thrusts had tipped her further over the edge.

Several smaller orgasms followed in the wake of the first as she ripple against that love pole saturating it thoroughly in her juices. Rhaine had seen an advantage and took it further bringing her tongue against hers in broad sweeping strokes until they were soon parted.

Positioned before the alien Rhaine seemed all too eager to comply and get started. Now Rhaine didn't strike her as a smart girl. She wasn't a dumb girl either so she took a stab at it and hoped for the best.

“Vous allez haut. Je vais aller voir faible.”

Nope. It didn't seem as if she understood. Nor did she the wheels turning within her eyes to indicate that she had enough information to dope this out. She supposed she have to just show her what she meant.

That rod was saturated with her juices and while they would not kill her they offered up enough of a deterrent for her to switch focus. Rather then focusing on the other side of that cock she dipped her head as she moved forward. Her tongue working about that labia. She wondered if Rhaine got it now. Rhaine would have to shift a little to get out of her way and behind her (and in front of Ania) though unless stopped before hand Rhaine kind of works out the meaning of that phrase. She had to dip her head a good deal and scrunch down as best as she could seeing that she was nearly half a foot taller than Rhaine but they managed to work out something that worked. Once they had Etolie would press her tongue boldly forth as she consumed Ania's soft folds as she reached beneath one of Rhaine's arms to stroke at a teste as she continued.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:40 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She appeared to be roughly as clueless as Rhaine for the only time french had been spoken in her presence, Etolie herself attempted to put the voracious huntress to slumber. German was another one as Daphnee met up with her and neither language had felt important enough for Ania to study thoroughly. Minor snippets and such might work out unless the spoken tongue had been too swift, too eloquent, but even with what little was exchanged before her, that information approached microscopic levels of comprehension.

What the two of them did next, on the other hand, struck more than home alone. Plump lips sealed around her engorged shaft whereas a slick muscle punctured the soaked valley of her loins, enough to coax an ecstatic scream from the huntress whose body had not been prepared for that much stimulation at once. She mewled sensually with every stroke of these lips, every lick of that tongue and her slender tail swept across the ground, back and forth in response to their diligence like certain jubilant pets might, merely enhancing her pleasure.

A struggle emerged between her will to endure and the ever pressing desire to cum considering how close the hermaphrodite truly was to the embrace of fulfillment, if only for a moment before raw lust vanquished any sliver of satisfaction at the sight of two beautiful women tending to her every need.

"Uhhhnnn .." She did not know of Etolie and her distaste for sampling her own juices, not Ania would have bothered to question their decisions since two stimulated ends proved far more entertaining than what she had in mind for them. She hissed and shuddered as they threatened to send her over the edge, clinging to the remnants of her resolve only to crumble before them, shamelessly arching her back as that height finally struck.

Ania had been struck by an orgasm and the two harnessed their respective reward once violently convulsing folds coupled with a surge of sweet nectar embraced one woman whereas the pure french vanilla goodness erupted within the other, showering her taste buds in that deliciously goopy substance. She had less to offer for the former in terms of quantity, but more than enough of her gratitude followed considering how many students neglected those delicate feminine bits save for a select few women, among them Daphnee and her beloved Smoke Devil for the most part.

But these consecutive torrents of liquid love took far longer to diminish, longer than Rhaine could humanly manage given the fact that Ania held back before and did the same a second time by relishing their attention to the utmost. "Ungh .. Goodness .." She exploded once more as the student was forced to pull free, leaving a truly blissed out amazon to coat portions of herself and the nearby girls in several gushes of sublime vanilla flavored seed.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:10 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
She worked out what Etolie meant more or less and there was a good deal of shifting. Being taller it would have been easier for Etolie to go high and she to go low though her guess her was that Etolie had been uninterested in men and more about the feminine features of her Mistress.

Whatever. Though there was the brief thought that she entertained about seeing her Mistress exhausted at least temporarily with the two of them working in tandem. But Etolie lacked any real staying power so Rhaine doubted that she would be much help.

Her lips surrounded that member in a warm embrace as she pressed forward. Her tongue traced down the underside of that member as she pressed forward then drew backwards until she had that cock nearly dislodged, circling the tip with her tongue before she returned sweeping her mouth forward as she consumed her once more.

She moved quickly against Ania, her mouth pressing forward with more vigor, a hand cupping the base of that shaft as she drew her hand about her there. Feeling that shaft rupture as that warm seed flowed into her mouth.

