Shokushu High School

Bad Timing (for Alex)
Page 1 of 9

Author:  Alicia [ Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Bad Timing (for Alex)

Time had been dull. What began with a bit of excitement fizzled out with the slow pace on the dig site. Ancient ruins of a long defunct alien species had good promise at the start. Apparently little had been known about the know missing species. Alexandra had been assigned to the site to help out in addition to serving as a guard.

The species, the Eskcanar, were rather advanced. Previous dig sites uncovered numerous technical wonders. Most were eclipsed by modern device. Yet some baffled the natives of Kivlex VI. So it had been hoped that Alex would be able to figure some of it out. Alas, progress was slow and nothing was recovered in the time she spent on planet.

With no advantages to be gained the favors that had been called in dried up. The ADD couldn't spare one of their agents doing nothing. As thin as they were stretched and with nothing to show for it patience got lost after a few weeks and she was recalled.

If the Scarians discovered anything then maybe she would be sent back to offer her opinions. So leaving things behind she was called back to base to be reassigned.

Then it happened. Was there an error in her nav coordinates? An anomaly? Her vessel drops back into real space. Alarms blare, lights flash and collision warnings crop up. Only that there is nothing in the immediate vicinity. An increase in gravity that's abnormal being the cause behind dragging her ship out of FTL.

Like a net being cast in the sea she was snared up. The trap hadn't been meant for her. Her keen mind and training making sense of things rather quickly. Pirates. They often used tricks to pull ships into real space. Often by towing asteroids into well used trade routes. The gravity wells drawing ships into real space to avoid collisions. The better equipped pirates had expensive gravity projectors that covered an area. They were a glutton for power so only the larger cruisers had them.

In a moment it's clear from her sensors that such a trap had been sprung. Another ship was docked with a cruiser while this field was still up. On top of that a pair of fighters, a bit smaller than her own ship were accelerating in her direction. In all there were about half a dozen fighters each scattered about the system monitoring different sectors of the system.

On the plus side there were only the pair of them in the immediate vicinity. The larger pirate cruiser was close but probably not close enough to make a difference unless it ceased plundering the other ship straight away. The other ships were sure to deviate and may or may not get a chance to intervene. That was dependent on their speed and how far this gravity field extended if she chose to run for it.

Sensors determined that the fighters all had shields up and armaments at the ready. The pirate cruiser had it's shields down but weapons up. Likely because they had people aboard the other vessel which was a space yacht. Built for the elites for comfort. It had weapons and shields. The shields were down but normally they were good. The weapons not so much.

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

The Alien Defense Directorate's focus has always been towards protecting humanity from alien slavers and slave traders. But in order to remain a threat to slave owning factions, the ADD must continue to research, innovate, and grow. Forming trade routes and alliances with neutral or allied species helped with keeping up in technology. Research missions to lost and forgotten worlds and civilizations held opportunities to learn more about the endless universe humanity reside in. If such revelations also included lost technologies that were viable in the present, all the better.

For some agents, these usually uneventful and boring missions were chances to be away from the usual threats the job carried. The ADD was always short-handed when it came to personnel. There were many holding the blockade around Shokushu and others spread out throughout the galaxy on their various missions and patrols. It was difficult to provide opportunities to rest for these hard working women much less grant a vacation. These less hostile missions were usually the next best thing for agents who needed to relax.

Science Agent Alexandra Losev was often eager to work on science and tech whenever she could. After her numerous run-ins with certain alien slavers, the ADD decided to take her out of the action for the time being. Recent encounters with Goro had left Agent Losev's body altered. Her breasts now produced a potent and addicting aphrodisiac when stimulated. Serums were developed to help combat the effects of the scent and the gnawing addiction but they only lasted for so long. It made Alexandra's duties much more difficult to perform. It did not help that Goro and other slavers actively seek this lovely woman when the opportunity arose. Just being around other staff or agents was dangerous if the Russian woman was without her serum.

Changes to her suit now included a means to inject the serum into her body when it detected certain stages of withdrawal or stimulation. Still, the numerous captures and rounds of enslavement had no doubt taken a toll on Alexandra's psyche. Throwing the science agent back into potential combat would risk making things even worse for the struggling woman.

The excavation on Kivlex VI was unfortunately a dud. Alexandra was left mostly just reading datafiles to pass the time as Scarians continued digging. Even she grew bored of the lack of anything happening. Her thoughts drift as her familiar aches throbbed inside her. She switched datapads, revealing images of Diva, her Ospoden protector and lover. The lovely knight could not join her for this mission, her knightly duties requiring her for combat missions.

Alexandra admire the poses her lover made, never expecting the holy knight to make such lewd pictures for her. Fingers slid down between her thighs. The suit gave warnings which she murmured 'override' to silence. She tried to keep her voice quiet as the suit opened slightly, allowing her fingers to dip in and...


The agent jumped and quickly sets aside the pad. She took the message, recalling Agent Losev back to home base. Alexandra informed the Scarians before quickly departing. Course was set for home and the small scout vessel soon jumped into lightspeed. The agent leaned back into her chair. Thighs part as fingers slid back down to resume the work from before. Hips rose and fell fingers churned. There was no fear of being found out as Alexandra's moans filled the ship. Hot juices splashed onto the picture of Diva as the agent moaned out her name over and over again. A hand cupped a heavy tit, squeezing and molding the tender mound through her thin nanosuit. Alexandra knew she should stop but she moaned out another 'override' as kept stimulating herself.