“Mm ...” She moaned about that member as she tasted the vanilla flavored extract. She drank down what she could before letting that cock slip free of her lips and rain down that excess upon Etolie and the floor of the locker room.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:38 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
It wasn't as if Etolie had been a stranger to men. Her victims were all women and she had been use to dealing with them rather than men. The boyfriends she had in the past she controlled with fellatio more often than not and she be somewhat of an elitist avoided consuming her own juices when possible not that she had not done so in the past. This time there was a choice and she decided quicker although Rhaine being shorter would have been better going low and she high but they made it work.

It was a two pronged attack that she orchestrated. She had tried to keep Ania surprised but it was plain that Rhaine didn't get it but picked up her meaning well enough. Essentially she had instructed Rhaine to go high while she went low.

They got on the same page which Ania seemed to appreciate. Her tongue driving forth exploring those delicate folds. After all that slime monster was likely to do more to her and at least she had some measure of control over this situation than the one with that creature whatever it was. Etolie was not interested in finding out what matters would have been like without Ania getting involved.

But eventually that two pronged attack worked as she tasted that nectar. A hand reaching about the hip of the alien grabbing an ass cheek and squeezing as she kept her face lodged over her snatch as she sucked and licked it. She even felt the shower of vanilla flavored extract sweep over her as it rained down from above. Fortunately they were in the locker room and the showers weren't far off.

Drawing away from that snatch her mouth had been replaced by a finger that swept over those folds as she grabbed Rhaine's blond locks pulling her head back and delivering a kiss to those lips.

With all the vanilla flavor she was unable to taste even the faintest traces of herself on those lips as she had though after getting a taste of that nectar herself.

Etolie Leblanc
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Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:39 am
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Soft moans and gasps flowed freely as the two young women finished Ania off and left her to deal with the aftermaths as that finger stroked along her freshly eaten out chalice. She recovered instantly and yet she was not completely immune to heightened sensitivity, not when applied straight away hence a shudder of raw bliss reverberated throughout her entirety at that touch. Nothing felt better than having these two around to play with in spite of the fact that it was daytime, that her stamina and vigor naturally inflated during the night, but none of that really diminished their sublime efforts.

She had to keep an eye out for that damned slime in the near future, Ortix, which had been the only thing to take away from the experience, that and the fact her focus temporarily turned to ensuring nobody stole the nearby Voodoo doll while they were going at it. Any monster capable of invisibility might not be seen, but heard and felt to these extraordinary senses so unless they became insubstantial entirely, the amazon had a chance to catch them.

Alas, watching the two of them kiss passionately had her mind shift to matters at hand once more. She hungered and while restraint dictated that these two were to be treated with caution, a certain urge did not allow the monster among them to hesitate for long before another strategy sprung to mind.

Impatience had driven Ania onward to try something not too many students had the pleasure of indulging in. It had been a while since her body wound up manipulated in such a fashion, but her targets back in the day happened to be more than delighted at the fair share of male endowments among them. She arched her back with a soft groan as the area around her loins began to tingle, sending a wave of pleasant shocks throughout her midriff only for another phallus to sprout into prominence. An equally admirable shaft emerged from her groin which inherited every existing trait of its fully engorged sibling as blood gushed into the second member in pure excitement, pulsating in unison with the firstborn member.

Sapphire eyes flickered to the two of them whereby tentacles slithered inbetween their perfectly chiselled thighs and brushed along the slit of their bodies in hopes of disengaging the lock of their sweet lips. She sought to have their attention and when Ania finally got it unless they had already seen these throbbing twins, would happily invite them to stare.

"Top or bottom?" She looked to Rhaine for guidance since Etolie already had the pleasure of being favored in their first round when riding that prick to her heart's desire. Now it was all about which place they'd take and Ania figured the latter inarguably chose top hence her beloved pet received the opportunity to select their respective position by announcing her own first.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:36 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Slarr could become invisible as both she and Rhaine realize. He could go insubstantial too but he was always accompanied by the smell of burnt toast whenever he became smoky which was a telltale sign that he was around.

Rhaine had perhaps the greatest incentive going in that nothing happened to that doll and nothing had thus far as it rested where Ania had placed it. Rhaine's focus was upon her Mistress though as she lost track of the doll for the time being.

This was a new trick that Rhaine had not seen as her attention drifted back to her Mistress. The tentacles on her thighs had gathered her attention as if she needed a reminder that she had been there as her lips depart Etolie's.