Alexandra's entire body suddenly jolt forward as the ship was suddenly yanked out of lightspeed. Alarms sound as numerous hostile vessels were detected. The agent jumped to the console, her suit resealing as her body tingled in a warm afterglow. "A gravity well?!" It appeared to be artificially created with numerous devices attached to nearby asteroids. She was not the only one caught in the web as another ship was currently docked to a pirate cruiser.

The FTL drive was shut down and shields were brought up. Blasters were charged though it was unknown if that would be enough to deal with a cruiser. ADD scout vessels were designed for speed and transport more than combat usually. The cruiser's shields were down but firing upon it would put the captured ship in danger. All that could be done was to try and thin the number of fighters and find an opportunity to flee and seek help. Alexandra sent out a distress call for any nearby ADD vessels or stations. But, there was a chance such word would not get far with the pirates possibly jamming communications.

The ADD agent adjusted thrusters to compensate for the sudden changes in gravity. She tried to use the nearby asteroids and projectors to slingshot around the other side and quickly close in on the flank of the nearest pirate ships. Alexandra would try and lock on and fire her blasters at the enemy vessels.

Author:  Alicia [ Sat Oct 09, 2021 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

Alex took in the big picture as best as she could in those few seconds. Then springing into action. The FTL drive was offline in the artificial gravity well so she had to get some distance from this region of space. Course was set to the nearest asteroid in order to assist her. If things worked out extremely well the sudden burst in speed would help get her out of the system. If just good perhaps she could get on the flanks of one of those fighters.

Six to one were terrible odds. However those fighters were spread out so for the moment it was a more manageable two against one.

While she chose not to fire on the cruiser she discovered that the pirates were almost as surprised by her appearance. They had been so focused on their prey that only the fighters at the edge of the system were alert. Nor was she jammed. Of course the prey was.

Distress signal sent the pair of pirate vessels came closer. Managing to zip away her action gave her a boost of speed. It was copied soon after by the fighters. However, they were falling behind. Her military grade equipment faster then what the enemy could get from the black market.

A blast of fire hit the flank of one of the distant pirate ships that she neared. With a pair of ships still on her heels, another pair too distant to be much of a concern there were only these two she came across that trapped her in the system. Strike that. One as the struck ship erupted in a fireball. It's shields collapsing after the first hit allowing the next shots through. Either inferior shields, a lucky break or not use to dealing with military hardware had been a question she was two busy to consider.

The other ship spun impossibly so for a living pilot. Further it was faster then the other two trailing her managing to keep on her tail. It even managed to fire at her. Well not exactly at her but were she would be. Hits caused the vessel to rock. Even as the other two ships fell behind.

Alex had nearly been clear just narrowly evading the last shot when the ship was struck violently in the aft. There was a flash of blinding blue light followed by darkness. Instruments went dead though the ship was drifting. It would continue to do so until something stopped it.

Even her suit went dead. Electronics would boot back up in a few minutes but it wasn't soon enough. Alex could feel one of the ship's docking with her own. The sounds of tools could be heard as someone or something was attempting to cut into her vessel.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Oct 09, 2021 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

Being able to react immediately to unexpected events such as traps and ambushes was required if any agent wanted any hope of surviving out in this galaxy. The pirates were not expecting to capture another in their web, buying Alexandra time to send out a distress signal. Still, it was unknown if anyone was in range to receive the signal or be able to arrive in time. In most cases, agents could only hope a signal like this is received so the ADD will know what happened to one of their agents.

The smaller fighters were particularly powerful, one easily crumpling before the scout ship's blasters. The odds were still very much against the ADD agent. But, it was not even the sheer numbers that overwhelmed her but a single ship that immediately performed a one-eighty turn and immediately returned fire. The ship shuddered by the damage was minimal as the shields held. Alexandra's heart raced as her jaw clenched. She tried to make evasive maneuvers to avoid taking further fire only to be blinded by a sudden flash of light.

"Ahhnn!" Alexandra's world was plunged into darkness. Her body shuddered as her suit seemed to be affected as well. She could hear the tight fitting nanosuit hiss as seals were released, a safety measure to ensure the suit could be removed even without power. The scent of her previous sexual acts was released from her once sealed suit along with the alluring aroma of that potent aphrodisiac. "N-Noo... What... What is happening..." She never encountered an EMP attack like this before. Every breath left her body tingling all over as that wondrous stench invaded her senses. Hands pawed in the darkness, searching for a light to use. With her suit disabled, she needed to find her backup supply of serum.

She could not stop taking deep breaths of her self created drug. It was several minutes of fumbling while her ship seemed to drift out of control. She tried to move as best as she could in the darkness and the lack of artificial gravity. Multiple minutes of this left her breasts aching as hardened peaks yearned to be relieved. But, the adrenaline from the combat helped the agent keep her wits. Soon, her body hit the floor as ships systems came back online. Her suit hissed and resealed as she felt a cool relief flood her veins, the suit had immediately detected her state and administered a dose of serum to help stave off the effects of the musk.

Before Alexandra could react, her ship jolted to a halt. She could already hear the sound of metal being cut through. The pirates had plenty of time to trap the disabled vessel. The ADD agent rushed to the weapons locker and pulled out a laser rifle. The weapon hummed to life as it fully charged. The Russian woman slipped on a mask to help deal with any potential gas attacks. It was possible the pirates would try to subdue her by filling the entire ship with gas.

The busty agent tried to hold down the panic threatening to well up inside her. Alexandra had been captured numerous times as an agent. Nothing terrified her more than being dragged back before her former masters and retrained into a wanton slut. But deep down, she knew chances were slim. There were multiple vessels and there was no way to safely destroy the vessel that had docked to her own. Her only chance was to fend off this potential boarding action and either dislodge the ship or take their ship to escape.

Suit hummed as it forced her body relax and take deep breaths. The lovely ADD agent moved to where the cutting could be heard and pointed her rifle. Even if she fell again, she was not going down without a fight. She would drag these bastards down to hell with her if she had to.

Author:  Alicia [ Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

It was unknown at the time if that message got out to anyone. Or if there had been anyone close enough to respond to it. By the time the closest ship arrived this ordeal would be over one way or another. However, if such a vessel was close enough it could point investigators in the right direction in order to recover her, assuming the worse.

Time seemed to slow down in those frantic moments since that EMP went off. What caused it? Was it the pursuing ship? Something else? Whatever the case it was made clear that her pursuer wasn't effected or recovered before her vessel had. With a clearer mind as the drugs in that serum worked to counter the drugs her body produces Alex heard the cutting of seals.

Her ship had stopped moving more or less. Though the good thing was that it wasn't from a tractor beam. The docked ship had cut her forward momentum by applying a counter thrust. This halted her drifting while giving a chance for the other fighters to catch up. Still, she had minutes before that would happen.

Alex guessed her ship systems would be rebooted by then since that fighter pilot was attempting to board without back up. One, at most two, enemies to deal with Alex prepared herself with a mask and blaster. Moving to the docking hatch she could get cover from a bulkhead while seeing an orange circle being formed in the door. Too small to breech the vessel the metal fell with a clank on the deck.

A grenade was tossed through. It popped with a hiss. Gas escaping it as the region was filled. Either chemical or smoke for cover was a question that went unanswered. She wasn't going to take off her mask to find out. For a long moment nothing happened. Then the cutting began again. A larger circle was formed.

Once it was completed something kicked it in. The door falling with a deafening clank. Gray smoke swirled around. As it settled an enormous figure, at least seven feet in height could be seen. She could see a shadowy silhouette. Humanoid with yellow glowing eyes. It had to duck to get through the door it created.

On the plus side it had no cover save for that smoke. She easily hit but was unable to tell what effect it had if any. It responded in kind. Despite the smoke. Despite her cover. It nearly struck her causing her to duck her head back. Fortunately that shot dissolved against the bulkhead. That blaster rifle set for stun. On top of that the longer weapon made using it more difficult as it pressed into the ship.

Clearly it wasn't human. She could hear metallic limbs as they compressed and moved. Nor did her weapon have much of an effect from what she could tell. The gun fight being brief she had to have hit it several times but it kept coming. Even a head shot did little save for causing one of the eyes to go dark.

The rifle clattered to the deck as it grew close. Smacking her own weapon away while clamping down on her throat. Lifting her off the deck to eye level it inspected her. Oblivious to her struggles that single optic studied her. Then with ease it plucked her mask off for a better look. The gas had been diluted by then. It still had the desired effect but took longer to kick in. That or it's grip forced her to pass out.

When she was conscious next she had her hands shackled behind her back. Laying in the center of a cell she guessed she had been moved to the pirate cruiser. That and the creature that booted her in the stomach to awaken her was irate. Cursing at her in some strange tongue. He, it, was about half her size. Orange fur, claws and fangs. It resembled a feline creature. Other aliens had been around, one drawing the irate creature back by a shoulder.

Unarmed Alex was still in her suit minus the mask she grabbed. From what she could see there was another cell across from her own. Equally as large with numerous aliens in it. Captives from the other vessel she guessed. With her there were about a half dozen alien pirates. Most were armed. Each was discussing her fate. Clearly that feline wanted to kill or harm her. Not all of them were on the same page it seemed.

Then silence settled in as large alien arrived. It had a snout that ended in a horn, the creature resembling a rhino save for the darker color. He neared her taking a knee. Snatching her by the hair he peered into her eyes.

“You cost me a ship. And a pilot. Just how to you intent to make that up to me?”
The alien frowned at her, no doubt the species equivalent of a grin.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Oct 10, 2021 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

As predicted, the pirates opened with a gas grenade. They either wanted to take prisoners or did not want to risk damaging what would soon be theirs. The gas hindered Alexandra's vision some but in such an enclosed environment, she was more likely to hit something than not. Blaster shots burned through the air and collided with the intruder. She could hear her shots making contact with something other than the ship's hull. But if any damage was being done, it was not enough to slow down the mechanical invader. Was this some sort of droid used for boarding? She would have been surprised such advanced technology was in the possession of pirates if she were not retreating as far back as she could from the thing.