A question is asked of her and she contemplates it for a brief moment. If she selected top what had been the chances that she would be laying atop Etolie? She may not like that but Rhaine tended to accommodate people too.

“Bottom,” she answered still staring at the two identical members before her.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
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Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:02 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
The touch had indeed got her attention. Tentacles swarming over her legs she did a double take when seeing the second cock. Not that she had been afraid of cock or a lesbian or what not. Etolie was bi with a preference for women. Even before coming to the school she liked to dominate females and use them as toys.

She never had a lover, never placing on on equal status with herself and so just took her entertainment from others often “resetting” matters by erasing their minds of the whole incident. If they were worthy she would revisit them though quite often she didn't bother with the same person twice as if she got bored of her old toys and needed something new. Nola and Rhaine had been the two exceptions on this island.

The question asked and it was obvious what it entailed but she had surmised that Rhaine would select the top but had been surprised when she said bottom. Rhaine was a small girl, even Etolie at 5'10” was a giant in comparison and it did feel nice towering over someone like this but her own selfishness would have had her selecting the top if she had been offered that choice herself even though she changed a little it had not been all that much and thus slip ups were going to happen.

Reaching around Rhaine she wound her fingers against the bottom member jerking it off slowly as she did so.

Etolie Leblanc
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Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Unlikely (for Rhaine, Etolie and Ania)
Having taken place in her world as secret ally and lover, Slarr had been less likely to get himself involved due to the arrangement they had struck, an outcome which couldn't have gone any better for the handsome Belzar. In essence Slarr relinquished any influence he might have extended upon Rhaine in exchange for carnal pleasantries coupled with strawberry flavored treats and yet that doll permitted a whole new dimension of blackmail hence permitting it to circulate amongst any other monsters would give Ania a great deal of trouble. Any attacker no longer had to be present in order to torment the petite blonde and after having piqued that vile slime's interest, she could not afford to lose any further ground to other inhabitants. Ortix had to be dealt with eventually and that doll stashed somewhere safe where none other than the huntress herself could reach.

For the moment she wasn't concerned with him since he knew Ania spent time in the tropical jungle more than anywhere else and hardly intermingled with the general student body throughout the day thanks to her distaste for direct sunlight. He also lacked information with regards to her newfound ability to reach the facilities without feeling as though she might feel the very essence of life sapped from her body.

Thus far Slarr had been unaware of her talents to alter herself completely although the pitch black Smoke Devil certainly encouraged her to progress faster than the huntress might have without him and his fairly selective taste in women. Once fully human there was virtually no difference between Ania and anyone he'd captured before, but that blessed revelation for his senses had to wait for the day they actually managed to meet up without interruption from the outside.

With the two of them having settled on their respective position in what was about to transpire, Ania groaned softly at the subtle touch unwinding around her twitching ember, every magnificent stroke sending pleasant tingles through each cock in her possession, but the sensation wasn't meant to last forever. She summoned the tendrils skimming over their exposed nethers and instead had them steal over their waists before securing the girls firmly, wasting little time in shifting them around.

These appendages were powerful enough to hold the two of them aloft and slowly but surely lowered Rhaine on one of the nearby benches where the huntress had laid out clothes as to make her position on the bottom slightly more comfortable to bear. Etolie quickly followed with their fronts mashing against each other, an alluring scenery for the azure hermaphrodite to behold as their breasts bulged out somewhat amidst their newfound embrace.

She allowed her touch to skim over her exposed rump for a moment while gradually inching closer to the twin chalices on display, smacking that shapely ass playfully before nudging their united bodies with the very crowns of her supreme male endowments, teasing their slits as they traced along these heated folds for a few tempting moments. Unlike Etolie, however, Rhaine would feel something else, the narrow tip of her tail which had been dipped in spilled seed and begun swirling against her puckered backside.

Etolie might not have enjoyed anal sex, but Rhaine certainly hadn't complained in the past hence that second intrusion lingered against her now.

"I'm going to push in." She warned the two with a soft purring voice prior to pillaging their bodies with one fell swoop, impaling them on her twin members which sliced into their sweet depths like a hot knife through butter. Rhaine had not been spared the second phallus-like invasion as the narrow head of her tail surged forth, quickly driven as deep as it could go.

But as insatiable and wanton as Ania had been, another thrust quickly followed the first. Eager insides tugged, downright sucked on the embedded flesh as the suction worked against the huntress, allowing for a fierce groan to roll from her lips whilst settling into a rhythm the two might deem comfortable as the threesome collided in pure passion time and time again.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:12 pm
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