Shots whizzed by her though they did not leave marks on the ship, most likely a stun setting. Still, getting hit by any shot would not be in Alexandra's favor. She eventually retreated to the front of the ship, using the cockpit chair as some sort of cover. The agent opened fire from behind the makeshift cover. Again, shots were hitting but the machine came closer and closer. Anything heavier than her blaster could not be used safely inside the ship. "Ahhh!" Alexandra shrank away from the metal arm that whipped past her, knocking the rifle away. Immediately, the metal hand clamped down around the busty agent's throat. "Ulk!" Feet kicked against the metal chassis ineffectively. Fingers clawed at the metallic digits while her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

The suit hummed to life, brimming with energy as it discharged electricity into the metal assailant. It was unknown if that had any effect as Alexandra's mask fell to the floor. Darkness closed in from all sides of the woman's vision and then there was nothing.

"Ooouuuggghhh!" The ADD agent coughed and gasped weakly as her body tumbled on the floor in the middle of what she could assume was a holding cell. Alexandra curled a bit as she tried to process her surroundings and what just happened. She did not know how long she was out but it seemed one of the pirates had lost patience and woke her up directly. Her suit was still on her lovely figure and was still charged minus what was released into her previous attacker. Hands were bound behind her back but it seemed she could stand if she could muster to do so. Thankfully, the suit dampened the impact of the kick, allowing the agent to recover a bit quicker as another larger alien approached.

Alexandra's eyes narrowed at the accusations. "I am Agent Alexandra Losev of the Alien Defense Directorate," the woman declared, "Your ship and pilot approached me with charged weapons after I stumbled into your trap. Be glad I did not manage to destroy more of you. When word reaches the ADD, they will hunt you and your men down to the farthest reaches of the galaxy for what you have done!"

Author:  Alicia [ Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

Alex was rewarded with a back hand from the powerful alien. He snorted as he peered down at her. The smaller furry alien darted in halting with a bellow from the larger one that stopped him cold. The alien winced. Frantically the others chittered to themselves before he raised his voice silencing them.

Their words were a pigeon of various languages. There was some galactic basic mixed in too. Clearly this hodge podge was used by the crew and it was unclear exactly what they were speaking of. One thing she gathered was that the blow shouldn't have been to the face. It was hard and she suspected it could have been far harder than that.

Arguing halted with the clanking of metal. Walking toward the cell was that behemoth of a machine. The light of it's left eye was out and there were a few scorch marks on the chassis but it didn't seem to take on much damage otherwise. The electrical charge of her suit had no lasting effects that she could see.

Though it's appearance had an effect on the others. They were quick to get out of the way, even the larger alien that was subdued. The machine gazed at her. Alex could pick out the conversation was about her. She heard her name, that of the ADD and picked up a few words here and there.

The machine took this all in and made for a gesture of dismissal. It seemed to be the one in charge here as she reassessed things. A leader that did grunt work? Or perhaps it reported to something or someone else that had greater power? Unclear of it's motives the single eye studied her in an unnerving way. Almost as if organic.

Then the silence was broken at last. It hosted her off the ground to get her back on her feet. Should she discharge her suit Alex would discover it did little. It halted for only the briefest of seconds as if shielded against surges. It didn't quit reboot, not in full at least. Merely the arm that contacted her.


“ALAS, YOU'LL SHOW THE OTHERS WHAT TO EXPECT,” it hooked it's thumb in the direction of the other cell. “BUT FIRST THIS NEEDS TO GO.”

It tore at her suit stripping her as the onlookers watched. The crew may not have been privy to the suit being a weapon. However, she had used it against it at least once. Once the tatters of the suit clearly exposed her a metallic hand seized a breast. Squeezing it as if it were a melon.


It released her breast then. She had the feeling that the machine would have grinned if it were physically capable of it.

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

"Augh!" Vision flashed black and white as the large meaty hand came across the woman's face. The blow sent Alexandra spinning and crumpling to the floor. It felt as if her head nearly left her shoulders, the alien creature no only having similar looks to a rhino but the raw physical might as well. The sounds from the aliens dinned in and out as her senses were knocked out of her for a bit. The suit tried to compensate but there was only so much that could be done for a blow to the head. Alexandra tried to rise only to slump over, her bound arms unable to help stabilize her.

The chattering was incoherent to the agent. But, it all fell silent the moment the sound of heavy metal footsteps were heard approaching. A huge droid entered, the pirates parting for the hulking machine. There was a brief pause as the alien spoke to the droid. It gestured them to leave. The droid was giving the orders here?

Alexandra was easily lifted up off the floor. She tried to pull away from the machine's grasp. But the cold unfeeling metal did not budge. The scorch marks revealed the superficial damage her weapons did to it earlier. Electricity surged forth, seeking to disable to machine only for the machine to barely react. It must have been shielded or had a means to ground its more vulnerable components.

"Wh-What?! No!" She cried out as the metal hand harshly grabbed her skin tight suit. The suit tried to harden against the assault only for it to sizzle, rip, and tear from the agent's lovely form. The alien prisoners in the other cell could see as the huge droid ripped off the agent's nanosuit a large handful at a time. Alexandra desperately released the remaining energy into the machine. The suit detected the danger of being permanently disabled and immediately injected Alexandra with a fresh dose of serum. Without further aid, that last dose could last anywhere from one to four hours before she would be expecting to feel effects from her cursed body's musk again.

The alien audience watched as huge swollen breasts flopped and bounced free of their sealed confinement. Large disc shaped and puffy areola topped those luscious melons. Nipples hung out like thick fingers, ready to be sucked upon. Faint veins colored the otherwise fair tit-flesh. Every rip and tear by the metal hand caused the mounds to bounce and sway. Alexandra could only shut her eyes and whimper, feebly kicking with her legs only to have them grasped and stripped of the remains of the full body suit.

"Ahhnnn!" Toes curled against the metal floor as a hand grasped one of those heaving udders. "St-Stop this! Please!" Alexandra begged, "Why are you doing this!?" The alien pirates she could understand. But, what was this machine's motivation for taking part in enslaving women? The agent had nothing to say to the decision that was being offered. It was either remain on board to be the crew's fuck toy or be sold into slavery with the other alien prisoners and leave the fate to another. More than likely, being sold in auction would result in being ravaged but by different owners.

"The ADD will find you!" the agent hissed, trying to remain confident before the metal monster. Alexandra could only beg silently that her call reached the ADD or their allies. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest, uncertain what this machine was going to do with her lack of answer.

Author:  Alicia [ Wed Oct 13, 2021 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

That remaining eye focused on her. It shoved her down on her ass regretting that it was limited now. It chortled, amused at the question. That sound was strange, in fact in the beginning it she was uncertain that the machine was laughing. No, not a machine if it were the one giving orders and had been humored by her.

It loomed over her then squatted down to get on her level. “MY REASON? PROFIT OF COURSE. IT TAKES PLENTY OF CREDITS TO MAINTAIN THIS BODY.” It cleared up those doubts. She was dealing with a cyborg. Yet there didn't appear to be any trace of organic components.

Had it been so devastate that the body was more or less a shell for it's organs? Were advances like that even possible? It went beyond extreme. Beyond the sciences that were cutting edge. It had to have plenty of credits, access to the best cybernetics and sciences.

From what she could see it was military grade equipment. Given how it stood up against her blaster and even the electrical discharge of the suit. It must have had a complicated back story but now wasn't the time to get into that.

Her lack of an answer was rewarded with a cold metallic hand closing around her ankle. Struggle as she might it maintained that hold with little effort. Nor did it display any signs of pain with kicks and strikes. Metal fingers skittered along her sex. Down then up. The aliens in the cell opposite of hers getting quit the show. Then two of those digits rammed themselves in. A few thrusts followed before they retracted. Instead focusing on her clit as they sailed over it.

“NO ANSWER? VERY WELL AGENT.” It pulled her up in a sitting position so she was facing those well dressed aliens. There was a mix of genders and species. The machine sat behind her. Arms curled about her chest pinning her arms to the side.

It spoke some pigeon language causing pirates outside the cell to enter the other. They made a show of selecting an orange alien that had tentacles instead of hands. She lacked hair, seamed to be of an aquatic species and was strangely attractive.

The men wasted little time in taring her clothes off. She was pressed up against the bars of her cell as one began railing her from behind. Alex was given a clear view of what was happening to the woman. Then she noticed that not all the pirates went to that cell. Several others returned.

A smaller piggish one knelt at her side fondling and sucking on a tit. A large one that was covered in spines grabbed her legs. Pulling them apart he began feasting on her. A thick tongue painting up that slit. Then down and up again. With the machine holding her in this sitting position he had free reign to work her over as she watched her fellow prisoner unless she closed her eyes to it. Attempting to turn her head to the side only got one of the smellier pirates to turn her neck back. He held her, his dick in his hand he jerked off in front of her. Not trusting her not to bite.

Other pirates waited in the wings. The rhino locked eyes with her from the other cell as he violently thrust his member into the screaming, crying alien. It was at that time that a thick tongue pressed into her. The alien between her thighs had a thick tongue that twisted and turned within her.

Not answering had effected her and a prisoner. As they were they were just getting started.


Author:  Kanoe [ Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

The machine seemed to show emotional responses. That or the programming was rather thorough. It was impossible to know for certain. But, it made some measure of sense that a machine would want to maintain its chassis in order to survive. Whether it was formerly a living creature or not did not matter much in the end.

The metallic monster showed no mercy as it teased her slit. "Aauugghh!" Cold unfeeling digits pumping into her warm depths a few times before teasing her love button. Jolts of discomfort and stimulation clashed briefly before she was sat down facing the other cell. "L-Let me go!" Arms strained but the metal limbs did not budge an inch. Breasts thrust outwards as they came to rest on those arms.

The pirates wasted no time as some entered Alexandra's cell and others entered the other. A female alien was chosen and stripped before the large rhino-like creature began fucking her. The alien woman screamed but there was nothing the agent could do as her own molesters joined in. Shivers ran up and down the agent's spine as one of her massive globes was fondled. The pig easily wrapped his lips around the long think nipple and began sucking. "N-No... Please... D-Don't..." Alexandra whimpered but could not contain the pleasured sigh escaping her lips.

She tried to close her legs only to be forced apart by the larger alien. His tongue dragged across her slit. The rough bumps slid over the puffy lips and across her vulnerable love pearl. "A-Ahhnn... N-Not there... Ohhh... Ahhh..." Breasts rose and fell in panted breaths as the creature continued to assault her nethers. Hips quivered and tried to move away but the metal monolith behind her provided her no means to retreat. Another alien grabbed her by the hair, forcing her gaze towards her. The stench nearly made her gag as he aimed his cock right for her face and began pumping his shaft. The only grace was her view of the other rape was now blocked though the cries still reached her again and again.

"Uhhhnnn... A-Ahhhnnn..." Toes curled and heels dragged against the cold metal floor. The large rough tongue ground against her velvet depths. Shudders of pleasure rippled up into the woman's core, unable to hide the sensations she was experiencing. Eyes fluttered as the lewd sounds of sucking and slurping joined her gasps and groans. Milk fed into the greedy maw of the pig-like alien. "Please..." Alexandra whimpered only to sigh again as her insides tightened around the invading tongue. The vile stench of the alien in front of her was soon being masked by a different and more familiar stench. The alluring aroma of Alexandra's aphrodisiac began filling the air as her stimulation and arousal grew. It was doubtful the leader had any sense of smell but the other aliens would soon find their own arousals and libidos rising to their peaks.

Author:  Alicia [ Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

The more milk she produced the more that alien lapped up. Her pleas were ignored though she didn't expect any different. The main factor here was that the crew started with her pleasure. Arousing her as she whimpered. Making her enjoy the horrific scene. It was a contrast to what was going on in that other cells. Blocked of that sight Alex could hear the cries and screams along with the taunts of the crew.

Other pirates were busy as Alex would soon discover.

That scent filled the air. While the metallic being behind her did not possess olfactory senses in the typical sense it had sensors that analyzed the chemicals in the air. It saw the reactions of the crew intensify. Cocks grew stiffer. Even the ones that weren't exposed. There were clear signs there.

That tongue sped up. Eager to please, to drink of her nectar that alien was taking himself in hand so that he wouldn't brake away from her. The sucking on her breast increase while the other pirate came hard. His seed splashing against her face. His cock was still hard but he stopped beating it allowing it to twitch in his hand.


They kept a file? Clearly when she was caught that machine used some sort of facial recondition software to determine who she was. From there accessing agents. There wasn't much of a stretch that slavers would have some sort of record on their adversaries. Agents were highly prized. There was no shortage to the number of beings that lost credits because of them. No shortage to those that wished to brake them or show them off as trophies and status symbols.

About then a pair of pirates entered the large cell with a contraption. She was hosted up by the machine who still had a secure hold on her. Lips and tongue were pulled away from her. Alex was set down on her back between two large metal posts. Near the top of each was a manacle.

Various pirates held her down. Others spread her legs apart stretching them upward and securing an ankle with a manacle. This left her upper back to the floor with her lower half pointed up toward the ceiling.

Secured in this fashion she could still use her hands to limited effect since most people were out of her reach. The alien that had been eating her out moved between her parted legs. His meaty cock wasting little time in his excitement as it buried itself in her. Rapidly pressing in and out of her.

Her arms held down as others tackled her breasts. A pirate on each side. Each held down one arm while grouping and sucking on her tits.

The only thing good about this odd pillory was that only one alien could get at her lower body at a time. Still she had no chance in closing her legs utterly at the mercy of anyone who happened by. Maybe she could do a sit up to stretch up to the manacles. Even if she managed it they were metal and locked so she'd need a tool at the minimum to get free. Even then she'd have to maintain that position while attempting to pick an old fashioned lock.

One pirate handed over a recording device to the metallic being that seemed to be the captain. At the very least it was running the show.


There fun continued. As one finished dumping his load inside her another took his place. Each was eager for a turn with that aroma affecting them. All but the machine was affected in some way. On the one hand half of the pirates were busy in the other cell.


If she complied she would be granted them. At least as long as she didn't attempt to cause any harm in which case she'd be held down once more.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Oct 16, 2021 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

"Ahhh... Ooughh..." Cum sprayed over that moaning visage. The stench of manhood mixed with the every growing stench of that alluring musk. Alexandra tried to turn away from the hot but her head was held tight. She spat out what came in her mouth, shuddering from head to toe in a mixture of disgust and arousal. Unfortunately, the alien male did not soften at all. The creature could have plenty of stamina or it was due to the scent arousing him back to full mast. This was just one of many of these horrible pirates that would have their turn with her.

The mention of her file and Goro made Alexandra's blood go cold. If there was anyone eager to reclaim her, it was that horrible monster. But, what file was the machine referring to? Did it have access to ADD information or were these files from sort of slave network? Both possibilities did not make the agent feel good. One revealed this droid somehow got access to ADD files and the other made her feel like some sort of collectible to be collected and traded.

The struggling agent was layed on her back and bound to metal posts. Legs and hips were lifted, giving easy access to the leering pirates. The creature eating her out had followed her eagerly and wasted no time in whipping out his erect dick. "N-No! St-aaahhhh! Ahhhnnn!" The small pig-like creature vigorously plowed into those juicy depths. Insides shuddered and clenched in response. Her tender depths felt the throbbing length churn her quivering insides into a froth. Eyes fluttered as hips jolt and spasmed from the jolts of sensations wracking her core. Other aliens resumed their feast on her heaving udders, sucking and slurping away at her wondrous supply of milk. The feel of those heavy globes be hefted and relieved of their tension and weight sent butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach.

"Ohhhnn..." Head shook side to side, eyes fluttering. The scent gradually grew stronger and stronger, arousing both her and the pirates themselves while the pirate captain stared with cold indifference. A recording device was brought up, collecting evidence that Alexandra was indeed in their possession. Heat flooded in the agent's cheeks in embarrassment. It was getting hard to focus as the scent made her body sensitive and every assault all the more pleasurable. Nipples stood fully erect like long little fingers for the beasts to suck on. Creamy white milk spurted forth with every sucking slurp from those greedy maws.

The captain offered to free her arms to beat the aliens off. But, it was doubtful that would speed the process as the aphrodisiac continued to flood the air. The cries and screams of the other prisoners felt so far away as Alexandra was left surrounded by grunting aliens. Eyes shut tight as she felt that cock twitch and spasm inside her, releasing its hot load into her contracting depths. As one cock left, another cock of different size and shape took its place. The lewd slurp of squishing sexual fluids filled among the weak panted grunts and groans of the human woman. Every alien eagerly awaited their turn, growing more and more aroused with every breath.

If it were not for the need to record Alexandra, the aliens would have started a second train on that woman's pretty face and tight throat. Of course, eagerness and desperation would eventually prompt some cocks to begin thrust their tips against other parts of her sexy body. Some prodded those mountainous orbs while others pushed against her armpits. Alexandra shuddered and moaned as she was soon surrounded by thick throbbing erections smearing their pent up need over her perfect skin.

Eyes fluttered as whimpers escaped the ADD agent. The recording did not miss a second of this. It watched her body rock with the thrusts. It got every second of her face moaning and crying out from the endless sexual assault. Every time those eyelids fluttered, her gaze would glass over only for her to shake her head to try and get her senses back. Alexandra tried desperately to endure. But each fresh dose of cum and fresh cock just kept piling more and more fuel into the blazing fire smoldering in her core. She could only whimper a small plea before she screamed out her own orgasm. She lost count of how many cocks she endured before cumming herself. But that destroyed what little resistance she had remaining. They fucked through her orgasm while she was still hypersensitive. The orgasms came more and more quickly until she was cumming with the men when they blew their loads into her. Cum and juices soaked over her stomach and down her ass before dripping onto the cold metal floor below. Every gasping and moaning breath sent her mind further and further into a deep haze, stimulating and pleasuring her body with her own potent aphrodisiac.

Author:  Alicia [ Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

The scene was alarming to the other prisoners. The alien in their own cell was set upon almost as badly. When they had finished with the alien all the attention went her way. The pirates may have never left had it not been for the machine being unaffected.

Still they had their fun. Filling up her cunt and then ass with their loads. Not that her body wasn't coated in their cum. All the while she was recorded. Occasionally her face would be wiped by a dirty rag. The air became saturated with her own scent and that of sex. So much cum. Many of the aliens smelling different.

Had she been more aware of what was going on all about her Alex would have seen that the crew was diversified. Few of the aliens were of the same species. That and the droid was going through her own datapad. While unable to break into any encrypted files it did access some of the less encrypted things such as those racy photos. Software recorded and stored these things for future use. Unlikely that there would be anything that came from it the machine had all that extra memory. Later it would use facial recognition to find out who Diva was. With the galaxy being so large that would take days if not weeks to process. With any luck he would find her in an ADD slaver file. Most of the time it consulted that and other similar branches first then working out from there. Rarely did he get a hit for non agents. Unless it was targeting someone specifically which was the case in the latest venture she stumbled upon. Records were always easier to find when you knew what you were searching for.

After what seemed to be forever things tapered off. They still had a ship to run after all. The recording device was removed though they left her in that contraption. It made it easier when off duty pirates visited her in her cell later throughout the day. They came in by ones and twos. Having their way with her, spurned on by that musk.

Apparently their boss grew wise to their extended stays after the first few times. The pirates from then on arrived in masks. Still taking their fill but not being late in tending to their duties. Her torment only reminded those in the opposite cell of the future that awaited them.

Finally she was left alone for what seemed like hours. Only to get a rude awakening as a bucket of cold water was thrown in her face. Before her was the offending alien and that droid captain. It held the captured datapad out to her. Displaying Diva in all her glory.

“WHO IS SHE?” It's searches pulled up nothing so far. While it would keep searching Alex could narrow down that search a bit. And if she refused to answer the next round of torment would begin. Knowing just how vulnerable her breasts where this time he would have his pirates manipulate those tits until they generated that scent only to leave her to stew in her juices. Neglecting her for a time only to return asking it's question again and repeating the process.

On the third time if it came to it the approach was a bit different. Asking who the woman was. Failure this time resulted in the rape of one of the aliens. At the same time her breasts would be toyed with while she watched. All the while it was running it's programs on the unknown woman. The process repeated with more frequency. The air saturated with her musk constantly where there was no end to the teasing. As much as she would beg for release she was ignored only to watch one of the other aliens receive what she wanted. This continued until it got an answer, it discovered the information on it's own or they made planetfall whichever came first.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Oct 23, 2021 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

Alexandra could do nothing to stop her alien attackers. One by one, they plowed into her shuddering depths. Then a new line would form to take rounds on the woman's tight ass. They all eventually lost interest in raping the alien prisoner, devoting all their wanton attentions towards the helpless agent.

The scent saturated the air more and more. The alluring stench riled the men up, keeping their erections and libidos raging. The only pirate unaffected was the captain, forcing men to return to their stations when he decided they had enough. Alexandra's hips twitched and jolted. Her ass throbbed with molten heat. Mixtures of numerous species of cum oozed out of both orifices, drooling down her upraised hips and ass. Gooey splotches stained her mountainous globes by aliens who could not wait their turns. The agent coughed up seed from the rounds she took to the mouth and throat. Nearly every inch of her body was glistening with sweat and sexual fluids. Not one inch was left undefiled.

Once enough footage had been collected, the pirates departed. Alexandra was left bound and trembling, stewing in her own sexual frustration. She weakly groaned, unable to stop breathing in her own potent aphrodisiac. In time, the lack of stimulation would eventually stop the scent. But, the ADD agent was not so lucky to earn such a reprieve. Pirates came in when the opportunity arose. They fucked her again and again until forced to leave by the captain. It was not long before they wore masks to keep their senses, leaving only Alexandra to lose herself in her own irresistible addiction.

The alien prisoners had a perfect view of the agent shuddering in her bonds, weakly grunting and groaning from the constant rounds of fucking. She did not know when she blacked out but, her body continued to twitch and spasm from the erotic aftershocks of her numerous orgasms. Unfortunately, rest was not something she had earned yet.

"Aaauuggghhh! Ack! Ugh!" Cold water soaked into her heated form, leaving the woman shivering in shock. Alexandra coughed and shook her head, eyes blinking as she soon saw her datapad pushed before her face. The picture of Diva was still there and the captain wanted to know more. "W-What? N-No..." She shook her head again, refusing to answer anything from these horrible monsters.

The torment resume though the intention was far more focused this time. They learned quickly of Alexandra's weakness and exploited the scent to keep the woman drugged, aroused, and oh so needing. The other prisoner saw her breasts be fondled, sloshing around their groping fingers and other appendages. The agent's eyes fluttered as she took deep shuddering breaths. Every inhale awarded her more and more pleasure and anticipation. But, no sexual relief came. She was brought to the very limits before being left to soak in her own aphrodisiac.

Alexandra's glassy eyes were forced to stare at the lewd scenes of the alien females being raped again and again. She found herself moaning at the sight. Hips rocked with the thrusts of the cruel pirates, wishing it were her in their place. The agent had no sense of time. Her mind and body were melting away into nothing. She panted and moaned out pleas for more. What little will she had was trying desperately to hold onto what she knew of her lover. But those thoughts became twisted and corrupted the longer she remained drugged and stimulated into madness.

Lips nibbled and licked at a cock that was being rubbed against her face. Heated breaths moaned over the throbbing shaft as eyelids fluttered. She took deep breaths of the manhood and her own pleasant aroma. "Ohh... D-Diva..." She moaned as fingers entered her, drawing more from her lips. "D-Diva... K-rimry..." her hips rocked against those knowing fingers, "O-Ospodan knight... So sexy... Please... I can't..."

Author:  Alicia [ Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Timing (for Alex)

Torture came in various forms. Her own body was used against her. Those modifications leading to her constant arousal. In the beginning it was as the captain expected. Alex resisted it's questions. However, it wasn't long before she supplied more than a name. A surname as well as species. Certainly that would narrow down any searches.

That was if this Ospoden was in the slaver database. More or less if she had ever been enslaved by one of the bigger slavery rings there would be some record. Who she had been sold to and who had captured her. Most else would be lost. If she were resold to another, in a private collection or managed to escape, was freed or so forth. Not unless she was purchased by one of the syndicate that advertised their wares to the public for one of their sex shows. Even if that were the case the. person in question had to have some drawing power. A former agent or celebrity. It was a dangerous game in that one had to be ready for rescue attempts if one was being so blatant. Some tangled their prizes as if daring somebody to do something about it. Others were just so powerful that they really didn't have to worry. And those that did probably couldn't afford a high status slave in the first place.

The captain would determine what could be found later. “DIVA … NOW WAS THAT SO HARD?” With a nod she was reward with the taste of that cock sliding between her lips. Fingers left her body empty for a moment only to be replaced by the real thing.

Alex was taken again. Though the thrusts were subdued. Slow at first. Later those thrusts matched the needs of her body. They made sure to leave her content. The captain having left long ago there were no other visitors to the cell across from her own as all the traffic came here way.

It was a length blur. Tentacles, cocks, fingers and tongues all partook of her in one way or another. When at last they finished with her they left her in a greater mess than she had been at the start. A mask was sealed around her face so that in time she would become more coherent and realize what she had done.

Left alone for a bit she got to stew about that. In a few hours service droids arrived. One was essentially a walking filter of sorts. Working to cycle the air in the cell. For hours it would sit off in a corner purifying the air. Others scrubbed and cleaned both her and the room itself.

When the captain returned he had a bit of news. Gesturing for the mask to be removed the air was clean by this point. Though for the time being that droid remained. Alex would have known that it was used for purifying toxic air in damaged sections of the vessel. A redundancy if ship systems failed that few even dealt with. The droids were more common on toxic and polluted worlds to make a small area more bearable or a larger one if several were used. There were more effective ways of doing this so these droids weren't too common. If not for their cheapness they would have been long since discontinued.


It did not know if Diva was still a slave or managed to get free. Nor did it know if she was still there. Her reaction would fill it in in that regard. “IT SEEMS THAT YOU ARE QUIT POPULAR EVEN FOR AN AGENT. YOUR MODIFICATIONS MAY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT.”

It seized a breast, metallic fingers slowly spooling over that orb. “NOT THAT I COULD BLAME THEM. AH IF I ONLY HAD MY BODY AGAIN.”

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